29 research outputs found


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    Na delovnem mestu ljudje preĆŸivimo veliko svojega časa. Ker v polni delovni dobi na delovnem mestu preĆŸivimo zelo velik del svojega ĆŸivljenja, je zelo pomembno, da je delovno mesto urejeno in da se vsak zaposleni na njem dobro počuti. Delovno mesto je vsako mesto, kjer poteka delo. En zaposleni ima lahko več delovnih mest in prav vsa morajo biti urejena. Z urejenim delovnim mestom zmanjĆĄamo moĆŸnosti za bolezni in napake, poveča se učinkovitost posameznika, ki deluje na dobro urejenem delovnem mestu. K ugodju na delovnem mestu spada tudi toplotno ugodje, ki mora biti urejeno in prilagojeno delu, ki se izvaja na delovnem mestu. V Univerzitetnem rehabilitacijskem inĆĄtitutu Soča v Ljubljani se pojavlja problem toplotnega neugodja v sprejemni pisarni, ki je povezovalna pisarna med pacienti in zdravniki. V diplomskem delu se tako obravnava reĆĄevanje toplotnega neugodja v tej pisarni. Namen diplomskega dela je bil analizirati in oceniti parametre toplotnega ugodja v sprejemni pisarni. Opravili smo meritve v sprejemni in pomoĆŸni pisarni, ki neposredno vpliva na ugodje v sprejemni pisarni, ter predstavili in analizirali nihanja vseh parametrov, ki so pomembna za toplotno ugodje. Meritve smo izvajali devet delovnih dni, na podlagi česar smo ugotovili, kje prihaja do toplotnega neugodja. V diplomskem delu so predstavljene različne tehnologije vlaĆŸenja, podrobneje parni vlaĆŸilnik, vgrajen v klimatsko napravo.People spend a lot of time at their workplace. A lot of time is spent at the workplace, so it is very important that the workplace is regulated and that each employee feels comfortable. A workplace is any place where the work is performed. One employee may have more job posts and all have to be regulated. Regulated workplace reduces the possibility of disease and defects, and the efficiency of an individual working in a regulated workplace is increased. Moreover, thermal comfort must be arranged and adapted to the work carried out in the workplace. In the reception office of the University Rehabilitation Institute Soča in Ljubljana, the problem of thermal discomfort is detected. In the diploma thesis, the thermal discomfort of that office is dealt with. The purpose of the diploma thesis is to analyse and assess the parameters of thermal comfort in the reception office. The measurements were made in the reception and auxiliary office, which directly affects the comfort in the reception officethe variations in all parameters that are important for thermal comfort are introduced and analysed. The measurements were carried out for nine working daysbased on the measurements, the source of thermal discomfort was identified. The diploma paper presents a variety of humidification technology, namely steam humidifier installed in the air conditioning

