246 research outputs found

    Grupa autora, Research and Development in Education

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    Imperium, Nation und Mobilität : Eine Einleitung

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    Marketing of Professional and Financial Services in Croatia

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    Based on sample survey of professional and financial service companies in Croatia, in this article, the authors try to analyse their marketing orientation in business practices. With the help of the data they assess the extent of companies’ understanding of usefulness of marketing — concepts, methods and techniques — in their daily operations

    Novi nalazi tulara (Insecta, Trichoptera) za Hrvatsku: vrste Oecetis furva (Rambur, 1842) and Orthotrichia tragetti (Mosely, 1930)

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    Two species, Oecetis furva and Orthotrichia tragetti, are recorded for the first time in Croatia. Moreover, O. tragetti is recorded for the first time in the limno-ecoregion Hungarian Lowlands (ER11). Adult caddisflies were collected from 2010 to 2012 in Kopački rit Nature Park. Sampling was conducted using light traps (15 W UV lamp) that were operated monthly, with the exception of May when two light trap samples were taken. Both species were collected at various habitats, from both perennial and ephemeral bodies of water (river course, lake, channels). O. furva was collected on the lower reach of the Drava River, in the eutrophic Lake Sakadaš and in two different channels; Vemeljski dunavac (intermittent channel) and Čarna (perennial reclamation channel). O. tragetti was collected in the eutrophic Lake Sakadaš and the Čarna channel. These data represent a significant contribution to the general knowledge of caddisflies in Croatia, and particularly of insufficiently investigated wetlands and lakes in the continental region.Vrste Oecetis furva i Orthotrichia tragetti po prvi puta su zabilježene za faunu Hrvatske. Osim toga, vrsta O. tragetti prvi puta je zabilježena u Panonskoj ekoregiji (ER11 Mađarska nizina). Odrasle jedinke tulara prikupljane su u periodu od 2010. – 2012. godine na području Parka prirode Kopački rit. Uzorkovali smo jednom mjesečno, uz izuzetak svibnja kada smo uzorkovanja obavili dva puta. Kao atraktant koristili smo UV lampu jačine 15 W. Obje su vrste zabilježene na različitim tipovima stalnih i povremenih staništa (riječni tok, jezero, različiti kanali). Vrsta O. furva zabilježena je na donjem toku rijeke Drave, zatim na eutrofnom jezeru Sakadaš, te na dva različita tipa kanala; Vemeljski dunavac (povremeni kanal) i Čarna (stalni melioracijski kanal). Vrsta O. tragetti zabilježena je na eutrofnom jezeru Sakadaš i kanalu Čarna. Ovi podatci predstavljaju značajan doprinos poznavanju faune tulara Hrvatske općenito, a posebice nedovoljno istraženih močvarnih i jezerskih staništa kontinentalnog dijela Hrvatske

    Novi podaci o vodenim muhama plesačicama (Empididae: Clinocerinae i Hemerodromiinae) iz Bosne i Hercegovine

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    Adult aquatic dance flies (Empididae) were collected during April 2006, October 2007 and July 2012 in Bosnia and Herzegovina using sweep nets and by aspirator. Sampling was done on six sampling sites. From 15 species recorded in this study, 5 are new to the fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Roederiodes macedonicus Wagner & Horvat, Wiedemannia (Philolutra) queyrasiana Vaillant, Wiedemannia sp. A, Chelifera flavella (Zetterstedt) and Chelifera siveci Wagner. Overall 40 species are presently known from Bosnia and Herzegovina, belonging to 9 genera. This study represents a contribution to the knowledge of aquatic dance flies and especially of endemic species of the Dinarides and Balkan Peninsula and their present distribution.Vodene muhe plesačice su sakupljane entomološkom mrežicom i aspiratorom tijekom travnja 2006., listopada 2007. i srpnja 2012. godine. Uzorkovanje je provedeno na šest lokacija. Od 15 sakupljenih vrsta u ovom istraživanju, 5 vrsta su novi nalazi za faunu Bosne i Hercegovine: Roederiodes macedonicus Wagner & Horvat, Wiedemannia (Philolutra) queyrasiana Vaillant, Wiedemannia sp. nov., Chelifera flavella (Zetterstedt) i Chelifera siveci Wagner. Do sada je zabilježeno 40 vrste iz 9 rodova. Ovo istraživanje pridonijet će boljem poznavanju faune vodenih muha plesačica, a osobito endema Dinarida i Balkanskog poluotoka te njihove rasprostranjenosti

    Cominform in the District of Križevci in period 1948-1958.

