1,918 research outputs found

    Detecting long-range dependence in non-stationary time series

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    An important problem in time series analysis is the discrimination between non-stationarity and longrange dependence. Most of the literature considers the problem of testing specific parametric hypotheses of non-stationarity (such as a change in the mean) against long-range dependent stationary alternatives. In this paper we suggest a simple approach, which can be used to test the null-hypothesis of a general non-stationary short-memory against the alternative of a non-stationary long-memory process. The test procedure works in the spectral domain and uses a sequence of approximating tvFARIMA models to estimate the time varying long-range dependence parameter. We prove uniform consistency of this estimate and asymptotic normality of an averaged version. These results yield a simple test (based on the quantiles of the standard normal distribution), and it is demonstrated in a simulation study that - despite of its semi-parametric nature - the new test outperforms the currently available methods, which are constructed to discriminate between specific parametric hypotheses of non-stationarity short- and stationarity long-range dependence.Comment: Keywords and phrases: spectral density, long-memory, non-stationary processes, goodness-of-fit tests, empirical spectral measure, integrated periodogram, locally stationary process, approximating model

    Order convergence and convergence almost everywhere revisited

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    In Analysis two modes of non-topological convergence are interesting: order convergence and convergence almost everywhere. It is proved here that oder convergence of sequences can be induced by a limit structure, even a finest one, whenever it is considered in sigma-distributive lattices. Since convergence almost everywhere can be regarded as order convergence in a certain sigma-distributive lattice, this result can be applied to convergence of sequences almost everywhere and thus generalizing a former result of U. Höhle obtained in a more indirect way by using fuzzy topologies

    Development of high-temperature superconductor cables for high direct current applications

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    A design process for HTS DC cables was developed for high current applications. Based on the design process, a 35 kA HTS DC cable demonstrator was developed. The superconducting elements of the demonstrator were manufactured and tested individually at 77 K. Afterwards, the demonstrator cable was assembled and tested at 77 K. The assembled demonstrator successfully reached 35 kA at 77 K and self field conditions

    Kommunikative Kompetenzen fĂŒr den Mensch-Maschine-Dialog bei maschinellem Dolmetschen : eine empirische Studie

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    In zukĂŒnftigen Anwendungssituationen von Verbmobil entsteht eine Kommunikationssituation besonderer Art: Wollen sich verschiedensprachige GesprĂ€chsparteien mit UnterstĂŒtzung von Verbmobil verstĂ€ndigen, muß das GerĂ€t in Betrieb genommen und bedient werden. Um ein erfolgreiches GesprĂ€ch fĂŒhren zu können, muß ein "Mensch-Maschine-Mensch-Dialog" aufrechterhalten werden. Der folgende Bericht untersucht anhand von Befragungsdaten, welche Kompetenzen verschiedene Gruppen potentieller Benutzer Verbmobils fĂŒr diese triadische Kommunikation und insbesondere fĂŒr die Interaktion mit Verbmobil mitbringen

    Learned infinite elements for helioseismology

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    This thesis presents efficient techniques for integrating the information contained in the Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DtN) map of time-harmonic waves propagating in a stratified medium into finite element discretizations. This task arises in the context of domain decomposition methods, e.g. when reducing a problem posed on an unbounded domain to a bounded computational domain on which the problem can then be discretized. Our focus is on stratified media like the Sun, that allow for strong reflection of waves and for which suitable methods are lacking. We present learned infinite elements as a possible approach to deal with such media utilizing the assumption of a separable geometry. In this case, the DtN map is separable, however, it remains a non-local operator with a dense matrix representation, which renders its direct use computationally inefficient. Therefore, we approximate the DtN only indirectly by adding additional degrees of freedom to the linear system in such a way that the Schur complement w.r.t. the latter provides an optimal approximation of DtN and sparsity of the linear system is preserved. This optimality is ensured via the solution of a small minimization problem, which incorporates solutions of one-dimensional time-harmonic wave equations and allows for great flexibility w.r.t. properties of the medium. In the first half of the thesis we provide an error analysis of the proposed method in a generic framework which demonstrates that exponentially fast convergence rates can be expected. Numerical experiments for the Helmholtz equation and an in-depth study on modelling the solar atmosphere with learned infinite elements demonstrate the high accuracy and flexibility of the proposed method in practical applications. In the second half of the thesis, the potential of learned infinite elements in the context of sweeping preconditioners for the efficient iterative solution of large linear systems is investigated. Even though learned infinite elements are very suitable for separable media, they can only be used for tiny perturbations thereof since the corresponding DtN maps turn out to be extremely sensitive to perturbations in the presence of strong reflections.2021-12-2

