188 research outputs found

    Equacions de transport generalitzades per a fluxos turbulents

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    Es dedueixen les equacions de transport en forma tensorial per a fluxos turbulents en coordenades generalitzades. Es presenten les equacions de continuïtat, les equacions de Navier-Stokes i les equacions de Reynolds, així com les equacions de transport de la vorticitat, de 1'energia cinètica turbulenta i de la velocitat de dissipació de 1'energia turbulenta mitjanes.The transport equation for turbulent flows are deduced in tensorial notation and for a generalized coordinate system. The equations of continuity, Navier-Stokes and Reynolds, as well as the transport equations for mean vorticity , turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate are presented

    L'esforç individual en el procés d'aprenentatge

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    Éric Rohmer: la transformació de la intimitat a la segona meitat del segle XX. Una mirada sociològica

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    Aquest estudi aplica una mirada sociològica a l’obra cinematogràfica d’Éric Rohmer, en tant que el seu caràcter realista i documentalista, reflecteix amb precisió les dinàmiques de la transformació de l’amor a la segona meitat del segle XX. Un cop feta l’anàlisi de contingut i la narratològica de diferents pel·lícules, es demostra que Rohmer va capturar diferents maneres i postures d’adaptar-se al nou context social postindustrial marcat per la revolució sexual i la transformació de les relacions de gènere. La sociologia de l’amor i de la sexualitat (a partir d’Illouz, Giddens, Bozon, Beck & Beck-Gernsheim i Bauman, entre d’altres) proporciona les claus interpretatives noves per a l’anàlisi dels cinema de Rohmer ja que senyalen l’impacte que van exercir els canvis econòmics i culturals postmoderns a les mirades individuals sobre l’amor. Partint d’aquestes claus s’observa com les narratives contradictòries i les normes socials canviants van pressionar els individus a replantejar-se la seva identitat i la seva visió de la intimitat varis cops durant el llarg de la seva vida. Tenint en compte això, es pot observar a través de les pel·lícules de Rohmer les dinàmiques de canvi en matèria de sexualitat, la modificació de les expectatives matrimonials i de l’elecció de la parella. Finalment es subratllen les diferents visions de l’amor romàntic, amor lliure i matrimoni monògam, les visions femenines i masculines coexisteixen i com es negocien a la vida quotidiana de les últimes quatre dècades del segle passat reflectides en aquestes pel·lícules.Este estudio aplica una mirada sociológica a la obra cinematográfica de Éric Rohmer que, dado su carácter realista y documentalista, refleja con precisión las dinámicas de transformación del amor en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Tras el análisis de contenido y el narratológico de varias películas, se demuestra que Rohmer capturó diferentes posturas y maneras de adaptarse al nuevo contexto social postindustrial marcado por la revolución sexual y la transformación de las relaciones de género. La sociología del amor y de la sexualidad (a partir de Illouz, Giddens, Bozon, Beck & Beck-Gernsheim y Bauman, entre otros) proporciona claves interpretativas nuevas para el análisis del cine de Rohmer, ya que señala el impacto que ejercieron los cambios económicos y culturales postmodernos en las miradas individuales sobre el amor. Partiendo de estas claves se observa como las narrativas contradictorias y normas sociales cambiantes presionan a los sujetos a replantear su identidad y su visión de la intimidad, varias veces a lo largo de su vida. Teniendo en cuenta esto, también se observan, a través de las películas de Rohmer, las dinámicas de cambio en materia de sexualidad, la modificación de las expectativas matrimoniales y de la elección de la pareja. Finalmente se iluminan diferentes visiones del amor romántico, amor libre y matrimonio monógamo, visiones femeninas y masculinas que coexisten y se negocian en la vida cotidiana de las últimas cuatro décadas del siglo pasado reflejadas en estas películas.This present study gives a sociological regard towards the cinematographic work of Éric Rohmer. Due to his realistic and documentary sort of films, he reflected precisely the dynamics of the love transformation on the last decades of the 20th century. Once the content and the narratology of different films are analyzed, it is shown that Rohmer captured different ways and postures of adaptation to the new postindustrial social context, influenced by the sexual revolution and the transformation of gender roles. Sociology of love and sexuality (from Illouz, Giddens, Bozon, Beck & Beck-Gernsheim and Bauman, among others) give us new ways of analyzing the cinema of Éric Rohmer, since they focus on the impact of the economic and cultural changes in postmodernity in the individual visions of love. From those new ways we observe the contradictory narrations and changing social rules that pressured people to rearrange their identities and their vision of intimacy even several times among their lives. On account of this and throughout Rohmer’s films, the dynamics of change towards sexual relationships, marriage expectations and the choice of partner can be observed. Finally, different visions of romantic love, free love and monogamous marriage are noted, along with masculine and feminine coexisting visions, and the negotiations in everyday life in the last four decades of the last century shown in these films

    Analysis of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in milk using QuEChERS and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry: triple quadrupole versus Q-Orbitrap mass analyzers

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    We developed a Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (QuEChERS) method for the high throughput determination of 10 non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in milk samples using high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) with a triple quadrupole (QqQ) instrument and an electrospray ionization (ESI) source. The new extraction procedure is highly efficient, and we obtained absolute recoveries in the range 78.1-97.1 % for the extraction and clean-up steps. Chromatographic separation is performed in the gradient mode with a biphenyl column and acidic mobile phases consisting of water and acetonitrile containing formic acid. The chromatographic run time was about 12 min, and NSAID peaks showed a good symmetry factor. For MS/MS detection, we used multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode, using ESI in both positive and negative modes. Our method has been validated in compliance with the European Commission Decision 657/2002/EC, and we obtained very satisfactory results in inter-laboratory testing. Furthermore, we explored the use of a hybrid high resolution mass spectrometer, combining a quadrupole and an Orbitrap mass analyzer, for high resolution (HR) MS/MS detection of NSAIDs. We achieved lower NSAID quantification limits with Q-Orbitrap high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS/MS) detection than those achieved with the QqQ instrument; however, its main feature is its very high selectivity, which makes HRMS/MS particularly suitable for confirmatory analysis

