453 research outputs found

    A New Population of High Redshift, Dusty Lyman-Alpha Emitters and Blobs Discovered by WISE

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    We report a new technique to select 1.6<z<4.6 dusty Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs), over a third of which are `blobs' (LABs) with emission extended on scales of 30-100kpc. Combining data from the NASA Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission with optical spectroscopy from the W.M. Keck telescope, we present a color criteria that yields a 78% success rate in identifying rare, dusty LAEs of which at least 37% are LABs. The objects have a surface density of only ~0.1 per square degree, making them rare enough that they have been largely missed in narrow surveys. We measured spectroscopic redshifts for 92 of these WISE-selected, typically radio-quiet galaxies and find that the LAEs (LABs) have a median redshift of 2.3 (2.5). The WISE photometry coupled with data from Herschel reveals that these galaxies have extreme far-infrared luminosities (L_IR>10^{13-14}L_sun) and warm colors, typically larger than submillimeter-selected galaxies (SMGs) and dust-obscured galaxies (DOGs). These traits are commonly associated with the dust being energized by intense AGN activity. We hypothesize that the combination of spatially extended Lyman-alpha, large amounts of warm IR-luminous dust, and rarity (implying a short-lived phase) can be explained if the galaxies are undergoing strong `feedback' transforming them from an extreme dusty starburst to a QSO.Comment: Submitted to ApJ Letters, 6 pages, 4 figures. Comments welcom

    Sensory afferents use different coding strategies for heat and cold

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    Primary afferents transduce environmental stimuli into electrical activity that is transmitted centrally to be decoded into corresponding sensations. However, it remains unknown how afferent populations encode different somatosensory inputs. To address this, we performed two-photon Ca2+ imaging from thousands of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons in anesthetized mice while applying mechanical and thermal stimuli to hind paws. We found that approximately half of all neurons are polymodal and that heat and cold are encoded very differently. As temperature increases, more heating-sensitive neurons are activated, and most individual neurons respond more strongly, consistent with graded coding at population and single-neuron levels, respectively. In contrast, most cooling-sensitive neurons respond in an ungraded fashion, inconsistent with graded coding and suggesting combinatorial coding, based on which neurons are co-activated. Although individual neurons may respond to multiple stimuli, our results show that different stimuli activate distinct combinations of diversely tuned neurons, enabling rich population-level coding

    The Spectral Energy Distribution of Dust Emission in the Edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 4631 as seen with Spitzer and the James Clerk Maxwell telescope

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    We explore variations in dust emission within the edge-on Sd spiral galaxy NGC 4631 using 3.6-160 μm Spitzer Space Telescope data and 450-850 μm JCMT data with the goals of understanding the relation between PAHs and dust emission, studying the variations in the colors of the dust emission, and searching for possible excess submillimeter emission compared to what is expected from dust models extrapolated from far-infrared wavelengths. The 8 μm PAH emission correlates best with 24 μm hot dust emission on 1.7 kpc scales, but the relation breaks down on 650 pc scales, possibly because of differences in the mean free paths between photons that excite the PAHs and photons that heat the dust and possibly because the PAHs are destroyed by the hard radiation fields within some star formation regions. The ratio of 8 μm PAH emission to 160 μm cool dust emission appears to vary as a function of radius. The 70 μm/160 μm and 160 μm/450 μm flux density ratios are remarkably constant even though the surface brightnesses vary by factors of 25, which suggests that the emission is from dust heated by a nearly uniform radiation field. Globally, we find an excess of 850-1230 μm emission relative to what would be predicted by dust models. The 850 μm excess is highest in regions with low 160 μm surface brightnesses, although the magnitude depends on the model fit to the data. We rule out variable emissivity functions or ~4 K dust as the possible origins of this 850 μm emission, but we do discuss the other possible mechanisms that could produce the emission

    Meeting Report for Mobile DNA 2010

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    An international conference on mobile DNA was held 24-28 April 2010 in Montreal, Canada. Sponsored by the American Society for Microbiology, the conference's goal was to bring together researchers from around the world who study transposition in diverse organisms using multiple experimental approaches. The meeting drew over 190 attendees and most contributed through poster presentations, invited talks and short talks selected from poster abstracts. The talks were organized into eight scientific sessions, which ranged in topic from the evolutionary dynamics of mobile genetic elements to transposition reaction mechanisms. Here we present highlights from the platform sessions with a focus on talks presented by the invited speakers

    Regulation of Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression by the Translational Silencer TIA-1

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    The cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzyme catalyzes the rate-limiting step of prostaglandin formation in inflammatory states, and COX-2 overexpression plays a key role in carcinogenesis. To understand the mechanisms regulating COX-2 expression, we examined its posttranscriptional regulation mediated through the AU-rich element (ARE) within the COX-2 mRNA 3′-untranslated region (3′UTR). RNA binding studies, performed to identify ARE-binding regulatory factors, demonstrated binding of the translational repressor protein TIA-1 to COX-2 mRNA. The significance of TIA-1-mediated regulation of COX-2 expression was observed in TIA-1 null fibroblasts that produced significantly more COX-2 protein than wild-type fibroblasts. However, TIA-1 deficiency did not alter COX-2 transcription or mRNA turnover. Colon cancer cells demonstrated to overexpress COX-2 through increased polysome association with COX-2 mRNA also showed defective TIA-1 binding both in vitro and in vivo. These findings implicate that TIA-1 functions as a translational silencer of COX-2 expression and support the hypothesis that dysregulated RNA-binding of TIA-1 promotes COX-2 expression in neoplasia

