13 research outputs found

    Perundungan di Dunia Maya sebagai Perilaku Menyimpang: Analisis Isi Komentar dalam Konten Youtube Keke Bukan Boneka pada Kanal Rahmawati Kekeyi Putri Cantikka

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     The comment column as an expressive forum on YouTube video sharing media is often used as a ground by netizens to stab comments - comments about "bullying cattle". Killing personal characters, dropping people's dignity, and negative comments tend to be rude, becoming decorations that are easily found and accessed in the comments column on YouTube. This paper specifically describes the behavior of netizens in bullying on Rahmawati Kekeyi Putri Cantikka's youtube channel on the content of the song Keke Bukan Boneka. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The form of data presented in this study is commented (responses or reviews) from citizens contained in the youtube channel. The presentation of the data analysis network in the form of comments using an online application, namely https://netlytic.org, and interpreted based on the theory of cyberbullying behavior proposed by Willard and the theory of deviant behavior from the combination of perspectives of James Vender Zender, Bruce J Cohen, and Robert M.Z. Lawang. The results of this study show that first, the content of the song Keke Bukan Boneka is used as an arena decorated with flaming, harassment, and denigration-type bullying comments on the figure of Kekeyi and trapped in a vortex of deviant behavior. Second, the network of bullying accounts is involved in enlivening the comment column, allegedly as a way to go viral the content of the song. Third, behind the exploitation that accompanied the bullying of Kekeyi, it turned out to be a commodity object to get monetization in the form of fantastic income from YouTube.


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    Folklore is a construction of local wisdom that grows and develops into the basis of the values of social functions. The social function of the political meaning in folklore can be used as the country’s resilience reflection, like democratic learning and strengthening the figure of the statesman. The social reality that was constructed in folklore can be a gap between the real and imaginary condition in the text. This study dug out the interrelatedness between the reflection of folklore as the forming of the resilience nation’s character and characteristic of Indonesian’s diversity. This study uses a qualitative description method and literature sociology and politic approach. The corpus data are “Mentiko Betuah” (Aceh) and “Raja Negeri Jambi” (Jambi) story. The results of the study indicated that the social reflection of both (stories) can be the basis of the building social resilience to counter radicalism, to grows up tolerances, mutual solidarity, democracy, and the integrity of anti-kleptocratic statesman. The method of the study is a qualitative description. The data of the study are sentences and written expressions in “Mentiko Betuah” (Aceh) and “Raja Negeri Jambi”’s story (Jambi). The results of the study indicated that tolerance and plural values were depicted in “Raja Negeri Jambi” and “Mentiko Betuah” were needed to be maintained. The threat of disintegration of the nation through the inculcation of narrow and shallow ideologies have poisoned people’s perspective, especially millennial society


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    Virtual dalam sebuah film menjadi realitas sosial imajiner yang dituangkan melalui alur cerita, tokoh, dan setting social. Artikel ini membahas film Simone (gadis virtual) yang menggambarkan sebuah realita semu, realitas yang sebenarnya dalam film tersebut mampu mengkonstruksi sosok tidak nyata seorang aktris “maha” sempurna. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif pada film Simone dengan menggunakan metode analisis wacana film. Hasil dari temuan menunjukkan bahwa film Simone sebagai Simulacra, jelmaan dari sesuatu abstrak menjadi kongkret, di mana dalam simulasi komputer Simone hanya dibuat berdasarkan kode, angka satu dan nol, yang diwujudkan menjadi sosok aktris “maha” cantik bagai barbie (kongkret) yang mempengaruhi realita keaktrisan hingga memiliki jutaan penggemar di seluruh dunia. Proses hiperrealitas dalam film Simone hanya kebohongan nihilistik, manipulatif, dan melampaui kenyataan yang dibawa oleh simulakra film tersebut

    Spanduk Peringatan Bahaya Covid-19: Mengurai Tingkat Relevansi dan Efek Humor

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    Tingginya tingkat penyebaran Corona Virus Desease 19 (Covid-19) di Indonesia sepanjang tahun 2020 mendorong pemerintah untuk melakukan penerapan aturan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB). Tidak hanya itu, masyarakat juga berinisiatif menyerukan pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19 melalui karantina wilayah (lockdown) dengan membuat spanduk-spanduk imbauan dan peringatan secara swadaya. Karena dibuat secara swadaya, imbauan dan peringatan bahaya Covid-19 pada spanduk dibuat secara bebas dan beragam, baik dari segi isi informasi, tampilan, maupun cara penyampaian. Tidak jarang imbauan dan peringatan tersebut menimbulkan efek humor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat relevansi informasi pada imbauan atau peringatan bahaya Covid-19 pada spanduk yang dibuat oleh masyarakat ditinjau dari Teori Relevansi (TR). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dari foto-foto yang berisi spanduk lucu yang diperoleh dari beberapa artikel di media daring, yaitu www.pikiran-rakyat.com, www.brilio.net,www.99.co., dan www.oto.detik.com.. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa informasi pada spanduk buatan masyarakat terkait Covid-19 memiliki tingkat relevansi yang beragam. Tingkat relevansi tersebut dapat dibagi ke dalam tiga kategori, yaitu rendah, sedang, dan tinggi. Namun demikian, hanya kategori rendah dan kategori sedang yang ditemukan pada data. Terkait hubungan antara tingkat relevansi dan efek humor yang ditimbulkannya, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa spanduk dengan tingkat relevansi sedang maupun rendah berpotensi menciptakan sebuah efek humor. Setelah melewati beberapa tahap interpretasi, pembaca akan menangkap informasi inti sekaligus memperoleh efek humor yang dimaksudkan pembuat spanduk