    The design of tourist maps. Creating spaces for travellers

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    The present thesis deals with tourist maps. Although tourist maps are used by many people, there is a lack of research in this topic. There are no greater studies about existing tourist maps and there is also not much literature which claims how to design such maps. Present studies about tourist maps are always done from cartography’s point of view. Studies dealing with tourist maps from tourism’s point of view are missing. Therefore, one main aim of this thesis is to evaluate the quality of existing tourist maps. For this evaluation, technical literature about cartography and also tourism will be analysed. With the help of technical literature, design norms for tourist maps can be determined. After that, the design norms from literature are compared to existing tourist maps. Thus, it can be seen which cartographic rules are used in practice and which not. It will also be make clear which rules are maybe obsolete and which ones need to be followed in any case to make maps understandable. The thesis also shows how tourist maps can support spatial planning or how they can be of use in cities and areas which are affected in a negative way by mass tourism. The final aim of this thesis is to give design recommendations for tourist maps. These recommendations can be used for further production of tourist maps

    Essays on the Endogeneity of Preferences and Personality Traits

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    Economic preferences and personality traits are fundamental explanatory factors in understanding individual decision-making. They explain the heterogeneity within human behavior and are the reason why individuals differ in their actions although the preliminaries are the same. Labor market behavior, educational choices, investment decisions as well as fertility and health outcomes are only a few examples in which inherent characteristics play a key role. These findings rely on one joint assumption: preferences and personality traits do not change across the working age. The point in time when preferences are defined and measured is thus irrelevant. However, if this assumption is violated, theoretical models and empirical studies face the threat of endogeneity biases: preferences do not only affect life's outcomes, life's outcomes may also affect preferences. Testing the exogeneity assumption is thus obligatory. Herein, the present thesis makes its contribution and presents three different studies on the stability of economic preferences and personality traits. The first study in this thesis focuses on the stability of time preferences. So far, evidence on their stability is scarce and considerably restricted by very short time frames, very small sample sizes, or both. The Dutch Household Survey enables these obstacles to be circumvented and the long-term stability of time preferences within a representative sample to be analyzed. By relying on the `consideration of future consequences’ scale -- a behaviorally validated survey measure on time preferences -- this thesis finds that time preferences have, compared to other economic attitudes, a relatively low intra-individual stability. However, the analysis reveals that individuals' valuation of future utility neither varies with age nor changes persistently with past life experiences. Similar findings result from a replication of the analysis with the German Socio-Economic Panel and its ultra-short survey items on patience and impulsiveness. The thesis, therefore, comes to the conclusion that time preferences are stable in the long run but subjected to measurement issues. The second study focuses on the determinants of risk-taking. Using German panel data, we find that people become more risk-averse when losing work. The immediate income loss does not mediate this effect. Risk aversion also seems unrelated to the loss of non-monetary benefits of work. However, the study finds that risk aversion responds more strongly to losing work the more future income is at stake, and the effect manifests itself on the eve of job loss even when people have not yet suffered from the consequences of the event. Lower future income expectations and more uncertainty about future incomes may thus explain the effect of job loss on risk attitude. Nevertheless, the effect is not persistent. After some time, individuals turn back to their initial level of risk attitude. The last chapter of this thesis tests the stability of locus of control, a measure that depicts how much people believe in their ability to affect life outcomes. Using the German Socio-Economic Panel, we find that a job loss due to a plant closure has no long-lasting effect on locus of control. The common assumption of its stability is thus not rejected. However, during unemployment, control perception decreases significantly. The effect holds true independent from unemployment duration or socio-demographic characteristics and vanishes as soon as the unemployed find a new job. In conclusion, measurement of locus of control is affected by unemployment but not the trait itself. Using this trait as the explanatory variable can thus lead to biased estimations if this temporary deviation in measurement is not accounted for. In conclusion, the present thesis neither rejects the stability assumption nor claims that preferences or personality are perfectly stable. All measures analyzed change with time. But, interpreting this instability as proof of endogenous preferences or personality traits appears unjustified. Each of the studies proposes alternative, less controversial interpretations of instability.