502 research outputs found

    True polyandry and pseudopolyandry : Why does a monandrous fly remate?

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    The authors wish to thank Dr. A. Lizé for giving invaluable advice for working with D. subobscura, and Jordan Smith, Sian Davis, Gwen Cowley, Chris Shirley, Raegan McKay, Steve Parratt and Cheryl Bennett for assisting with the practical work. We thank Dr Stephen Goodwin and two anonymous referees for their comments on the paper. This work was funded by a NERC fellowship to TP (NE/H015604/1).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The impact of female mating strategies on the success of insect control technologies

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    Attempts to control insect pests and disease vectors have a long history. Recently, new technology has opened a whole new range of possible methods to suppress or transform natural populations. But it has also become clear that a better understanding of the ecology of targeted populations is needed. One key parameter is mating behaviour. Often modified males are released which need to successfully reproduce with females while competing with wild males. Insect control techniques can be affected by target species’ mating ecology, and conversely mating ecology is likely to evolve in response to manipulation attempts. A better understanding of (female) mating behaviour will help anticipate and overcome potential challenges, and thus make desirable outcomes more likely

    Controlling invasive rodents via synthetic gene drive and the role of polyandry

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    House mice are a major ecosystem pest, particularly threatening island ecosystems as a non-native invasive species. Rapid advances in synthetic biology offer new avenues to control pest species for biodiversity conservation. Recently, a synthetic sperm-killing gene drive construct called t-Sry has been proposed as a means to eradicate target mouse populations owing to a lack of females. A factor that has received little attention in the discussion surrounding such drive applications is polyandry. Previous research has demonstrated that sperm-killing drivers are extremely damaging to a male’s sperm competitive ability. Here, we examine the importance of this effect on the t-Sry system using a theoretical model. We find that polyandry substantially hampers the spread of t-Sry such that release efforts have to be increased three- to sixfold for successful eradication. We discuss the implications of our finding for potential pest control programmes, the risk of drive spread beyond the target population, and the emergence of drive resistance. Our work highlights that a solid understanding of the forces that determine drive dynamics in a natural setting is key for successful drive application, and that exploring the natural diversity of gene drives may inform effective gene drive design

    Development of bovine abomasal organoids as a novel in-vitro model to study host-parasite interactions in gastrointestinal nematode infections

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    Gastro-intestinal nematode (GIN) parasites are a major cause of production losses in grazing cattle, primarily through reduced growth rates in young animals. Control of these parasites relies heavily on anthelmintic drugs; however, with growing reports of resistance to currently available anthelmintics, alternative methods of control are required. A major hurdle in this work has been the lack of physiologically relevant in vitro infection models that has made studying precise interactions between the host and the GINs difficult. Such mechanistic insights into the infection process will be valuable for the development of novel targets for drugs, vaccines, or other interventions. Here we created bovine gastric epithelial organoids from abomasal gastric tissue and studied their application as in vitro models for understanding host invasion by GIN parasites. Transcriptomic analysis of gastric organoids across multiple passages and the corresponding abomasal tissue showed conserved expression of tissue-specific genes across samples, demonstrating that the organoids are representative of bovine gastric tissue from which they were derived. We also show that self-renewing and self-organising three-dimensional organoids can also be serially passaged, cryopreserved, and resuscitated. Using Ostertagia ostertagi, the most pathogenic gastric parasite in cattle in temperate regions, we show that cattle gastric organoids are biologically relevant models for studying GIN invasion in the bovine abomasum. Within 24 h of exposure, exsheathed larvae rapidly and repeatedly infiltrated the lumen of the organoids. Prior to invasion by the parasites, the abomasal organoids rapidly expanded, developing a ‘ballooning’ phenotype. Ballooning of the organoids could also be induced in response to exposure to parasite excretory/secretory products. In summary, we demonstrate the power of using abomasal organoids as a physiologically relevant in vitro model system to study interactions of O. ostertagi and other GIN with bovine gastrointestinal epithelium

    Multi-objective engineering shape optimization using differential evolution interfaced to the Nimrod/O tool

