24 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengembangan Pindang Palembang menggunakan Model Bisnis Canvas (MBC) untuk Wisatawan

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    Pindang Palembang is one of traditional culinary in South Sumatra which had uniqe special taste like sour, salty and sweet flavour. But, this culinary was not popular in tourist who come in Palembang. So, strategy of development for Pindang palembang need to be done. Development strategy was conducted based on BMC (Business Model Canvas) method by interview dan share quitioner with 24 hotels tourist. The initial identification showed that there were 24.39% foreign tourists who interst to Pindang palembang, the number of 45.45% taste was be value proposition, only 33.33% hotels gave offers about Pindang, the number of 30.91% uniqe was be customer relationships, the easy channel to reached was 85.37% online, the number of 66.67% hotels promoted Pindang palembang, 91.67% hotels had chef and 83.33% had website. By 7 elements, 78% cost structure low but it did’t have appreciations. BMC showed that, there were many factors affected Pindang development such as tourist attractions to Pindang, value of Pindang, mitra, promotion, media online, innovation and competence people who can developed Pindang to be interested taste.Pindang Palembang is one of traditional culinary in South Sumatra which had uniqe special taste like sour, salty and sweet flavour. But, this culinary was not popular in tourist who come in Palembang. So, strategy of development for Pindang palembang need to be done. Development strategy was conducted based on BMC (Business Model Canvas) method by interview dan share quitioner with 24 hotels tourist. The initial identification showed that there were 24.39% foreign tourists who interst to Pindang palembang, the number of 45.45% taste was be value proposition, only 33.33% hotels gave offers about Pindang, the number of 30.91% uniqe was be customer relationships, the easy channel to reached was 85.37% online, the number of 66.67% hotels promoted Pindang palembang, 91.67% hotels had chef and 83.33% had website. By 7 elements, 78% cost structure low but it did’t have appreciations. BMC showed that, there were many factors affected Pindang development such as tourist attractions to Pindang, value of Pindang, mitra, promotion, media online, innovation and competence people who can developed Pindang to be interested taste


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    The research purpose is to find out the development of regional expansion in Indonesia from the point of view of development law theory. The research method used in this study indeed uses the type of juridical normative research. While the approach to be taken by the author is a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The data analysis used by the author is descriptive qualitative data analysis. The discussion results in this study are two things: first, expansion in Indonesia is considered quite significant, primarily. This expansion is carried out in the framework of national development. But regional expansion cannot be separated from dilemmas, especially political dilemmas, administrative dilemmas, and dilemmas in terms of regional inequality. Second, regional expansion viewed from the point of view of development law theory is undoubtedly related to the role of law as a means. Law occupies a vital role in the means of regional expansion. The law plays an essential role in the legislative process of regional expansion because the autonomous regions that will secede must be based on the products of the law

    Identifikasi Atribut Aroma dan Rasa Rempah Dengan Profiled Test

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    Herbal dan rempah adalah komoditi yang paling banyak digunakan dalam makanan. Keberagaman herbal dan rempah mempengaruhi aroma dan rasa. Aroma dan rasa pada masing-masing herbal dan rempah dapat ditentukan menggunakan profiled sensory test. Pada penelitian ini, Profiled test dilakukan dengan mendeskripsikan aroma dan rasa dari masing-masing herbal dan rempah. Sampel yang digunakan adalah bawang putih segar, bubuk bawang putih, lada hitam, bubuk lada hitam, cabe, bubuk cabe, daun salam dan bay leaf. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa bawang putih, lada hitam dan cabai segar memiliki aroma dan rasa pedas menyengat, yang disebabkan bawang putih mengandung allicin, lada hitam mengandung piperine dan chavicine, serta cabai mengandung capsaicin yang merupakan senyawa aktif. Allicin pada bawang putih segar memiliki sifat pedas yang sama dengan piperine, chavicine dan capsaicin.  Perbedaan dari ketiga senyawa tersebut adalah allicin bersifat tidak stabil dibanding piperine, chavicin dan capsaicin. Stabilitas piperine, chavicine dan capsaicin menjadikan bubuk lada hitam dan bubuk cabai dapat digunakan pada makanan yang telah diolah.           Kata kunci : herbal dan rempah, aroma dan rasa, profiled tes


