107 research outputs found


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    During the past decade, China has been striving for a more prominent status in the international community. In doing so, China undertook several measures that indicate its willingness to become a supportive collaborator in the international politics, including taking a part in the Six Party Talks regarding to the North Korean nuclear issue as well as striving for the Market Economy Status (MES). However, the recent development of the South China Sea dispute seems to show a contrasting circumstance. As one of the claimant states, China showed a fairly aggressive gesture in expanding and exploiting the disputed territory. Recently, China even declared a refusal against the verdict from the international law which stated that China had no legal base in claiming the territory. This situation sparked a puzzle as the non-compliance against the international law seemed to be violating China’s on- going efforts to win the broader acceptance in the international community. Thus, using two different perspectives, namely structural realism and social constructivism, this study analyses puzzle  and finds  the contextual  relevance behind China’s  non- compliance policy. The overall findings show that the rational interest of pursuing the hegemony in the disputed region becomes the primary goal that China is pursuing beyond the interest of adhering to the international law

    Konstruksi Teologi Pembebasan dalam Islam: Studi Pemikiran Asghar Ali Engineer: The Construction of Liberation Theology in Islam: A Study of Asghar Ali Engineer's Thought

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    Islam is a religion that upholds the values of justice. However, Muslims today have undergone a total change and ignored these values. The theology of liberation formulated by Asghar Ali Engineer is a necessity to awaken Muslims from boredom and realize the values of justice inherited by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. In addition, liberation theology has become a critique for traditional scholars who only prioritize metaphysical issues and ignore humanitarian issues. Thus, this research was appointed to describe in depth the theology of liberation constructed by Asghar Ali Engineer. The method used in this research is a qualitative method based on a literature study. The results of this study are the construction of Asghar Ali's theology of liberation, which covers three points: monotheism, which is interpreted as human unity; a movement that must be based on a strong faith to fight for justice and fight against unjust rulers; and justice in the economic field to free the small people who are exploited by the capitalist system

    Pengaruh Diaspora Bugis Makassar di Malaysia Terhadap Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia-Malaysia

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    ABSTRAK Salah satu fenomena yang paling menonjol dalam sejarah diaspora di kepulauan Indonesia adalah diaspora suku bangsa Bugis sejak abad ke-17. Dan salah satu negara tujuan strategis Diaspora Bugis-Makassar adalah Malaysia. Dari fakta ini, maka penulis tertarik dan memandang perlu untuk mengkaji lebih dalam tentang pengaruh Diaspora Bugis Makassar di Malaysia terhadap hubungan bilateral Indonesia-Malaysia. Dan dari hasil analisis, terbukti bahwa Diaspora Bugis Makassar di Malaysia memiliki peran penting dalam mempererat hubungan Bilateral Indonesia dan Malaysia, baik dalam bidang ekonomi, politik dan sosial budaya

    Pertanggungjawaban Kurator Karena Menyebabkan Timbulnya Kerugian Dalam Pemberesan Harta Pailit

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    ABSTRACTThis writing discusses what the factors that caused the curator's negligence to cause bankruptcy property losses and how the curator's responsibility was due to negligence that caused the bankruptcy property loss. The research method in this writing is normative legal research, the source of this research uses primary, secondary and tertiary law sources, and the approaches used in the research are the statute approach, the conceptual approach and the conceptual approach. Then the legal material analysis technique uses a qualitative descriptive technique. Factors that cause the loss of bankruptcy assets, can be in the form of the Curator forgetting to enter one of the creditors, selling the debtor's assets which are not classified as bankruptcy, under the value of the bankruptcy property, third parties and the Curator trying to collect the bankrupt debtor's bills and confiscating the debtor's property, it is proven that the debtor's claim is false. As well as the form of accountability in the form of responsibility in the professional capacity and not on the curator personally, the claimant party has a claim for bankruptcy assets.Keywords: Accountability, Curator, Bankruptcy Property.ABSTRAKPenulisan ini membahas apakah yang menjadi faktor penyebab terjadinya kelalaian kurator yang menyebabkan timbulnya kerugian harta pailit dan bagaimana pertanggungjawaban kurator akibat kelalaian yang menyebabkan timbulnya kerugian harta pailit. Metode penelitian dalam penulisan ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif, sumber hukum penelitian ini menggunakan sumber hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier, serta pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan, konseptual dan. Kemudian teknik analisis bahan hukum menggukanan teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Faktor yang menyebabkan timbulnya kerugian harta pailit, dapat berupa Kurator lupa memasukkan salah satu kreditur, menjual aset debitur yang tidak termasuk harta pailit, dibawah nilai harta pailit, pihak ketiga dan Kurator berupaya menagih tagihan debitur yang pailit dan melakukan sita atas properti debitur, terbukti bahwa tuntutan debitur tersebut adalah palsu. Serta Bentuk pertanggungjawaban berupa Tanggung jawab dalam kapasitas profesi dan bukan pada kurator secara pribadi, Pihak yang menuntut mempunyai tagihan atas harta kepailitan.Kata Kunci: Pertanggungjawaban, Kurator, Harta Pailit

