192 research outputs found

    Pseudomonas syringae: Enterprising epiphyte and stealthy parasite

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    © 2019 The Authors. Pseudomonas syringae is best known as a plant pathogenic bacterium that causes diseases in a multitude of hosts, and it has been used as a model organism to understand the biology of plant disease. Pathogenic and non-pathogenic isolates of P. syringae are also commonly found living as epiphytes and in the wider environment, including water sources such as rivers and precipitation. Ice-nucleating strains of P. syringae are associated with frost damage to crops. The genomes of numerous strains of P. syringae have been sequenced and molecular genetic studies have elucidated many aspects of this pathogen’s interaction with its host plants

    Protein domains and architectural innovation in plant-associated Proteobacteria

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    BACKGROUND: Evolution of new complex biological behaviour tends to arise by novel combinations of existing building blocks. The functional and evolutionary building blocks of the proteome are protein domains, the function of a protein being dependent on its constituent domains. We clustered completely-sequenced proteomes of prokaryotes on the basis of their protein domain content, as defined by Pfam (release 16.0). This revealed that, although there was a correlation between phylogeny and domain content, other factors also have an influence. This observation motivated an investigation of the relationship between an organism's lifestyle and the complement of domains and domain architectures found within its proteome. RESULTS: We took a census of all protein domains and domain combinations (architectures) encoded in the completely-sequenced proteobacterial genomes. Nine protein domain families were identified that are found in phylogenetically disparate plant-associated bacteria but are absent from non-plant-associated bacteria. Most of these are known to play a role in the plant-associated lifestyle, but they also included domain of unknown function DUF1427, which is found in plant symbionts and pathogens of the alpha-, beta- and gamma-Proteobacteria, but not known in any other organism. Further, several domains were identified as being restricted to phytobacteria and Eukaryotes. One example is the RolB/RolC glucosidase family, which is found only in Agrobacterium species and in plants. We identified the 0.5% of Pfam protein domain families that were most significantly over-represented in the plant-associated Proteobacteria with respect to the background frequencies in the whole set of available proteobacterial proteomes. These included guanylate cyclase, domains implicated in aromatic catabolism, cellulase and several domains of unknown function. We identified 459 unique domain architectures found in phylogenetically diverse plant pathogens and symbionts that were absent from non-pathogenic and non-symbiotic relatives. The vast majority of these were restricted to a single species or several closely related species and so their distributions could be better explained by phylogeny than by lifestyle. However, several architectures were found in two or more very distantly related phytobacteria but absent from non-plant-associated bacteria. Many of the proteins with these unique architectures are predicted to be secreted. In Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato, those genes encoding genes with novel domain architectures tended to have atypical GC contents and were adjacent to insertion sequence elements and phage-like sequences, suggesting acquisition by horizontal transfer. CONCLUSIONS: By identifying domains and architectures unique to plant pathogens and symbionts, we highlighted candidate proteins for involvement in plant-associated bacterial lifestyles. Given that characterisation of novel gene products in vivo and in vitro is time-consuming and expensive, this computational approach may be useful for reducing experimental search space. Furthermore we discuss the biological significance of novel proteins highlighted by this study in the context of plant-associated lifestyles

    Liebig review: The role of mineral nutrients in the development of Pseudomonas syringae diseases—Lessons learned and implications for disease control in woody plants

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    Background: The plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae (Ps) causes diseases in a broad range of hosts including important cash crops from several climate zones. In particular for woody crops, effective and environmentally friendly disease control strategies are not available. Although there is increasing evidence of a link between plant nutritional status and disease susceptibility, optimization of plant nutrition is often neglected in efforts to control Ps diseases. This review brings current knowledge on this topic together with the aim of facilitating the development of treatment recommendations in specific contexts. Literature review: The article consists of three parts. First, we compiled data on the impact of mineral nutrients on Ps disease severity in woody and herbaceous species. Next, we discuss how nutrients may be related to plant defense and/or Ps virulence. Last, we consider these findings in the context of woody hosts and give suggestions for future research. Conclusions: We encourage a research focus on typical nutrient imbalances (deficiencies and surpluses) in specific orchard regions; testing the role of foliar fertilizers in spring (the period of highest infection risk); analyses of the interaction between nutrient supply and the microbiome in the phyllosphere; investigating the interaction between nutrient supply and other control measures, and the impact of nutrient supply on Ps diseases in the presence of other stress factors

    Agroinfiltration Reduces ABA Levels and Suppresses Pseudomonas syringae-Elicited Salicylic Acid Production in Nicotiana tabacum

