12 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurship Development of Women Farmers Luhur Lestari Group in RT 01 RW 02 Cipicung Village, Baleendah District, Bandung Regency

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    The main objective of the entrepreneurship development program at KWT Luhur Lestari is to utilize the potential of existing resources into productive activities that add value to the family economy. The first program was carried out by improving organic waste management, namely composting waste as well as urban farming with the organic tower garden (OTG) method. The second program was to improve culinary business skills in processing crops, especially cassava. So far, most of the crops are sold raw to collectors at low prices or processed into traditional foods. The method applied in implementing this community empowerment program is the participatory approach method, which means that partners are involved in every stage of the activity. The activities carried out are improving food processing skills, training in simple financial administration, and online marketing. Improvement of skills is done by the direct practice of making food so that the food has a good taste, is more interesting, creative, halal and thayyib (good for body health). This empowerment program has succeeded in increasing the entrepreneurship of “sublime sustainable” KWT members. KWT “sublime sustainable” has created a business division, whose members are active in entrepreneurship. Furthermore, assistance is carried out through discussions to overcome obstacles, evaluation of business activities, and food diversification. This empowerment has improved the family economy and KWT. Keywords: empowerment, OTG, entrepreneurshi

    Penentuan Interval Waktu Perawatan Mesin Blowing dan Mesin Filling Menggunakan Teori Reliability dan Model Age Replacement (Studi Kasus pada PT. XYZ) : -

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    Engine performance will decrease when it is operated continuously so that maintenance is needed. Improper maintenance time intervals can reduce engine reliability and still causes machine damage suddenly. Therefore, maintenance time intervals must be determined precisely. This study aims to determine the engine maintenance time intervals using Reliability Theory and Age Replacement Model, then calculate the total maintenance cost. The result shows that the application of new maintenance time interval increases machine reliability

    Production and Delivery Batch Scheduling with Multiple Due Dates to Minimize Total Cost

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    This paper addresses an integrated production and delivery batch scheduling problem for a make-to-order environment over daily time period, where the holding costs of in-process and completed parts at a supplier location and of completed parts at a manufacturer location are distinguished. All orders of parts with different due dates from the manufacturer arrive at the same time. The parts are produced in production batches and subsequently the completed parts are delivered in delivery batches using a capacitated vehicle in order to be received at the respective due dates. This study was aimed at finding an integrated schedule of production and delivery batches so as to meet the due date at minimum total cost consisting of the corresponding holding cost and delivery cost. The holding cost is a derivation of the so-called actual flow time (AFT), while the delivery cost is assumed to be proportional to the number of deliveries. The problems can be formulated as an integer non-linear programming model, and the global optimal solution can be obtained using optimization software. A heuristic algorithm is proposed to cope with the computational time problem using software. The numerical experiences show that the proposed algorithm yields near global optimal solutions

    Awareness and intention to register halal certification of micro and small-scale food enterprises [version 3; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]

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    Background: This paper discusses halal awareness of MSE food producers in West Java Province, Indonesia. Halal awareness is the first step toward obtaining halal certificates, which confirm that the product is lawful according to Islamic Sharia. Unfortunately, despite Islam being the religion of most Indonesians, most food sold in the market lacks a halal certificate due to a lack of awareness among food producers about the importance of selling halal-certified foods. Methods: This study aims at measuring the level of halal awareness and the intention of MSE food producers to register halal certification. Halal awareness is assumed to be influenced by knowledge of halal and the food producers’ perception of the benefits of halal certificates. Furthermore, halal awareness, attitudes, and perception of the ease of procedures will encourage the intention to register halal certification. An electronic Google Form with a cover letter and a set of questionnaires was distributed to collect data. Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was chosen to evaluate the adopted theoretical models in the exploratory research. Results: The results show that halal awareness is influenced by knowledge of halal and perception of its benefits. Moreover, halal awareness influences positively the intention to obtain a halal certificate, but the intention is not significantly affected by attitudes to produce halal foods and perception of procedures for obtaining halal certification. This shows that halal awareness will increase the intention to register halal certification. However, misconceptions about the procedures for obtaining halal certificates keep them from registering. Conclusions: MSE food producers in West Java Province, Indonesia have a good level of awareness about halal food. However, their products are not halal-certified due to the perception of the procedures for obtaining halal certificates are relatively complicated and costly for them


