88 research outputs found
Two Distinct, Geographically Overlapping Lineages of the Corallimorpharian Ricordea Florida (Cnidaria: Hexacorallia: Ricordeidae)
We examined the genetic variation of the corallimorpharian Ricordea florida; it is distributed throughout the Caribbean region and is heavily harvested for the marine aquarium trade. Eighty-four distinct individuals of R. florida were sequenced from four geographically distant Caribbean locations (Curaçao, Florida, Guadeloupe, and Puerto Rico). Analysis of the ribosomal nuclear region (ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2) uncovered two geographically partially overlapping genetic lineages in R. florida, probably representing two cryptic species. Lineage 1 was found in Florida and Puerto Rico, and Lineage 2 was found in Florida, Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, and Curaçao. Because of the multi-allelic nature of the ITS region, four individuals from Lineage 1 and six from Lineage 2 were cloned to evaluate the levels of hidden intra-individual variability. Pairwise genetic comparisons indicated that the levels of intra-individual and intra-lineage variability (\u3c1%) were approximately an order of magnitude lower than the divergence (~9%) observed between the two lineages. The fishery regulations of the aquarium trade regard R. florida as one species. More refined regulations should take into account the presence of two genetic lineages, and they should be managed separately in order to preserve the long-term evolutionary potential of this corallimorpharian. The discovery of two distinct lineages in R. florida illustrates the importance of evaluating genetic variability in harvested species prior to the implementation of management policies
A aplicação da medida socioeducativa de prestação de serviço a comunidade aos adolescentes autores de ato infracional em Criciúma–SC: um estudo a partir da Lei nº 12.594/12 que instituiu o sistema nacional de atendimento socioeducativo
Trabalho de conclusão de curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel no Curso de Direito da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.A Constituição Federal, assim como o Estatuto da criança e do adolescente vedam o trabalho infantil, sendo autorizado somente na opção de adolescente aprendiz. Todavia, quando um adolescente comete um ato infracional estará sujeito às medidas socioeducativas presentes no artigo 112 do Estatuto da criança e do adolescente, entre essas medidas se encontra incluída a prestação de serviço à comunidade. Essas medidas foram recepcionadas pela lei SINASE que surgiu com o intuito de explicar melhor a utilização dessas medidas de meio aberto visto que o Estatuto estava insuficiente nesse aspecto. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com ênfase nos direitos dos adolescentes que se encontram vinculado à medida socioeducativa de prestação de serviço à comunidade e busca descobrir se a medida está de acordo com a lei SINASE. Tem como objetivo geral pesquisar sobre a utilização da prestação de serviço à comunidade em Criciúma - SC e abordar o objetivo desta medida na forma que está prevista em lei e verificar a possível violação dos preceitos constitucionais na prática. Já os objetivos específicos foram estabelecidos da seguinte forma: analisar a relevância do direito das crianças e dos adolescentes junto ao Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente diante da teoria da proteção integral, estudar a lei nº 12.594/12 (SINASE), bem como as medidas socioeducativas e o ato infracional, dando maior importância à medida de prestação de serviço à comunidade, verificar como a cidade de Criciúma – SC atua na utilização da Prestação de serviço à comunidade perante todos os preceitos constitucionais, examinando a realidade em que os jovens são submetidos perante esta medida e se há eficácia. Para a realização da pesquisa foi utilizado o método indutivo, com auxílio de pesquisa e descrições documental-legal. Desta forma, pode-se deduzir que a cidade de Criciúma – SC não traz as garantias legais quando se aplica a medida de prestação de serviço à comunidade, submetendo o adolescente as piores formas de trabalho, mesmo o Brasil tendo assinando a lista das Piores Formas de Trabalho Infantil – que entre elas está presente o trabalho doméstico que é o trabalho realizado pelos adolescentes que são submetidos a esta medida
Impetração de mandado de segurança pelo estado a inversão da finalidade do writ
TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso aborda a questão
da impetração do mandado de segurança pelo Estado e busca demonstrar
que o famoso instituto, que nasceu e prosperou com a finalidade de livrar o
cidadão do julgo das arbitrariedades de Estado, personificado pelas pessoas
jurídicas de direito público e autoridades que o compõem, com o passar do
tempo, principalmente em função dos textos legislativos que o abordaram,
sofreu uma contínua alteração em seu significado e âmbito de incidência,
possibilitando, em última instância, que o referido instrumento Constitucional
acabasse sendo passível de utilização, pelo próprio Estado, contra o cidadão
a quem deveria proteger, numa completa inversão de sua finalidade original.