    Reformulasi Konsep Tauhid: Studi Analisis Pemikiran Hassan Hanafi

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    Tauhid merupakan hal yang paling fundamental bagi pemeluk agama Islam. Hal ini karena tauhid berperan atas kehidupan umat Islam. Namun, saat ini tauhid yang diyakini oleh umat Islam telah membawa kejumudan pemikiran Islam yang dipengaruhi oleh para ulama yang masih mendasarkan keyakinannya kepada teologi Islam klasik. Hal ini yang mendasari Hassan Hanafi untuk memperbaharui konsep tauhid agar menjadi tauhid yang dapat merespon tantangan zaman dan menjadi ideologi untuk melakukan perubahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas formulasi konsep tauhid yang digagas oleh Hassan Hanafi. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi tokoh. Hasil penelitian ini adalah formulasi tauhid yang digagas oleh Hassan Hanafi merupakan tauhid yang bersifat antroposentris. Ia berupaya untuk menjadikan tauhid sebagai ideologi yang dapat menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan sosial yang telah dialami oleh umat Islam dan menjawab tantangan zaman. Hassan Hanafi juga berusaha dalam merumuskan konsep tauhidnya untuk tidak mengenyampingkan tauhid dari permasalahan kehidupan baik secara ekonomi, sosial dan politik. Ia mengupayakan agar tauhid berimplikasi dalam suatu perbuatan dan menjadikan tauhid antroposentris sebagai solusi untuk membangkitkan dunia Isla

    Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Demokrasi Terhadap Retensi Karyawan

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    Companies that want to continue to survive in business competition need Human Resources (HR) or quality employees. To retain quality employees so they don't leave the company, employee retention is needed because the key to the success of an organization depends on employee retention. Employee retention is a strategy carried out by companies to retain employees who have good performance to remain loyal and stay in the company. This study aims to analyze the effect of compensation and democratic leadership style on employee retention at a pharmaceutical company in Bogor Regency. The sample in this study was 82 employees who worked at a pharmaceutical company in Bogor Regency. The analysis technique in this study used multiple linear regression analysis. Testing the model in this study is using the F-test while testing the hypothesis using the t-test. The results showed that the compensation variable had a significant effect on employee retention at a pharmaceutical company in Bogor Regency. Meanwhile, the democratic leadership style variable has no effect on employee retention at a pharmaceutical company in Bogor Regency

    Prinsip-Prinsip Humanisme Menurut Ali Syari'ati

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    Islam has universal teachings, namely human values. Ali Shari'ati is one of the Islamic revolutionary thinkers who paid attention to humanism. According to him, humanism is a school of philosophy that views groups that aim to achieve perfection in humans. Ali Shari'ati emphasized that humans are creatures that have various values given by God. Humans are the most unique nature, because humans were created by God as the noblest creatures, have their own freedom, and are not controlled by something, so that humans can determine the direction of their lives freely and be responsible for their choices. This research aims to explore Ali Shariati's thoughts related to the principles of humanism. This research is a literature study that uses a qualitative approach with descriptive-analytic method. The result of this research is that according to Ali Shariati, humans as God's representatives on earth certainly have divine values that form moral, cultural and religious values. Then, in the principle of humanism built by Ali Shari'ati, he explained that there are seven basic concepts in Islamic humanism, including humans having autonomous elements, having freedom, thinking creatures, conscious creatures, creatures that have creativity, creatures that have desires, and creatures that have morals


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    The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the placement of employees, facilities, and commitment simultaneously has a positive and significant effect on the work motivation at Regional Financial Management, Income and Assets Agency,  Kota Tanjungbalai. This study aims to determine the effect of employee placement, facilities and commitment to work motivation at Regional Financial Management, Income and Assets Agency, Kota Tanjungbalai. The sample in this study were all employees at Regional Financial Management, Income and Assets Agency, Kota Tanjungbalai, which numbered 46 people. The data analysis technique in this research is Multiple Linear Regression. The results of this study indicate; Employee placement partially has a positive and significant effect on employee motivation; Facilities partially have a positive and significant effect on employee motivation; Commitment partially has a positive and significant effect on employee motivation; Employee placement, facilities and commitment simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on employee motivation
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