Ökonomische PrĂ€ferenzen und Persönlichkeitsmerkmale sind zentrale erklĂ€rende Variablen wenn individuelle Entscheidungen betrachtet werden. Sie sind ursĂ€chlich fĂŒr die HeterogenitĂ€t im menschlichen Verhalten und Grund dafĂŒr, warum sich Individuen in ihren Handlungen voneinander unterscheiden, obwohl sie gleichen Voraussetzungen gegenĂŒberstehen. Entscheidungen im Berufsleben, zum Bildungsweg, zu Investitionen, zur Familienbildung oder zum Gesundheitsverhalten sind nur einige Beispiele, bei denen individuelle Vorlieben und Eigenschaften eine zentrale Rolle spielen. Diesen Ergebnissen liegt jedoch die Annahme zugrunde, dass PrĂ€ferenzen und Persönlichkeit ĂŒber das Erwerbsalter hinweg stabil sind. Dadurch ist es nĂ€mlich irrelevant, zu welchem Zeitpunkt die individuellen Merkmale definiert und gemessen werden. Wenn diese Annahme jedoch verletzt ist, werden sowohl theoretische Modelle als auch ökonometrische SchĂ€tzungen durch EndogenitĂ€t bedroht. Denn dann sind Handlungen nicht nur eine Konsequenz von PrĂ€ferenzen, sie könnten PrĂ€ferenzen in gleicher Weise formen. Wegen diesen tiefgreifenden Implikationen sind detaillierte Tests zur ExogenitĂ€tsannahme notwendig und verpflichtend. Hier leistet die vorliegende Dissertation ihren Beitrag und prĂ€sentiert drei verschiedene Studien zu der StabilitĂ€t von PrĂ€ferenzen und Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen. Die erste Studie fokussiert sich auf ZeitprĂ€ferenzen und deren StabilitĂ€t. Bisher ist die Evidenz in diesem Feld sehr begrenzt und hĂ€ufig durch sehr kleine Stichproben oder sehr kleine Zeitrahmen limitiert. Mit Hilfe einer niederlĂ€ndischen Haushaltsbefragung kann die vorliegende Dissertation die EinschrĂ€nkungen der vorherigen Literatur vermeiden und die langfristige StabilitĂ€t von ZeitprĂ€ferenzen in einer reprĂ€sentativen Stichprobe analysieren. Unter Verwendung der „Consideration of future consequences“-Skala – einem verhaltensvalidierten Umfrageinstrument zu ZeitprĂ€ferenzen – zeigt die Studie, dass ZeitprĂ€ferenzen im Vergleich zu anderen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen oder PrĂ€ferenzen eine relativ hohe InstabilitĂ€t aufweisen. Allerdings lĂ€sst sich diese InstabilitĂ€t nicht auf spezifische Ereignisse zurĂŒckfĂŒhren. Weder das Alter noch drastische Lebensereignisse ĂŒben einen persistenten Effekt aus. Ähnliche Ergebnisse lassen sich mit Hilfe des deutschen Sozio-ökonomischen Panels und seinen zwei ultra-kurzen Fragen zu ZeitprĂ€ferenzen finden. Die Studie schlussfolgert deshalb, dass ZeitprĂ€fenzen in der langen Frist stabil sind, allerdings durch Messfehler verzerrt werden. In ihrer zweiten Studie betrachtet die vorliegende Dissertation die Determinanten von Risikoverhalten. Unter Verwendung deutscher Panel-Daten zeigt sie, dass Personen risikoaverser werden, sobald sie ihren Arbeitsplatz verlieren. Allerdings erklĂ€rt weder der damit einhergehende Einkommensverlust noch der Verlust nicht-monetĂ€rer Vorteile aus Arbeit diese Beobachtung. Jedoch nimmt der Effekt eines Arbeitsplatzverlusts zu, je mehr zukĂŒnftiges Einkommen auf dem Spiel steht. Zudem Ă€ndern Individuen bereits vor dem eigentlichen Arbeitsplatzverlust ihre Risikobereitschaft, obwohl die Konsequenzen noch gar nicht eingetreten sein können. Unsicherheit ĂŒber die Zukunft wird daher als Ursache identifiziert, weshalb Personen ihre Risikobereitschaft durch einen Arbeitsplatzverlust Ă€ndern. Der Effekt ist jedoch nicht persistent. Nach einiger Zeit kehren die Individuen zu ihrer ursprĂŒngliche Risikobereitschaft zurĂŒck. Das letzte Kapitel dieser Dissertation widmet sich der StabilitĂ€t von KontrollĂŒberzeugung. Dieses Persönlichkeitsmerkmal spiegelt die Wahrnehmung von Individuen wider, ob sie ihr Leben selbst steuern und ihren Erfolg beeinflussen können. Unter Verwendung deutscher Panel-Daten zeigt die Studie, dass ein unfreiwilliger Arbeitsplatzverlust im Durchschnitt keinen Effekt auf die Zielvariable hat. Die ExogenitĂ€tsannahme wird also nicht verworfen. Allerdings zeigt sich wĂ€hrend der Arbeitslosigkeit ein signifikanter Effekt. Dieser ist sowohl von der Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit als auch von verschiedenen sozio-demographischen Variablen unabhĂ€ngig. Zudem verschwindet er, sobald die Person in ein BeschĂ€ftigungsverhĂ€ltnis zurĂŒckkehrt. Die Studie kommt deshalb zu dem Fazit, dass lediglich die Messung von KontrollĂŒberzeugung durch Arbeitslosigkeit verzerrt wird. Es kann daher zu SchĂ€tzfehlern kommen, sofern fĂŒr die temporĂ€re Abweichung nicht korrekt berĂŒcksichtigt wird. Zusammenfassend verwirft diese Dissertation die StabilitĂ€tsannahme nicht. Sie argumentiert allerdings ebenso wenig, dass PrĂ€ferenzen oder Persönlichkeitsmerkmale absolut stabil sind. Alle analysierten Maße verĂ€ndern sich im Erwerbsalter. Diese VerĂ€nderungen als EndogenitĂ€t zu interpretieren, wĂŒrde jedoch zu weit greifen. DafĂŒr stehen stets alternative, weniger invasive ErklĂ€rungen zur VerfĂŒgung, die zuerst angewandt werden können. Allerdings wird ebenso deutlich, dass die Verwendung von PrĂ€ferenzen und Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen in der empirischen Wirtschaftsforschung sehr fehleranfĂ€llig ist