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    The objective of this research was to determine the shelf life of lemang by using the parameters of water content, the characteristic of organoleptic (color, texture, aroma, taste), and microbial growth parameters. The design used in this research was a Factorial Completely Randomized Design (FCRD) with two factors, weight of silica gel (0,1,3 and 5 gs) and storage time (0,3,5 and 7 days). The method used to calculate shelf life was ASLT (Accelerated Shelf Life Test) using water content, organoleptic value, and microbial growth data (Total Plate Number). This research showed a decrease in water content, a decrease in the level of organoleptic liking (color, texture, aroma, and taste), and an increase in the number of lemang microorganisms at various treatments during storage. Based on the parameters of water content, color, texture, aroma, and taste, lemang had a maximum shelf life of 3 days. Lemang with 0 g treatment had a shelf life of 3 days only from the color preference level, while lemang with 3 g treatment had a shelf life of 3 days from color, texture, aroma, and taste preference levels. Lemang with 1 g treatment had a shelf life of 3 days from color, texture, and taste preference level. Lemang with 5 g treatment had a shelf life of 3 days from color, aroma, and taste.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan umur simpan lemang baik dari parameter kadar air, penilaian organoleptik (warna, tekstur, aroma, rasa) dan pertumbuhan mikroorganisme. Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RALF) dengan 2 faktorial yaitu berat/konsentrasi silika gel (0 g, 1 g, 3 g dan 5 g) dan waktu penyimpanan (0 hari ,3 hari, 5 hari dan 7 hari). Metode yang digunakan untuk menghitung umur simpan adalah ASLT (Accelerated Shelf Life Test) dengan menggunakan data kadar air, penilaian organoleptik dan jumlah mikroorganisme (Angka Lempeng Total). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi penurunan kadar air, penurunan tingkat kesukaan organoleptik (warna, tekstur, aroma dan rasa), dan peningkatan jumlah mikroorganisme lemang pada berbagai perlakuan selama penyimpanan. Berdasarkan parameter kadar air, warna, tekstur, aroma dan rasa lemang memiliki umur simpan maksimum 3 hari. Lemang dengan perlakuan silika gel 0 g memiliki umur simpan 3 hari hanya dari tingkat kesukaan warna, sedangkan untuk keempat parameternya (warna, tekstur, aroma dan rasa) terdapat pada perlakuan silika gel 3 g. Lemang dengan perlakuan silika gel 1 g memiliki umur simpan selama 3 hari untuk tingkat kesukaan terhadap warna, tekstur dan rasa. Lemang dengan perlakuan silika gel 5 g memiliki umur simpan selama 3 hari untuk tingkat kesukaan terhadap warna, aroma dan rasa


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    The objective of this research was to determine the shelf life of lemang by using the parameters of water content, the characteristic of organoleptic (color, texture, aroma, taste), and microbial growth parameters. The design used in this research was a Factorial Completely Randomized Design (FCRD) with two factors, weight of silica gel (0,1,3 and 5 gs) and storage time (0,3,5 and 7 days). The method used to calculate shelf life was ASLT (Accelerated Shelf Life Test) using water content, organoleptic value, and microbial growth data (Total Plate Number). This research showed a decrease in water content, a decrease in the level of organoleptic liking (color, texture, aroma, and taste), and an increase in the number of lemang microorganisms at various treatments during storage. Based on the parameters of water content, color, texture, aroma, and taste, lemang had a maximum shelf life of 3 days. Lemang with 0 g treatment had a shelf life of 3 days only from the color preference level, while lemang with 3 g treatment had a shelf life of 3 days from color, texture, aroma, and taste preference levels. Lemang with 1 g treatment had a shelf life of 3 days from color, texture, and taste preference level. Lemang with 5 g treatment had a shelf life of 3 days from color, aroma, and taste.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan umur simpan lemang baik dari parameter kadar air, penilaian organoleptik (warna, tekstur, aroma, rasa) dan pertumbuhan mikroorganisme. Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RALF) dengan 2 faktorial yaitu berat/konsentrasi silika gel (0 g, 1 g, 3 g dan 5 g) dan waktu penyimpanan (0 hari ,3 hari, 5 hari dan 7 hari). Metode yang digunakan untuk menghitung umur simpan adalah ASLT (Accelerated Shelf Life Test) dengan menggunakan data kadar air, penilaian organoleptik dan jumlah mikroorganisme (Angka Lempeng Total). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi penurunan kadar air, penurunan tingkat kesukaan organoleptik (warna, tekstur, aroma dan rasa), dan peningkatan jumlah mikroorganisme lemang pada berbagai perlakuan selama penyimpanan. Berdasarkan parameter kadar air, warna, tekstur, aroma dan rasa lemang memiliki umur simpan maksimum 3 hari. Lemang dengan perlakuan silika gel 0 g memiliki umur simpan 3 hari hanya dari tingkat kesukaan warna, sedangkan untuk keempat parameternya (warna, tekstur, aroma dan rasa) terdapat pada perlakuan silika gel 3 g. Lemang dengan perlakuan silika gel 1 g memiliki umur simpan selama 3 hari untuk tingkat kesukaan terhadap warna, tekstur dan rasa. Lemang dengan perlakuan silika gel 5 g memiliki umur simpan selama 3 hari untuk tingkat kesukaan terhadap warna, aroma dan rasa


