16 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kerentanan Gedung Rektorat Sttnas terhadap Gempa Bumi Berdasarkan Analisis Mikrotremor

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    STTNAS building is a five floor building that located in the city o f Yogyakarta which is an area with a high intensity earthquake occurrence. The purpose o f this study is (1) determine the value o f the natural frequencies o f the building, (2) determine the index o f the resonance o f the building and (3) the vulnerability o f buildings to earthquakes. Research will be done by measuring the microtremor wave o f building STTNAS then analyzed using Spectral Floor Ratio (FSR). The analysis result is then compared with the classification defined in ISO 2002 on building resilience planning procedures earthquake. Fekuensi natural on the east-west component is 1.64 Hz and the north-south component is 1.644 Hz that is in conformity with the ISO 2002. Resonance Index o f building STTNAS is ranging from 31.00081 to 35.883% thus including the low category resonance during an earthquake. Building of STTNAS vulnerability index ranges are between 103,670.6191 to 82526.5357 with the highest value found on the 4th floor

    Identification of Andesite Resource Potential In Kalirejo Area, Kokap Sub-District, Kulon Progo Using Resistivity Method

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    In the last five years, the need for materials to build infrastructure in Kulon Progo Regency has increased with the construction of an international airport. In the construction process, strong earth or rock materials are needed to make buildings resistant to earthquakes, one of which is andesite rock. This study aims to determine andesite rocks' resources using a three-dimensional model based on the value of resistivity in Kalirejo district Kokap Kulon Progo. The research was conducted by geological and geophysical survey. Based on data on the distribution of rocks in the research area included in the intermediate igneous rocks, andesite. These rocks are intrusions that develop in research areas. Petrography analysis is used to determine the types of minerals in andesite rocks and determine which levels of rock changes have changed or not to affect the strength of rocks. These rocks are intrusions that develop in research areas. Geophysical survey is by resistivity method using configuration dipole-dipole with five lines, and each stretch is 200 m. Based on three-dimensional model resistivity, fresh andesite is at a depth of between 5-10 m. Value of andesite resistivity is more than 668 Ωm, while the value of weathered andesite resistivity ranges from 256-536 Ωm and andesite resources about 332,580 tons

    Identification of Slip Surfaces Using the Geoelectric Imaging Method in the Kalirejo Area, Kokap District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    Landslides are a significant threat to the environment, infrastructure, and human activity, especially in mountainous and hilly areas. It is, therefore, important to accurately identify the social movements that trigger these processes. The resistivity method can investigate subsurface geological variations, including the potential for landslides. This research was conducted to investigate the subsurface structures in the Kalirejo Village area, Kokap District, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta regarding identifying the sliding location. This investigation includes five lines of tomographic geoelectric measurements. The results show that the slips surface is at a depth of about 5-10 m with a high resistivity value and the landslide material is weathered soil, and the slip surface is andesite. The resistivity of andesite in range 668-1600 Ωm. The landslide material's thickness is around 5-8 m with resistivity in the range 4,01-22.1 Ωm. Landslide material is water-saturated soil

    Rapid Visual Screening of Building for Potential Ground Movement in Kalirejo, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta

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    Landslides are the biggest threat in the Kalirejo area. The dynamics of land movements in the mountains often cause cracks and potentially collapse. Landslides due to land fractures caused building damage. This study aimed to analyze the condition of a simple building on the influence of land fracture. The method used was conducting a field survey of existing buildings in the Kalirejo area. The data of the surveys were the percentage of building damage and building categorization. From the results of the analysis, the percentages of buildings in the safe category were 78 buildings or 54.17%, the buildings of the unsafe category were 51 buildings or 35.42%, and buildings with the unsafe category were 15 buildings out of 144 surveyed building with the percentage of 10.42%. Based on the results of the analysis using the Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) method, 15 buildings with unsafe conditions need to be relocated because they do not use the minimum structure required for simple buildings while the 51 buildings with unsafe conditions, repairs must be made to the structure according to the minimum requirements of simple building

    Design of Restobarge Garbage and Sanitary Systems

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    resto-barge is a barge which converted to floating restaurant, as an answer lacking orders of barge recently. The location is taking in Gili Trawangan, Lombok. The purpose is to design and calculate sewage, sanitary and garbage management systems. Also to calculate bill of material. The sanitary systems have a Taiko UH-2.0 Hydrophore pressure tank. The sewage systems have an Ebara 60 m3/h with meter head 15 m. Total cost spent to build those systems is IDR 115.244.500

    Upaya Mitigasi Meningkatkan Kapasitas Bangunan Terhadap Ancaman Bencana Tanah Longsor di Kalirejo, Kokap, Kulonprogo

