70 research outputs found

    Turn over Intention among Nurses: The Role of Job Demand and Job Burnout

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    This study aims to prove the influence of job demand on job burnout and turn over the intention. The sample of this study is 96 nurses on the hospital private sector in Surabaya, Indonesia. The sampling method uses simple random sampling with online systems. This study examines  3  hypotheses with smart PLS. The result of this study is to prove that job demand has a positive influence on job burnout, job burnout has a positive influence to turn over intention and job demand has a positive influence to turn over the intention. Practical Implications states that nurses are vulnerable to job burnout. &nbsp

    Procedural justice, organizational trust, organizational identification dan pengaruhnya pada employee engagement

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    Employee engagement in the workplace is very important, especially for the organizational competitive advantage. Workplace procedural justice is an important motivator for employee work attitude and performance. Employee engagement in the workplace can be built through procedural justice, organizational trust and organizational Identification. This research is an explanatory research that will explain the causal relationship between variables or through hypothesis testing. The sample in this study was collected through 100 respondents. The criteria of the selected respondents were the ones that working in the production division, since production division is the core of industrial companies. The sampling technique in this study used Partial Least Square. The results of this study supports that organizational trust and organizational identification as mediator the relationship of procedural justice and employee engagemen

    Membangun Perilaku Inovatif Dosen Perguruan Tinggi

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    Tantangan ke depan perguruan tinggi di Indonesia adalah kemampuan institusi pendidikannya dalam menempatkan diri sejajar dengan universitas-universitas terkemuka di dunia. Dosen merupakan SDM perguruan tinggi yang memiliki peran yang sangat sentral dan strategis dalam seluruh aktivitas di perguruan tinggi. Perilaku inovatif dosen dapat diwujudkan apabila dosen melaksanakan tugas dengan penuh kreatifitas untuk memberikan outcomes positif bagi perguruan tinggi. Perilaku inovatif dapat distimuli dengan iklim kreatif di perguruan tinggi. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sejumlah 145 dosen perguruan tinggi negeri di Surabaya. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian ini adalah baik dukungan perguruan tinggi pada inovasi maupun kualitas hubungan dengan pimpinan berpengaruh signifikan pada perilaku inovatif. Peran iklim kreatif di perguruan tinggi hanya memperkuat hubungan kualitas hubungan dengan pimpinan pada perilaku inovatif


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    Good employee performance is the main thing for the company. Poor performance will cause the company to suffer losses, or it can even experience bankruptcy and liquidation. Until now, many rural banks in Indonesia are experiencing liquidation, so it is necessary to find a solution to improve the performance of rural bank employees in Indonesia so that liquidation can be avoided. This research aims to examine whether the big five personalities of employees and employee motivation can affect job performance. Data were collected from 50 employees of a rural bank X, in Central Java. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the data. The findings of this study are that the big five personality does not have a significant effect, while employee motivation has a significant effect. However, simultaneously these two variables can affect job performance

    Pengaruh Organizational Justice terhadap Employee Engagement melalui Organizational Identification

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    This study uses objects in one of the state-owned companies engaged in microfinance services, namely PT. Investment Management. In this case, of course, PT PNM Investment Management has growth that is very dependent on the service of employees to customers. Therefore, companies must continually improve services to customers and be able to maintain and improve employee performance. This research aims to determine the effect of organizational justice on employee engagement through organizational identification. This quantitative study is based on data collected using a questionnaire distributed to 78 respondents of PT. Investment Management is then analyzed using partial least square. In the results of the analysis using PLS it was found that organizational identification was able to mediate the effect of organizational justice (distributive justice, procedural justice, interactional justice) on employee engagement. This shows that the employee engagement can be achieved by many factors and some of them are about the concept of justice applied by the company and identification of the organization owned by employees, especially employees of PT. PNM Investment Management


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    The objective of this study is to examine the influence of proactive personality on innovative behavior with the mediating of task conflict and also moderating of job autonomy. This research sample is the whole millennial employees on the. PT Pertamina Operational Marketing Regions East Java, amount 172 millennials employee. Data collected with online survey. The result of this is that proactive personality significantly influences innovative behavior and task conflict partially mediates also job autonomy lowered the relationship between proactive personality and task conflict. The study implication isthatjob autonomy has an important role for millennials to reduce task conflict

    Pengaruh POS terhadap Service Oriented-Organizational Citizenship Behavior yang Dimediasi Oleh OC pada Karyawan Bidang Pelayanan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Se-Jawa Timur

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    This study aims to determine the effect of POS on SOCB with the mediating role of OC. This study uses a quantitative approach with the analytical technique used is partial least square with 108 respondents in the service sector employees throughout East Java at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. The dependent variable used is the service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior, the independent variable is the POS, and the mediating variable is the POS. The results of the study indicate that  perceived  organizational  support  can  affect  the  behavior  of  service-oriented organizational citizenship of service employees with positive and significant results. Perceived organizational support also shows a positive and significant impact on service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior mediated by OC

    Komitmen Organisasional Perspektif: Konsep Dan Empiris

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan secara lebih dalam akan pemahaman tentang komitmen organisasional. Komitmen organisasional memiliki tempat yang penting dalam studi perilaku keorganisasian, karena banyak hasil penelitian yang menemukan adanya hubungan positif antara komitmen organisasional dan sikap serta perilaku positif di tempat kerja. Komitmen Organisasional muncul karena ada antesedennya, tergantung dari pemicu yang ada di dalam organisasional. Karyawan dalam organisasi akan memiliki jenis komitmen organisasional yang berbeda tergantung dari bagaimana karyawan merespon anteseden yang ada di organisasi. Jenis komitmen organisasional yang berbeda akan menghasilkan jenis motivasi yang berbeda. Pada perkembangannya, komitmen organisasional bukan hanya untuk karyawan tetap, akan tetapi juga untuk karyawan tidak tetap seperti karyawan kontrak maupun outsourcing. Mereka berbeda hanya dalam status karyawan, akan tetapi sikap dan perilaku positif di tempat kerja sangat dibutuhkan dalam mencapai kinerja organisas

    Work Engagement in the Work Place: The Role of Procedural Justice, Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Trust

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    Employee engagement in the workplace is very important, especially for the organizational competitive advantage. Employee engagement in the workplace can be built through procedural justice, perceived organizational support and organizational trust. This research is an explanatory research that will explain the causal relationship between variables or through hypothesis testing. The sample in this study was collected through 118 respondents. The criteria of the selected respondents were the ones that working in the production division, since production division is the core of industrial companies. The sampling technique in this study used Partial Least Square. The results of this study supports the relationship between procedural justice and perceived organizational support with employee engagement either directly or with the mediation of organizational trust

    Organizational Trust and Organizational Identification: As Mediator of The Relationship between Procedural Justice and Employee Engagement

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    Employee engagement in the workplace is very important, especially for the organizational competitive advantage. Workplace procedural justice is an important motivator for employee work attitude and performance. Employee engagement in the workplace can be built through procedural justice, organizational trust and organizational Identification. This research is an explanatory research that will explain the causal relationship between variables or through hypothesis testing. The sample in this study was collected through 100 respondents. The criteria of the selected respondents were the ones that working in the production division, since production division is the core of industrial companies. The sampling technique in this study used Partial Least Square. The results of this study supports that organizational trust and organizational identification as mediator the relationship of procedural justice and employee engagement