    Estructura geològica

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    L'illa de Cabrera, situada al sud de Mallorca, és la continuació de les Serres de Llevant i hi té grans similituds geològiques. La sèrie estratigràfica s'inicia amb les fàcies keuper del Triàsic. El Juràssic inferior és representat per fàcies de plataforma marina i la resta del Juràssic i Cretaci inferior són enregistrats per una sedimentació marina corresponent a ambients de talús, amb olistòlits i olistostromes, i conca. Després d'una llacuna estratigràfica important, la sedimentació es reprèn amb fàcies litorals de l'Eocè mitjà i superior. Novament hi ha interrupcions importants del registre sedimentari i només es troben uns pocs sediments del Miocè superior i del Quaternari. L'estructura de Cabrera ve determinada per l'existència de falles normals, encavalcaments i uns pocs plecs. Algunes falles normals són juràssiques i s'han desenvolupat sincrònicament amb la sedimentació de les fàcies de talús; només es descriuen les existents entre el Cap des Morobutí i la Cova Blava, però de ben segur que algunes falles normals d'altres llocs de Cabrera tenen el mateix origen. D'altres falles normals tallen les roques eocenes i per tant hi són posteriors; se suggereix que aquestes podrien ser tardimiocenes o pliocenes. Si bé les falles normals són les estructures més evidents de Cabrera, considerem que els encavalcaments juguen un paper determinant. L'existència dels encavalcaments d'Es Penyal Blanc, d'Es Burrí i del Clot del Guix suggereixen dividir Cabrera en dues unitats estructurals diferents. La unitat inferior és la més gran i està constituïda per la sèrie estratigràfica sencera. La unitat superior ocupa les parts altes de l'illa i només està constituïda per roques de la fàcies de plataforma del Juràssic inferior.The Cabrera Island is located South of Mallorca and has many geologic similarities with the Serres de Llevant. The older rocks in Cabrera belongs to Triassic (Keuper facies). They are folowed by Early Jurassic marine shelf rocks, Middle and Late Jurassic marly limestones of submarine talus facies, and Lower Cretaceous basin marls. Big stratigraphic gaps exist and Cenozoic sedimentary record is discontinous; it includes Eocene litoral calcarenites, and Upper Miocene and Quaternary sediments. Normal faults are the more conspicous structures of Cabrera Island. A conjugated normal fault system Middle and Late Jurassic in age has been described between the Cap des Morobutí and the Cova Blava. Syngenetic faults other then those probably exist in other localities in Cabrera. Another set of normal faults cut Eocene rocks, thus they are post-Eocene in age. It is suggested they could be Latemost Miocene and Pliocene in age. Thrust faults play a major role in the structure of Cabrera Island. Es Penyal Blanc, Es B urrí and the Clot des Guix thrusts are clearly exposed, they suggest the existence of two different structural units. The lower one is the biggest and consists of the complete stratigraphic sequence. The upper one outcrops in the higher parts of the island and only consists of Early Jurassic shelf rocks

    Validating alternative methodologies to estimate the hydrological regime of temporary streams when flow data are unavailable

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    Aquatic life in temporary streams is strongly conditioned by the temporal variability of the hydrological conditions that control the occurrence and connectivity of diverse mesohabitats. In this context, the software TREHS (Temporary Rivers¿ Ecological and Hydrological Status) has been developed, in the framework of the LIFE Trivers project, to help managers for adequately implement the Water Framework Directive in this type of water bodies. TREHS, using the methodology described in Gallart et al (2012), defines six temporal ¿aquatic states¿, based on the hydrological conditions representing different mesohabitats, for a given reach at a particular moment. Nevertheless, hydrological data for assessing the regime of temporary streams are often non-existent or scarce. The scarcity of flow data makes frequently impossible the characterization of temporary streams hydrological regimes and, as a consequence, the selection of the correct periods and methods to determine their ecological status. Because of its qualitative nature, the TREHS approach allows the use of alternative methodologies to assess the regime of temporary streams in the lack of observed flow data. However, to adapt the TREHS to this qualitative data both the temporal scheme (from monthly to seasonal) as well as the number of aquatic states (from 6 to 3) have been modified. Two alternatives complementary methodologies were tested within the TREHS framework to assess the regime of temporary streams: interviews and aerial photographs. All the gauging stations (13) belonging to the Catalan Internal Catchments (NE, Spain) with recurrent zero flows periods were selected to validate both methodologies. On one hand, non-structured interviews were carried out to inhabitants of villages and small towns near the gauging stations. Flow permanence metrics for input into TREHS were drawn from the notes taken during the interviews. On the other hand, the historical series of available aerial photographs (typically 10) were examined. In this case, flow permanence metrics were estimated as the proportion of photographs presenting stream flow. Results indicate that for streams being more than 25% of the time dry, interviews systematically underestimated flow, but the qualitative information given by inhabitants was of great interest to understand river dynamics. On the other hand, the use of aerial photographs gave a good estimation of flow permanence, but the seasonality was conditioned to the capture date of the aerial photographs. For these reasons, we recommend to use both methodologies together

    Fortistis: Split extension in dense passive optical networks by inline amplification with remote ASE-shaped pump delivery via colorless optical network units

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    A method for extending the customer density via ASE-pumped splitters in the tree in a WDM/TDM-PON is presented. The influence of Rayleigh backscattering in the feeder is faced, originally prohibiting any upstream transmission.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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