15 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Pengaruh Teman Sebaya Dan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dengan Perilaku Mengkonsumsi Minuman Keras Pada Remaja Di Desa Cangkol Sragen

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    Kebiasaan remaja yang sulit dihindari ialah mengkonsumsi minuman keras, hal ini dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, antara lain pengaruh teman sebaya dan pola asuh orang tua. Kebiasaan mengkonsumsi minuman keras dapat terjadi karena sikap orang tua yang membiarkan anaknya bergaul bebas merupakan hal yang fatal bagi pergaulan remaja. Sebaliknya sikap orang tua yang terlalu mengekang juga tidak bagus karena hal ini akan berdampak pada pemikiran remaja.Tujuan penelitian: Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengaruh teman sebaya dan pola asuh orang tua dengan perilaku mengkonsumsi minuman keras pada remaja di desa cangkol sragen. Metode penelitian : Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, metode penelitian adalah non experimental dengan rancangan deskriptif koleratif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua remaja pria usia 11 - 20 tahun yang mengkonsumsi minuman keras, metode pengambilan sampel dengan total sampling sebanyak 62 remaja pria. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dengan Uji Spearman rank Hasil penelitian: 1. Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara pengaruh teman sebaya dengan perilaku mengkonsumsi minuman keras pada remaja pria di desa Cangkol Sragen (p= 0,047) 2. Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara pola asuh orang tua dengan perilaku mengkonsumsi minuman keras pada remaja pria di desa Cangkol Sragen (p= 0,014)

    Analisa Kekerasan Permukaan Baja Karbon Rendah St 40 Dengan Proses Carburizing Menggunakan Arang Kayu Dengan Analisis Partikel Karbon Rata-Rata 110,671 µm² dan 515,735 µm²

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    Carburizing is a thermochemical process through the heating of specimen in a medium that contains carbon at austenite temperature. The process aims to enhance the pearlite level (β) of steel surface in order to increase its hardness. The carburizing experiment in this study utilized ST 40 steel, carbon with an average carbon particle area of 515,735 µm² . At the experiment, the steel was mixed with carbon and heated at 780⁰C for four hours. From the test results it can be seen that carbon has an average carbon particle area of 110,671 μm² and 515,735 μm². carbon with an average carbon particle area of 515,735 µm² is more dominated by pearlite structure (β) compared to ferlit (α) while arbon with an average particle area of 110,671 μm² is more dominated by ferrite structure (α) than pearlite (β). because the diffusion process is not going well


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    This article analyzes forestry conflicts between communities and forestry companies that occurred in Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province. Grinde's (1980) policy implementation theory is a theory that we consider appropriate for analyzing conflicts. Content of Policy includes: Interest affected, type of benefits, Extend of change envisioned, Site of decision making, Program Implementor, Resources Committed, and Context of Implementation, includes: Power, Interest, and strategies of actors involves, Institution and regime characteristics, Compliance and responsiveness we think we can analyze this conflict comprehensively. This study found that the conflict initially arose because of the centralization policy in the New Order era, which caused many forestry permits to be issued by the government without any discussion with the community. Then, the conflict intensified when the community lost a lot of economic resources that they used to get from forest resources. It is hoped that this conflict can be resolved soon so that the private sector and the community can get a win-win solution

    Public service transformation trough digital-based services during covid-19 pandemic in Riau Province, Indonesia

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    The purpose of this paper is to show how the Riau Provincial Government might transform public services based on digital services in the direction of good governance. This paper then uses a qualitative analysis method with Nvivo 12 Plus as an analytical tool to visualize data from online media sites. The findings of this study indicate that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the transformation of digital service-based public services in Riau Province can be seen from three aspects, namely: First, on the transparency aspect, the Riau Provincial Government has implemented digital services so that they can be more easily accessed. Second, in terms of accountability, every public service provider already has a strong understanding of how to implement digital services. However, the implementation of digital services still faces challenges and requires improving aspects of internet network quality in several locations in remote and underdeveloped areas. Third, in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, the Riau Provincial Government has received various awards for public service innovations and has launched the Mata Bansos application which is intended to help communities affected by Covid-19. Therefore, this research contributes in the form of recommendations to continue to improve public services by utilizing existing digital service applications and further integrating public services that have not been integrated with digital-based service


