4,183 research outputs found

    The morphology of the Milky Way - I. Reconstructing CO maps from simulations in fixed potentials

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    PublishedJournal ArticleWe present an investigation into the morphological features of the MilkyWay.We use smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) to simulate the interstellar medium (ISM) in the Milky Way under the effect of a number of different gravitational potentials representing spiral arms and bars, assuming that the Milky Way is a grand design spiral in nature. The gas is subject to ISM cooling and chemistry, enabling us to track the evolution of molecular gas. We use a 3D radiative transfer code to simulate the emission from the SPH output, allowing for the construction of synthetic longitude-velocity (l-v) emission maps as viewed from the Earth. By comparing these maps with the observed emission in CO from the Milky Way, we infer the arm/bar geometry that provides a best fit to our Galaxy. We find that it is possible to reproduce nearly all features of the l-v diagram in CO emission. There is no model, however, that satisfactorily reproduces all of the features simultaneously. Models with two arms cannot reproduce all the observed arm features, while four armed models produce too bright local emission in the inner Galaxy. Our best-fitting models favour a bar pattern speed within 50-60 km s-1 kpc-1 and an arm pattern speed of approximately 20 km s-1 kpc-1, with a bar orientation of approximately 45° and arm pitch angle between 10°-15°.We thank an anonymous referee, whose comments and suggestions improved the paper. We also thank Tom Dame for providing access to the CO longitude–velocity data. The calculations for this paper were performed on the DiRAC Complexity machine, jointly funded by STFC and the Large Facilities Capital Fund of BIS, and the University of Exeter Supercomputer, a DiRAC Facility jointly funded by STFC, the Large Facilities Capital Fund of BIS and the University of Exeter. ARP is supported by an STFC-funded post-graduate studentship. CLD acknowledges funding from the European Research Council for the FP7 ERC starting grant project LOCALSTAR. DJP is supported by a Future Fellowship funded by the Australian Research Council (FT130100034). Figures showing SPH particle density were rendered using SPLASH (Price 2007). Datasets used in this paper are available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10871/15057

    Sex ratio distorting microbes exacerbate arthropod extinction risk in variable environments

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    Maternally-inherited sex ratio distorting microbes (SRDMs) are common among arthropod species. Typically, these microbes cause female-biased sex ratios in host broods, either by; killing male offspring, feminising male offspring, or inducing parthenogenesis. As a result, infected populations can experience drastic ecological and evolutionary change. The mechanism by which SRDMs operate is likely to alter their impact on host evolutionary ecology; despite this, the current literature is heavily biased towards a single mechanism of sex ratio distortion, male-killing. Furthermore, amidst the growing concerns surrounding the loss of arthropod diversity, research into the impact of SRDMs on the viability of arthropod populations is generally lacking. In this study, using a theoretical approach, we model the epidemiology of an understudied mechanism of microbially-induced sex ratio distortion—feminisation—to ask an understudied question—how do SRDMs impact extinction risk in a changing environment? We constructed an individual-based model and measured host population extinction risk under various environmental and epidemiological scenarios. We also used our model to identify the precise mechanism modulating extinction. We find that the presence of feminisers increases host population extinction risk, an effect that is exacerbated in highly variable environments. We also identified transmission rate as the dominant epidemiological trait responsible for driving extinction. Finally, our model shows that sex ratio skew is the mechanism driving extinction. We highlight feminisers and, more broadly, SRDMs as important determinants of the resilience of arthropod populations to environmental change

    Opposite environmental and genetic influences on body size in North American Drosophila pseudoobscura

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    BACKGROUND: Populations of a species often differ in key traits. However, it is rarely known whether these differences are associated with genetic variation and evolved differences between populations, or are instead simply a plastic response to environmental differences experienced by the populations. Here we examine the interplay of plasticity and direct genetic control by investigating temperature-size relationships in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura from North America. We used 27 isolines from three populations and exposed them to four temperature regimes (16°C, 20°C, 23°C, 26°C) to examine environmental, genetic and genotype-by-environment sources of variance in wing size. RESULTS: By far the largest contribution to variation in wing size came from rearing temperature, with the largest flies emerging from the coolest temperatures. However, we also found a genetic signature that was counter to this pattern as flies originating from the northern, cooler population were consistently smaller than conspecifics from more southern, warmer populations when reared under the same laboratory conditions. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that local selection on body size appears to be acting counter to the environmental effect of temperature. We find no evidence that local adaptation in phenotypic plasticity can explain this result, and suggest indirect selection on traits closely linked with body size, or patterns of chromosome inversion may instead be driving this relationship. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12862-015-0323-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The evolutionary consequences of selfish genetic elements

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    Emissions performance of high moisture wood fuels burned in a residential stove

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    A study has been made of the effect of fuel moisture content on emissions from a wood burning domestic stove. Two fuel types were studied: beech which is a hardwood, and spruce which is a softwood. The moisture contents investigated were for a freshly felled wood, a seasoned wood and a kiln dried wood. The effect of the moisture measurement method was considered using a commercial electrical conductivity probe moisture meter which was compared with laboratory analysis by drying in an oven at 105 °C. It was shown that the probe can significantly underestimate the actual moisture content in certain cases. Correlations were made of the burning rate, the Emission Factors for the formation of gaseous and particulate pollutants as a function of the moisture content. We also studied the ratio of Black Carbon to Total Carbon (BC/TC) to obtain information on the organic content of the particles. The NOₓ emissions from this type of stove were only dependent on the fuel-nitrogen content and not on the moisture content