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    Pempek adalah  makanan khas Sumatera selatan yang berbahan baku daging ikan giling dan tepung tapioka. Pempek mengandung kadar air dan protein yang tinggi sehingga mudah mengalami kerusakan. Kerusakan pempak ditandai dengan adanya perubahan aroma, tekstur, rasa dan warna pempek. Kerusakan pempek dapat disebabkan oleh adanya pertumbuhan mikroorganisme. Mikroorganisme berbahaya atau patogen yang tidak diperbolehkan terdapat di dalam pempek adalah E.coli, Salmonella dan Staphylococcus aureus, sehingga perlu dilakukan identifikasi dan pengujian. Pempek disimpan pada dua kondisi kemasan yaitu vakum dan tidak vakum, dan disimpan pada suhu dingin dan suhu ruang. Pengujian bakteri patogen pada pempek dilakukan menggunakan SNI 01-2331.1-2006, SNI 01-2332.2-2006, dan SNI 2332.9-2011. Berdasarkan hasil uji, diperoleh bahwa bakteri yang menkontaminasi dan mudah tumbuh pada pempek adalah bakteri Staphylococcus aureus. Bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dapat tumbuh pada pempek dalam berbagai kondisi kemasan baik vakum dan tidak vakum DOI : https://doi.org/10.33005/jtp.v15i2.294


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    Al-Munawar is one of the names of an Arab village in Palembang city, which is on the outskrirts of the river Musi precisely in the 13 Ulu area of Palembang. Al Munawar Arab village set by Department of Tourism and Culture of South Sumatera Province as one of the historical and religious tourism destination. History tells, the formation of the village begins from the commerce of Sriwijaya kingdom until period between the collapse of Sriwijaya kingdom and the emergence of Palembang Sultanate that is 1500-1700 M. In the beginning, the immigrants who are brokers are not allowed to live  in the land of Sriwijaya so they living on the outskirts and the moving to house above the Musi riverbanks, living in groups by maintaining the tradition of the origin culture. One such resident is Habib Hasan Al Munawar. Along with the existance of his descendants in the city of Palembang, causing Palembang has a culinary, how to serve and how to culinary different cuisines. The purpose of this study is :1. Identify culture and culinary of the descendants of Al Munawar in Palembang, 2. Identify the culinary linkages of the Al Munawar tribes in the village of Al Munawar Palembang, 3. Knowing of the role of Habib Hasan in the customs of Palembang people to eat culinary

    Skreening Fitokimia Formula Masker Gel Peel-off Nano Ekstrak Daging Labu Kuning ( Cucurbita maxima)

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap kandungan senyawa metabolit pada sediaan masker gel peel-off ekstrak nanopartikel daging buah labu kuning (Cucurbita maxima). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan dan kadar flavonoid dalam ekstrak nano partikel daging labu kuning dan sediaan masker gel peel-off.  Proses diawali dengan pembuatan simplisia labu kuning kemudian dikeringkan dilanjutkan  dengan maserasi menggunakan etanol 96%. Ekstrak dibuat dalam ukuran nanopartikel menggunakan metode gelasi ionik dengan kitosan-Na TPP  dan diformulasikan dalam sediaan masker gel peel-off menggunakan komposisi basis PVA, karbomer dan polietilenglikol. Skrining fitokimia secara kualitatif menggunakan KLT dan secara kuantitatif menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Butanol: asam asetat glasial: air (4:1:5) merupakan komposisi eluen yang digunakan sebagai fase gerak. Deteksi bercak diamati dalam lampu UV 366 nm dan dilakukan identifikasi senyawa flavonoid setelah ditambahkan pereaksi semprot ammonia. Pola pemisahan dan warna bercak yang muncul dihitung untuk menentukan nilai Rf. Hasil skrining fitokimia secara kualitatif  dalam ekstrak nanopartikel didapatkan kandungan flavonoid tinggi  yang diduga sebagai antioksidan golongan flavon dan golongan flavonol. Secara kuantitatif, dalam ekstrak mengandung flavonoid sebesar 4,433 mg/mL dan dalam sediaan masker peel-off mengandung flavonoid sebesar 0,093mgQE/mL.  Kata kunci : ekstrak, Cucurbita maxima, nanopartikel, peel-off, flavonoidResearch on the content of metabolite compounds in peel-off gel mask nanoparticle extracts of pumpkin fruit (Cucurbita maxima) was conducted. This study aims to analyze the content and levels of flavonoids in pumpkin fruit nano extracts and peel-off gel mask form. The process begins with the manufacture of pumpkin fruits then dried followed by maceration using ethanol 96 %. The extract was made in nanoparticle size using an ionic gelation method with chitosan-Na TPP and formulated in a peel-off gel mask  using a base composition of PVA, carbomer and polyethylenglycol. Phytochemical screening is qualitatively using TLC and quantitatively using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Butanol: glacial acetic acid: water (4: 1: 5) are an eluent composition used as a mobile phase. Spotting detection was observed in a 366 nm UV lamp and identification of the flavonoid compound after ammonia spray reagent was added. Separation patterns and spotting colors that appear are calculated to determine of  Rf values. The results of qualitative phytochemical screening in nanoparticle extracts obtained high flavonoids which are suspected as antioxidants of flavones and flavonol. Quantitatively, the extract contained flavonoids of 4.433 mg / mL and in the preparation of peel-off masks containing flavonoids of 0.093mgQE/ mL.Keywords: extract, Cucurbita maxima, nanoparticle, peel-off, flavonoi

