349 research outputs found

    Power supply conditioning circuit

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    A power supply conditioning circuit that can reduce Periodic and Random Deviations (PARD) on the output voltages of dc power supplies to -150 dBV from dc to several KHz with no measurable periodic deviations is described. The PARD for a typical commercial low noise power supply is -74 dBV for frequencies above 20 Hz and is often much worse at frequencies below 20 Hz. The power supply conditioning circuit described here relies on the large differences in the dynamic impedances of a constant current diode and a zener diode to establish a dc voltage with low PARD. Power supplies with low PARD are especially important in circuitry involving ultrastable frequencies for the Deep Space Network

    Cosmic Ray production of Beryllium and Boron at high redshift

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    Recently, new observations of Li6 in Pop II stars of the galactic halo have shown a surprisingly high abundance of this isotope, about a thousand times higher than its predicted primordial value. In previous papers, a cosmological model for the cosmic ray-induced production of this isotope in the IGM has been developed to explain the observed abundance at low metallicity. In this paper, given this constraint on the Li6, we calculate the non-thermal evolution with redshift of D, Be, and B in the IGM. In addition to cosmological cosmic ray interactions in the IGM, we include additional processes driven by SN explosions: neutrino spallation and a low energy component in the structures ejected by outflows to the IGM. We take into account CNO CRs impinging on the intergalactic gas. Although subdominant in the galactic disk, this process is shown to produce the bulk of Be and B in the IGM, due to the differential metal enrichment between structures (where CRs originate) and the IGM. We also consider the resulting extragalactic gamma-ray background which we find to be well below existing data. The computation is performed in the framework of hierarchical structure formation considering several star formation histories including Pop III stars. We find that D production is negligible and that a potentially detectable Be and B plateau is produced by these processes at the time of the formation of the Galaxy (z ~ 3).Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Beryllium in Ultra-Lithium-Deficient Halo Stars - The Blue Straggler Connection

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    There are nine metal-deficient stars that have Li abundances well below the Li plateau that is defined by over 100 unevolved stars with temperatures above 5800 K and values of [Fe/H] << -1.0. Abundances of Be have been determined for most of these ultra-Li-deficient stars in order to investigate the cause of the Li deficiencies. High-resolution and high signal-to-noise spectra have been obtained in the Be II spectral region near 3130 \AA for six ultra-Li-deficient stars with the Keck I telescope and its new uv-sensitive CCD on the upgraded HIRES. The spectrum synthesis technique has been used to determine Be abundances. All six stars are found to have Be deficiencies also. Two have measurable - but reduced - Be and four have only upper limits on Be. These results are consistent with the idea that these Li- and Be-deficient stars are analogous to blue stragglers. The stars have undergone mass transfer events (or mergers) which destroy or dilute both Li and Be. The findings cannot be matched by the models that predict that the deficiencies are due to extra-mixing in a subset of halo stars that were initially rapid rotators, with the possible exception of one star, G 139-8. Because the ultra-Li-deficient stars are also Be-deficient, they appear to be genuine outliers in population of halo stars used to determine the value of primordial Li; they no longer have the Li in their atmospheres that was produced in the Big Bang.Comment: 17 pages of text, 12 figures, 3 tables Submitted to Ap

    Stabilized fiber-optic frequency distribution system

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    A technique for stabilizing reference frequencies transmitted over fiber-optic cable in a frequency distribution system is discussed. The distribution system utilizes fiber-optic cable as the transmission medium to distribute precise reference signals from a frequency standard to remote users. The stability goal of the distribution system is to transmit a 100-MHz signal over a 22-km fiber-optic cable and maintain a stability of 1 part in 10(17) for 1000-second averaging times. Active stabilization of the link is required to reduce phase variations produced by environmental effects, and is achieved by transmitting the reference signal from the frequency standard to the remote unit and then reflecting back to the reference unit over the same optical fiber. By comparing the phase of the transmitted and reflected signals at the reference unit, phase variations of the remote signal can be measured. An error voltage derived from the phase difference between the two signals is used to add correction phase

    Light Element Production in the Circumstellar Matter of Energetic Type Ic Supernovae