    Strategi Akomodasi Komunikasi dalam Proses Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

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    The ability of teachers and students in learning activities is greatly influenced by the communication between the two. To establish interactive communication between the two, to achieve learning objectives, language adjustment, or adaptation (accommodation) is carried out so that mutual learning occurs. There are strategies carried out by teacher-students, both consciously and unconsciously, to adapt (accommodation) language in learning activities. Writing this article aims to (a) describe the dominance of the use of communication accommodation strategies in classroom learning and (b) describe the reasons or factors that influence the use of communication accommodation strategies between teachers and students in classroom learning. The data sources of this research are teachers and students in Indonesian language learning activities in classes in three high schools in Jakarta. The research data is verbal and nonverbal speech in Indonesian language learning activities. This research method uses descriptive qualitative which relies on data in the form of interviews, observation notes, and audiovisual recordings of Indonesian language learning activities in three high schools in Jakarta. The results showed that three strategies, namely the management of discourse, emotional expression, and interpretability dominate the use of communication accommodation strategies by teachers and students. Simplifying messages and building self-confidence are the reasons or factors for the occurrence of communication accommodation strategies that are built in the language interactions of teachers and students in the classroom. AbstrakKemampuan guru dan siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran sangat dipengaruhi oleh komunikasi antarkeduanya. Untuk menjalin komunikasi yang interaktif antarkeduanya dalam upaya mencapai tujuan pembelajaran, penyesuaian atau adaptasi (akomodasi) bahasa dilakukan. Tujuannya ialah terjadinya pembelajaran yang timbal balik. Ada strategi-strategi yang dilakukan oleh guru-siswa, baik secara sadar maupun tidak sadar, untuk melakukan adaptasi (akomodasi) bahasa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk (a) mendeksripsikan dominasi penggunaan strategi akomodasi komunikasi dalam pembelajaran di kelas dan (b) mendeskripsikan alasan atau faktor yang memengaruhi penggunaan strategi akomodasi komunikasi antara guru dan siswa dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Sumber data penelitian ini berupa guru dan siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di kelas pada tiga SMA di Jakarta. Data penelitiannya adalah tuturan verbal dan nonverbal dalam dalam kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif yang mengandalkan data berupa hasil wawancara, catatan observasi, dan rekaman audiovisual kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di tiga SMA di Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tiga strategi, yaitu pengelolaan wacana, emotional ekspresi, dan interpretabilitas mendominasi penggunaan strategi akomodasi komunikasi yang dilakukan guru dan siswa. Penyederhanaan pesan dan pembangunan kepercayaan diri menjadi alasan atau faktor terjadinya strategi akomodasi komunikasi yang dibangun dalam interaksi bahasa guru dan siswa di kelas


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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis teks hukum secara tekstual. Kajian ini berupaya untuk membedah struktur teks hukum UU RI Nomor 20 Tahun 2002 tentang Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi yang meliputi ide, pihak yang terlibat, dan sistematika teks dengan pendekatan Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional (LSF). Pendekatan LSF dapat mempermudah keterpahaman, baik dalam hal pemahaman teks, interpretasi, maupun penafsiran kekuatan hukum. Kajian ini juga menginformasikan aspek-aspek di luar teks hukum sehingga diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran secara lebih komprehensif terhadap isi UU RI Nomor 30 Tahun 2002. This study aims to analyze legal texts textually. This study examines the structure of the legal text of Law No.30/2002 which includes ideas, parties involved, and systematics by the Functional Systemic Linguistic (LSF) approach. The LSF approach is facilitate understanding of the law, both in terms of understanding the text and interpretation of legal force. In addition, this study informs aspects outside the legal text to provide a more comprehensive picture of the contents of Law No. 30/2002

    Paguyuban “Tuk Bebeng” and Community Strength-Based Water Management in Disaster-Prone Areas of Merapi, Yogyakarta

