81 research outputs found

    Otovaksin sebagai terapi alternatif infeksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis pada Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is still an important public health problem, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia. Efforts have been made to overcome the problem, however, number of cases is still high. This is due to various factors which might affect the development of the disease. Increasing number of resistant strains against antimycobacterial drugs is one of the major factors. Therefore, alternative method to control TB is needed.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of autogenous vaccine on healing process of infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis in rats. Eighteen Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) were infected with 109 colony forming unit of M. tuberculosis subcutaneously. One week after infection, the rats were divided randomly into 2 groups, first group were treated with autogenous vaccine and the other were left untreated (control group). Autogenous vaccine was given subcutaneously with the dose of 108 cfu/0,1 ml every 7 days 3 times. Subcutaneous nodules were evaluated every 3 days and weight gain was evaluated 3 times. Laboratory examinations were done, including acid fast bacilli stain, histopatological feature and serologic test. The result showed that recovery of subcutaneous nodules in autovaccine treated group of rats was faster than that of untreated control group. Acid fast bacilli staining showed that the number of micobacteria found in the lung, liver, spleen and kidney of autovaccine treated group were much lower than those found in the control group. Histopathology features showed that lymphocytes infiltration in the lung and other organs was heavier in the control group than that of treated group. In conclusion, animal study on rats showed that autogenous vaccine had effective therapeutic effect on healing process for M. tuberculosis infection.  


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    Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) adalah mikrorganisme yang banyak dijumpai di lingkungan, namun, baru-baru ini dianggap patogen karena kejadian infeksinya meningkat secara signifikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan pembentukan biofilm isolat NTM, korelasinya dengan sifat motilitas geser, dan untuk menganalisis pola kepekaan antibiotik. Strain NTM yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah 10 isolat klinis NTM yang diperoleh dari laboratorium TB, Departemen Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UGM Yogyakarta. Kemampuan pembentukan biofilm dideteksi dengan menggunakan uji mikrotiter dan pewarnaan dengan kristal violet 1%. Uji motilitas geser dilakukan pada medium motilitas, terdiri dari 0,3% Middlebrook 7H9-agar tanpa suplemen. Pola kepekaan antibiotik diteliti dengan teknik dilusi sesuai metode CLSI. Dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 7 dari 10 isolat NTM merupakan penghasil biofilm kuat, sementara 1 isolat sebagai strain penghasil biofilm moderat, dan 2 isolat tidak menghasilkan biofilm. Sementara itu, strain pembentuk biofilm mampu melakukan motilitas geser pada agar semisolid, dan 2 isolat NTM yang tidak memiliki kemampuan pembentukan biofilm tidak dapat melakukan motilitas geser. Sifat pembentukan biofilm berkorelasi dengan kemampuan isolat NTM untuk melakukan motilitas geser pada media agar semisolid. Klaritromisin merupakan antibiotik yang paling efektif terhadap isolat NTM yang diuji (poten terhadap 50% isolat uji), diikuti oleh gentamisin (40%), sedangkan kanamisin, levofloxacin, dan ofloxacin menunjukkan tingkat potensi yang sama (30%). Ceftriaxone hanya mampu menghambat pertumbuhan isolat NTM sekitar 20%. Selanjutnya, kotrimoksazol dan amoksisilin memiliki aktivitas in vitro yang buruk terhadap isolat NTM karena tidak ada isolat NTM yang sensitif terhadap kedua antibiotik ini.   Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are ubiquitous organisms commonly found in the environment. However, recently it is considered as emerging global interest since the incidence increase significantly. This study aimed to investigate the biofilm forming ability of NTM isolates, correlated with the sliding motility properties, and to analyze their antibiotic susceptibility pattern. NTM strain included in this study were 10 NTM clinical isolates obtained from TB laboratory, Microbiology Departement, Faculty of Medicine UGM Yogyakarta. Biofilm forming capability was detected by using biofilm development assay in microtiter plate and staining with 1% crystal violet. Sliding motility assay was performed on motility medium, consisting of Middlebrook 7H9- 0.3% agar without supplements. Antibiotic susceptibility pattern was investigated by macrobroth dilution technique according to CLSI methods. Our study revealed that 7 out of 10 NTM isolates produced biofilm strongly, while 1 isolate demontrated as moderate biofilm former strain, and the remaining 2 isolates did not produce biofilm on polysterene substrate. Meanwhile, biofilm-former strain are able to slide on semisolid agar, and 2 non-adherent NTM isolates did not have ability to perform sliding motility. A good correlation was found between mycobacterial sliding and biofilm assembly of NTM isolates. Clarithromycin has been shown as the most effective antibiotic against NTM isolates tested, which was active against 50% of all isolates, followed by gentamycin (40%), while kanamycin, levofloxacin, and ofloxacin showed the same level of potency (30%). Ceftriaxone was only able to inhibit the growth of NTM isolates about 20%. Furthermore, cotrimoxazole and amoxicillin had poor in vitro activity against NTM species