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    Background Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV3101 (pMP90) is widely used in transient gene expression assays, including assays to study pathogen effectors and plant disease resistance mechanisms. However, inoculation of A. tumefaciens GV3101 into Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) leaves prior to infiltration with pathogenic and non-host strains of Pseudomonas syringae results in suppression of macroscopic symptoms when compared with leaves pre-treated with a buffer control. Methodology/Findings To gain further insight into the mechanistic basis of symptom suppression by A. tumefaciens we examined the effect of pre-treatment with A. tumefaciens on the growth of P. syringae, the production of the plant signalling molecules salicylic acid (SA) and abscisic acid (ABA), and the presence of callose deposits. Pre-treatment with A. tumefaciens reduced ABA levels, P. syringae multiplication and P. syringae-elicited SA and ABA production, but promoted increased callose deposition. However, pre-treatment with A. tumefaciens did not suppress necrosis or SA production in leaves inoculated with the elicitor HrpZ. Conclusions/Significance Collectively, these results show that inoculation of N. tabacum leaves with A. tumefaciens alters plant hormone levels and plant defence responses to P. syringae, and demonstrate that researchers should consider the impact of A. tumefaciens on plant signal transduction when using A. tumefaciens-mediated transient expression assays to investigate ABA-regulated processes or pathogenicity and plant defence mechanisms

    Approaching the domesticated plant holobiont from a community evolution perspective

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    Plants establish a pivotal relationship with their microbiome and are often conceptualized as holobionts. Nonetheless, holobiont theories have attracted much criticism, especially concerning the fact that the holobiont is rarely a unit of selection. In previous work, we discussed how the plant microbiome can be considered to be an ‘ecosystem on a leash’, which is subject to the influence of natural selection acting on plant traits. We proposed that in domesticated plants the assembly of the plant microbiome can usefully be conceptualized as being subject to a ‘double leash’, which encompasses both the effect of artificial selection imposed by the domesticator on plant traits and the leash from the plant to the microbiome. Here we approach the domesticated plant holobiont, simply defined as a community of organisms, from a community evolution point of view, and show how community heritability (a measure of community selection) complements the ‘double-leash’ framework in providing a community-level view of plant domestication and its impact on plant–microbe interactions. We also propose simple experiments that could be performed to investigate whether plant domestication has altered the potential for community selection at the holobiont level

    The \u3ci\u3ePseudomonas syringae\u3c/i\u3e pv. tomato HrpW Protein Has Domains Similar to Harpins and Pectate Lyases and Can Elicit the Plant Hypersensitive Response and Bind to Pectate

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    The host-specific plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae elicits the hypersensitive response (HR) in nonhost plants and secretes the HrpZ harpin in culture via the Hrp (type III) secretion system. Previous genetic evidence suggested the existence of another harpin gene in the P. syringae genome. hrpW was found in a region adjacent to the hrp cluster in P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000. hrpW encodes a 42.9-kDa protein with domains resembling harpins and pectate lyases (Pels), respectively. HrpW has key properties of harpins. It is heat stable and glycine rich, lacks cysteine, is secreted by the Hrp system, and is able to elicit the HR when infiltrated into tobacco leaf tissue. The harpin domain (amino acids 1 to 186) has six glycine-rich repeats of a repeated sequence found in HrpZ, and a purified HrpW harpin domain fragment possessed HR elicitor activity. In contrast, the HrpW Pel domain (amino acids 187 to 425) is similar to Pels from Nectria haematococca, Erwinia carotovora, Erwinia chrysanthemi, and Bacillus subtilis, and a purified Pel domain fragment did not elicit the HR. Neither this fragment nor the full-length HrpW showed Pel activity in A230 assays under a variety of reaction conditions, but the Pel fragment bound to calcium pectate, a major constituent of the plant cell wall. The DNA sequence of the P. syringae pv. syringae B728a hrpW was also determined. The Pel domains of the two predicted HrpW proteins were 85% identical, whereas the harpin domains were only 53% identical. Sequences hybridizing at high stringency with the P. syringae pv. tomato hrpW were found in other P. syringae pathovars, Pseudomonas viridiflava, Ralstonia (Pseudomonas) solanacearum, and Xanthomonas campestris. DhrpZ::nptII or hrpW::VSpr P. syringae pv. tomato mutants were little reduced in HR elicitation activity in tobacco, whereas this activity was significantly reduced in a hrpZ hrpW double mutant. These features of hrpW and its product suggest that P. syringae produces multiple harpins and that the target of these proteins is in the plant cell wall

    Reproductive consequences of transient pathogen exposure across host genotypes and generations

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    To maximize fitness upon pathogenic infection, host organisms might reallocate energy and resources among life-history traits, such as reproduction and defense. The fitness costs of infection can result from both immune upregulation and direct pathogen exploitation. The extent to which these costs, separately and together, vary by host genotype and across generations is unknown. We attempted to disentangle these costs by transiently exposing wild isolates and a lab-domesticated strain of Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes to the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus, using exposure to heat-killed pathogens to distinguish costs due to immune upregulation and pathogen exploitation. We found that host nematodes exhibit a short-term delay in offspring production when exposed to live and heat-killed pathogen, but their lifetime fecundity (total offspring produced) recovered to control levels. We also found genetic variation between host isolates for both cumulative offspring production and magnitude of fitness costs. We further investigated whether there were maternal pathogen exposure costs (or benefits) to offspring and revealed a positive correlation between the magnitude of the pathogen-induced delay in the parent's first day of reproduction and the cost to offspring population growth. Our findings highlight the capacity for hosts to recover fecundity after transient exposure to a pathogen