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    We investigate energetic type Ic supernovae as production sites for Li6 and Be in the early stages of the Milky Way. Recent observations have revealed that some very metal-poor stars with [Fe/H]<-2.5 possess unexpectedly high abundances of Li6. Some also exbihit enhanced abundances of Be as well as N. From a theoretical point of view, recent studies of the evolution of metal-poor massive stars show that rotation-induced mixing can enrich the outer H and He layers with C, N, and O (CNO) elements, particularly N, and at the same time cause intense mass loss of these layers. Here we consider energetic supernova explosions occurring after the progeniter star has lost all but a small fraction of the He layer. The fastest portion of the supernova ejecta can interact directly with the circumstellar matter (CSM), both composed of He and CNO, and induce light element production through spallation and He-He fusion reactions. The CSM should be sufficiently thick to energetic particles so that the interactions terminate within its innermost regions. We calculate the resulting Li6/O and Be9/O ratios in the ejecta+CSM material out of which the very metal-poor stars may form. We find that they are consistent with the observed values if the mass of the He layer remaining on the pre-explosion core is 0.01-0.1 solar mass, and the mass fraction of N mixed in the He layer is about 0.01. Further observations of Li6, Be and N at low metallicity should provide critical tests of this production scenario.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, revised with referee suggestions, final version accepted in ApJ Letter

    Design of a fiber-optic transmitter for microwave analog transmission with high phase stability

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    The principal considerations in the design of fiber-optic transmitters for highly phase-stable radio frequency and microwave analog transmission are discussed. Criteria for a fiber-optic transmitter design with improved amplitude and phase-noise performance are developed through consideration of factors affecting the phase noise, including low-frequency laser-bias supply noise, the magnitude and proximity of external reflections into the laser, and temperature excursions of the laser-transmitter package

    Effect of Long-lived Strongly Interacting Relic Particles on Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    It has been suggested that relic long-lived strongly interacting massive particles (SIMPs, or XX particles) existed in the early universe. We study effects of such long-lived unstable SIMPs on big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) assuming that such particles existed during the BBN epoch, but then decayed long before they could be detected. The interaction strength between an XX particle and a nucleon is assumed to be similar to that between nucleons. We then calculate BBN in the presence of the unstable neutral charged X0X^0 particles taking into account the capture of X0X^0 particles by nuclei to form XX-nuclei. We also study the nuclear reactions and beta decays of XX-nuclei. We find that SIMPs form bound states with normal nuclei during a relatively early epoch of BBN. This leads to the production of heavy elements which remain attached to them. Constraints on the abundance of X0X^0 particles during BBN are derived from observationally inferred limits on the primordial light element abundances. Particle models which predict long-lived colored particles with lifetimes longer than \sim 200 s are rejected based upon these constraints.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Pelabelan Super Graceful Untuk Beberapa Graf Khusus

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    Given a graph , super graceful labeling is bijective function such that for every edge . A graph that has a super graceful labeling called a super graceful graph. In this final paper discuss about super graceful labeling for special graphs graph Pn , graph Pm(n) , graph Pn+-e1 , graph Cn n≥3 graph Pn1,2,…,n , graph Km,n , and graph Coconut tre

    Lead abundance in the uranium star CS 31082-001

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    In a previous paper we were able to measure the abundance of uranium and thorium in the very-metal poor halo giant BPS CS 31082-001, but only obtained an upper limit for the abundance of lead (Pb). We have got from ESO 17 hours of additional exposure on this star in order to secure a detection of the minimum amount of lead expected to be present in CS 31082-001, the amount arising from the decay of the original content of Th and U in the star. We report here this successful detection. We find an LTE abundance log(Pb/H)+12=-0.55 \pm 0.15 dex, one dex below the upper limits given by other authors for the similar stars CS 22892-052 and BD +17d3248, also enhanced in r-process elements. From the observed present abundances of Th and U in the star, the expected amount of Pb produced by the decay of 232Th, and 238U alone, over 12-15 Gyr is -0.73\pm 0.17 dex. The decay of 235U is more difficult to estimate, but is probably slightly below the contribution of 238U, making the contribution of the 3 actinides only slightly below, or even equal to, the measured abundance. The contribution from the decay of 234U has was not included, for lack of published data. In this sense our determination is a lower limit to the contribution of actinides to lead production. We comment this result, and we note that if a NLTE analysis, not yet possible, doubles our observed abundance, the decay of the 3 actinides will still represent 50 per cent of the total lead, a proportion higher than the values considered so far in the literature.Comment: 4 pages, LateX, A&A Letters Accepte