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    Mitigasi Pra-Bencana dilakukan untuk mengurangi korban jiwa maupun korban materil saat bencana tanah longsor datang. Penelitian tentang analisis potensi longsor pada daerah Kalirejo dengan berbagai metode sudah dilaksanakan, maka selanjutnya akan dilakukan penelitian tentang analisis tindakan ketidasesuaian bangunan berdasarkan formulir evaluasi bangunan sederhana tipikal tembokan. Tindakan evaluasi yang dibutuhkan untuk kegiatan perkuatan, restorasi atau relokasi bangunan pada daerah rawan longsor, sehingga pemerintah akan mendapatkan rekomendasi kegiatan perkuatan dan restorasi bangunan sesuai dengan formulir evaluasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan membagikan kuisioner gabungan untuk menganalisis tindakan peningkatan kapasitas bangunan. Obyek yang diteliti adalah 144 bangunan sederhana di Kalirejo yang diidentifikasi kerusakan bangunanannya dan dijadikan bahan pembuatan kuisioner. Kesimpulan yang didapat adalah 30,38% tindakan dibiarkan sesuai eksisting, 20,25% tindakan peningkatan kapasitas berupa melakukan perkuatan, dan 45,57% tindakan peningkatan kapasitas berupa melakukan perbaikan.Pre-Disaster Mitigation is carried out to reduce casualties and material casualties when a landslide occurs. Research on the analysis of the potential for landslides in the Kalirejo area using various methods has been carried out, so further research will be carried out on the analysis of building non-conformity measures based on the evaluation of typical simple walls. Evaluation actions are needed for strengthening, restoring or relocating buildings in landslide-prone areas, so that the government will provide recommendations for strengthening and building restoration activities in accordance with the evaluation form. The method used was to distribute closed and open questionnaires to analyze the actions to be taken if the existing buildings were not in accordance with the standards. The conclusion obtained is that 45% of the reinforcement activities can be carried out. There were 22 buildings that could not be strengthened so they were left as they were. For repaired activities, it was found that there were 5 building conditions that could not be returned or around 12.5% of the building conditions that were left as they were. For the condition of the building that can be repaired by 87.5% of the condition of the building


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    Abstract   This development research aims to produce physics interactive learning materials in heat and thermo topic, insightful HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) that can enhance the literacy science ability of students. The background of this research is the low literacy science ability of senior high school students/MA.  The research design used was Nieveen’s research design which consisted of three stages, namely preliminary research, prototyping stage, and assessement stage. The instruments used in this research were validation sheet and literacy science test. The results of expert validation retrieved that physics interactive learning materials insightful HOTS valid constructs and valid content. Based on development test results of the data analysis concluded: (1) the validity of physics interactive learning materials, insightful HOTS was at valid category with an average score of valid constructs was 4.17 and average score of valid content was 4, (2) the effectiveness of physics interactive learning materials in heat and thermo topic, insightful HOTS to improve students’ literacy science skill showed that the average of N-Gain score was 0.59 which was in the medium category, so the physics interactive learning materials in heat and thermo topic, insightful HOTS was effective in improving literacy science skill.   Key Words: development, interactive learning materials, HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill), literacy scienc

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Website Untuk Peningkatan Aspek Pemasaran Pada Guwosari Training Center

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    Dalam era modern, penetrasi digital telah menjadi esensial dalam ranah pemasaran. Kegiatan ini merupakan implementasi pelatihan pembuatan website yang dilaksanakan pada Guwosari Training Center untuk meningkatkan aspek pemasarannya. Pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan dengan menganalisis kuesioner pre-test dan post-test dalam konteks pendampingan website. Analisis data mengungkapkan bahwa pelatihan pembuatan website memberikan kontribusi signifikan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta. Peserta pelatihan mengalami peningkatan pemahaman mengenai pentingnya memiliki website dan kemampuan mengelola kontennya. Kegiatan ini memberikan wawasan berharga bagi pelaku industri yang ingin memanfaatkan teknologi digital sebagai alat yang efektif untuk meningkatkan visibilitas dan daya saing. Pelatihan ini memberikan peserta pengetahuan serta keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk merancang dan mengelola website dengan baik, memungkinkan mitra untuk memaksimalkan potensi platform digital ini dalam mendukung upaya pemasaran. Hasil evaluasi dari pelatihan ini menunjukkan peningkatan sebesar 28,5% dalam pemahaman peserta sebelum dan setelah pelatihan, dengan tingkat pemahaman peserta meningkat dari 59,5% menjadi 88%, menandakan peningkatkan pemahaman mengenai pembuatan website

    Pemetaan Spasial Kadar Kobal pada Endapan Laterit dengan Metode Ordinary Cokriging dan Inverse Distance Weighting: Spatial Mapping of Cobalt Content in Laterite Deposits Using Ordinary Cokriging Method and Inverse Distance Weighting

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    Cobalt is a metallic element that can be found in laterite deposits with varying concentration in each lithology zone. Objective of this study was to compare the performance of the ordinary cokriging (OCK) and inverse distance weighting (IDW) in mapping the cobalt content of laterite deposits. Cross variogram analysis used the covariable Ni and Fe, and the selection of the variogram model used the residual sum of square parameter. The IDW interpolation process uses power 1 and 2. The determination of the best method is based on the mean error parameter, and the root mean square error. Meanwhile, to determine the accuracy of the OCK estimation results, the root mean square standardized prediction error is used. The study indicates that the performance of the OCK interpolation is better than IDW, with overestimated predictions. The results of OCK interpolation showed that the distribution of 0.1-0.18% cobalt spread in the northern part and narrowed in the southern part of the study area