49 research outputs found


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    Sekarang ini telah terjadi perubahan cara pandang konsumen terhadap bisnis ritel. Bisnis ritel yang semula dipandang sebagai penyedia barang dan jasa, telah bergeser fungsinya dan dianggap sebagai tempat rekreasi dan bermasyarakat. Para pebisnis ritel mencoba memberikan kemudahan bagi konsumen untuk mendapatkan barang kebutuhan sehari-hari dengan waktu yang singkat dan cepat. Salah satu tipe usaha ritel yang saat ini berkembang di Indonesia adalah hypermarket. Salah satu hypermarket atau tempat berbelanja di Surabaya adalah Hypermart Plaza Royal Surabaya yang dihadapkan permasalahan penurunan jumlah pengunjung dari tahun 2008-2010 pada bulan Januari sampai Mei. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Pengaruh Citra Toko terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan di Hypermart Plaza Royal Surabaya. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh konsumen yang berbelanja di Hypermart Plaza Royal Surabaya. Skala pengukuran menggunakan skala interval dan skala pembentukan menggunakan skala likert. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Non Probability Sampling dengan metode Purposive Sampling. Jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 112 pelanggan. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada pelanggan yang berbelanja di Hypermart Plaza Royal Surabaya dan telah berbelanja lebih dari 2 kali dalam 3 bulan terakhir. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) untuk melihat hubungan kausalitas antar faktor. Hasil pengujian memperlihatkan bahwa citra toko berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan

    Family Education Efforts in Overcoming Juvenile Delinquency

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    This article discusses the education that families provide to children in overcoming various forms of delinquency carried out by juveniles in Karang Tangah village, West Sumatra. It is believed that the family is the main pillar that shapes the personality and attitude of a child. Thus, it really needs attention and primary teaching from the family so that children avoid the influence of technological advances that could have pushed every child (juveniles) involved in various forms of mischief. Along with the times and technology, without us knowing so much it is heard that children or juveniles are involved in mischief’s they are not supposed to do that will only harm themselves. Therefore, this research will describe the various forms of delinquency that juveniles do and of course, there are efforts and efforts of parents in looking after their children. It is hoped that parents can take care of and educate their children well


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    Bandung merupakan salah satu kota yang menghasilkan pelaku kreatif terbesar pada tahun 2016 setelah Jakarta, salah satu bidang yang dihasilkan ialah animasi, namun dibandung tidak terdapat studio animasi yang cukup besar yang dapat menampung dan memfasilitasi perkembangan industri animasi, bahkan hingga 2019 masih tidak ada studio animasi yang dapat memprodiksi animasi sendiri mulai dari pembuatan story board, konsep animasi hingga sound input. Pawitra studio merupakan salah satu studio ternama di bandung selain Kumata dan Bonbin Studio. Desain Interior Studio Animasi Pawitra di Bandung merupakan perancangan yang berlokasi di jalan cihampelas bandung. Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan studio animasi yang dapat memfasilitasi pengguna dalam melakukan produksi mulai dari pra produksi, produksi hingga post produksi. Perancangan ini juga bertujuan untuk memberikan stimulasi untuk perkembangan produktifitas dan kreatifitas pengguna, dengan menstimulasi indra manusia visual, penciuman, sentuhan dan suara. Penerapan dalam perancangan berupa fasilitas dan juga tata ruang, seperti penggunaan tanaman indoor, ruang meditasi dan indoor garden


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    Ketika seorang muslim berpergian keluar kota atau daerah yang baru disinggahi, seringkali menemui kesulitan dalam menentukan saat waktu sholat tiba dan arah kiblat di daerah tersebut. Oleh karena itu untuk memudahkan seseorang mengetahui waktu sholat dan arah kiblat, dibutuhkan aplikasi berbasis mobile yang dapat menampilkan waktu sholat suatu daerah di wilayah Indonesia dan arah kiblat secara real-time. Aplikasi ini menggunakan metode Rational Unified Process (RUP). Platform yang digunakan adalah Android 2.1 dan API level 7. Bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan adalah Java pada Eclipse for java (Helios) dengan penambahan Android Development Tools (ADT) 10 dan Android System Development Kit (SDK) sebagai emulator. Untuk menghitung arah kiblat dengan menerapkan rumus segitiga bola. Sedangkan untuk perhitungan waktu sholat menggunakan ilmu Falaq dengan parameter nilai Julian Day (JD), besarnya sun declination dan equation of time. Hasil penulisan ini berupa aplikasi yang berbasis mobile. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi bagi umat muslim untuk selalu mendapatkan informasi waktu sholat dan arah kiblat dimana saja dan kapan saja secara real-time. Kata Kunci : Ilmu Falak, Waktu Shalat, Bahasa Pemrograman Java, Androi