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    Generally, the aim of this research was to know the determinant factors that have a relationship with a relapse process at ex-user of NAPZA after therapy at Panti Pamardi Putra Mandiri. Specifically, the aim of this research was to know a relationship between: the education, the knowledge, the attitude, the intention, the condition of social economy, the type of NAPZA, the friends of NAPZA user, and the environmental acceptance with a relapse process. This Expkmatory Research explained a relationship between the variables by test of hypothesis using Cross Sectional approach. The number of samples was 73 a-users of NAPZA (total population). To collect the data, it used the questioners and in-depth interview. The independent variables were the education, the knowledge, the attitude, the intention, the condition of social economy, the type of NAPZA, the friends of NAPZA. user, and the environmental acceptance. The dependent variable was a relapse process as in the following relapses: fast relapse 6 months) and low relapse (> 6 months). Data analysis used univariat analysis, bivariat analysis (Fisher Exact Test, Mann-Whitney U, X2, Spearmans rho, and Pearson Chi Square), and multivariate analysis (Logistic Regression). The result of this research shows that a great part of ex-user of NAPZA are 17-20 years old, graduated from an elementary school, and male. A great part of the relapse characteristics is fast relapse, and the economy status is not for category. The knowledge category of ex-user of NAPZA about relapse is a good enough. A great part of respondents supports program of treatment after therapy. Respondents who have a strong intention to be healthy with a type of NAPZA were included an easy to relapse category. Based on bivariat analysis it showed that there had a significant relationship between education, and friends of NAPZA's user with a relapse. There are no significant relationship among the knowledge, the attitude, the type of NAPZA, the intention, the condition of social economy, the participation in environmental activity, and the environmental acceptance with a relapse process. The result of multivariate analysis shows that the environmental acceptance is a dominant variable to be happened a relapse. . The influences of the friends of NAPZA's user can be minimized by decreasing a contact directly, increasing the positive activities, creating a model which representative an adolescence group with bringing a clean image and a free of NAPZA. It needs to do the further research about the community perception to a user and exuser of NAPZA

    Pemberdayaan Kelompok Wanita Tani Luhur Lestari Baleendah melalui pelatihan kewirausahaan

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    [Bahasa]: Belum optimalnya pengelolaan sampah organik di Kampung Cipicung Baleendah disebabkan warga sekitar yang belum memiliki pengetahuan pengolahan sampah. Pengolahan sampah organik yang benar berpotensi menghasilkan nilai tambah dan nilai jual. Kegiatan pengabdian ini fokus kepada sektor kewirausahaan guna pemberdayaan beberapa potensi organisasi Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Luhur Lestari di Baleendah Kabupaten Bandung. Tujuan pengabdian melalui pemberdayaan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi dalam mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan dan optimalisasi potensi perkebunan lokal warga melalui wirausaha. Metode yang digunakan adalah Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) dengan tahapan: survei pendahuluan, persiapan dan pelaksanaan pelatihan kewirausahaan dan evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menunjukkan bahwa peserta memiliki pengetahuan pengelolaan sampah yang berupa Organic Tower Garden (OTG) dengan luaran berupa kompos. Lebih lanjut luaran kompos ini dapat dimanfaatkan warga untuk meningkatkan wirausaha pada perkebunan singkong. OTG juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menanam sayuran dimana hasilnya tidak hanya memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi rumah tangga, namun dapat dijual sehingga dapat membantu ekonomi warga. Melalui pelatihan kewirausahaan pada program pengabdian ini peserta memperoleh kemampuan dalam hal teknis pengolahan sampah melalui OTG dan pengolahan singkong menjadi usaha rintisan kuliner. Peserta juga memperoleh pengetahuan mengenai pengelolaan keuangan untuk usaha serta wawasan tentang manajemen pemasaran. Kata Kunci: Kelompok Wanita Tani, kuliner, Organic Tower Garden (OTG), wirausaha [English]: The sub-optimal management of organic waste in Cipicung Baleendah Village was due to the lack of knowledge among residents about waste management. Proper processing of organic waste potentially generates added value and selling value. This community service program focused on the entrepreneurship sector to empower some of the potentials of the Luhur Lestari Women Farmers Group (KWT) organization in Baleendah, Bandung Regency. This program aimed to contribute to overcoming environmental problems and optimizing the potential of local plantations through entrepreneurship. The method used was Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) with stages: a preliminary survey, preparation and implementation of entrepreneurship training, and evaluation of the program. The results showed that participants could gain knowledge of waste management through Organic Tower Garden (OTG) with compost as the output. Furthermore, this compost output can be utilized by residents to increase entrepreneurship in cassava plantations. OTG can also be used to grow vegetables where the results meet household consumption needs and can be sold to help the residents' economy. Through entrepreneurship training in this service program, participants gained skills in the technical processing of waste through OTG and processing cassava into culinary start-up businesses. Participants also gained knowledge about financial management for businesses and insights into marketing management. Keywords: Women Farmers Group, culinary, Organic Tower Garden (OTG), entrepreneu

