181 research outputs found

    Caviar con Ron: 'Sdelano na Kube'

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    En Caviar con Ron: 'Sdelano na Kube', Jacqueline Loss y José Manuel Prieto analizan la gama vasta de actitudes hacia lo soviético -desde una minimización del impacto soviético en Cuba a una expresión exagerada de gratitud hacia los “rusos”- que se han encontrado desde que comenzaron su colaboración investigativa en 2004. Notan que las transformaciones  en la memorialización, de una negación rotunda a una aceptación actual que no dudarían de llamar entusiasta, fueron algo que no pudieron anticipar del todo cuando decidieron organizar el que puede considerarse el primer simposio internacional (2007) dedicado a estudiar el impacto del vínculo soviético en Cuba y publicar el libro Caviar with Rum: Cuba-USSR and the Post-Soviet Experience (2012), que aquilató las huellas de esa, extraña relación de un país del “tercer mundo” con una potencia lejana y virtualmente desconocida, todo dentro del marco de la Guerra Fría. En este texto, buscan compartir su experiencia, relatar sus principales etapas y el estado actual de la cuestión del imaginario cubano de lo soviético y lo ruso.   In “Caviar with Rum: Sdelano na Kube,” Jacqueline Loss and José Manuel Prieto analyze the vast range of attitudes toward the Soviet -from the minimization of the Soviet impact in Cuba to an exaggerated expression of gratitude toward the “Russians”- that they have encountered since they began their investigative collaboration in 2004.  They note that the transformations in the memorialization, from an emphatic negation to an acceptance these days that they might even call enthusiastic, were something that they could not anticipate in the least when they decided to organize what can be considered as the first international symposium (2007) dedicated to studying the impact of the Soviet link in Cuba, and the publication of the book Caviar with Rum: Cuba-USSR and the Post-Soviet Experience (2012) that assessed the remnants of this strange relationship between a “Third Word” country with a far-away and virtually unknown power, all within the framework of the Cold War. In this text, they seek to share their experience, telling the first stages and the current state of the question of the Cuban imaginary of the Soviet and the Russian.

    Los significados construidos del envejecimeinto positivo en la participación ocupacional de adultas mayores con patologías articulares

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    Tesis (Magíster en Terapia Ocupacional, Mención Salud Física)El envejecimiento de las personas ha generado un aumento de adultos mayores, un gran porcentaje de éstos son mujeres. También han incrementado las enfermedades crónicas, siendo más frecuentes en esta población las patologías articulares, que impactan en la funcionalidad y la calidad de vida, contribuyendo a la creencia de mitos en torno a la vejez. No obstante, esta visión cambiaría, debido a la creación de una propuesta política gubernamental como la de Envejecimiento Positivo, orientada a la inclusión del adulto mayor en la sociedad, mejorando su calidad de vida y posicionándolo como un sujeto de derecho. La Terapia Ocupacional promueve la participación ocupacional de adultas mayores con enfermedades articulares, para que tengan un envejecimiento positivo, pero para alcanzar ese propósito, es preciso analizar el significado construido que tienen estas personas sobre dicho concepto, por esto se realizó una entrevista semiestructurada, cuyos temas se basaban en el bienestar subjetivo, la salud, la participación social y la participación ocupacional en el tiempo libre, elementos relevantes en el envejecimiento positivo. Mediante el análisis de datos con la Teoría Fundamentada, se estudió el significado construido sobre el envejecimiento positivo, concebido por las participantes, como una educación del envejecimiento, para así no depender de otros. También se visualizó el envejecimiento como sinónimo de vejez, el que se vivencia como una etapa de soledad, en la que, si bien, la calidad de vida no se ve afectada por éste, hay factores que influyen en ella, afectando sus capacidades motoras, por ello desarrollan principalmente ocupaciones de tiempo libre pasivas, con deseos de efectuar actividades recreativas. Pese a que el concepto de envejecimiento positivo pareció ser desconocido, las participantes tienen una noción sobre éste, basado en las vivencias relacionadas con sus procesos de envejecimiento, es decir en su realidad, puesto que su construcción se basa en el uso de un lenguaje común

    ‘Aunque lejos estemos tú y yo…’ El videoclip para música popular bailable en la televisión cubana como proceso identitario en la obra de Ernesto Fundora