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    Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada penelitian pengembangan ini adalah untuk menghasilkan produk model latihan teknik ippon seoi nage yang bervariasi dan melibatkan 3 komponen yaitu kumikata, uchikomi dan nage waza. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research & Development (R&D) berdasarkan pada teori ADDIE (Dick et al, 2005). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada atlet Judo PPLM DKI Jakarta yang berlokasi di Gedung Judo Kelapa Gading. Tahapan-tahapan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, pada tahapan awal dengan menganalisis kekurangan dan kebutuhan melalui latihan dan pertandingan yang dilaksanakan oleh atlet judo PPLM DKI Jakarta, Setelah menganalisis, pengembangan model ini dilanjut dengan mendesain model latihan dengan merancang model latihan sesuai dengan kebutuhan atlet judo PPLM DKI Jakarta, setelah mendesain dilanjut dengan melakukan pengembangan dari kekurangan model-model latihan sebelumnya. Pada akhirnya seluruh model yang telah dirancang dan diimplementasikan pada PPLM Judo DKI Jakarta. Selanjutnya adalah tahapan evaluasi dengan merangkum semua pendapat dari ahli, memilah, memilih serta memperbaiki model latihan yang dianggap kurang sesuai. Hasil dari pengembangan model yang dilakukan yaitu berupa video tutorial pengembangan latihan teknik ippon seoi nage serta buku saku yang berisi tentang 15 model latihan teknik ippon seoi nage yang dikembangkan dengan berbagai variasi model latihan yang bisa dijadikan referensi untuk para atlet atau pelatih dalam melakukan program latihan. ***** The aim to be achieved in this research an development is to produce a variety of ippon seoi nage technical training models that involve 3 components, namely kumikata, uchikomi and nage waza. This study uses the Research & Development (R&D) method based on the ADDIE theory (Dick et al, 2005). This research was conducted on Jakarta PPLM Judo athletes located in Kelapa Gading Judo Building. The stages in this study are, at the initial stage by analyzing the shortcomings and needs through exercises and matches carried out by PPLM DKI Jakarta judo athletes. DKI Jakarta, after designing, continued with the development of the shortcomings of the previous training models. In the end, all the models that have been designed and implemented in PPLM Judo DKI Jakarta. Next is the evaluation stage by summarizing all opinions from experts, sorting, selecting and improving the training model that is considered less appropriate. The results of the model development carried out are in the form of video tutorials on the development of IPpon SEO techniques as well as a pocket book containing 15 models of Ippon SEO training techniques developed with various variations of training models that can be used as references for athletes or coaches in carrying out training programs

    Prevalence and Profile of Fibrosis in Diabetic Patients with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and the Associated Factors