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    This paper presents an enhancement of the Nimrod/O optimization tool by interfacing DEMO, an external multiobjective optimization algorithm. DEMO is a variant of differential evolution – an algorithm that has attained much popularity in the research community, and this work represents the first time that true multiobjective optimizations have been performed with Nimrod/O. A modification to the DEMO code enables multiple objectives to be evaluated concurrently. With Nimrod/O’s support for parallelism, this can reduce the wall-clock time significantly for compute intensive objective function evaluations. We describe the usage and implementation of the interface and present two optimizations. The first is a two objective mathematical function in which the Pareto front is successfully found after only 30 generations. The second test case is the three-objective shape optimization of a rib-reinforced wall bracket using the Finite Element software, Code_Aster. The interfacing of the already successful packages of Nimrod/O and DEMO yields a solution that we believe can benefit a wide community, both industrial and academic

    The MOSDEF survey: a stellar mass-SFR-metallicity relation exists at z∌2.3z\sim2.3

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    We investigate the nature of the relation among stellar mass, star-formation rate, and gas-phase metallicity (the M∗_*-SFR-Z relation) at high redshifts using a sample of 260 star-forming galaxies at z∌2.3z\sim2.3 from the MOSDEF survey. We present an analysis of the high-redshift M∗_*-SFR-Z relation based on several emission-line ratios for the first time. We show that a M∗_*-SFR-Z relation clearly exists at z∌2.3z\sim2.3. The strength of this relation is similar to predictions from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. By performing a direct comparison of stacks of z∌0z\sim0 and z∌2.3z\sim2.3 galaxies, we find that z∌2.3z\sim2.3 galaxies have ∌0.1\sim0.1 dex lower metallicity at fixed M∗_* and SFR. In the context of chemical evolution models, this evolution of the M∗_*-SFR-Z relation suggests an increase with redshift of the mass-loading factor at fixed M∗_*, as well as a decrease in the metallicity of infalling gas that is likely due to a lower importance of gas recycling relative to accretion from the intergalactic medium at high redshifts. Performing this analysis simultaneously with multiple metallicity-sensitive line ratios allows us to rule out the evolution in physical conditions (e.g., N/O ratio, ionization parameter, and hardness of the ionizing spectrum) at fixed metallicity as the source of the observed trends with redshift and with SFR at fixed M∗_* at z∌2.3z\sim2.3. While this study highlights the promise of performing high-order tests of chemical evolution models at high redshifts, detailed quantitative comparisons ultimately await a full understanding of the evolution of metallicity calibrations with redshift.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, accepted to Ap

    The MOSDEF Survey: Kinematic and Structural Evolution of Star-Forming Galaxies at 1.4≀z≀3.81.4\leq z\leq 3.8

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    We present ionized gas kinematics for 681 galaxies at z∌1.4−3.8z\sim 1.4-3.8 from the MOSFIRE Deep Evolution Field survey, measured using models which account for random galaxy-slit misalignments together with structural parameters derived from CANDELS Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging. Kinematics and sizes are used to derive dynamical masses. Baryonic masses are estimated from stellar masses and inferred gas masses from dust-corrected star formation rates (SFRs) and the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation. We measure resolved rotation for 105 galaxies. For the remaining 576 galaxies we use models based on HST imaging structural parameters together with integrated velocity dispersions and baryonic masses to statistically constrain the median ratio of intrinsic ordered to disordered motion, V/σV,0V/\sigma_{V,0}. We find that V/σV,0V/\sigma_{V,0} increases with increasing stellar mass and decreasing specific SFR (sSFR). These trends may reflect marginal disk stability, where systems with higher gas fractions have thicker disks. For galaxies with detected rotation we assess trends between their kinematics and mass, sSFR, and baryon surface density (ÎŁbar,e\Sigma_{\mathrm{bar},e}). Intrinsic dispersion correlates most with ÎŁbar,e\Sigma_{\mathrm{bar},e} and velocity correlates most with mass. By comparing dynamical and baryonic masses, we find that galaxies at z∌1.4−3.8z\sim 1.4-3.8 are baryon dominated within their effective radii (RER_E), with Mdyn/Mbaryon increasing over time. The inferred baryon fractions within RER_E, fbarf_{\mathrm{bar}}, decrease over time, even at fixed mass, size, or surface density. At fixed redshift, fbarf_{\mathrm{bar}} does not appear to vary with stellar mass but increases with decreasing RER_E and increasing ÎŁbar,e\Sigma_{\mathrm{bar},e}. For galaxies at z≄2z\geq2, the median inferred baryon fractions generally exceed 100%. We discuss possible explanations and future avenues to resolve this tension.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. Added Figure 9, corrected sample size (main results unchanged). 28 pages, 13 figure