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    Nelayan memiliki respon yang berbeda dalam menghadapi perubahan musim, termasuk nelayan trammel net di PPS Cilacap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung indeks musim penangkapan udang yang ditangkap menggunakan alat tangkap trammel net, mengindentifikasi dampak perubahan musim terhadap pendapatan nelayan trammel net, dan mengindentifikasi pola adaptasi nelayan trammel net terhadap perubahan musim udang. Data yang dikumpulkan yaitu keragaan unit penangkapan trammel net, cara adaptasi nelayan trammel net, data investasi, penghasilan, dan modal nelayan serta data trip dan data produksi udang hasil tangkapan trammel net selama 5 tahun (2012-2016). Indeks musim penangkapan ikan dihitung menggunakan rata-rata bergerak, analisis pendapatan digunakan untuk menghitung dampak musim penangkapan ikan terhadap pendapatan nelayan, dan analisis deskriptif digunakan untuk melihat adaptasi nelayan terhadap perubahan musim. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa musim penangkapan udang di PPS Cilacap terjadi selama lima bulan yaitu bulan Juni, September, Oktober, November, dan Desember. Perubahan musim berdampak terhadap penurunan pendapatan nelayan trammel net sebesar Rp 6.185.800/kapal/trip. Rata-rata pendapatan ketika musim penangkapan udang sebesar Rp 6.591.495/kapal/trip, sedangkan rata-rata pendapatan nelayan ketika tidak musim penangkapan udang sebesar Rp 405.695/kapal/trip. Pola adaptasi nelayan trammel net terhadap perubahan musim penangkapan udang yaitu meminjam uang dan menjual barang-barang sebanyak 37%, memperbaiki alat tangkap sebanyak 33%, penganekaragaman alat tangkap sebanyak 13%, perubahan lokasi DPI sebanyak 10%, dan penganekaragaman pendapatan sebanyak 7%. Nelayan yang memilih pola adaptasi penganekaragaman alat tangkap diidentifikasi memiliki pendapatan tertinggi dibandingkan dengan nelayan yang memilih opsi adaptasi lainnya.Fishers, including trammel net fishers, have different respond due to seasonal changes. The research aims to calculate shrimp season index, to identify the impact of seasonal changes related to income of trammel net fishers, and to identify the adaptation pattern of trammel net fishers related to shrimp season changes. The data collected were trammel net fishing unit performance, trammel net fisherman adaptation methods, investment data, income, and fishermen's capital as well as trip data and trammel net shrimp production data for five years (2012-2016). Data analysis used fishing season index, fishing season impact related to income of fishers, and fishers adaptation to seasonal changes. The results showed that there are five months were identified as peak season of shrimp i.e. June, September, October, November, and December. Other results showed that seasonal changes have impacted to trammel net fishers income amounted Rp 6.185.800/vessel/trip. At the peak season fishing, fisher income were Rp 6.591.495/vssel/trip, however at the low season fishers income were Rp 405.695/vessel/trip. In addition there were five adaptation pattern related to seasonal changes of trammel net fishers which were 37% lending money and selling stuffs, 33% repairing fishing gear, 13% fishing gear diversification, 10% changing the fishing ground, and 7% income diversification. In conclution that fishers who choose adaptation pattern of fishing gear diversification have the highest income compared to fishers who choose other types of adaptation


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    Kemampuan membaca Bahasa Inggris di era teknologi seperti sekarang ini merupakan kemampuan yang sangat utama yang harus dimiliki terutama ditahap pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Metode atau teknik yang menarik dan menyenangkan sangatlah dibutuhkan untuk menumbuhkan minat membaca peserta didik usia dasar dan menengah tersebut. Salah satunya adalah dengan pendekatan sosiokognitif melalui story telling menggunakan puppet. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini dilakukan untuk menemukan cara dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca peserta didik di Jampang English Village. Selain itu, PKM ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui penerapan pendekatan sosiokognitif agar mengenalkan dan melatih peserta didik untuk mempunyai pemahaman membaca serta menerapkan nilai-nilai yang berharga untuk kehidupan sehari hari. Sasaran program kegiatan ini adalah anak-anak usia TK, SD, dan SMP. Dalam pelaksanaanya, PKM ini dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan. Pertama, beberapa dosen dan mahasiswa Program Studi Sastra Inggris Universitas Pamulang melakukan persiapan materi kegiatan yang kemudian direkam dalam bentuk audio-visual. Kedua, dalam praktik pelaksanaanya, para dosen Sastra Inggris Universitas Pamulang memberi pengarahan kepada staff pengajar JEV untuk melaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan yang telah direncanakan dan membagi peserta didik menjadi empat kelompok, yaitu Kelompok 1 (siswa Paud dan TK), Kelompok 2 (siswa SD kelas 1, 2, dan 3), Kelompok 3 (siswa SD kelas 4 dan 5), dan Kelompok 4 (siswa SD kelas 6 dan SMP). Ketiga, tim dosen memberikan penyuluhan serta memandu staff pengajar JEV untuk membuat kegiatan-kegiatan positif sejenis, yaitu dengan memodifikasi cerita anak dengan pendekatan sosiokognitif dengan menggunakan alat-alat pendukung di sekitar mereka. Para peserta didik binaan Jampang English Village sangat antusias mengikuti pembelajaran dengan pendekatan sosiokognitif melalui storry telling menggunakan puppet. Dengan pendekatan ini, suasana belajar menjadi sangat menarik dan menyenangkan. Para peserta didik juga dapat memiliki pembendaharaan kosakata baru melalui cerita yang mereka nikmati. Selain itu, dalam aplikasi sosiokognitif, peserta didik dapat mengambil pesan dan perilaku positif dari dua cerita yang disajikan