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    Background: the risk of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is increasing in patients with type-2 diabetes. Prevalence and factors related to the increased risk of NAFLD in diabetic patients in Indonesia has never been studied before. Data regarding the profile of fibrosis in the population has also been unknown. This study aimed to identify the difference on the profile of diabetic patients with and without NAFLD as well as the degree of fibrosis. Methods: the study was conducted using a cross-sectional method in type-2 diabetic patients who were treated at the outpatient clinic of endocrinology and metabolic division in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Sampling was done consecutively. Collected data comprised of age, duration of diabetes, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, HDL, triglyceride, and HbA1C levels. Abdominal ultrasonography was conducted for all patients to determine the presence of NAFLD. Patients with NAFLD were subsequently underwent transient elastography in order to assess their degree of liver fibrosis. Chi-square or Fisher’s-Exact tests were used for bivariate analysis and logistic regression was used for multivariate analysis. Results: as many as 186 patients were analyzed in the study and 84 patients (45.2%) were demonstrated to have NAFLD. Transient elastography examinations were carried out in 68 patients and 17 patients (25.0%) were found with severe fibrosis. Univariate analysis showed significant differences on BMI (PR=1.878; 95%CI= 1.296-2.721; p<0.001) and waist circumference (PR=2.368; 95%CI= 1.117-5.017; p=0.018) between patients with and without NAFLD. However, the multivariate test showed that BMI was the only factor that had a significance difference between both groups (OR=2.989; 95%CI=1.625-5.499; p<0.001). Conclusion: prevalence of NAFLD among type-2 diabetic patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital has reached 45.2% and 25.0% among them had severe fibrosis. BMI is the only factor found to be associated with the occurrence of NAFLD

    Kolaborasi Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren dan Guru BK Dalam Mengatasi Kasus Bullying Di Kalangan Santri (Studi Pada Ponpes Perkampungan Minangkabau Padang)

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    This study discusses the efforts made by the leadership of the Minangkabau Islamic Boarding School and the guidance and counseling teachers in alleviating the problem of bullying that often occurs among students. This issue has become a serious polemic that cannot be ignored, so it needs to be resolved by taking several steps that have been attempted by the Leaders of the Islamic Boarding School. This type of research is field research or what is called qualitative research. The subjects in this study were the leaders of the Minangkabau Village Islamic Boarding School, BK teachers and several teachers as well as parties who were part of the Islamic Boarding School. The results of this study include the leadership making several efforts to overcome bullying cases, including: first, urging every teacher who teaches to evaluate the manners of the students in their daily lives, second, giving severe punishments for bullies, third, printing banners prohibiting bullying, fourth, monitoring the activities of students and the performance of the dormitory guardian during dorm hours, and fifth, discussions with counseling teachers in alleviating the problem of bullying

    Analisis Kuat Tarik dan Umur Perekat Poliamida Berbasis Gelatin dan Asam Adipat dengan Variasi Jumlah Minyak Sawit sebagai Pemlastis

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    The adhesive that is widely used today is the synthetic one, which is carcinogenic to humans. It is necessary to produce adhesives based on natural resources (bioadhesive) to reduce the use of synthetic adhesive. Gelatin is a compound that has amine groups, while adipic acid is an organic acid that has carboxylic groups in its chemical structure so they can be primary ingredients to make adhesive. The research objective is to reduce the use of synthetic adhesives with best quality of bioadhesive. The steps of making the adhesives included polymerization reaction and hydrolyzed palm oil addition. The polymerization reaction is carried out in batches at 90 ℃ and 1 atm with mole ratio palm oil to gelatin variety of 0; 0.04; 0.08; 0.17; 0.33; 0.5; and 1. The best result for tensile strength is the ratio of 0.33 mole ratio of palm oil to gelatin for 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, and 14 days of curing time, respectively 1575.71 kPa, 2197.30 kPa, 3387.31 kPa, dan 3708.23 kPa

    Determinan Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak dalam Membayar Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor (Studi Empiris pada UPT Badan Pendapataan Daerah Serpong Provinsi Banten)

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    The study aims to determine the influence of earnings, level of consciousness, level of understanding, socialization of taxes, tax sanctions, and the cost of compliance with taxpayer compliance in paying the taxes of motor vehicles. This research is a quantitative study of the samples in this study amounting to 98 taxpayers registered in the technical implementation Unit of Serpong district. The data analysis techniques used in this study were multiple linear regression. Earnings do not affect (statistically insignificant) to the taxpayer's compliance indicated with a value of sig 0.314 > 0.05. Awareness of the significant impact of taxpayer compliance with the value of Sig 0.003 0.05. Socialization has no effect (statistically insignificant) to compliance The taxpayer indicated with a value of sig 0.875 > 0.05. Sanctions have no effect (statistically not significant) against taxpayer compliance indicated with a value of sig 0.259 > 0.05. The cost of compliance has a significant effect on the taxpayer's compliance with the value of sig 0.018 < 0.05