Para melhor entendimento do tema, o trabalho foi desenvolvido
de formas que, numa relação de causa e efeito, partindo do conceito do
mandado de segurança, fosse possível avançar em direção ao objetivo
proposto. Motivo pelo qual, inicialmente, foram abordados os aspectos
históricos que envolveram a concepção do instituto, frisando sempre a sua
origem como instrumento de defesa do particularl para então, num segundo
momento, serem abordados os vários aspectos da impetração do mandado
de segurança por pessoa jurídica de direito público, principalmente contra
ato judicial
A influência da motivação sobre os resultados financeiros de profissionais de vendas das lojas de móveis planejados da marca Favorita instaladas nos estados do Paraná e Santa Catarina : uma proposta técnica de implantação
Orientadora : Prof.ª Carolina Valetini Toscani KimMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Gestão de Talentos e Comportamento HumanoInclui referênciasResumo : O presente trabalho envolve uma proposta técnica de implantação que objetiva avaliar a influência da motivação sobre os resultados financeiros de profissionais de vendas das lojas de móveis planejados da marca Favorita instaladas nos estados do Paraná e Santa Catarina
A neurocognitive investigation of the impact of socializing with a robot on empathy for pain
To what extent can humans form social relationships with robots? In the present study, we combined functional neuroimaging with a robot socializing intervention to probe the flexibility of empathy, a core component of social relationships, towards robots. Twenty-six individuals underwent identical fMRI sessions before and after being issued a social robot to take home and interact with over the course of a week. While undergoing fMRI, participants observed videos of a human actor or a robot experiencing pain or pleasure in response to electrical stimulation. Repetition suppression of activity in the pain network, a collection of brain regions associated with empathy and emotional responding, was measured to test whether socializing with a social robot leads to greater overlap in neural mechanisms when observing human and robotic agents experiencing pain or pleasure. In contrast to our hypothesis, functional region-of-interest analyses revealed no change in neural overlap for agents after the socializing intervention. Similarly, no increase in activation when observing a robot experiencing pain emerged post-socializing. Whole-brain analysis showed that, before the socializing intervention, superior parietal and early visual regions are sensitive to novel agents, while after socializing, medial temporal regions show agent sensitivity. A region of the inferior parietal lobule was sensitive to novel emotions, but only during the pre-socializing scan session. Together, these findings suggest that a short socialization intervention with a social robot does not lead to discernible differences in empathy towards the robot, as measured by behavioural or brain responses. We discuss the extent to which long-term socialization with robots might shape social cognitive processes and ultimately our relationships with these machines.
This article is part of the theme issue ‘From social brains to social robots: applying neurocognitive insights to human–robot interaction’
GRB 221009A: A light dark matter burst or an extremely bright Inverse Compton component?
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been considered as potential very high-energy
photon emitters due to the large amount of energy released as well as the
strong magnetic fields involved in their jets. However, the detection of TeV
photons is not expected from bursts beyond a redshift of due to
their attenuation with the extragalactic background light (EBL). For these
reasons, the recent observation of photons with energies of 18 and 251 TeV from
GRB 221009A (z=0.151) last October 9th, 2022 has challenged what we know about
the TeV-emission mechanisms and the extragalactic background. In order to
explain the TeV observations, recent works exploring candidates of dark matter
have started to appear. In this paper, we discuss the required conditions and
limitations within the most plausible scenario, synchrotron-self Compton (SSC)
radiation in the GRB afterglow, to interpret the one 18-TeV photon observation
besides the EBL. To avoid the Klein-Nishina effect, we find an improbable value
of the microphysical magnetic parameter below for a circumburst
medium value (expected in the collapsar scenario).