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    This article analyzes the Cuban music videos for dance folk music produced by the director Ernesto Fundora in the nineties. Fundora is considered one of the most representative figures in the field of Cuban videoclips and one of the initiators of the genre in the Cuban Television. Fundora consolidates the genre leaning on authorship and not only using them as commercial material. Without abandoning the videoclip inherent conditioning factors, the peculiarity of Cuban geography encouraged the search for formalized and conceptual languages that were less standardized and lavish to form an authorial poetic, as is the case of the author in question. Productions conceived in the Cuban context, and others in exile, make up a more inclusive map of music and Cubanness, understanding the nation as both a physical and symbolic geography. In this text, both the characteristics that distinguish Ernesto Fundora's videoclip and the peculiarities of his aesthetics as an author are assessed. In parallel, the most relevant features that make up his own discourse on national identity, Cuban society and popular dance music, are also reviewed.El presente artículo analiza los videoclips cubanos para música popular bailable elaborados por el director Ernesto Fundora en la década de los noventa. Realizador considerado una de las figuras más representativas del videoclip nacional y uno de los iniciadores del género en la Televisión Cubana, Fundora afianza al género dentro de la política de autor y no sólo como material comercial. Sin desterrar las condicionantes del videoclip, la peculiaridad geográfica cubana incentivó la búsqueda de lenguajes formales y conceptuales menos estandarizados y pródigos a conformar una poética autoral, como es el caso del autor que nos ocupa. Producciones concebidas en el contexto cubano, y otras en el exilio, conforman un mapa más inclusivo de la música y la cubanidad, entendiendo a la nación como una geografía física y simbólica. En este texto se rastrean las características que distinguen al videoclip de Ernesto Fundora y las peculiaridades de su estética como autor, a la vez que se evalúan los rasgos más relevantes que conforman un discurso propio sobre la identidad nacional, la sociedad cubana y la música popular bailable

    Audiencia de imputación y juez de garantías en el sistema penal acusatorio

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    Las presentes inquietudes comienzan a surgir desde la práctica desarrollada en ejercicio de la función jurisdiccional tanto de juez de control de garantías como de auxiliar de magistrado al comenzar a desarrollarse desde el año 2005 el sistema penal acusatorio en el sistema de responsabilidad para adultos, cuya implementación comenzó con el acto legislativo 003 de 2002 a través de la ley 906 de 2004, inicio que se centró en los Distritos judiciales de Bogotá y del eje cafetero y que al día de hoy ya abarca todo el territorio nacional. En curso de la adopción del sistema y el desarrollo de las audiencias de control de garantías comenzaron a surgir diversos criterios en torno a la actividad del juez de garantías en dichas audiencias, debate que en un primer momento tuvo lugar en las audiencias más intensas en cuanto a confrontación de derechos, como las audiencias de legalización de captura y la de imposición de medida de aseguramient

    The Challenges and Opportunities of Pharmacoepidemiology in Bone Diseases

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    Altres ajuts: This work was supported by the National Health Medical Research Council Australia (NHMRC project ID; DA 1114676, DB 1073430, and JRC 1008219). This work was partially supported by the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, Oxford. DPA is funded by a National Institute for Health Research Clinician Scientist award (CS-2013-13-012). This article presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). Other funding bodies were the Bupa Health Foundation (formerly MBF Foundation) and the Mrs Gibson and Ernst Heine Family Foundation. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHMRC and the NIHR.Pharmacoepidemiology is used extensively in osteoporosis research and involves the study of the use and effects of drugs in large numbers of people. Randomized controlled trials are considered the gold standard in assessing treatment efficacy and safety. However, their results can have limited external validity when applied to day-to-day patients. Pharmacoepidemiological studies aim to assess the effect/s of treatments in actual practice conditions, but they are limited by the quality, completeness, and inherent bias due to confounding. Sources of information include prospectively collected (primary) as well as readily available routinely collected (secondary) (eg, electronic medical records, administrative/claims databases) data. Although the former enable the collection of ad hoc measurements, the latter provide a unique opportunity for the study of large representative populations and for the assessment of rare events at relatively low cost. Observational cohort and case-control studies, the most commonly implemented study designs in pharmacoepidemiology, each have their strengths and limitations. However, the choice of the study design depends on the research question that needs to be answered. Despite the many advantages of observational studies, they also have limitations. First, missing data is a common issue in routine data, frequently dealt with using multiple imputation. Second, confounding by indication arises because of the lack of randomization; multivariable regression and more specific techniques such as propensity scores (adjustment, matching, stratification, trimming, or weighting) are used to minimize such biases. In addition, immortal time bias (time period during which a subject is artefactually event-free by study design) and time-varying confounding (patient characteristics changing over time) are other types of biases usually accounted for using time-dependent modeling. Finally, residual "uncontrolled" confounding is difficult to assess, and hence to account for it, sensitivity analyses and specific methods (eg, instrumental variables) should be considered. © 2018 The Authors JBMR Plus published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

    Costs of joint replacement in osteoarthritis:a study using the National Joint Registry and Clinical Practice Research Datalink datasets

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to estimate the costs of primary hip and knee replacement in individuals with osteoarthritis up to 2 years post-surgery, compare costs before and after the surgery, and identify predictors of hospital costs. Methods: Patients aged 18 years or over with primary planned hip or knee replacements and osteoarthritis in England between 2008 and 2016 were identified from the National Joint Registry and linked with Hospital Episode Statistics data containing inpatient episodes. Primary care data linked with hospital outpatient records were also used to identify patients aged 18 years or over with primary hip or knee replacements between 2008 and 2016. All healthcare resource use was valued using 2016/17 costs and non-parametric censoring methods were used to estimate total 1-year and 2-year costs. Results: We identified 854,866 individuals undergoing hip or knee replacement. The mean censor-adjusted 1-year hospitalisation costs for hip and knee replacement were £7,827 (95% CI £7,813 to £7,842) and £7,805 (95% CI £7,790 to £7,818), respectively. Complications and revisions were associated with up to a three-fold increase in 1-year hospitalisation costs. The censor-adjusted 2-year costs were £9,258 (95 % CI £9,233 to £9,280) and £9,452 (95%CI £9,430 to £9,475) for hip and knee replacement. Adding primary and outpatient care, the mean total hip and knee replacement 2-year costs were £11,987 and £12,578, respectively. Conclusions: There are significant costs following joint replacement. Revisions and complications accounted for considerable costs and there is a significant incentive to identify best approaches to reduce these.</p