    Skreening Fitokimia Formula Masker Gel Peel-off Nano Ekstrak Daging Labu Kuning ( Cucurbita maxima)

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap kandungan senyawa metabolit pada sediaan masker gel peel-off ekstrak nanopartikel daging buah labu kuning (Cucurbita maxima). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan dan kadar flavonoid dalam ekstrak nano partikel daging labu kuning dan sediaan masker gel peel-off.  Proses diawali dengan pembuatan simplisia labu kuning kemudian dikeringkan dilanjutkan  dengan maserasi menggunakan etanol 96%. Ekstrak dibuat dalam ukuran nanopartikel menggunakan metode gelasi ionik dengan kitosan-Na TPP  dan diformulasikan dalam sediaan masker gel peel-off menggunakan komposisi basis PVA, karbomer dan polietilenglikol. Skrining fitokimia secara kualitatif menggunakan KLT dan secara kuantitatif menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Butanol: asam asetat glasial: air (4:1:5) merupakan komposisi eluen yang digunakan sebagai fase gerak. Deteksi bercak diamati dalam lampu UV 366 nm dan dilakukan identifikasi senyawa flavonoid setelah ditambahkan pereaksi semprot ammonia. Pola pemisahan dan warna bercak yang muncul dihitung untuk menentukan nilai Rf. Hasil skrining fitokimia secara kualitatif  dalam ekstrak nanopartikel didapatkan kandungan flavonoid tinggi  yang diduga sebagai antioksidan golongan flavon dan golongan flavonol. Secara kuantitatif, dalam ekstrak mengandung flavonoid sebesar 4,433 mg/mL dan dalam sediaan masker peel-off mengandung flavonoid sebesar 0,093mgQE/mL.  Kata kunci : ekstrak, Cucurbita maxima, nanopartikel, peel-off, flavonoidResearch on the content of metabolite compounds in peel-off gel mask nanoparticle extracts of pumpkin fruit (Cucurbita maxima) was conducted. This study aims to analyze the content and levels of flavonoids in pumpkin fruit nano extracts and peel-off gel mask form. The process begins with the manufacture of pumpkin fruits then dried followed by maceration using ethanol 96 %. The extract was made in nanoparticle size using an ionic gelation method with chitosan-Na TPP and formulated in a peel-off gel mask  using a base composition of PVA, carbomer and polyethylenglycol. Phytochemical screening is qualitatively using TLC and quantitatively using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Butanol: glacial acetic acid: water (4: 1: 5) are an eluent composition used as a mobile phase. Spotting detection was observed in a 366 nm UV lamp and identification of the flavonoid compound after ammonia spray reagent was added. Separation patterns and spotting colors that appear are calculated to determine of  Rf values. The results of qualitative phytochemical screening in nanoparticle extracts obtained high flavonoids which are suspected as antioxidants of flavones and flavonol. Quantitatively, the extract contained flavonoids of 4.433 mg / mL and in the preparation of peel-off masks containing flavonoids of 0.093mgQE/ mL.Keywords: extract, Cucurbita maxima, nanoparticle, peel-off, flavonoi


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    Pempek is food that contains 18.26% protein. It is a very good medium to bacteria growth mainlyStaphylococcus aureus. The deterioration of pempek during storage due to S. aureus could be detected by thecolour change of phenol red indicator. It was made in the label form and it was attached in the inside of plasticpackaging. The treatments was treated by the conditions of the packaging (non vacuumed, vacuumed), thetemperature of storage (5-10oC for cold temperature, 30-32oC for room temperature). The result showed theconditions of packaging did not affect the change of label colour, while temperature storage affected it. Thechange of label colour was from red to yellow. The colour change of label in two conditions package (nonvacuumed and vacuumed) were stored at room temperature for time storage of 8th hours, while at coldtemperature for time storage of 24th hours. The colour change of label to yellow was showed by increasing ofohue on the label. The increase was caused by increasing acidity of the label due to S. aureus growth. Thedecreasing of pH label from 7.43 to 7.33. Amount of S. aureus on the label and pempek increased from 0 to0.19×103 cfu/g and from 0.03 to 0.54×103 cfu/g.Keywords: phenol red indicator label, S.aureus, pempe