Therefore, we explore possible scenarios in terms of ALPs and dark photon
mechanisms to interpret this highly-energetic photon and we discuss the
implications in the GRB energetics. We find that the ALPs and dark photon
scenarios can explain the 18 TeV photon but not the 251 TeV photon.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, 4 table
Parámetros ambientales y pesqueros de un lago somero de La Pampa, luego de una mortandad masiva de <i>Odontesthes bonariensis</i>
The Bajo Giuliani Lagoon (36 ° 42 ‘20’’ S, 64 ° 16 ‘ 02 ‘’ W) is located south of the city of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, which was stocked with fish during the late 90’s. In this hypertrophic shallow lake, major environmental changes caused mass mortalities of silverside Odontesthes bonariensis, the last one occurred in 2010. In order to know the current state of the environment, in April 2013 surface water samples were collected, several points were georeferenced and major morphometric parameters were estimated. Fish were captured by trawls and gillnets. The lake has an area of 965 ha with an average depth of 2.31 meters, hyposaline, hard and sodium chlorinated water. Captured register 549 specimens of O. bonariensis and 437 of Jenynsia multidentata, showing a low diversity. The captured silverside ranged from 75 to 343 mm standard length and from 4 to 568 grams. The catch per unit effort in number and biomass was 519 fishes/ night and 99.2 kilos / night respectively, and the trophy size (PSD) was 41.6 6 %. The results indicate that PSD was 16% lower than those recorded before mortality in October 2009. Also, CPUE in number and CPUE in weight obtained were lower than that date. Nevertheless, several index showed better current body conditions.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse
Parámetros ambientales y pesqueros de un lago somero de La Pampa, luego de una mortandad masiva de <i>Odontesthes bonariensis</i>
The Bajo Giuliani Lagoon (36 ° 42 ‘20’’ S, 64 ° 16 ‘ 02 ‘’ W) is located south of the city of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, which was stocked with fish during the late 90’s. In this hypertrophic shallow lake, major environmental changes caused mass mortalities of silverside Odontesthes bonariensis, the last one occurred in 2010. In order to know the current state of the environment, in April 2013 surface water samples were collected, several points were georeferenced and major morphometric parameters were estimated. Fish were captured by trawls and gillnets. The lake has an area of 965 ha with an average depth of 2.31 meters, hyposaline, hard and sodium chlorinated water. Captured register 549 specimens of O. bonariensis and 437 of Jenynsia multidentata, showing a low diversity. The captured silverside ranged from 75 to 343 mm standard length and from 4 to 568 grams. The catch per unit effort in number and biomass was 519 fishes/ night and 99.2 kilos / night respectively, and the trophy size (PSD) was 41.6 6 %. The results indicate that PSD was 16% lower than those recorded before mortality in October 2009. Also, CPUE in number and CPUE in weight obtained were lower than that date. Nevertheless, several index showed better current body conditions.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse
Parámetros ambientales y pesqueros de un lago somero de La Pampa, luego de una mortandad masiva de Odontesthes bonariensis
La laguna Bajo Giuliani (36 ° 42 ‘20’ S, 64 ° 16 ‘02’ W) se ubica al sur de la ciudad de Santa Rosa, La Pampa, y fue aprovisionada de peces durante los últimos años de la década de los 90. En esta laguna hipertrófica, los cambios ambientales más importantes causaron la muerte masiva del pejerrey, Odontesthes bonariensis, el último ocurrió en 2010. Para conocer el estado actual del ambiente, en abril de 2013 se colectaron muestras de agua superficial, varios puntos fueron georreferenciados y se estimaron la mayoría de los parámetros morfométricos. Los peces fueron capturados por redes de arrastre y redes de enmalle. La laguna tiene una superficie de 965 ha con una profundidad promedio de 2,31 m, hiposalina, agua dura y clorada sódica. Registró una captura de 549 especímenes de O. bonariensis y 437 de Jenynsia multidentata, mostrando una baja diversidad. El pejerrey capturado varió de 75 a 343 mm de longitud estándar y de 4 a 568 g. La captura por unidad de esfuerzo en número y biomasa fue de 519 peces/noche y 99,2 kg/noche respectivamente, y 41.6 6% de los peces tuvo tallas por encima el tamaño del trofeo (PSD) fue de. Los resultados indican que la PSD fue un 16% inferior a la registrada antes de la mortalidad en octubre de 2009. Además, la CPUE en número y en peso obtenida fueron inferiores a esa fecha. Sin embargo, varios índices mostraron una mejor condición corporal en la actualidad.The Bajo Giuliani Lagoon (36 ° 42 ‘20’’ S, 64 ° 16 ‘ 02 ‘’ W) is located south of the city of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, which was stocked with fish during the late 90’s. In this hypertrophic shallow lake, major environmental changes caused mass mortalities of silverside Odontesthes bonariensis, the last one occurred in 2010. In order to know the current state of the environment, in April 2013 surface water samples were collected, several points were georeferenced and major morphometric parameters were estimated. Fish were captured by trawls and gillnets. The lake has an area of 965 ha with an average depth of 2.31 meters, hyposaline, hard and sodium chlorinated water. Captured register 549 specimens of O. bonariensis and 437 of Jenynsia multidentata, showing a low diversity. The captured silverside ranged from 75 to 343 mm standard length and from 4 to 568 grams. The catch per unit effort in number and biomass was 519 fishes/ night and 99.2 kilos / night respectively, and the trophy size (PSD) was 41.6 6 %. The results indicate that PSD was 16% lower than those recorded before mortality in October 2009. Also, CPUE in number and CPUE in weight obtained were lower than that date. Nevertheless, several index showed better current body conditions
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