30 research outputs found

    Nephelometric Method for Determination of Growth Parameters of Chlorella Culture

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    Nephelometric method for the determination of growth parameters of chlorella culture using a photoelectric colorimeter was described. Use of photoelectric colorimeter for cell counting in suspension requires periodic calibration of meter readings using chlorella standard culture (with a certain cell concentration). Chlorella vulgaris IPPAS С-66, IPPAS С-111 and IPPAS С-2019 strains served as object of research. Density of initial in vitro suspensions (after inoculation) was 0.9 mln cells/ml. Cultivation was carried out during 12 days on a Hoagland medium with a pH of 7 (temperature of 35∘C, illumination of 10 klx). Sample selection for analysis and measurement was carried out daily, three times per day. Based on the obtained data, readings of photoelectric colorimeter KFK-3.01 were calibrated via direct count of chlorella cells quantity in Goryaev’s chamber. Use of calibration curve made it possible to reduce significantly time and error in determination of cell number in suspension cultures. The proposed technique allows counting chlorella cells in the growth and development dynamics with sufficient accuracy, high sensitivity, reproducibility and speed. It can be used for comparative determination of the growth parameters of strains in vitro, standardization of suspension cultures, semi-quantitative determination of chlorella biomass in order to predict the yield of desired product

    Use of Physicochemical Method for Evaluation of Mucilage Producing Ability of the Linum Usitatissimum L. Seeds

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    Abstract In the modern medicine of many European countries flax is used as a medicament with a wide range of use. Wholesome effect of flax seeds is determined by the large amount of enveloping substances. This property is connected with content of mucilage up to 10% and glycoside linamarin. Flaxseed polysaccharides also possess antiinflammatory effect. Furthermore, mucilage production can be a chemosystematic characteric of intraspecific taxons. In literature intervarietal variability data is limited. Therefore, comparative evaluation of mucilage producing ability of flax seeds with different morphotypes is of interest. The research of micromorphological characteristics of seed coat and mucilage production dynamics was carried out and it was established that mucilage-producing cells are localized predominantly in the external layer of seed coat. It was established that Bahmalskiy, Nebesnyj, Kustanayskiy yantar varieties possess the highest level of mucilage production. Morphotype and varietal specificity of mucilage production are determined, consequently it can be used as a marker feature of L. usitatissimum new forms. The proposed technique is based on the determination of seed physicochemical characteristics and can be used for express analysis of the vegetal samples and their differentiation by the directions of use: as a fatty oil or mucilage-containing raw material. Keywords: Linum usitatissimum L. varieties, seeds, mucilage production, hydration dynamics, physicochemical method

    Quantifying traces of tool use: a novel morphometric analysis of damage patterns on percussive tools

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    Percussive technology continues to play an increasingly important role in understanding the evolution of tool use. Comparing the archaeological record with extractive foraging behaviors in nonhuman primates has focused on percussive implements as a key to investigating the origins of lithic technology. Despite this, archaeological approaches towards percussive tools have been obscured by a lack of standardized methodologies. Central to this issue have been the use of qualitative, non-diagnostic techniques to identify percussive tools from archaeological contexts. Here we describe a new morphometric method for distinguishing anthropogenically-generated damage patterns on percussive tools from naturally damaged river cobbles. We employ a geomatic approach through the use of three-dimensional scanning and geographical information systems software to statistically quantify the identification process in percussive technology research. This will strengthen current technological analyses of percussive tools in archaeological frameworks and open new avenues for translating behavioral inferences of early hominins from percussive damage patterns.Palaeontological Scientific Trust; National Research Foundation; National Science Foundation [BCS-1128170, BCS-0924476]; Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program [DGE-0801634]; George Washington University's Selective Excellence Fund; George Washington University Columbian College Facilitating Fund; Clare Hall College [JRF]; Newnham College [Gibbs Travelling Fellowship] Cambridge; European Research Council [283959]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Apoptosis- and survival-related gene mRNA profile in peripheral blood leukocytes in children with acute EBV infectious mononucleosis

