144 research outputs found

    Janin sebagai Inspirasi dalam Karya Seni Kriya Ukir Kayu

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    Terciptanya karya seni kriya ukir kayu berasal dari ide penulis yang melihat secara visual tentang perkembangan alat teknologi, yang ada dalam dunia kedokteran yaitu alat USG (Ultrasonografi). Alat tersebut bisa secara visual melihat bagaimana keadaan bayi dalam kandungan. Hal tersebut menarik penulis untuk dijadikan sebagai objek dalam pembuatan karya ini karena, menurut penulis janin memiliki keunikan tersendiri jika diwujudkan dalam bentuk karya seni kriya ukir kayu. Proses pertumbuhan janin dari minggu ke minggu mengalami perkembangan. Perubahan-Perubahan yang terjadi diharapkan dalam keadaan normal.Tujuan dari penciptaan karya seni kriya ukir kayu ini adalah menjelaskan ide kreatif yang dituangkan dalam bentuk visual, menjelaskan pentingnya janin dalam kandungan seorang ibu secara visual melalui karya seni kriya ukir kayu, yang kemudian ditindaklanjuti oleh kegiatan berkesenian yaitu pembentukan secara visual yang berwujud karya seni ukir kayu. Dalam pembuatan karya ini menerapkan metode penciptaan karya meliputi tahap penggalian ide (eksplorasi), pengumpulan data, merumuskan konsep, membuat desain, menerapkan desain, pembentukan global, pendetailan, dan finishing. Bahan baku yang digunakan dalam pembuatan karya ini adalah kayu Mahoni. Kayu ini harganya terjangkau, memiliki serat bagus, dan mudah didapat. Dalam penciptaan ini menghasilkan karya kriya ukir kayu yang berjudul ”gelisah” yang menceritakan janin dalam kandungan tidak bisa lepas dari pantauan seorang ibu dengan cara merasakan Perubahan disetiap fase-fase dan perkembangan pada janin tersebut. Sedangkan karya kedua berjudul “iri” menceritakan sifat, karakter, dan tingkah laku pada bayi yang berbeda walaupun mereka kembar, sehingga rasa iri terkadang muncul pada keduanya. Kata Kunci : kriya kayu, ukir, jani

    A Fatwa Issued by the Council of Indonesian Ulama (Mui) Against the U.s. Invasion to Iraq

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    The Council of Indonesian Ulama (the MUI) issued a fatwa number 2 year of 2003 entitled Penyerangan Amerika Serikat dan Sekutunya terhadap Irak (the U.S and its allies aggression to Iraq). The fatwa was issued following the U.S. invasion to Iraq and because of several reasons, mainly after numerous demonstrations in several areas of Indonesia.The fatwa is mainly about the MUI's attitude concerning the invasion of the U.S. to Iraq. This paper will describe three main themes; firstly, the study will define the, existence of the fatwa, including the backgrounds of the issuance of the fatwa. Secondly, it will attempt to examine the responses of Indonesian scholars and ulama' toward the invasion. Thirdly, it will compare other fatwas from other countries, including, similar and different fatwas

    Another Side of Islam in Banten: the Socio-political Roles of Jawara During the New Order Era 1966-1998

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    This paper deals with the socio-political roles of jawara in Banten as both traditional and modern leaders during the New Order period 1966-1998. This paper shows that Banten is not only an area of piety, but also an area of tradition and violence in different forms. In the colonial period, jawara mounted resistance—along with ulama—aimed at overthrowing not only existing political regimes but also the socio-cultural order as it then existed. During the New Order, this development was altered with the cooptation of both ulama and jawara by Golkar. By envolving to the state and adjusting to the new atmosphere of the political situation, jawara and ulama created new positions where they gradually expanded their power, status and wealth. Throughout the Suharto's power, they demonstrated the patron-client relationships with the government

    Islam and politics in Madura : ulama and other local leaders in search of influence (1990-2010)

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    This study is about the history of the relationships between Islam and politics in Madura, Indonesia from 1990 until 2010. It covers two periods; the first is the last years of the New Order (1990-1998) and the second is the first years of a period that is known as the post-New Order. The discussion here is directed towards exploring local politics in Madura in the two different periods in which Islamic complexities and local cultural elements coexist, flourish, interlace, and strive in complex, pragmatic, and mutually beneficial relationships. This study explains that the relationships are understood as an aspect of centralisation during the New Order and decentralisation during the post-New Order. The argument of this study is that changes, continuities, repetitions, and developments in the relationships between Islam and politics in Madurese society in the two different periods should be understood as the accum ulated outcome of a long historical process of interactions between different segments of society. The transformation from one administration to another on Madura, however, should not be understood as an automatic shift from an authoritarian rule to a democratic one. The processes have been marked by many undemocratic changes, continuities, repetitions, and developments in Madurese societyTraining Indonesia's Young LeadersUBL - phd migration 201

    Pemanfaatan Kulit Buah Kakao sebagai Pakan Tambahan pada Ternak Kambing Peranakan Etawa

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    Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efek penambahan kulit buah kakao pada rumput lapang terhadap bobot badan kambing Peranakan Etawa (PE). Perlakuan pada penelitian disusun untuk dua ekor kambing PE dengan bobot hidup awal 15 dan 18 kg digunakan selama 11 minggu. Perlakuan adalah A = 1,5 kg rumput asli dan B = 1,5 kg rumput asli dan 1,8 kg kakao. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan buah kakao dengan rumput asli mempengaruhi berat badan hidup dan efisiensi pakan kambing. Bobot badan kambing untuk perawatan A adalah 3,2 kg dan B 4,6 kg. Itu menunjukkan bahwa kulit buah kakao dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan rumput asli dalam pakan kambing

    Klasifikasi Penempatan Calon Peserta Kursus dengan Algoritma Naive Bayes

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    The Internet is the easiest means to do online promotion, online buying and testing online. Smartzone Media Studio is a place for courses in architecture. Prospective participants in Smartzone Media Studio must go through the screening step to find out the level of computer knowledge and skills and architectural design. During this time the process is still done manually, that is the prospective participants do the test on the paper, then the results of the answers checked by the examiner, after which the testers calculate the average value to determine at which level the prospective participants will be placed. In order to make the selection process easier and faster, Smartzone Media Studio needs a more effective way, then made a website-based selection system with NaĂ¯ve Bayes algorithm. With this system the assessment and placement of prospective participants is done through the website, so the exam can be done anywhere without having to come to the course. With this system the results of grouping course participants can be more quickly and accurately

    Pembuatan Perangkat Lunak Editor Denah Ruang 2d Untuk Divisualisasikan Secara 3d

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    Usually we use paper to draw sketch of room for designing building. Using paper can cause a problem especially for changing the sketch or size of the room. To solve that problem, we can use software to design sketch of the room. Nowadays there are many software can be used but many of those can only view in two dimension, top side. Using only two dimensions viewing, user have difficulties to imagine the real room in three dimensions. Also there are software which can view in three dimensions, but unfortunately the price of those software is so high. In this paper, we implement software to help user to design the sketch of the room in two dimensions, but the result can be viewed in three dimensions. In three dimensions view, user can do movement like view the real world. This software also can be used to create building have multi level, and the accessories that can be used are floor, wall, door, window and stair. To implement this software we use OpenGL library
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