    BILIK PADI TRADISIONAL KERINCI (Arsitektur dan Seni Ukir)

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    Kerinci traditional bilik padi are no longer functioning, their existence is almost extinct. Through observation, literature studies and interviews, it is known that bilik padi use pedestal, a peg system in stringing poles. The entire building is made of wood, the building enlarges upwards. Octagonal pillars, sirap roofs, small doors made under the roof of the roof. The carving motif comes from the shape of plants, forms of vines. Engraving is applied to poles, walls, lower and upper beams, and end of rafter.Keywords: Bilik Padi, Architecture and Carving Art Bilik padi tradisional Kerinci sudah tidak difungsikan lagi, keberadaannya hampir punah. Melalui observasi, studi pustaka dan wawancara diketahui bilik padi menggunakan batu umpak, sistem pasak dalam merangkai tiang dengan balok. Seluruh bangunan terbuat dari kayu, bangunan membesar ke atas. Tiang segi delapan, atap sirap, pintu dibuat kecil dibawah bubungan atap. Motif ukiran berasal dari bentuk tumbuh-tumbuhan, bentuk sulur-suluran. Ukiran diterapkan pada tiang, dinding, balok bawah dan atas, serta ujung kasau. Kata Kunci: Bilik Padi, Arsitektur dan Seni Uki


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    ABSTRACT: Radiographic imaging has been done for profile aluminium with arrange in steps and 5 USB memory to measure the dimension inner and outer part of 5 USB memory without destroying it. Based on this image, the function of characterization for relative thickness of aluminium's profile with grayscale level is gained. With characteristic mentioned before the dimension and relative thickness of profile memory USB is determined. The result are the dimension outer part of profile that consist of the length is 31–57 pixel, the width is 13–22 pixel and the wide is 465–1197 pixel2, later the dimension inner part of profile that consist of the length is 28–30 pixel, the width is 10–16 pixel and the wide is 300–480 pixel2 and the last, the relative thickness of electronics device is range from 3,36–7,62 mm. Keywords: radiographic imaging, dimension of USB memory, relative thickness, aluminiu

    Penentuan Kadar Besi dalam Pasir Bekas Penambangan di Kecamatan Cempaka dengan Metode Analisis Aktivasi Neutron (AAN)

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    Telah dilakukan penentuan kandungan logam besi dalam pasir bekas penambangan dengan metode analisis aktivasi neutron (AAN). Sampel diambil dari enam lokasi yang berbeda di daerah kecamatan Cempaka dimana di daerah itu banyak terdapat penambangan batubara dan intan. Dari pengukuran yang dilakukan pada areal bekas penambangan diperoleh hasil adanya logam Besi (Fe) dan beberapa logam lain dalam konsentrasi yang bervariasi. Dari hasil yang didapat ternyata prosentase kandungan Fe termasuk tinggi.


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    The potential of Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah (ZIS) in Indonesia is very large as an instrument to reduce poverty and improve people's welfare. This study assesses the effectiveness of ZIS management as optimally as possible, so that it can make a significant contribution to reducing poverty and increasing welfare. Law No. 23 of 2011 concerning zakat management has provided a strong legal basis in zakat management, through collection, distribution and utilization. The formulation of the problem in this study are: 1. How to optimize the management of zakat, infaq and shadaqah funds in increasing the standard of living of mustahiq. 2. How to improve the standard of living of mustahiq recipients of productive zakat from Baznas, Sambas Regency. The purpose of this research is to find out how to optimize the management of zakat, infaq and natural shadaqah funds to increase the standard of living of mustahiq. and to determine the level of public trust in the management of Baznas in Sambas Regency and to determine the improvement in the standard of living of mustahiq recipients of productive zakat from Baznas in Sambas Regency. This type of research is a field research conducted at Baznas, Sambas Regency. The nature of this research is descriptive qualitative and data collection techniques are carried out by interview, observation and documentation methods. The sample is 10 mustahiq recipients of productive zakat and 5 mustahiq recipients of consumptive zakat. While the method of determining the sample is by means of purposive sampling. The data analysis technique was carried out with an inductive model consisting of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show: 1. The management of Baznas in Sambas Regency has not been optimal in planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising. 2. The level of public confidence in the performance of Baznas in Sambas Regency is still low. 3. There is an increase in the standard of living of the mustahiq, and the level of welfare of the mustahiq is classified as pre-prosperous. In this case it is necessary to hold training to form competent human resources, there is a need for a mentoring program for mustahiq recipients of productive zakat, there is a need for supervision in managing zakat, infaq and shadaqah funds