    The frequency of non tuberculosis mycobacteria among isoniazid resistant Mycobacterium isolates and the pattern of resistance to antituberculosisdrugs

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    ABSTRACT Non tuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM)could be the causative agents of various clinical infections, especially in immunocompromised individuals. However, frequency of this !Jacteriaamong Mycobacterium isolates is not ye known. Morover, their pattern of resistance to antituberculosis drugs has not been reported. The aim of the study is to determine the frequency of NTMamong isoniazid resistant Mycobacterium isolates and the pattern of resistance to antituberculosis drugs. The clinical isolates of isoniazid-resistant mycobacteria collected from several laboratories in Java were cultured on Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) medium and followed by drug sensitivity testing. Identification of NTMwas based on standard microbiologicaltest: colony morphology, duration of growth, acid fast staining, and biochemical test (niacin test and nitro benzoic acid medium test). All isolates were resistant to rifampicin, 81.20% were streptomycin resistant, and half of them were resistant to ethambutol.Pattern of resistance to the second line antituberculosis drugs (ciprofloxacin, kanamicin, and ofloxacin) was variable with the range of 37,5% to 62,5%. In conclusion, almost all NTMisolates were resistant to rifampicin and streptomycin, whereas more than half of isolates were resistant to the second line drugs (ciprofloxacin, kanamicin, and ofloxacin). Key words: NTM- isoniazid resistant- pattern of resistance - antituberculosi drug

    Pengaruh siprofloksasin pada kepekaan Pseudomonas aeruginosa terhadap tetrasiklin

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    ABSTRACT The effect of ciprofloxacin on the susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to tetracycline was evaluated. This study was based on the fact that most bacterial resistance to an antibiotics is under control of genes located on plasmids. Treatment with ciprofloxacin at subminimal inhibitory concentration possibly alter the supercoiled to the relaxed form, so that the plasmids could not be expressed, whereas at the same time the bacterial chromosome would not be affected by the treatment. The aim of this study was to search for possible increase of tetracycline susceptibility of P.aeruginosa, under the influence of ciprofloxacin. Thirty two isolates of P.aeruginosa were used In the experiment. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of ciprofloxacin for an individual isolate was determined by a standard broth dilution method. Fresh cultures with the density of 106CFU/m1 were added Into a serial tubes containing various concentrations of tetracycline. Ciprofloxacin at sub MIC\u27s was then added into these cultures. The same cultures containing only tetracycline were used for controls. The results showed that the decrease of MIC of tetracycline was observed in 31 (96.87%) isolates of P.aeruginosa, and 34.37% changed their resistance stated. It was concluded that ciprofloxacin increased tetracycline susceptibility of P.aeruginosa. Key words : ciprofloxacin - plasmid - antibiotic susceptibility - P. aeruginosa-tetracycline Telah diteliti efek siprofloksasin pada peningkatan kepekaan Pseudomonas aeruginosa terhadap tetrasiklin secara in vitro. Penelitian inl didasarkan pada pendapat bahwa sebagian besar sifat resisten bakteri dikendalikan oleh plasmid. Pemberian siprofloksasin pada kadar di bawah kadar hambat minimal (sub KHM) diduga menyebabkan struktur superkoil plasmid akan mengendur sehingga tidak diekspresikan, akibatnya bakteri akan menjadi lebih peka terhadap antibiotik, pada kadar tersebut kromosom bakteri tidak akan terganggu. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahul pengaruh siprofloksasin pada kepekaan P.aeruginosa terhadap tetrasiklin. Sebagai subyek penelitian digunakan 32 isolat P.aeruginosa. KHM siprofloksasin untuk setiap isolat ditentukan dengan metoda dilusl. Bakteri dengan kepadatan 106cfu/ml, dibiakkan pada medium perbenihan cair yang mengandung tetrasiklin dengan kadar bervariasi. Perlakuan berupa pemberian siprofloksasin pada dosis sub KHM. Sebagai kelompok kontrol adalah populasi P.aeruginosa yang dibiakkan pada medium mengandung tetrasiklin dengan variasi dosis sama dengan kelompok perlakuan, diinkubasi 370C,18-24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 31(96,87%) isolat bakteri uji mengalami penurunan KHM, dan 34,37% isolat mengalami perubahan status dart resisten menjadi sensitif. Disimpulkan bahwa siprofloksasin berefek meningkatkan kepekaan P.aeruginosa terhadap tetrasikli