    Ultraviolet through far-infrared spatially resolved analysis of the recent star formation in M81 (NGC 3031)

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    The recent star formation (SF) in the early-type spiral galaxy M81 is characterized using imaging observations from the far-ultraviolet to the far-infrared. We compare these data with models of the stellar, gas, and dust emission for subgalactic regions. Our results suggest the existence of a diffuse dust emission not directly linked to the recent star formation. We find a radial decrease of the dust temperature and dust mass density, and in the attenuation of the stellar light. The IR emission in M81 can be modeled with three components: (1) cold dust with a temperature = 18 ± 2 K, concentrated near the H II regions but also presenting a diffuse distribution; (2) warm dust with = 53 ± 7 K, directly linked with the H II regions; and (3) aromatic molecules, with diffuse morphology peaking around the H II regions. We derive several relationships to obtain total IR luminosities from IR monochromatic fluxes, and we compare five different star formation rate (SFR) estimators for H II regions in M81 and M51: the UV, H alpha, and three estimators based on Spitzer data. We find that the H alpha luminosity absorbed by dust correlates tightly with the 24 mu m emission. The correlation with the total IR luminosity is not as good. Important variations from galaxy to galaxy are found when estimating the total SFR with the 24 mu m or the total IR emission alone. The most reliable estimations of the total SFRs are obtained by combining the H alpha emission (or the UV) and an IR luminosity (especially the 24 mu m emission), which probe the unobscured and obscured SF, respectively. For the entire M81 galaxy, about 50% of the total SF is obscured by dust. The percentage of obscured SF ranges from 60% in the inner regions of the galaxy to 30% in the outer zones

    An Index of Biotic Integrity for Macroinvertebrate Stream Bioassessment Conducted by Community Scientists

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    Community science bioassessment has great potential to inform comprehensive stream management plans, but regional analytical tools are needed to evaluate macroinvertebrate data collected through community science programs. To this end, we modified a pre-existing professional index of biotic integrity (IBI) to create a community science IBI (CS-IBI), designed for stream macroinvertebrate data collected by community scientists with minimal training. We used data collected by both professional and community scientists to develop, calibrate, and validate the CS-IBI at 76 streamsites in the Puget Lowland andWillamette Valley ecoregions of the PacificNorthwest in theUnited States. Community science data were taxonomically coarser andmore variable than data generated by professionals; however, IBI scores and assemblage data were statistically similar between community science and professional data. Stream impairment categories classified by family-level CS-IBI scores matched genus-level professional classifications 65% of the time and never diverged by \u3e1 category. CS-IBI scores were negatively related to the percentage of agriculture and land development in the watershed, although this relationship was weaker than for professional IBI scores. Despite increased variability in data generated by community scientists, our findings suggest the CS-IBI performs similarly to a professional IBI across a gradient of human influence. Although we do not advocate using the CS-IBI in regulatory settings, we believe the development of community science IBIs enhances, expands, and strengthens public partnerships, thereby supporting environmental managers’ efforts to monitor and restore degraded streams and rapidly respond to pollution events. Our hope is that the CS-IBI will improve the applicability of community science bioassessment data and serve as a model for how agencies can develop regionalized macroinvertebrate IBIs for use in comprehensive watershed management plans. Key words: citizen science, community science, stream macroinvertebrates, stream bioassessment, index of biotic integrity, watershed stressor

    Spitzer 70~μ\mum Emission as a SFR Indicator for Sub--Galactic Regions

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    We use Spitzer 24 μ\mum, 70 μ\mum and ground based Hα\alpha data for a sample of 40 SINGS galaxies to establish a star formation rate (SFR) indicator using 70 μ\mum emission for sub--galactic (∼0.05−2 kpc\sim0.05-2\ \rm{kpc}) line-emitting regions and to investigate limits in application. A linear correlation between 70 μ\mum and SFR is found and a star formation indicator SFR(70) is proposed for line-emitting sub-galactic regions as $\rm \Sigma(SFR)\ ({M_{\odot}\cdot yr^{-1}\cdot kpc^{-2}})=9.4\times10^{-44}\ \Sigma(70)\ \rm{(ergs\cdot s^{-1}\cdot kpc^{-2})},forregionswith, for regions with 12+\rm{log(O/H)}\gtrsim8.4and and \rm \Sigma(SFR)\gtrsim10^{-3}\ (M_{\odot}\cdot yr^{-1}\cdot kpc^{-2}),witha1−, with a 1-\sigmadispersionaroundthecalibrationof dispersion around the calibration of \sim0.16dex.Wealsodiscusstheinfluenceofmetallicityonthescatterofthedata.ComparingwiththeSFRindicatorat70 dex. We also discuss the influence of metallicity on the scatter of the data. Comparing with the SFR indicator at 70 \mumforintegratedlightfromgalaxies,wefindthatthereism for integrated light from galaxies, we find that there is \sim40%excess70 excess 70 \mu$m emission in galaxies, which can be attributed to stellar populations not involved in the current star formation activity.Comment: 36 pages, 1 table, 18 figures, accepted by Ap
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