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    Na temelju dosad neobjavljene arhivske građe Službe državne sigurnosti (UDB-e), rad tematizira pojavu i djelatnost pristalica Rezolucije Infrombiroa na području kotara Križevci u razdoblju od 1948. do 1953. godine. Uz to, u radu je izvršena i analiza dokumenata iz 1955. te 1958. godine koji sadrže podatke o praćenju Informbiroovaca nakon povrataka s izdržavanja kazne na područje kotara Križevci, kao i podatke o kriterijima prema kojima je Služba državne sigurnosti kategorizirala stupanj revidiranja njihovih političkih stavova te ocjenjivala njihovu potencijalnu opasnost po društveni poredak. Statistički podaci donose kategoriju nacionalnosti, socijalnu pripadnost, vrstu kazni i slično, a sve zbog boljeg uvida u cjelokupni problem kominformizma na području kotara Križevci.Based upon still unpublished archivalia from the Yugoslav State Security Service (UDB), the paper deals with the activities of Cominform Resolution followers in the area of Križevci District between 1948/1953. A detailed analysis is given of documents from 1955 and 1958 containing data on IB members from Križevci District who were under surveillance after returning from prison as well as of the criteria according to which the State Security Service grouped and revised their political views and graded their potential danger to the system. Statistical data cover nationality, social status, kind of penalty and the like

    Some Elements of New Scientific Cadre

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    Taking as a starting point the fact that the social development is being based on science, the author has taken an interest in the analysis of some aspects of scientist reproduction, as the basic factor of science. The analysis has been carried out in SR Croatia as an example, for SR Croatia is considered to be the republic that has just found itself in a situation of an utter dependence upon the policy of the development of scientific work and scientific cadre. About six thousand persons in Croatia have taken a pre-doctor’s and doctor’s degrees, after the World War II. Annual growth is rather different. There are great differences in the number of new doctors of science among different disciplines. The greatest growth is present in chemistry, medical science, economics (about half of the acquired doctorates from 1950—74 refer to those three disciplines). But a great number of persons from other republics acquire pre-doctor’s degrees in SR Croatia. In 1974, every third new magistrate and every fourth new doctor of science had a permanent sojourn out of Croatia. From the total number of doctorates, acquired in 1974, in medical science, 20% refers to persons out of Croatia. Only every second new doctor of science has acquired the pre-doctor’s degree. Just two of the ten new doctors in medical science have got a pre-doctor’s degree, and in natural sciences and mathematical field even nine of the ten. About 6 years is necessary for a person to take a pre-doctor’s degree after the graduation, and about 11 years is necessary to take doctor’s degree. The age of new doctors of science, considered as a whole, is increasing. Stronger social influence, in the last seven years, causes the retaining of the average age at the time of a doctorate at the same level (at 40-years of age). Physical volume of dissertation, measured by a number of pages, much differs according to the scientific field. The least is in veterinary and the greatest in socio- economic field. Average physical volume of dissertation in all the fields (except the veterinary one), in the period 1950—75, is constantly increasing

