20 research outputs found


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    Background: Tooth loss has serious functional, esthetic disabilities, and compromising the patients’ quality of life. Dental implant treatment has become increasingly common for the management tooth loss. Different clinical situations, such as narrow edentulous space, are often encountered in which modifications have to be considered in order to achieve successful rehabilitation. One piece dental implan provided a solution for rehabilitation of narrow edentulous space. The purpose of this paper is to report a rehabilitation management of narrow edentulous space. Case Management: A 22-year-old woman had an upper right canine #13 malposition so there was a narrow space between upper right lateral insisiv #12 and upper right first premolar #14. The spacing between upper right lateral insisivus #12 and upper right first premolar #14 was found to be about 5 mm. Radiograph was assessed for type of bone and for the presence of any pathology. A patient given an initial dental treatment such as scalling root planning and extraction of caninus #13. Following the clinical evaluation, the procedure and complication of implant therapy were explained and consent taken for proposed treatment. One piece dental implant site was anesthetized. Flaps on the buccal aspect were raised. One Piece dental implant inserted using dental implant kit. On completion of treatment, the patient’s esthetics and funcions improved. Conclusion: This study observed that one piece dental implants are suitable for rehabilitation of narrow edentulous spac

    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression after Induced by Chicken Shank Collagen Scaffold in Bone Regeneration

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an essential mediator during the process of angiogenesis that is an initial process of bone regeneration. Engineered bone tissue commonly encompass the use of scaffold. Collagen plays an important role in bone regeneration. Unfortunately, collagen can be extracted from chicken shank. This research was aimed to determine the effect of chicken shank collagen scaffold on the expresion of VEGF. Chicken shank was mixed by trypsin powder and dissolved in CH3COOH until forming like fiber then was sentifuged. Supernatant was dissolved NaCl 5wt% until forming fiber then was dialyzed for three days. Chicken shank collagen was printed in mould to freeze dry for 24 hours. Rats with defected femur were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 was the control group, and group 2 was treatment group which the defected femur were administrated with chicken shank collagen scaffold. Those rats were sacrificed on 2nd week. Tissue preparation was made then immunohistochemical staining was conducted counting VEGF expression. A statistical analysis was conducted using Mann Whitney test. There was a significant difference in the expression of VEGF (p<0,05). The amount of VEGF expression was increased by chicken shank collagen scaffold

    Hubungan Ekspresi Osteocalcin dan Interleukin-1β dengan Status Inflamasi Periodontal

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    Periodontitis is inflammation of the periodontal tissue that can cause progressive damage to the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. Clinical examination to determine the degree of damage to the alveolar bone using a periodontal probe instrument or probing. Cellular activity in the gingival crevicular fluid is thought to be a biomarker to determine the inflammatory status of the periodontal tissue. Cellular immune responses suggest the role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of gingivitis and periodontitis. The cytokines observed in this study were the protein Osteocalcin and Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF). In this study, 67 patients were examined for the condition of their periodontal tissues including the severity of gingivitis and periodontal probing. The gingivitis group was divided into 4 groups, namely normal, mild, moderate, and severe. Meanwhile, for probing samples were grouped based on probing into 3 groups. Group I (0-3 mm), group II (3.1-5 mm) and group III (&gt; 5 mm). GCF was obtained using paper points that were left in the gingival sulcus for 30 seconds. Then paper points are put into cryovial tubes which are sent to the laboratory for ELISA test. The observed data on the expression of Osteocalcin and IL-1β were then performed statistical tests. Osteocalcin and IL-1β expression showed a significant difference with the severity of gingivitis cases. In the other hand, it did not show a significant difference with difference of periodontal pocket depth. Osteocalcin and IL-1β expression associated with the severity of gingivitis cases

    Application of chitosan scaffolds on vascular endothelial growth factor and fibroblast growth factor 2 expressions in tissue engineering principles