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    Water management in disaster-prone areas such as Merapi often creates various social vulnerabilities such as social conflicts, poverty and weakened role of local organizations. The exclusion of the role of local organizations in community-based water management is often overlooked. A local community organization called Tuk Bebeng that work on water management in the sloop of the Merapi volacne in Yogyakarta is an example of such an overlooked role of an important actor in disasterprone areas. This paper aims to examine the strength the Tuk Bebeng Association in water management in disaster-prone areas of Merapi. This research is basedon a descriptive qualitative method with data collection through field observations, in-depth interviews, and focused discussion forums. The results of the study show that the Tuk Bebeng Association has played important roles in eliminating various sectoral conflicts of interest.This good practice is carried out through the strong base of the community’s collectivity which manifest in two forms including mechanical solidarity and moral rationality. Through these roels the Tuk Bebeng community serves as guardians of the balance of harmony between nature and society. The pattern of life of the people around Merapi, namely Se omah, Guyub, dan se-rahim(common home, harmony, and the same homeland), as the glue of brotherhood can act as a damper for anger and compromise in the cross-linking of interests in water management. The practical implications of this research offer realistic practices to reduce the cross- interest (conflict) that occurs by providing space for important actors managing Tuk Bebeng to dialogue equally, and empowering the underrepresented Paguyuban Bebeng actors with legal formal and cultural recognition that Tuk Bebeng belongs to the Merapi community. Theoretical implications show that rationality and solidarity theories have a strong relationship in mobilising collective action in communities in disaster-prone areas.


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    Poverty in urban area tends to present the complexity of problems and cases including poor houses, homeless people, unemployment, and so on that remain unsolved. The issue of poverty also appears in Yogyakarta, especially in Kelurahan Tegalpanggung that is placed on the central of Yogyakart

    Elite Capture Phenomenon and Political Dialogic Space: Reflections on the Folklore of Asal Usul Raja Negeri Jambi in the Current Political Situation

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    This research focuses on the process of political elite capture which is associated with the current political context and the dialogic space that occurs in the narrative text of the folklore Asal Usul Raja Negeri Jambi (AURNJ) [The Origins of the King of Jambi]. This study used a descriptive qualitative method. The data were obtained from the recording and documentation of Jambi folklore 2: Asal Usul Raja Negeri Jambi (AURNJ) by Kaslani (1997). The results of the analysis produce several conclusions. First, there are symptoms of the political phenomenon of elite capture of village elders in perpetuating their power in the election of the King of Jambi. Second, this phenomenon also fostered the practice of dynastic familism. In the belief of village elders, the king must be chosen from their lineage, meaning that people in their circle are worthy to be king. Third, the deadlock in finding a leader figure was experienced by village elitist elders in the political contestation of the election of the king. This stalemate then awakened the elite village elders to open equal participatory dialogue spaces. This is nothing but to open up opportunities for candidates for kingship outside their circle of power. Fourth, the paradox of elite capture political dynamics in AURNJ's story describes a situation similar to contemporary political phenomena, namely the thirst for power and building political dynasties for personal and group interests as a security strategy and perpetuation of the arena of exposure to power

    Penerjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Minang dari Optical Character Recognition dengan Menggunakan Algoritme Edit Distance

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    Tri Gatra Bangun Bahasa yaitu utamakan Bahasa Indonesia, lestarikan bahasa daerah, dan kuasai bahasa asing. Melalui ini, maka bahasa daerah sebagai salah satu kekayaan bangsa Indonesia perlu dilestarikan. Selain itu, bahasa daerah juga berfungsi sebagai pendukung bahasa nasional yakni Bahasa Indonesia. Pemanfaatan teknologi dapat digunakan sebagai upaya dalam pelestarian bahasa daerah. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan teknologi kecerdasan buatan yakni mesin penerjemah yang menerjemahkan Bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa daerah berbasiskan citra teks. Bahasa daerah yang digunakan yakni bahasa daerah Minang. Fokus penelitian ini pada proses penerjemahan hasil optical character recognition (OCR) dari citra teks Bahasa Indonesia menggunakan algoritma edit distance, yakni hamming distance, Leveinshtein distance dan Jaro-Winkler. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa algoritma edit distance dapat memperbaiki hasil OCR dalam melakukan penerjemahan ke bahasa daerah. Hasil OCR pada citra teks memiliki akurasi awal yakni 50.72%. Setelah diterapkan algoritma edit distance, akurasi penerjemahan meningkat menjadi 68.34% untuk algoritma hamming distance, 70.5% untuk algoritma Leveinshtein distance dan 70.2% untuk algoritma Jaro-Winkler. Dari ketiga algoritma ini, Leveinshtein distance memiliki performasi akurasi penerjemahan paling tinggi. Kata Kunci: penerjemahan, bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Minang, hamming distance, leveinshtein distance, jaro-winkler, optical character recognitio