    The \u3ci\u3ePseudomonas syringae\u3c/i\u3e pv. tomato HrpW Protein Has Domains Similar to Harpins and Pectate Lyases and Can Elicit the Plant Hypersensitive Response and Bind to Pectate

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    The host-specific plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae elicits the hypersensitive response (HR) in nonhost plants and secretes the HrpZ harpin in culture via the Hrp (type III) secretion system. Previous genetic evidence suggested the existence of another harpin gene in the P. syringae genome. hrpW was found in a region adjacent to the hrp cluster in P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000. hrpW encodes a 42.9-kDa protein with domains resembling harpins and pectate lyases (Pels), respectively. HrpW has key properties of harpins. It is heat stable and glycine rich, lacks cysteine, is secreted by the Hrp system, and is able to elicit the HR when infiltrated into tobacco leaf tissue. The harpin domain (amino acids 1 to 186) has six glycine-rich repeats of a repeated sequence found in HrpZ, and a purified HrpW harpin domain fragment possessed HR elicitor activity. In contrast, the HrpW Pel domain (amino acids 187 to 425) is similar to Pels from Nectria haematococca, Erwinia carotovora, Erwinia chrysanthemi, and Bacillus subtilis, and a purified Pel domain fragment did not elicit the HR. Neither this fragment nor the full-length HrpW showed Pel activity in A230 assays under a variety of reaction conditions, but the Pel fragment bound to calcium pectate, a major constituent of the plant cell wall. The DNA sequence of the P. syringae pv. syringae B728a hrpW was also determined. The Pel domains of the two predicted HrpW proteins were 85% identical, whereas the harpin domains were only 53% identical. Sequences hybridizing at high stringency with the P. syringae pv. tomato hrpW were found in other P. syringae pathovars, Pseudomonas viridiflava, Ralstonia (Pseudomonas) solanacearum, and Xanthomonas campestris. DhrpZ::nptII or hrpW::VSpr P. syringae pv. tomato mutants were little reduced in HR elicitation activity in tobacco, whereas this activity was significantly reduced in a hrpZ hrpW double mutant. These features of hrpW and its product suggest that P. syringae produces multiple harpins and that the target of these proteins is in the plant cell wall

    Validation of Reference Genes for Robust qRT-PCR Gene Expression Analysis in the Rice Blast Fungus \u3ci\u3eMagnaporthe oryzae\u3c/i\u3e

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    The rice blast fungus causes significant annual harvest losses. It also serves as a genetically- tractable model to study fungal ingress. Whilst pathogenicity determinants have been unmasked and changes in global gene expression described, we know little about Magnaporthe oryzae cell wall remodelling. Our interests, in wall remodelling genes expressed during infection, vegetative growth and under exogenous wall stress, demand robust choice of reference genes for quantitative Real Time-PCR (qRT-PCR) data normalisation. We describe the expression stability of nine candidate reference genes profiled by qRT-PCR with cDNAs derived during asexual germling development, from sexual stage perithecia and from vegetative mycelium grown under various exogenous stressors. Our Minimum Information for Publication of qRT-PCR Experiments (MIQE) compliant analysis reveals a set of robust reference genes used to track changes in the expression of the cell wall remodelling gene MGG_Crh2 (MGG_00592). We ranked nine candidate reference genes by their expression stability (M) and report the best gene combination needed for reliable gene expression normalisation, when assayed in three tissue groups (Infective, Vegetative, and Global) frequently used in M. oryzae expression studies. We found that MGG_Actin (MGG_03982) and the 40S 27a ribosomal subunit MGG_40s (MGG_02872) proved to be robust reference genes for the Infection group and MGG_40s and MGG_Ef1 (Elongation Factor1-α) for both Vegetative and Global groups. Using the above validated reference genes, M. oryzae MGG_Crh2 expression was found to be significantly (p\u3c0.05) elevated three-fold during vegetative growth as compared with dormant spores and two fold higher under cell wall stress (Congo Red) compared to growth under optimal conditions. We recommend the combinatorial use of two reference genes, belonging to the cytoskeleton and ribosomal synthesis functional groups, MGG_Actin, MGG_40s, MGG_S8 (Ribosomal subunit 40S S8) or MGG_Ef1, which demonstrated low M values across heterogeneous tissues. By contrast, metabolic pathway genes MGG_Fad (FAD binding domain-containing protein) and MGG_Gapdh (Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) performed poorly, due to their lack of expression stability across samples