    Ubiquitinome Profiling Reveals <i>in Vivo</i> UBE2D3 Targets and Implicates UBE2D3 in Protein Quality Control

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    Ubiquitination has crucial roles in many cellular processes, and dysregulation of ubiquitin machinery enzymes can result in various forms of pathogenesis. Cells only have a limited set of ubiquitin-conjugating (E2) enzymes to support the ubiquitination of many cellular targets. As individual E2 enzymes have many different substrates and interactions between E2 enzymes and their substrates can be transient, it is challenging to define all in vivo substrates of an individual E2 and the cellular processes it affects. Particularly challenging in this respect is UBE2D3, an E2 enzyme with promiscuous activity in vitro but less defined roles in vivo. Here, we set out to identify in vivo targets of UBE2D3 by using stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture–based and label-free quantitative ubiquitin diGly proteomics to study global proteome and ubiquitinome changes associated with UBE2D3 depletion. UBE2D3 depletion changed the global proteome, with the levels of proteins from metabolic pathways, in particular retinol metabolism, being the most affected. However, the impact of UBE2D3 depletion on the ubiquitinome was much more prominent. Interestingly, molecular pathways related to mRNA translation were the most affected. Indeed, we find that ubiquitination of the ribosomal proteins RPS10 and RPS20, critical for ribosome-associated protein quality control, is dependent on UBE2D3. We show by Targets of Ubiquitin Ligases Identified by Proteomics 2 methodology that RPS10 and RPS20 are direct targets of UBE2D3 and demonstrate that the catalytic activity of UBE2D3 is required to ubiquitinate RPS10 in vivo. In addition, our data suggest that UBE2D3 acts at multiple levels in autophagic protein quality control. Collectively, our findings show that depletion of an E2 enzyme in combination with quantitative diGly-based ubiquitinome profiling is a powerful tool to identify new in vivo E2 substrates, as we have done here for UBE2D3. Our work provides an important resource for further studies on the in vivo functions of UBE2D3.Dutch Ministry of Health KWF-NKI2012- 5305Dutch Cancer Society 11369/2017-

    Characterization of patients with an anatomopathological diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease

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    Introduction: In Cuba, cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) are very common non-communicable chronic conditions. Objectives: Characterize patients from intensive care unit with a pathological diagnosis of CVD. Methods: Observational, descriptive and transversal study in a sample of 176 patients. Variables: Age (19-39 years, 40-59 years, 60-100 years), sex, type of CVD (hemorrhagic, ischemic), APACHE II scale (= 15, > 15 score) and Glasgow coma on admission (= 8, > 8 score), mechanical ventilation (yes, no), length of stay (= 7, > 7 days) and direct cause of death. Frequencies, measures of central tendency, chi-square and Student's t tests (significance level of 5%) were calculated. Results: Hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease, male sex (52.8%) and the age group of 60-100 years (64.8%) predominated. The mean age was 63.8 years. The average value of the APACHE II and Glasgow scales was 21.6 and 6.5. 97.6% received mechanical ventilation. The mean stay was 7.0 days. Severe cerebral edema was the main cause of direct death (79.3%). Conclusions: There is a predominance of hemorrhagic CVD, in male patients, aged 60-100 years, APACHE II score > 15, Glasgow score = 8, ventilated patients, stay = 7 days and intense cerebral edema

    Safety of dried fruits of Synsepalum dulcificum as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel&nbsp;on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver an opinion on dried fruits of Synsepalum dulcificum as a novel food (NF) pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283. The NF is pitted and dried (by lyophilisation) fruits of S.&nbsp;dulcificum. The NF contains the glycoprotein miraculin (≤ 2.5%) which causes sour and acidic foods to taste sweet. The fruits have a documented history of consumption in Africa and products thereof can be found in different markets worldwide. Information on the production process and the composition of the NF is sufficient and does not raise safety concerns. The applicant proposes to use the NF as or in food supplements for the adult population, excluding pregnant and lactating women, at a maximum daily amount of 0.9 g. Taking into account these conditions of use, the Panel&nbsp;considers that the consumption of the NF is not nutritionally disadvantageous. The provided genotoxicity studies do not raise concerns for genotoxicity of the NF. The Panel&nbsp;concludes that the only dose tested in a 90-day oral toxicity study of 2,000 mg/kg body weight (bw) per day was not associated with adverse effects. By applying an uncertainty factor of 200, the Panel&nbsp;concludes that the NF is safe at an intake level of 10 mg/kg bw per day, corresponding to a maximum daily intake of 0.7 g of the NF for the target population, rather than 0.9 g/day as proposed by the applicant