    Production and Delivery Batch Scheduling with Multiple Due Dates to Minimize Total Cos

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    This paper addresses an integrated production and delivery batch scheduling problem for a make-to-order environment over daily time period, where the holding costs of in-process and completed parts at a supplier location and of completed parts at a manufacturer location are distinguished. All orders of parts with different due dates from the manufacturer arrive at the same time. The parts are produced in production batches and subsequently the completed parts are delivered in delivery batches using a capacitated vehicle in order to be received at the respective due dates. This study was aimed at finding an integrated schedule of production and delivery batches so as to meet the due date at minimum total cost consisting of the corresponding holding cost and delivery cost. The holding cost is a derivation of the so-called actual flow time (AFT), while the delivery cost is assumed to be proportional to the number of deliveries. The problems can be formulated as an integer non-linear programming model, and the global optimal solution can be obtained using optimization software. A heuristic algorithm is proposed to cope with the computational time problem using software. The numerical experiences show that the proposed algorithm yields near global optimal solutions

    Meningkatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat pada Keberlanjutan Program Bank Sampah dan Budidaya Maggot

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    Abstract. The waste bank program and maggot cultivation have been implemented in RT 01 RW 02 Baleendah Village, Bandung Regency. This is because waste management in the area still uses a collection and disposal pattern. Waste management still causes environmental problems, namely the condition of dirty TPS, a strong smell of garbage and invites many flies to come. The purpose of the PKM program for assistance in waste management in the regions is to increase community participation in waste management, improve environmental cleanliness and maintain program sustainability. Improved waste management is realized by establishing a waste bank, making plant fertilizers and cultivating maggot. In order to increase community participation, waste management training was held for residents. The establishment of a waste bank is intended to increase the added value of inorganic waste. while the cultivation of maggot and the manufacture of plant fertilizers to increase the added value of organic waste. The maggots that are cultivated are used to feed the residents' livestock, namely catfish, birds and chickens, while plant fertilizers are needed for urban farming which has been done by the residents. To maintain the continuity and development of the program, it is necessary to maintain the spirit of the manager as the initiator and the participation of all citizens. With the participation and sincerity of all interested parties, all programs can be sustainable, the added value of waste increases and the environment becomes cleaner and more beautiful. Abstrak.  Program bank sampah dan budidaya maggot telah dilaksanakan di RT 01 RW 02  Kelurahan Baleendah, Kabupaten Bandung. Hal ini dikarenakan pengelolaan sampah di daerah tesebut masih menggunakan pola kumpul angkut buang.  Pengelolaan sampah tersebut masih menimbulkan masalah lingkungan yaitu  kondisi TPS kotor, bau sampah yang menyengat dan mengundang banyak lalat datang.   Tujuan program PKM pada pendampingan pengelolaan sampah  adalah untuk meningkatkan partisipasi warga dalam pengelolaan sampah, meningkatkan kebersihan lingkungan dan menjaga keberlangsungan program. Peningkatan pengelolaan sampah diwujudkan dengan pendirian bank sampah, pembuatan pupuk tanaman dan budidaya maggot. Guna meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat maka dilakukan pelatihan pengelolaan sampah pada warga. Pendirian bank sampah dimaksudkan guna meningkatkan nilai tambah sampah anorganik. sedangkan Budidaya maggot   dan pembuatan pupuk tanaman guna meningkatkan nilai tambah sampah organik.  Maggot hasil budidaya  dimanfaatkan untuk pakan ternak warga yaitu lele, burung dan ayam sedangkan pupuk tanaman diperlukan untuk urban farming yang telah dilakukan warga. Untuk menjaga keberlangsungan dan pengembangan program perlu menjaga semangat pengurus sebagai inisiator dan partisipasi seluruh warga. Dengan partisipasi dan kesungguhan semua pihak  yang berkepentingan maka semua program dapat berkelanjutan, nilai tambah sampah meningkat dan lingkungan menjadi lehih bersih dan asri