712 research outputs found
New Mexico Trauma System Funding Strategy
Trauma is the leading cause of death among individuals 1 to 44 years of age. Nationally, one individual dies of traumatic injuries every three minutes. In the United States, the financial impact of trauma is estimated to be approximately $671 billion annually, spent on direct trauma care and associated costs, such as loss in productive days and rehabilitation. The New Mexico trauma system registered dramatic development over the past 10 years. In 2007, the state had only three designated trauma centers, and today there are 12. However, over the same period, trauma system funding registered an equally dramatic decrease of approximately 70%. Having a functional trauma system in New Mexico is an absolute necessity. The purpose of this project was to identify potential sources of sustainable revenue for the New Mexico’s trauma system and to take the initial steps towards introducing legislation that will secure trauma system funding for the future. The work on this project resulted in initiating the first legislative step of this process
Data augmentation and transfer learning to classify malware images in a deep learning context
In the past few years, malware classification techniques have shifted from shallow traditional machine learning models to deeper neural network architectures. The main benefit of some of these is the ability to work with raw data, guaranteed by their automatic feature extraction capabilities. This results in less technical expertise needed while building the models, thus less initial pre-processing resources. Nevertheless, such advantage comes with its drawbacks, since deep learning models require huge quantities of data in order to generate a model that generalizes well. The amount of data required to train a deep network without overfitting is often unobtainable for malware analysts. We take inspiration from image-based data augmentation techniques and apply a sequence of semantics-preserving syntactic code transformations (obfuscations) to a small dataset of programs to generate a larger dataset. We then design two learning models, a convolutional neural network and a bi-directional long short-term memory, and we train them on images extracted from compiled binaries of the newly generated dataset. Through transfer learning we then take the features learned from the obfuscated binaries and train the models against two state of the art malware datasets, each containing around 10 000 samples. Our models easily achieve up to 98.5% accuracy on the test set, which is on par or better than the present state of the art approaches, thus validating the approach
Exponential dichotomies of evolution operators in Banach spaces
This paper considers three dichotomy concepts (exponential dichotomy, uniform
exponential dichotomy and strong exponential dichotomy) in the general context
of non-invertible evolution operators in Banach spaces. Connections between
these concepts are illustrated. Using the notion of Green function, we give
necessary conditions and sufficient ones for strong exponential dichotomy. Some
illustrative examples are presented to prove that the converse of some
implication type theorems are not valid
Wettability of Nanostructured Surfaces
There are many studies in literature concerning contact angle measurements on different materials/substrates. It is documented that textiles can be coated with multifunctional materials in form of thin films or nanoparticles to acquire characteristics that can improve the protection and comfort of the wearer. The capacity of oxide nanostructures to inhibit fungal development and neutralize bacteria is a direct consequence of their wetting behavior [1–6]. Moreover, the radical modification of wetting behavior of nanostructures from hydrophilic to hydrophobic when changing the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) ambient will be thoroughly discussed
Choreographies in Practice
Choreographic Programming is a development methodology for concurrent
software that guarantees correctness by construction. The key to this paradigm
is to disallow mismatched I/O operations in programs, called choreographies,
and then mechanically synthesise distributed implementations in terms of
standard process models via a mechanism known as EndPoint Projection (EPP).
Despite the promise of choreographic programming, there is still a lack of
practical evaluations that illustrate the applicability of choreographies to
concrete computational problems with standard concurrent solutions. In this
work, we explore the potential of choreographies by using Procedural
Choreographies (PC), a model that we recently proposed, to write distributed
algorithms for sorting (Quicksort), solving linear equations (Gaussian
elimination), and computing Fast Fourier Transform. We discuss the lessons
learned from this experiment, giving possible directions for the usage and
future improvements of choreography languages
Determinación cuantitativa de bactericidas en cosméticos "dermoprotectores"
A rapid, easy and reproducible method is described for the quantitative determination of the usual antimicrobial preservatives used in the cosmetic industry in the Spanish market with a dermoprotector claim.
The method is also useful for soap bars and for surfactant solutions, in this last case the method of extraction is the only change.
Gas Chromatography has been chosen as the analytical process for the set up of this method because it is a rapid and available technique, and it allows the simultaneous resolution of all the studied preservatives.Se describe un método rápido, sencillo y reproducible para la determinación cuantitativa de los bactericidas más utilizados en la industria cosmética del mercado español con fines dermoprotectores.
El método es aplicable tanto a jabones sólidos como a disoluciones de tensioactivos, variando en este caso tan sólo el método de extracción.
Se ha elegido la cromatografÃa de gases para la elaboración de este método por ser una técnica rápida y asequible, además de permitir la resolución simultánea de todos los bactericidas estudiados
Evaluación del desplazamiento del sobreengrasante en jabones blandos
The metathesis that occurs in soaps superfatted with fatty acids is studied, verified and evaluated. The analysis deals with soaps in solution (shaving creams), in which the problem is showed clearly due to the hydrolysis of the soap. The study is concern on the main fatty acids of the analyzed samples. Knowing the fatty acids distribution, the expected theoretical concentrations of the fatty acids were estimated and were compared with those found by Gas Chromatography.Se estudia, comprueba y cuantifica el fenómeno de la metátesis que ocurre en jabones reengrasados con ácidos grasos. El análisis se refiere a jabones en disolución (cremas de afeitar) en los cuales el problema es más patente debido a fenómenos de hidrólisis. El estudio se centra en los ácidos grasos mayoritarios de las muestras analizadas. Conociendo la distribución de los ácidos grasos se estimaron las concentraciones que teóricamente debÃan ser encontradas y fueron comparadas con las concentraciones halladas por cromatografÃa en fase gaseosa
Effect of nano-patterning on the properties of the organic heterostructures prepared on Si substrate
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