    Pengaruh pemberian rifampisin pada peningkatan kepekaan Staphylococcus aureus terhadap tetrasiklin

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    ABSTRACT Bacterial resistance to antibiotics has been an important problem worldwide. Discoveries and clinical use of new antibiotics have always been followed by emergence of strains of bacterial resistant to the antibiotics in question within relatively short period of time. Various efforts have been attempted to overcome the problem, one of which being the use of two or more different antibiotics in combination. In this study the effect of rifampicin on alternation of susceptibility of S. aureus to tetracycline was evaluated. Sixty seven isolates of tetracycline resistant S. aureus determined by standard disk diffusion method of Kirby-Bauer were collected during the period from August 1997 to January 1998. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC = KHM) values of rifampicin for this isolates were determined by broth dilution method. MIC of tetracycline for each isolate was determined while the bacteria were exposed to rifampicin at sub MIC. At the same time determination of the MIC was also performed without exposing the bacteria to rifampicin and this procedure served as control. Results showed that 91% (61 of 67) rifampicin - exposed isolates have increase susceptibility to tetracycline as reflected by the decrease of MIC values. It is concluded that there is synergistic effects of tetracycline and rifampicin on S. aureus. The number of isolate with increased susceptibility to tetracycline during exposure to rifampicin was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Key Words : rifampicin - Staphylococcus aureus - susceptibility - tetracycline Resistensi bakteri terhadap antibiotika merupakan masalah besar di dunia. Berbagai penemuan antibiotika baru selalu diikutl timbulnya strain-strain bakteri yang resisten dalam waktu yang relatif singkat. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk mengurangl resistensi, salah satu dl antaranya adalah penggunaan kombinasi antibiotik. Pada penelitlan inl telah dilakukan pengujian pengaruh pemberlan rifampisin pada peningkatan kepekaan S. aureus terhadap tetrasiklln. Sejak Agustus 1997 sampal Januari 1998 di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi FK UGM, berhasil dilsolasi 67 isolat S. aureus yang resisten tetrasiklin dengan menggunakan metode cakram Kirby-Bauer. Masing-masing isolat dicari Kadar Hambat Minimum (KHM = MIC) terhadap rifampisin dengan metode dilusi cair. KHM terhadap tetrasiklin masing-masing Isolat dicari setelah pemaparan rifampisin sub KHM. Pada waktu yang bersamaan nilai KHM tetrasiklin tanpa pemberian rifampisin juga dicari dan digunakan sebagai kontrol. Dad 67 isolat yang diperiksa, 61 (91%) isolat di antaranya menunjukkan peningkatan kepekaan terhadap tetrasiklin yang dItandai dengan penurunan nilal KHM. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat efek sinergistik tetrasiklin dan rifampisln. Jumlah isolat yang menunjukkan peningkatan kepekaan terhadap tetrasiklin setelah pemaparan rifampisin sub KHM bermakna secara statistlk (p < 0,05

    The frequency of non tuberculosis mycobacteria among isoniazid resistant Mycobacterium isolates and the pattern of resistance to antituberculosis drugs

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    Non tuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM) could be the causative agents of various clinical infections, especially inimmunocompromised individuals. However, frequency of this bacteria among Mycobacterium isolates is not yeknown. Morover, their pattern of resistance to antituberculosis drugs has not been reported. The aim of the study isto determine the frequency of NTM among isoniazid resistant Mycobacterium isolates and the pattern of resistanceto antituberculosis drugs. The clinical isolates of isoniazid-resistant mycobacteria collected from several laboratoriesin Java were cultured on Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) medium and followed by drug sensitivity testing. Identification ofNTM was based on standard microbiological test: colony morphology, duration of growth, acid fast staining, andbiochemical test (niacin test and nitro benzoic acid medium test). All isolates were resistant to rifampicin, 81.20%were streptomycin resistant, and half of them were resistant to ethambutol. Pattern of resistance to the secondline antituberculosis drugs (ciprofloxacin, kanamicin, and ofloxacin) was variable with the range of 37,5%to 62,5%.In conclusion, almost all NTM isolates were resistant to rifampicin and streptomycin, whereas more than half ofisolates were resistant to the second line drugs (ciprofloxacin, kanamicin, and ofloxacin).Key words: NTM- isoniazid resistant- pattern of resistance – antituberculosi drug


