11 research outputs found

    Analisis Dukungan Organisasional Persepsian Dan Employee Engagement Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan: Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Pemediasi

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of perceived organizational support (POS) and employee engagement on performance and the role of job satisfaction in mediating the effect of perceived organizational support (POS) and employee engagement on performance. The population in this study were permanent employees at PT. Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk. The research method used was a survey and a sample size of 185 employees. The research instrument adopted from previous research. Retrieval of data by means of questionnaires and interviews. Validity and reliability tests show all questionnaire items are valid and reliable. To test H1 and H2 with simple regression, H3 and H4 test with Baron and Kenny regression model. The results of hypothesis testing show that: (1) perceived organizational support has a significant effect on employee performance, (2) employee engagement has a significant effect on employee performance, (3) job satisfaction partially mediates the effect of perceived organizational support on employee performance, and (4) job satisfaction does not mediate the effect of Employee engagement on employee performance. &nbsp

    Effect of Reward System, Organizational Commitment, and Work Experience on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as A Mediation Variable

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of the reward system, organizational commitment, and work experience on employee performance with job satisfaction as a mediating variable at the Main Branch Office of Bank BPD DIY. The sampling technique used a non-probability technique with the census/sampling method totaling 71 KCU employees. BPD DIY respondents. The data collection method used is a questionnaire. The analytical tool used in this study uses Smart PLS 3.2.9. The results showed that the reward system, organizational commitment, and work experience could directly or indirectly improve employee performance through job satisfaction

    Work Engagement in Mediating the Effects of Job Characteristics, Supervisor and Coworker Support, Participation in Decision Making, and Job Security on Performance

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    This study aimed to examine the influence of job characteristics, supervisor and coworker support, participation in decision-making, and job security on teacher performance mediated by work engagement in elementary schools under the auspices of the Prayoga Bukittinggi Foundation. This study uses descriptive and quantitative analysis methods. The population in the study amounted to 52 teachers. The sampling technique used a saturated sample technique totaling 52 respondents. The analysis technique in this study uses Path Analysis. This study's results indicate that job characteristic, Supervisor and coworker support, Participation in decision-making, and Job security have a positive and significant effect on teacher performance. Job characteristics, Supervisor and coworker support, Participation in decision-making, and Job security have a significant positive effect on teacher performance mediated by work engagement


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    Digital Tourism dan Pelindungan Merek Dagang Desa Wisata Bugisan Prambanan telah menjadi fokus dalam upaya pemulihan ekonomi kreatif dan promosi destinasi wisata secara digital. Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat oleh UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta telah merancang serangkaian strategi destination branding melalui Digital Tourism untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan popularitas Desa Wisata Bugisan. Program ini mencakup berbagai kegiatan, seperti rebranding destinasi wisata dengan memperkuat identitas desa, pembuatan video profil yang menarik dan informatif, serta buku profil yang memberikan informasi terperinci tentang potensi wisata desa. Selain itu, strategi promosi juga dilakukan melalui destination branding yang aktif di media sosial Instagram. Pentingnya perlindungan merek dagang dalam konteks ini juga ditekankan, untuk melindungi identitas dan ciri khas Desa Wisata Bugisan agar tidak disalahgunakan oleh pihak lain. Dengan menggabungkan konsep digital tourism dan perlindungan merek dagang, diharapkan Desa Wisata Bugisan dapat memperkuat posisinya sebagai destinasi wisata unggulan di Prambanan, menarik wisatawan dengan peningkatan visibilitas online yang efektif, serta menjaga keaslian dan integritas merek dagang desa tersebut

    Pengaruh Spiritual Capital dan Individual Value terhadap Job Performance pada Rumah Sakit di Wilayah Yogyakarta [English: Effect of Spiritual Capital and Individual Value on Job Performance in Hospitals in Yogyakarta]

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    This research aimed to examine influence of spiritual capital, individual values to job performance. The object of this research was hospital in Yogyakarta area. The respondens were doctor, nurse, and administration official. Validity and reliability test were used to measure the accuracy and consistence of questionair items. Data was analyzed with structural equation Modelling (SEM). Questioner was sent to collect data from the responden. The result showed that there was positive influence signicifant spiritual capital and individual values to job performance. Key Words: Spiritual Capital, Individual Values, Job Performanc

    Perancangan Destination Branding Desa Wisata Gamplong Sebagai Sentra Tenun Yogyakarta

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the development of the tourism industry and the creative economy in Indonesia, including the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Along with the transition from Pandemic to Endemic, Yogyakarta as the country's number two tourist destination after Bali is predicted to enjoy a revival of the tourism sector. One of the developing tourism sectors is the tourist village. This awakening is supported by the favorable geographical location of the villages, as well as the support from the local government and the media to communicate between managers. One of the tourism villages that is starting to rise is the Gamplong Tourism Village, which is located in Moyudan District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This tourist village, which is located in the west of Yogyakarta City, is quite interesting for tourists to stop by, especially because there is still a traditional weaving craft industry using Non-Machine Weaving Tools (ATBM). In addition to weaving, craftsmen are also able to produce woven crafts for souvenirs. Through Community Service carried out by UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta with the Community Empowerment Program for the Gamplong Tourism Village, it is carried out through Destination Branding Design as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic which aims to build awareness while increasing domestic tourist visits. This activity goes hand in hand with the easing of community mobility including the opening of several tourist villages. To face the new normal conditions, the Gamplong Tourism Village must prepare, among others: (a) a tourist village branding book (b). Tourism village profile video; (c). Tourism Village Profile Book; (d). Branding on social media Instagram; and (e). Protection of intellectual property for SMEs in the Gamplong Tourism Village. By making a destination branding design, it is hoped that the Gamplong Tourism Village can rise and recover as an effort to drive the creative economy