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    Background: Tissue engineering has given satisfactory results as biological tissue substitutes to restore, replace, or regenerate tissues that have a defect. Chitosan is an organic biomaterial often used in the biomedical field. Chitosan has biocompatible, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Chitosan is osteoconductive, suitable for bone regeneration applications. Bone defect healing begins with inflammatory phase as a response to the presence of vascular injury, so new vascularization is required. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) are indicators of the beginning of bone regeneration process, playing an important role in angiogenesis. Purpose: This research was aimed to determine the effects of chitosan scaffold application on the expressions of VEGF and FGF2 in tissue engineering principles. Method: Chitosan was dissolved in CH3COOH and NaOH to form a gel. Chitosan gel was then printed in mould to freeze dry for 24 hours. Those rats with defected bones were divided into two groups. Group 1 was the control group which defected bones were not administrated with chitosan scaffolds. Group 2 was the treatment group which defected bones were administrated with chitosan scaffolds. Those rats were sacrificed on day 14. Tissue preparations were made, and then immunohistochemical staining was conducted. Finally, a statistical analysis was conducted using Kruskal Wallis test. Result: There was no significant difference in the expressions of VEGF and FGF2 between the control group and the treatment group (p>0.05). Conclusion: Chitosan scaffolds do not affect the expressions of VEGF and FGF2 during bone regeneration process on day 14 in tissue engineering principle

    The relationship between the level of periodontal pocket depth with gingival crevicular fluid weight using analytical balance as an indicator of periodontal tissue inflammation

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    Background: The present study aims to determine the relationship between the level of periodontal pocket depth with the weight of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF)using an analytical balance. Material and Methods: This is an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional approach. The level of periodontal pocket depth was analyzed by probing. Twenty-seven subjects were divided into three groups, namely, group 1 (with normal pocket depth: 0-3.5 mm), group 2 (pocket depth of 3.6-5.5 mm), and group 3 (pocket depth of more than 5.5 mm). GCF sampling was conducted by the infraclavicular method using paper points and its weight measurement wit han analytical balance. Data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance followed by post hoc Tukey test to determine the comparison of GCF's weight between groups. The correlation was determined using the Pearson correlation test. Results: The average of GCF's weight obtained respectively in each group was 0.352 ± 0.09 mcg, 0.598 ± 0.10 mcg, and 0.899 ± 0.06 mcg. There was a significant difference (p 5.5 mm. The Pearson correlation test showed that there was a positive correlation between the depth of the periodontal pocket and the weight of GCF. Conclusion: The level of periodontal pocket depth is related to the weight of GCF

    The Antibacterial Activity of Chitosan from Haruan (Channa striata) Fish Scales on the Growth of Streptococcus sanguinis

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    &nbsp; Introduction: Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) is the most common oral lesion in Banjarmasin, with a prevalence of 45.42%. Streptococcus sanguinis (S. sanguinis) is thought to be one of the factors causing RAS. One natural ingredient that is often used by the people of South Kalimantan is the Haruan fish. The high Haruan fish consumption will eventually leave fish scales that have the potential to pollute the environment if not addressed immediately. Fish scales contain chitin, which when deacetylated produces chitosan, which has antibacterial properties. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the chitosan from the scales of the Haruan fish (Channa striata) at inhibiting S. sanguinis growth. Methods: This study used a randomized pretest-posttest with control group design using five treatments. The five treatments were subjected to liquid dilution using the UV-Vis Spectrophotometer method to obtain minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and a solid dilution test using the Total Plate Count method to obtain minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC). Results: The results showed that Haruan scale chitosan proved to be effective as an antibacterial against S. sanguinis, with a MIC of 1.25% and a minimum lethal concentration of 2.5%. One-Way Anova test results showed significance for the MIC test (p = 0,000) and MBC test (p = 0.000; p &lt; 0.05). Conclusion: Chitosan from Haruan fish scales is both inhibitory and lethal to S. sanguinis