    Search for the Proton Decay Mode proton to neutrino K+ in Soudan 2

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    We have searched for the proton decay mode proton to neutrino K+ using the one-kiloton Soudan 2 high resolution calorimeter. Contained events obtained from a 3.56 kiloton-year fiducial exposure through June 1997 are examined for occurrence of a visible K+ track which decays at rest into mu+ nu or pi+ pi0. We found one candidate event consistent with background, yielding a limit, tau/B > 4.3 10^{31} years at 90% CL with no background subtraction.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, 3 tables and 3 figures, Accepted by Physics Letters

    The Development of Ovine Gastric and Intestinal Organoids for Studying Ruminant Host-Pathogen Interactions

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    Gastrointestinal (GI) infections in sheep have significant implications for animal health, welfare and productivity, as well as being a source of zoonotic pathogens. Interactions between pathogens and epithelial cells at the mucosal surface play a key role in determining the outcome of GI infections; however, the inaccessibility of the GI tract in vivo significantly limits the ability to study such interactions in detail. We therefore developed ovine epithelial organoids representing physiologically important gastric and intestinal sites of infection, specifically the abomasum (analogous to the stomach in monogastrics) and ileum. We show that both abomasal and ileal organoids form self-organising three-dimensional structures with a single epithelial layer and a central lumen that are stable in culture over serial passage. We performed RNA-seq analysis on abomasal and ileal tissue from multiple animals and on organoids across multiple passages and show the transcript profile of both abomasal and ileal organoids cultured under identical conditions are reflective of the tissue from which they were derived and that the transcript profile in organoids is stable over at least five serial passages. In addition, we demonstrate that the organoids can be successfully cryopreserved and resuscitated, allowing long-term storage of organoid lines, thereby reducing the number of animals required as a source of tissue. We also report the first published observations of a helminth infecting gastric and intestinal organoids by challenge with the sheep parasitic nematode Teladorsagia circumcincta, demonstrating the utility of these organoids for pathogen co-culture experiments. Finally, the polarity in the abomasal and ileal organoids can be inverted to make the apical surface directly accessible to pathogens or their products, here shown by infection of apical-out organoids with the zoonotic enteric bacterial pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. In summary, we report a simple and reliable in vitro culture system for generation and maintenance of small ruminant intestinal and gastric organoids. In line with 3Rs principals, use of such organoids will reduce and replace animals in host-pathogen research

    The MOSDEF Survey: The First Direct Measurements of the Nebular Dust Attenuation Curve at High Redshift

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    We use a sample of 532 star-forming galaxies at redshifts z ≃ 1.4–2.6 with deep rest-frame optical spectra from the MOSFIRE Deep Evolution Field (MOSDEF) survey to place the first constraints on the nebular attenuation curve at high redshift. Based on the first five low-order Balmer emission lines detected in the composite spectra of these galaxies (Hα through HΔ), we derive a nebular attenuation curve that is similar in shape to that of the Galactic extinction curve, suggesting that the dust covering fraction and absorption/scattering properties along the lines of sight to massive stars at high redshift are similar to those of the average Milky Way sight line. The curve derived here implies nebular reddening values that are, on average, systematically larger than those derived for the stellar continuum. In the context of stellar population synthesis models that include the effects of stellar multiplicity, the difference in reddening of the nebular lines and stellar continuum may imply molecular cloud crossing timescales that are a factor of ≳ 3x longer than those inferred for local molecular clouds, star formation rates that are constant or increasing with time such that newly formed and dustier OB associations always dominate the ionizing flux, and/or that the dust responsible for reddening the nebular emission may be associated with nonmolecular (i.e., ionized and neutral) phases of the interstellar medium. Our analysis points to a variety of investigations of the nebular attenuation curve that will be enabled with the next generation of ground- and space-based facilities