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    Acute EBV-associated mononucleosis develops mainly in children and in patients with functionally impaired immune system. Consequently, it may result in developing secondary immunodeficiency, neoplasms as well as diverse alterations in cell-mediated immune reaction. Despite extensively examining molecular mechanisms of EBV infection, it is also necessary seek for new molecular and genetic factors underlying pathogenesis of EBV-mediated mononucleosis and EBV-associated malignant cell transformation is necessary, which might be used in clinical practice to monitor clinical score as well as predictive parameters for EBV-associated complications such as immunocompromised conditions and neoplasms. Here, we proposed to use our splicing sensitive DNA microarrays to perform a comprehensive semi-quantitative mRNA expression analysis for major apoptosis- and survival-related signaling components in peripheral blood leukocytes collected from children with acute EBV infectious mononucleosis as well as during recovery period. Using such DNA microchips allowed to assess both total (denoted by Σ) and separate transcript expression resulting from alternative splicing. It was shown that the balance of mRNA levels in acute phase of EBV-infectious mononucleosis was shifted towards upregulated expression of anti-apoptotic factors and components of of NF-κB-linked pro-survival signaling able to profoundly augment apoptosis resistance. Moreover, some EBV-associated changes (BIM/BCL2L11-Σ, PUMA/ BBC3-NM_001127241, BID-Σ, CASP3-Σ, NFKB1-Σ, RELA-Σ) were in agreement with the data published before. In addition, we also found previously unknown changes in level of EBV-associated coding and noncoding transcripts (DCR1/ TNFRSF10C-NM_003841, DR5/TNFRSF10B-NR_027140, CASP6 beta/CASP6-NM_032992, CASP7-NM_033338). Analyzing their properties allowed to suggest that they play an important role in the pathogenesis of EBV-associated mononucleosis. However, at asymptomatic recovery stage, level of some mRNA expression was kept altered compared to healthy volunteers (DCR2/TNFRSF10D-NM_003840, CASP8-Σ, CASP3-Σ, BIM/BCL2L11-Σ, BCL2-NM_000633, MCL1-Σ, BCL-W/BCL2L2-Σ, BCL-XL/BCL2L1-NM_138578, BIRC2-NM_001166, XIAP-NM_001167, TRAF2-NM_021138, MAP3K14-Σ, NFKB1-Σ), which may point at postponed EBV-associated molecular consequences. On one hand, such changes may be due to long-lasting anti-EBV immune response, whereas, on the other hand, they might be influenced by EBV-associated factors facilitating virus persistence. Overall, we identified the molecular features predisposing to chronic course of EBV-infection. The data obtained further expand our understanding about the molecular pathogenetic mechanisms for EBV infectious mononucleosis

    Expression analysis of apoptotic and survival genes in blood leukocytes of children with various forms of HHV-6 infection

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    Despite that human herpes virus type 6 (HHV-6) is extremely spread worldwide, molecular mechanisms of behind HHV-6 infection pathogenesis remain largely unexplored. No molecular markers were found linked to unfavorable course of HHV-6 infection which could allow to ease up selecting proper therapy and preventing development of complications. The aim of the study was to analyze expression of apoptosis and survival-related genes in blood leukocytes from 7–17-year-old children upon various forms of HHV-6 infection. The analysis was carried out by using DNA microarrays developed by us allowing to assess changes in expression level both of individual mRNAs and total gene set (-Σ). It was shown that during the acute phase of HHV-6 infection mRNA level was shifted toward pro-apoptotic factors. In the convalescence phase, most altered mRNA levels returned to normal. We have identified a set of mRNAs and genes whose expression level was significantly changed in acute disease phase. According to available data, these factors play an important role in regulation of studied signaling pathways. In order to search for HHV-6-associated factors, which markedly affect disease pattern of severe herpesvirus mixed infection, we analyzed significant changes of mRNA and genes expression levels in patients with severe HHV-6+EBV+CMV mixed infection and EBV+CMV mixed infection of moderate severity compared with healthy donors. The levels of 5 mRNAs (FAF1-NM_007051, DAPK2-NM_014326, CASP8AP2-NM_001137667, CASP8-NM_033356, BTK-NM_001287345) and 3 genes (FAS-Σ, Puma/BBC3-Σ, ITCH-Σ) were significantly increased in severe mixed infection comorbid with HHV-6 (EBV+CMV+HHV-6) but without HHV-6 (EBV+CMV) compared with healthy donors. Most of detected factors belong to Fas-mediated apoptosis pathway, and may be considered as candidate prognostic development factors of severe herpes virus infection involving HHV-6. This study profoundly extends existing understanding on molecular pathogenesis of HHV-6 infection involving apoptosis and pro-survival signaling pathways. Marked changes of mRNA and gene levels most likely contributed to the pathogenesis of HHV-6 as well as severe HHV-6+EBV+CMV mixed infection

    Disturbances of the hemostasis system and expression of inflammatory reaction in patients with new coronaviral pneumonia.