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Kersen (Muntingia Calabura L.) Sebagai Obat Topikal Berbasis Nanogel Terhadap Penyembuhan Stomatitis: Tinjauan Literatur

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    Latar belakang: Stomatitis merupakan penyakit mulut terbesar ketiga di Indonesia dengan mencapai prevalensi 25-60% dari jumlah populasi dunia. Menurut Riset Kesehatan Dasar Indonesia menunjukkan kenaikan persentase prevalensi penyakit gigi dan mulut sebesar 31,7% dari tahun 2013 sampai 2018. Pada umumnya, obat stomatitis mempunyai kandungan kimia sehingga menyebabkan efek samping yaitu atrofi di mukosa mulut, resistensi obat, dan kandidiasis oral. Saat ini, ekstrak tanaman sedang dikembangkan sebagai obat herbal seperti daun kersen (Muntingia calabura L.). Daun kersen mengandung flavonoid yang dapat menghambat siklooksigenase dan lipoksigenase. Pemilihan sediaan topikal gel dengan teknologi nano bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan kerja flavonoid. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan mekanisme kerja kandungan daun kersen terhadap siklooksigenase dan lipoksigenase. Metode: pencarian literatur menggunakan diagram PRISMA dengan database Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, NCBI, PubMed, dan Nature sebanyak 429 artikel. Hasil seleksi literatur hanya ditemukan 11 artikel. Hasil: ekstrak daun kersen bermanfaat untuk menghambat enzim siklooksigenase dan lipoksigenase sehingga kerusakan mukosa dapat teratasi. Proses mekanisme kerja dimulai dari penurunan produksi prostaglandin, kemudian mediator COX dan LOX dalam asam arakidonat terhambat. Turunan flavonoid seperti quercetin dapat diubah ke dalam partikel nano berbasis gel sehingga laju difusi obat dapat lebih optimal. Kesimpulan: Ekstrak daun kersen (Muntingia calabura L.) mempunyai pengaruh terhadap siklooksigenase dan lipoksigenase pada stomatitis sebagai antiinflamasi, antioksidan, dan analgesik

    Perbedaan Kapasitas Penyerapan Air (Swelling) Membran Nanohidroksiapatit Magnesium Oksida (nHA/MgO) dan Membran Hidroksiapatit Magnesium Oksida (HA/MgO) dengan Metode Gravimetri.

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    Latar Belakang: Kehilangan gigi dapat menyebabkan perubahan bentuk anatomis tulang alveolar dan merupakan proses yang irreversible sehingga diperlukan socket grafting. Salah satu biomaterial untuk socket grafting adalah alloplast. Salah satu bahan yang termasuk alloplast adalah hidroksiapatit yang mana memiliki laju degradasi yang lambat. Karena kelemahan yang dimilikinya maka diperlukan perbaikan melalui nanoteknologi serta penambahan magnesium oksida. Laju degradasi berkaitan dengan kapasitas penyerapan air yang mana peningkatan kapasitas penyerapan air selalu diikuti oleh peningkatan laju degradasi. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan kapasitas penyerapan air (swelling) membran NanoHidroksiapatit – Magnesium Oksida (nHA/MgO) dengan membran Hidroksiapatit – Magnesium Oksida (HA/MgO). Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode gravimetri yang mana sampel direndam dalam larutan PBS selama 15 menit. Kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan uji One Way Anova. Hasil: Pada membran HA/MgO semakin besar konsentrasi MgO maka terjadi penurunan kapasitas penyerapan air (swelling). Sedangkan pada membran nHA/MgO semakin besar konsentrasi MgO maka terjadi peningkatan kapasitas penyerapan air. Kesimpulan: Pada membran HA/MgO kapasitas penyerapan air (swelling) cenderung menurun. Sedangkan, pada membran nHA/MgO cenderung meningkat

    Peran Demineralized Freeze-Dried Dentin Matrix (DFDDM) Dalam Regenerasi Tulang Alveolar: Tinjauan Literatur