    Impact of tau and its pathological forms on microtubule network organization

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    Les microtubules sont des Ă©lĂ©ments clĂ©s du cytosquelette impliquĂ© dans de nombreux processus cellulaires. Ce sont des structures dynamiques qui alternent continuellement entre polymĂ©risation et dĂ©polymĂ©risation, un comportement appelĂ© instabilitĂ© dynamique. Les microtubules sont particuliĂšrement abondants dans les neurones et sont organisĂ©s sous formes de faisceaux dans les axones et les dendrites. Cette organisation particuliĂšre leur permet de maintenir la forme de ses cellules hautement spĂ©cialisĂ©es et d’assurer le transport intracellulaire d’élĂ©ments essentiels dans l’ensemble des compartiments neuronaux. De nombreux facteurs participe Ă  la rĂ©gulation de l’arrangement des microtubules dans les neurones. Parmi ces facteurs, la protĂ©ine tau fait partie de la famille des protĂ©ines associĂ©es aux microtubules (ou MAPs) et est majoritairement neuronale. Tau est un agent pontant majeur des microtubules et est Ă©galement connue pour stabiliser les microtubules en stimulant leur polymĂ©risation et en inhibant leur dĂ©polymĂ©risation. MalgrĂ© de nombreuses Ă©tudes sur l’interaction de tau avec les microtubules, les mĂ©canismes par lesquels cette MAP contrĂŽle leur organisation spatiale restent Ă©lusifs. Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question, nous avons reconstituĂ© in vitro des rĂ©seaux de microtubules en prĂ©sence de divers isoformes, fragments et mutants de tau. La capacitĂ© de tau Ă  induire des faisceaux stables de microtubules dĂ©pend de deux hexa-peptides localisĂ©s dans son domaine de liaison aux microtubules, et est rĂ©gulĂ©e par son domaine de projection N-terminal. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que la phosphorylation spĂ©cifique de certains sites de tau inhibe soit la formation de faisceaux soit la stabilisation des microtubules, produisant des populations composĂ©es de microtubules individuels stable ou de faisceaux dynamiques. De plus, des mutations de tau impliquĂ©es dans des dĂ©mences apparentĂ©es Ă  la maladie d’Alzheimer augmentent drastiquement la capacitĂ© de tau Ă  former des faisceaux composĂ©s de microtubules trĂšs dynamiques. Pour finir, des expĂ©riences de cryo-microscopie Ă©lectroniques indiquent que tau gĂ©nĂšrent des dĂ©fauts dans la paroi des microtubules. Ces dĂ©fauts sont connus pour assouplir les microtubules et pourraient donc constituer un mĂ©canisme structural primaire permettant leur dĂ©formation au cours de la formation de faisceaux. En conclusion, nos rĂ©sultats mettent en Ă©vidence un nouveau mĂ©canisme phospho-dĂ©pendant par lequel tau rĂ©gule l’organisation de rĂ©seaux de microtubules. De plus, ce travail rĂ©vĂšle comment des modifications anormales de tau, telles que des phosphorylations anormales ou des mutations, peuvent altĂ©rer l’organisation du cytosquelette dans les maladies neurodĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ratives.Microtubules are key components of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton and are involved in major cellular events. They undergo constant remodeling through alternative cycles of growth and shrinkage of their extremities, a behavior known as dynamic instability. Microtubules are particularly abundant in neurons; they are organized into bundles within axons and dendrites to maintain the polarized shape of these highly specialized cells and to allow cargo transport. Numerous factors regulate the plasticity of the microtubule network in neurons. Among them, tau is a neuro-specific microtubule-associated protein (MAP). Tau is a major microtubule bundler also known to stabilize microtubules by promoting their growth and inhibiting their shrinkage. Although the interaction of tau with microtubules has been widely studied, the mechanisms by which this protein controls the spatial organization of microtubules remain elusive. To address this question, we reconstitute in vitro microtubule self-organization in presence of various tau isoforms, fragments and mutants. We find that the ability of tau to induce stable microtubule bundles depends on two conserved hexapeptides in tau’s microtubule-binding domain and is modulated by tau’s projection domain. Furthermore, our data demonstrate that site-specific phosphorylation of tau inhibits either microtubule bundling or stabilization generating alternative networks composed of stable single or dynamic bundled microtubules. We also show that some disease-related mutations closed to the hexapeptides strikingly enhance the capacity of tau to form bundles of highly dynamic microtubules. Finally, cryo-EM experiments indicate that tau proteins induce microtubule lattice defects known to soften microtubules, a primary structural change allowing microtubule-bending deformation during bundling. Overall, our results highlight novel phospho-dependent mechanisms by which tau regulates microtubule network organization. This work also reveals how abnormal modifications of tau, such as abnormal phosphorylation or mutations found in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia, might alter cytoskeleton organization during neurodegeneration

    ChemInform Abstract: Structure of Trithiatriazines

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    Impact de tau et ses formes pathologiques sur l'organisation des réseaux microtubulaires