    Dyeing Insects for Behavioral Assays: the Mating Behavior of Anesthetized Drosophila

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    Mating experiments using Drosophila have contributed greatly to the understanding of sexual selection and behavior. Experiments often require simple, easy and cheap methods to distinguish between individuals in a trial. A standard technique for this is CO2 anaesthesia and then labelling or wing clipping each fly. However, this is invasive and has been shown to affect behavior. Other techniques have used coloration to identify flies. This article presents a simple and non-invasive method for labelling Drosophila that allows them to be individually identified within experiments, using food coloring. This method is used in trials where two males compete to mate with a female. Dyeing allowed quick and easy identification. There was, however, some difference in the strength of the coloration across the three species tested. Data is presented showing the dye has a lower impact on mating behavior than CO2 in Drosophila melanogaster. The impact of CO2 anaesthesia is shown to depend on the species of Drosophila, with D. pseudoobscura and D. subobscura showing no impact, whereas D. melanogaster males had reduced mating success. The dye method presented is applicable to a wide range of experimental designs

    Drosophila Sexual Attractiveness in Older Males Is Mediated by Their Microbiota

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    International audienceAge is well known to be a basis for female preference of males. However, the mechanisms underlying age-based choices are not well understood, with several competing theories and little consensus. The idea that the microbiota can affect host mate choice is gaining traction, and in this study we examine whether the male microbiota influences female preference for older individuals in the fruit fly Drosophila pseudoobscura. We find that an intact microbiota is a key component of attractiveness in older males. However, we found no evidence that this decrease in older male attractiveness was simply due to impaired microbiota generally reducing male quality. Instead, we suggest that the microbiota underlies an honest signal used by females to assess male age, and that impaired microbiota disrupt this signal. This suggests that age-based preferences may break down in environments where the microbiota is impaired, for example when individuals are exposed to naturally occurring antibiotics, extreme temperatures, or in animals reared in laboratories on antibiotic supplemented diet

    Bony metastases from breast cancer - a study of foetal antigen 2 as a blood tumour marker

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    Background : Foetal antigen 2 (FA-2), first isolated in the amniotic fluid, was shown to be the circulating form of the aminopropeptide of the alpha 1 chain of procollagen type I. Serum concentrations of FA-2 appeared to be elevated in a number of disorders of bone metabolism. This paper is the first report of its role as a marker of bone metabolism in metastatic breast cancer. Methods: Serum FA-2 concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay in 153 women with different stages of breast cancer and in 34 normal controls. Results: Serum FA-2 was significantly elevated in women with bony metastases (p < 0.015). Its levels were not significantly different among women with non-bony metastases, with non-metastatic disease, as well as among normal controls. Conclusions: FA-2 is a promising blood marker of bone metabolism. Further studies to delineate its role in the diagnosis and management of bony metastases from breast cancer are required

    Making a HIIT: Methods for quantifying intensity in high-intensity interval training in schools and validity of session rating of perceived exertion

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Routledge via the DOI in this recordUsing the data from Making a HIIT, this paper aimed to: 1) investigate the different heart rate (HR) quantification methods reported in school-based high-intensity interval training (HIIT) studies; and 2) assess the criterion validity of session rating of perceived exertion (RPE). During an 8-week HIIT intervention, 213 students (13.1 (0.6) years; 46% female) completed 10-minute HIIT workouts during physical education lessons. In total, 1057 HR and RPE measurements were collected across 68 HIIT workouts. For aim 1, the average and peak HR across all participants and workouts were 79% (8%) and 92% (6%) of HRmax, respectively. The average RPE was 6 (2) points on a 10-point scale. An average of 51% of students in a class had an average HR ≥ 80% for each workout. The between-person variation for peak and average HR were 19% and 30% , respectively. Both average and peak HR decreased by 0.5% each week (p < 0.001). To assess aim 2, a within-participant correlation was calculated for the internal training load produced using HR and RPE data. The correlation was 0.39 (p < 0.001), which suggests utility of using RPE when HR is not a viable option.QUEX InstituteSports Medicine Australi

    Association of genetic liability for psychiatric disorders with accelerometer-assessed physical activity in the UK Biobank.

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    Levels of activity are often affected in psychiatric disorders and can be core symptoms of illness. Advances in technology now allow the accurate assessment of activity levels but it remains unclear whether alterations in activity arise from shared risk factors for developing psychiatric disorders, such as genetics, or are better explained as consequences of the disorders and their associated factors. We aimed to examine objectively-measured physical activity in individuals with psychiatric disorders, and assess the role of genetic liability for psychiatric disorders on physical activity. Accelerometer data were available on 95,529 UK Biobank participants, including measures of overall mean activity and minutes per day of moderate activity, walking, sedentary activity, and sleep. Linear regressions measured associations between psychiatric diagnosis and activity levels, and polygenic risk scores (PRS) for psychiatric disorders and activity levels. Genetic correlations were calculated between psychiatric disorders and different types of activity. Having a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, or autism spectrum disorders (ASD) was associated with reduced overall activity compared to unaffected controls. In individuals without a psychiatric disorder, reduced overall activity levels were associated with PRS for schizophrenia, depression, and ASD. ADHD PRS was associated with increased overall activity. Genetic correlations were consistent with PRS findings. Variation in physical activity is an important feature across psychiatric disorders. Whilst levels of activity are associated with genetic liability to psychiatric disorders to a very limited extent, the substantial differences in activity levels in those with psychiatric disorders most likely arise as a consequences of disorder-related factors
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