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    The purpose of this study was the examined the effect of transformasional leadership to employee performance (H1), the effect of the job satisfaction to employee performance with job satisfaction as mediated variable (H2). The research method used is descriptive and explanatory survey. Sampling technique used is cluster sampling from 90 respondents (from Mitra Adi Jaya Yogyakarta. Data collection techniques among other things by distributing a questionnaire (questionnaire), limited interviews, and observation. Data collection tool in the form of questionnaire. Analysis hypothesis using regression analysis with Baron and Kenny’s Model. Based on research results, it can be concluded that there was not significant direct effect of transformational leadership to employee performance. Beside that, job satisfaction as mediated variable on the effect of transformational leadership to employee performance (fully mediated variabled). Keywords: transformational leadership, employee performance, job satisfactio


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    This research aims to examine influence of Spiritual Capital, Individual values, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment to Job Performance. The object of this research is hospital in Yogyakarta area. The respondens are doctor, nurse, and administration afficial. Validity and reliability test are used to measure the accuracy and consistence of questionair items.the tool of analysis that are used to analyze Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The technique of collecting data is send questioner to responden and the technique of taking sample is convenience sampling. The result of research shows that there is positive influence signicifant Spiritual Capital and Individual values that direct and indirect to Job Performance. Key Words: Spiritual Capital, Individual Values, Job Satisfaction, Organizatinal Commitment and Job Performanc

    The Influence of Workload and Achievement Motivation on Performance at Yogyakarta State SMA/SMK Finance Section Official

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    This research was conducted on employees of the finance section of State Senior High Schools/Vocational Schools throughout the City of Yogyakarta. This study aims to examine the effect of workload and achievement motivation on employee performance. The population of this study was all employees of the finance department of State Senior High Schools/Vocational High Schools in the City of Yogyakarta, totaling 40 employees of the finance section of State Senior High Schools/Vocational Schools in the City of Yogyakarta, the majority of whom were female as many as 29 people (72.50%), with an undergraduate degree of 24 people (60.00%), 15 people (37.50%) aged 31 to 40 years, and 23 people (57.50%) had a working period of 01 to 10 years. Data collection was carried out using the census method. Data was collected using a questionnaire spread via Google form which was arranged with a Likert scale and analyzed using the Multiple Linear Regression Analysis technique. The results of this study prove that workload and achievement motivation simultaneously affect employee performance. The workload does not affect the performance of employees in the finance section of State Senior High Schools/Vocational Schools throughout the City of Yogyakarta. Achievement motivation has a positive effect on the performance of employees in the finance section of State Senior High Schools/Vocational Schools throughout the City of Yogyakarta. Achievement motivation dominantly influences the performance of employees in the financial section of State Senior High Schools/Vocational Schools throughout the City of Yogyakart


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    Kopi merupakan tanaman yang hidup dengan subur di wilayah tropis-sub tropis. Secara geografis Desa Toyomarto terletak di Kecamatan Singosari Kabupaten Malang, tepatnya di lereng Gunung Arjuno. Budidaya kopi ini berpotensi bisa meningkat dan berkembang jika mampu dimanfaatkan dengan baik dengan tetap menjaga kualitas, namun dengan tambahan kuantitas Sumber Daya Manusia yang terlatih. Maka terbentuklah perkumpulan Wonosantri inisiasi petani dan pelaku UMKM produk kopi Arjuno Malang, sebagai sarana penyampaian ilmu serta wadah interaksi antara pelaku dan stakeholder terkait. Tujuan program pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk meningkatan strategi branding produk kopi dan perlindungan kekayaan intelektual merek dagang melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan pengelolaan desain visual pada konten media sosial dan fasilitasi pendaftaran merek dagang. Metode pelaksanan dimulai dari koordinasi analisis situasi permasalahan mitra kemudian sosialisasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan. Luaran yang dihasilkan yang adalah pengelolaan konten desain visual pada media social Instagram dan pendaftaran 5 merek dagang dari perkumpulan kopi Wonosantri Malang yaitu, Alir, Emak Bodean, Katinden, Edukopi dan Wonosantri. Selain itu pengabdi membuat buku panduan desain komunikasi visual perancangan branding pada produk kopi yang sudah terdaftar Hak Cipta dan ISBN. Hasil yang ingin dicapai dari pengabdian masyarakat ini meningkatnya kesadaran anggota UMKM pada perkumpulan Wonosantri akan pentingnya branding pada pengelolaan desain promosi pada media social Instagram dalam mengingkatkan strategi pemasaran, serta pentingnya perlindungan kekayaan intelektual merek dagang agar  terlindungi dari penyalahgunaan pihak lain