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    Microtubules are key components of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton and are involved in major cellular events. They undergo constant remodeling through alternative cycles of growth and shrinkage of their extremities, a behavior known as dynamic instability. Microtubules are particularly abundant in neurons; they are organized into bundles within axons and dendrites to maintain the polarized shape of these highly specialized cells and to allow cargo transport. Numerous factors regulate the plasticity of the microtubule network in neurons. Among them, tau is a neuro-specific microtubule-associated protein (MAP). Tau is a major microtubule bundler also known to stabilize microtubules by promoting their growth and inhibiting their shrinkage. Although the interaction of tau with microtubules has been widely studied, the mechanisms by which this protein controls the spatial organization of microtubules remain elusive. To address this question, we reconstitute in vitro microtubule self-organization in presence of various tau isoforms, fragments and mutants. We find that the ability of tau to induce stable microtubule bundles depends on two conserved hexapeptides in tau’s microtubule-binding domain and is modulated by tau’s projection domain. Furthermore, our data demonstrate that site-specific phosphorylation of tau inhibits either microtubule bundling or stabilization generating alternative networks composed of stable single or dynamic bundled microtubules. We also show that some disease-related mutations closed to the hexapeptides strikingly enhance the capacity of tau to form bundles of highly dynamic microtubules. Finally, cryo-EM experiments indicate that tau proteins induce microtubule lattice defects known to soften microtubules, a primary structural change allowing microtubule-bending deformation during bundling. Overall, our results highlight novel phospho-dependent mechanisms by which tau regulates microtubule network organization. This work also reveals how abnormal modifications of tau, such as abnormal phosphorylation or mutations found in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia, might alter cytoskeleton organization during neurodegeneration.Les microtubules sont des Ă©lĂ©ments clĂ©s du cytosquelette impliquĂ© dans de nombreux processus cellulaires. Ce sont des structures dynamiques qui alternent continuellement entre polymĂ©risation et dĂ©polymĂ©risation, un comportement appelĂ© instabilitĂ© dynamique. Les microtubules sont particuliĂšrement abondants dans les neurones et sont organisĂ©s sous formes de faisceaux dans les axones et les dendrites. Cette organisation particuliĂšre leur permet de maintenir la forme de ses cellules hautement spĂ©cialisĂ©es et d’assurer le transport intracellulaire d’élĂ©ments essentiels dans l’ensemble des compartiments neuronaux. De nombreux facteurs participe Ă  la rĂ©gulation de l’arrangement des microtubules dans les neurones. Parmi ces facteurs, la protĂ©ine tau fait partie de la famille des protĂ©ines associĂ©es aux microtubules (ou MAPs) et est majoritairement neuronale. Tau est un agent pontant majeur des microtubules et est Ă©galement connue pour stabiliser les microtubules en stimulant leur polymĂ©risation et en inhibant leur dĂ©polymĂ©risation. MalgrĂ© de nombreuses Ă©tudes sur l’interaction de tau avec les microtubules, les mĂ©canismes par lesquels cette MAP contrĂŽle leur organisation spatiale restent Ă©lusifs. Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question, nous avons reconstituĂ© in vitro des rĂ©seaux de microtubules en prĂ©sence de divers isoformes, fragments et mutants de tau. La capacitĂ© de tau Ă  induire des faisceaux stables de microtubules dĂ©pend de deux hexa-peptides localisĂ©s dans son domaine de liaison aux microtubules, et est rĂ©gulĂ©e par son domaine de projection N-terminal. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que la phosphorylation spĂ©cifique de certains sites de tau inhibe soit la formation de faisceaux soit la stabilisation des microtubules, produisant des populations composĂ©es de microtubules individuels stable ou de faisceaux dynamiques. De plus, des mutations de tau impliquĂ©es dans des dĂ©mences apparentĂ©es Ă  la maladie d’Alzheimer augmentent drastiquement la capacitĂ© de tau Ă  former des faisceaux composĂ©s de microtubules trĂšs dynamiques. Pour finir, des expĂ©riences de cryo-microscopie Ă©lectroniques indiquent que tau gĂ©nĂšrent des dĂ©fauts dans la paroi des microtubules. Ces dĂ©fauts sont connus pour assouplir les microtubules et pourraient donc constituer un mĂ©canisme structural primaire permettant leur dĂ©formation au cours de la formation de faisceaux. En conclusion, nos rĂ©sultats mettent en Ă©vidence un nouveau mĂ©canisme phospho-dĂ©pendant par lequel tau rĂ©gule l’organisation de rĂ©seaux de microtubules. De plus, ce travail rĂ©vĂšle comment des modifications anormales de tau, telles que des phosphorylations anormales ou des mutations, peuvent altĂ©rer l’organisation du cytosquelette dans les maladies neurodĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ratives

    Dictionnaire du citoyen : ou abrégé historique : théorique et pratique du commerce ... : tome premier.

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    SegĂșn "Bibliographie Française" o autor Ă© HonorĂ© Lacombe de PrezelSign.: a\p8\s, b\p4\s, A-2D\p8\s, 2E\p5\sTexto a dos colAntepSign.: a, b, A-Z, 2A-2D, 2ETexto a dĂșas colContiene: A-G