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    Latar Belakang: Pencabutan gigi dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan tulang alveolar dan resorpsi tulang rahang. Setelah ekstraksi gigi, tulang alveolar akan mengalami resorpsi dan daerah soket akan terisi oleh sel tulang yang ukurannya akan berkurang. Beberapa metode telah dilakukan untuk regenerasi jaringan yaitu dengan pencangkokan material grafting dengan pengganti tulang. Salah satu material cangkok tulang alternatif yang sedang di kembangkan berupa Demineralized Dentin Matrix (DDM) yang berasal dari jaringan keras dentin dari gigi manusia. Dentin di gigi mengandung sejumlah besar faktor pertumbuhan tulang, termasuk kolagen tipe I dan protein morfogenetik tulang (BMP). Oleh karena itu, diperkirakan bahwa gigi dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan bahan cangkok tulang yang memiliki kemampuan penyembuhan yang mirip dengan tulang autogenous. Tujuan: Mengetahui peran DFDDM dalam regenerasi tulang alveolar. Metode: Menentukan kata kunci, pencarian literatur dari database elektronik dengan metode Boolean Search, kemudian penyaringan dan penilaian untuk selanjutnya dilakukan review. Hasil dan Pembahasan: Berdasarkan 15 artikel yang dianalisis, DFDDM memiliki kemampuan biokampatibilitas, osteoinduksi, osteokonduksi, dengan kemampuan antibakterial yang berperan dalam proses regenerasi pada defek tulang alveolar. DDM menunjukkan aplikasi potensial dalam substitusi tulang dan scaffold. Dalam uji in vivo dan beberapa pengamatan histologis DFDDM tidak menunjukan antigenesitas dan meningkatkan kemampuan pembentukan tulang. Kesimpulan: DFDDM memiliki peran dalam regenerasi tulang alveolar

    Peran Decellurarized Dental Pulp sebagai Kandidat Biomaterial Baru dalam Regenerasi Pulpa: Tinjauan Literatur

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    Latar Belakang: Nekrosis pulpa menjadi salah satu penyakit utama yang paling sering ditemukan pada gigi dan mulut. Perawatan saluran akar merupakan solusi utama untuk nekrosis pulpa, namun pelaksanaaannya dapat menyebabkan kematian gigi dan infeksi berulang. Meregenerasi pulpa dengan mentransplantasikan scaffold, stem cell, dan growth factor pada saluran akar menjadi salah satu alternatif yang dapat ditawarkan untuk mengobati penyakit pulpa dengan mempertahankan gigi tetap vital. Scaffold memainkan perananan penting dalam regenerasi pulpa salah satunya Scaffold ECM berasal dari pulpa yang menggabungkan struktur kolagen mikro bersama dengan molekul bioaktif yang penting untuk regenerasi pulpa gigi dan mampu mendorong diferensiasi serta proliferasi dari stem cell Tujuan: Mengetahui peran Decellularized Dental Pulp sebagai kandidat biomaterial baru dalam regenerasi pulpa. Metode: Systematic literature review dengan menggunakan metode PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses). Hasil dan Pembahasan: Berdasarkan 18 artikel yang dianalisis, decellularized dental pulp scaffold yang diperoleh dari donor hewan maupun manusia dapat mendorong terjadinya proliferasi dan diferensiasi stem cell sehingga dapat digunakan ssebagi scaffold dalam meregenerasi pulpa. Penggunaannya sebagai hydrogel-based scaffold juga dapat mempermudah proses penanaman scaffold sehingga dapat mendorong terjadinya diferensiasi odontoblast-like dan neural-like cells lebih cepat . Berbagai kombinasi decellularized dental pulp scaffold dengan material lain dikembangkan untuk mengoptimalkan regenerasi pulpa. Kesimpulan: Decellurarized Dental Pulp memiliki peran dalam regenerasi pulpa