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    Disorders of the hemostatic system and inflammation play a key role in the pathogenesis of new coronavirus pneumonia (NCP), determining its course and outcome. To study the dynamics of the state of the hemostasis system and the severity of the acute phase response in patients with new coronavirus pneumonia. We determined APTT, prothrombin time (PT), fibrinogen (F), D-dimers (D-d), antitrombin III (AT III), C-reactive protein (CRP), platelet count in 22 patients. In 49 patients, the viscoelastic properties of a blood clot were studied by thromboelastography (TEG) with koalin. The age of the patients ranged from 40 to 77 years. According to CT, the severity of 100% cases corresponded to CT2-CT3. Acute respiratory failure (ARF) was diagnosed in 16 patients. A control group included 25 apparently healthy subjects. During hospitalization, patients with NCP were characterized by: an increase in the concentration of D-d, CRP, Fg, lengthening of APTT and PT, ATIII activity and platelet count not differing from the normal range. 10 days after hospitalization and against the background of ongoing therapy, patients with NCP showed positive dynamics in the hemostasiological profile and the severity of the inflammatory response. Thromboelastography indices in patients with LCP did not differ from control values both at hospitalization and on day 10.Thus, in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia, an increased prothrombotic activity and a pronounced inflammatory response are recorded. Against the background of treatment, there is a positive dynamics in both the coagulation status and the inflammatory response. Additional studies are needed to determine the diagnostic capabilities of thromboelastography in patients with NCP


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    In this article problems of implementation of corporate pension plans for non-state institutions of higher professional education are considered. Benefits inherent for employers and their employees are analysed when using system of additional pension provision. Need of participation of non-state pension funds for development of corporate pension plans for the purpose of the problem resolution of worthy existence of the workers who reached a retirement age is revealed and proved. On the basis of the conducted research the author offers to make implementation of corporate pension plans for the purpose of increase in level of financial wellbeing of the faculty in case of achievement of the pension bases, and also acquisitions of image of socially oriented educational institution that will provide the high level of motivation of skilled employees for the long period of time

    The present set of winter bread wheat varieties in the Voronezh region according to their species

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    The current paper has presented the analysis of the structure of sown areas under winter bread wheat in the Voronezh region in 2016–2018, and there has been established a recent increase the share of the varieties lutescens L. In order to substantiate the present tendency, there have been also used the study results of the varietal set of the Eryshevsky State Varietal Plot of the Voronezh region. The field trials on the Plot to study winter bread wheat productivity were carried out according to the Method of the State Variety Testing for Agricultural Crops (1989), grain quality was estimated by the methods described in the reference book “Grain quality estimation” (1987), and according to the recommendations for the corresponding devices. The data on varietal sowings of winter wheat was provided by the Department of Agricultural Policy of the Voronezh Region. According to the study results, there have been shown the main originators on the market of varieties in the winter bread wheat sowings, as well as in the State Variety Testing. There has been identified a presence of two varieties erythrospermum (er.) and lutescens (lut.) in the set of varieties, and shown their correlation and interrelationship among the originators. In the State Variety Testing there has been noted a significant increase in wheat varieties from foreign farms and varieties of lutescens. According to the study results, when averaging the obtained productivity data and grain quality indicators at the the Eryshevsky State Varietal Plot, there hasn’t been found any significant difference between winter bread wheat varieties of the lutescens and erythrospermum varieties. There has been given average data on productivity and grain quality of varieties obtained from various originators

    Evaluation of laboratory parameters of endogenous intoxication in patients with brain tumors

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    Objective - assessment of endogenous intoxication degree in patients with malignant and benign brain tumors after intraoperative photodynamic therapy. It has been established that the identified changes in the indices of endogenous intoxication reflect the degree of malignancy of brain tumors. Surgical intervention combined with intraoperative photodynamic therapy can be a powerful destructive factor that is reflected in the increase in the endotoxemia degree. To increase the effectiveness of treatment of patients with brain tumors additional activities to arrest the endogenous intoxication in the early postoperative period are required