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    The purpose of the research was evaluate yolk index and Haugh Unit eggs quail from cultivated with combination solution of microelements (Fe, Co, Cu, Zn) and vitamins (A, B1, B12, C) as drinking water to optimization the eggs product in cultivation of the quail. Sixty quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were divided into four treatments of combination solution microelement and vitamins with 15 quails in each treatment. The treatments were control, one dosage, two dosage, and four dosage. Experimental data were analyzed by using ANOVA based on completely randomized design. The result showed that combination solution of microelements and vitamins significant in yolk index and henday production. Four times combination normal dosage decrease yolk index and henday production so it can be concluded that microelements and vitamins combination four times dosage must not be used in cultivation technique of quail. Microelements and vitamins combination in normal dosage until two times normal dosage potentially to increase characteristic of egg quality

    Developing an intensive reading material for EFL students: A final product

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    This research aims at developing the Intensive Reading material for the second-semester English Language Education Program students. It is a Research and Development study that was done by using Reeves’ (2000) Design-Based Research model. Tomlinson’s (1998) definition of learning material is also used as one of the considerations in developing the material since the material needed by the students should contribute to the students’ needs. The needs analysis showed that the intensive reading skills are still considered difficult for some students. Additionally, the content of the product is based on the syllabus and the Outcome Based Education (OBE) curriculum. The researchers develop 11 units of Intensive Reading material based on the previous needs analysis data. It covers the descriptive, narrative, recount, and procedure text materials, as those types of text are supposed to be taught in the Intensive Reading class. Moreover, materials related to the intensive reading skills such as scanning, skimming, previewing, predicting, building a powerful vocabulary, context clues, and understanding topic, main idea, and paragraph are also included in the final product. The Intensive Reading materials were validated by two experts and will be tried out to the second-semester students and three English lecturers in the English Language Education Program of Universitas Brawijaya Malang


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    This reasearch about cholesterol and β-caroten contens in the duck’s egg from several duck breeders in central of Java aims to find out the effect of cultivation management on cholesterol and β-caroten. The use of this research to add knowledge about important role of cholesterol and β-caroten which is contained in duck egg toward body function. Sample collection of duck egg implemented at four breeder in Java, that are Cirebon (Rambon duck), Brebes (Tegal duck), Magelang (Magelang duck) and Mojokerto (Mojosari duck). Egg quality measurement implemented in Laboratory Biology Structure and animal function, Department of Biology, Diponegoro University and Wahana Laboratory. The method applied in this research was egg collected in each area. The paremeter that observed was duck weight, woof type, egg weight, cholesterol and β-caroten content of egg. The data that obtained then analyzed by using Analysis of Varience (ANOVA), based on RAL. If there were differences between the treatment, then continued by next assay that was using Duncan assay with 95% significance level. Based on feeding management in four duck breeder, that were, duck breeder in A area gave Eichornia crassipes as additional woof, B area gave Ipomoea aquatica as additional woof, C area gave corn (Zea mays) as additional woof, and D area gave shrimp (Penaeidae Sp.) as additional woof, that was showed real differences between four duck breeder toward cholesterol and β-caroten content of duck egg. Based on the result, can be concluded that woof difference in four duck breeder in Java, also produce different cholesterol and β-caroten content

    Studi Deskriptif Gaya Berpikir Mahasiswa Ubaya

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    Pendidikan merupakan salah satu faktor terpenting dalam peningkatan kualitas suatu bangsa. Indonesia juga sedang meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan, salah satunya di bidang perguruan tinggi. Peningkatan pendidikan tidak terlepas dari cara mengajar dosen dan cara mahasiswa menerima informasi dan menyelesaikan permasalahan. Penelitian ini mengungkap cara mahasiswa menyelesaikan permasalahan dengan gaya berpikirnya masing-masing diberbagai fakultas di Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA). Dengan mengetahui gaya berpikir diharapkan mahasiswa ke depan dapat meningkatkan level pemahaman informasi dan penyelesaian suatu permasalahan; bagi pengajar dapat lebih fleksibel dalam berinteraksi dengan mengajar mahasiswa. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara penyebaran sejumlah limaratus angket yang kepada mahasiswa fakultas farmasi, hukum, ekonomi, teknik dan psikologi. Adapun variabel yang diteliti tiga belas gaya berpikir menurut teori Sternberg, yaitu gaya berpikir eksekutif, yudisial, legislatif, monarkik, hierarkik, oligarkik, anarkik, global, lokal, internal, eksternal, liberal, dan konservatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan gaya berpikir pada masing-masing fakultas, sedangkan gaya berpikir yang dominan masing­ masing fakultas adalah sama (eksekutif, hierarki, lokal, eksternal, liberal, lokal dan eksternal). Dibahas gaya berpikir pada berbagai dimensi berpikir
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