    Erziehungswissenschaft: zur lebenslangen Bildung und Wissensgesellschaft

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    Rad polazi od svoje temeljne, i prigodne, zadaće da kao uvodni referat dotakne aktualne probleme pedagogijske znanosti u nas i svijetu, te njezinu refleksiju na odgojno obrazovnu praksu. Pritom se nužno polazi od novijeg povijesnog konteksta, zatim sadašnjeg stanja i pogleda u sutrašnjicu obzirom na glavni naslov: kako cjeloživotnim obrazovanjem zakoračiti u društvo znanja koje nam je već na pragu. Stoga se u radu kreće od postmodernih i multikulturalnih društvenih promjena; globalizacije i sveopće tehnološke internetizacije do otvorene i pluralne društvene scene, kao konteksta bez kojega se ne može promišljati suvremena pedagogijska znanost. Tek na temelju toga moguće je propitati što i kako pedagoški činiti u svjetlu tih promjena i radu s nekom novom, on-line generacijom. U tim novim obzorjima pedagogija mora ponuditi kreativne odgovore na obrazovnu svakodnevnicu od institucionalnih, preko obiteljskih, medijskih do različitih neformalnih odgojnih, socijalizacijskih i obrazovnih utjecaja. Može li, i na koji način, današnja pedagogija, učitelji i pedagozi odgovoriti na ove izazove.The basic aim of the paper, so appropriately chosen, is to reflect upon current problems of pedagogy as a science in Croatia and abroad and its implications for educational practice, thus serving as an introduction to the topic. The starting point is, naturally, a recent historical context and the current state of affairs. The paper then proceeds to view the future in the light of the main title and tries to show how lifelong learning helps us enter a knowledge society, already on our doorstep. The paper opens with an overview of post-modern and multicultural social changes (from globalisation and the overwhelming technological conquest by the Internet to the creation of an open social scene and pluralist social situation), which provides the context in which modern pedagogical science should be viewed. Only when such a scene is set can we ask ourselves what to do or how to proceed with our pedagogical work with a new, on-line generation and how to face the changes mentioned. Now, when those new horizons have opened, pedagogy must be able to offer creative reactions to the new situation in education, taking into account institutional, family, media, and other informal influences at work in the sphere of socialisation and education. Can modern pedagogy, teachers and pedagogues face those challenges and respond to then adequately?Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich hauptsächlich und zweckgebunden zum Ziel, als Einführungsreferat aktuelle Pobleme in der Erziehungswissenschaft bei uns und in der Welt sowie deren Einfluss auf die Erziehungs – und Bildungspraxis zu erörtern. Dabei geht sie notwendigerweise von dem neueren historischen Kontext aus, um anschließend die gegenwärtige Lage zu schildern und einen Blick in die Zukunft zu werfen hinsichtlich der Frage. Wie kann man durch die lebenslange Bildung einen Schritt zur Wissensgesellschaft machen, die schon an unserer Schwelle steht? Infolgedessen reicht die in der Arbeit behandelte Problematik von postmodernen und multikulturellen gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen, der Globalisierung und allumfassenden technologischen Internetisierung bis zur offenen und pluralen Gesellschaftsszene als unumgänglichem Kontext, in dem jede Überdenkung der heutigen Erziehungswissenschaft zu erfolgen hat. Erst auf Grund solcher Überlegungen kann überhaupt hinterfragt werden, was die Erziehungswissenschaft im Lichte dieser Veränderungen leisten kann und wie sie diese Ziele in der Arbeit mit einer neuen Online-Generation erreichen soll. Angesichts dieser neuen Problemstellungen soll die Erziehungswissenschaft kreative Antworten auf den Bildungsalltag bieten, der von den institutionellen Bemühungen über Familie und Medien bis zu verschiedenen informellen Erziehungs-, Sozialisierungs- und Bildungseinflüssen reicht. Ob und wie können die heutige Erziehungswissenschaft, Lehrer und Pädagogen diesen Herausforderungen gerecht werden

    Cominform in the District of Križevci in period 1948-1958.

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    Na temelju dosad neobjavljene arhivske građe Službe državne sigurnosti (UDB-e), rad tematizira pojavu i djelatnost pristalica Rezolucije Infrombiroa na području kotara Križevci u razdoblju od 1948. do 1953. godine. Uz to, u radu je izvršena i analiza dokumenata iz 1955. te 1958. godine koji sadrže podatke o praćenju Informbiroovaca nakon povrataka s izdržavanja kazne na područje kotara Križevci, kao i podatke o kriterijima prema kojima je Služba državne sigurnosti kategorizirala stupanj revidiranja njihovih političkih stavova te ocjenjivala njihovu potencijalnu opasnost po društveni poredak. Statistički podaci donose kategoriju nacionalnosti, socijalnu pripadnost, vrstu kazni i slično, a sve zbog boljeg uvida u cjelokupni problem kominformizma na području kotara Križevci.Based upon still unpublished archivalia from the Yugoslav State Security Service (UDB), the paper deals with the activities of Cominform Resolution followers in the area of Križevci District between 1948/1953. A detailed analysis is given of documents from 1955 and 1958 containing data on IB members from Križevci District who were under surveillance after returning from prison as well as of the criteria according to which the State Security Service grouped and revised their political views and graded their potential danger to the system. Statistical data cover nationality, social status, kind of penalty and the like