94 research outputs found

    Ego-psychological indicators of diffeential diagnosis between borderline and psychotic personality

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    Pitanje dijagnostičkog stadija i dalje je relevantno u kliničkoj psihoanalizi i psihoanalitičkim psihoterapijama. Dijagnostička procjena nije bila od primarne važnosti u klasičnoj psihoanalizi. Psihoanalitičar je jednostavno uključio analitičke metode i tehnike u svoju kliničku praksu kako bi utvrdio pogodnost pacijenta za analizu. Prvi odlučujući razvojni poticaj specifične psihoanalitičke dijagnostičke procjene slijedio je pomak prema odnosnim teorijama i kliničkoj praksi s pacijentima s graničnim poremećajima. Psihijatrijski intervju koji je uveo Harry Stack Sullivan (1954) otkrio je potrebu za specifičnom psihoanalitičkom procjenom. Sljedeći je korak bio razvoj Hartmanove ego-psihologije. Ego (regulacijski mehanizam između stvarnosti i osobe), uključuje procese regulacije i organizacije iskustava koji su relevantni za razumijevanje bliskopsihotične i psihotične ličnosti. Taj način istraživanja omogućava diferencijalni opis interpretativne psihodimanike i razvoj procjene, uključujući kriterije pokazatelja i prognoze.The question of diagnostic phase is still relevant in clinical psychoanalysis and psychoanalytical psychotherapies. Orthodox psychoanalysis was not preoccupied with the question of diagnostic assessment. The psychoanalyst simply introduced the methods and techniques of analysis into his clinical work to determine the analysability of a patient. The first decisive developmental thrust on specific psychoanalytic diagnostic assessment followed the shift to relational theories and clinical practice with borderline patients. The Psychiatric Interview introduced by Harry Stack Sullivan (1954) exposed the question of the need for a specific psychoanalytic assessment. The next step was the development of Hartmannā€™s Ego-Psychology. The Ego (mechanism of regulation between reality and the person), includes the processes of regulating and organizing experiences that are particularly relevant to understanding near-psychotic and psychotic personalities. Examined as such, it enables the differential descriptive interpretative psychodynamic as well as developmental assessment, including the criteria of indication and prognosis


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    Rad donosi osim povijesne perspektive početka i razvoja supervizijske prakse u svijetu i u Sloveniji na koju su utjecala pretakanja iskustava različitih profesija, objaÅ”njenje pojma supervizije, modela i tehnika skupljanja supervizijskog materijala. Nadalje, rad donosi podakte o poraznoj učinkovitosti poslijediplomskih programa na praktični rad te naglaÅ”ava da supervizija nije zamjena za formalnu, tradicionalnu akademsku naobrazbu već je njezina dopuna. Autor predstavlja faze supervizijskog proces kao i poteÅ”koće koje se tijekom procesa učenja javljaju objaÅ”njavajući ih s dinamske perspektive te s perspektive kognitivnih teorija i teorija učenja.Apart from the historical perspective of the beginnings and development of supervisory practice in the world and in Slovenia, which was influenced by merging of experiences of various professions, this paper brings us the explanation of the term supervision, and of models and techniques of collecting supervisory material. Furthermore, this paper provides data to show how poorly postgraduate programmes equip the students for practical work and emphasizes the fact that supervision is not an alternative to formal, traditional, academic education, but its complement. The author presents the phases of supervisory process as well as the difficulties which arise in the course of learning, explaining them from the dynamic perspective, and from the perspective of cognitive theories and theories of learning

    Alpine Space Prospective Study. Sustainable territorial development in the Alpine Space: Towards long term transnational cooperation

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    This "Prospective Study" argues that a long term transnational cooperation will be able to pursue the sustainable territorial development in the Alpine Space only at the condition of a substantial improvement of the current experience. This regards an increased awareness of the complexity of issues and challenges currently at stake in the Alpine area but especially, in this light, the capacity of involving all relevant institutional and socioeconomic stakeholders in the building of shared transnational strategie

    A dimensional taxonomy of behavioral problems and emotional difficulties in three-year olds

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    U svijetlu kontroverze o dijagnostičkoj klasifikaciji i epidemiologiji predÅ”kolskih psihičkih poremećaja, čini se da su opravdana daljnja istraživanja taksonomije psihopatologije kod predÅ”kolske djece. U Sloveniji se provodi testiranje psihopatologije kod predÅ”kolske djece pomoću Sistematskog psiholoÅ”kog pregleda trogodiÅ”njeg djeteta (SPP-3). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi taksonomiju bihevioralnih problema i emocionalnih poteÅ”koća dobivenim pomoću SPP-3 te dokumentirati valjanost u odnosu na Achenbachovu check-listu dječjeg ponaÅ”anja (CBCL), međunarodno priznatu mjeru dječje psihopatologije. Prikupljeni su podaci za 26 000 djece, koji su koriÅ”teni za eksploratorno i potvrdno uspoređivanje strukturalnih modela, dok su podaci za 212 djece koriÅ”teni za utvrđivanje usporedne valjanosti sa CBCL-om. Osmofaktorski potvrdni model najbolje je odgovarao prikupljenim podacima (RMSEA = 0,023, CFI = 0,951), a uključivao je dimenzije internaliziranog ponaÅ”anja, povučenog ponaÅ”anja, problema hranjenja, poteÅ”koća u eliminaciji, problema sa spavanjem, eksternaliziranog ponaÅ”anja, tikova i navika te somatskih problema. NaÅ”i se rezultati preklapaju s utvrđenim empirijskim modelima psihopatologije kod predÅ”kolske djece te upućuju na mogući zajednički okvir za opisivanje psihopatologije kod predÅ”kolske djece pomoću različitih mjernih instrumenata. Također ističu moguće istraživačke pravce te prevenciju u području mentalnog zdravlja predÅ”kolske djece.In light of the controversy regarding the diagnostic classification and epidemiology of preschool psychiatric disorders, more research into the taxonomy of preschool psychopathology seems warranted. In Slovenia the signs and symptoms of preschool psychopathology are screened for in the population using the Psychological Screening Survey of Three-year olds (SPP-3). The current study aimed to establish a taxonomy of behavioral problems and emotional difficulties obtained via the SPP-3 and document its concurrent validity in regard to the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist, an internationally well-established measure of child psychopathology. Data from over 26000 children was used for exploratory and confirmatory structural equation modeling, while data from 212 children was used to establish concurrent validity with the CBCL. An eight-factor confirmatory model provided the best fit to the data (RMSEA = 0.023, CFI = 0.951) and included the dimensions of Internalizing Behavior, Withdrawn Behavior, Eating Problems, Elimination Difficulties, Sleep Problems, Externalizing Behaviors, Tics and Habit Behaviors and Somatic Problems. Our results overlap with previously established empirical models of preschool psychopathology and point towards a possible common framework for describing preschool psychopathology across different assessment instruments. They also highlight avenues for research and prevention work in the field of preschool mental health

    Alpine Space Prospective Study. Sustainable territorial development in the Alpine Space: Towards long term transnational cooperation

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    This "Prospective Study" argues that a long term transnational cooperation will be able to pursue the sustainable territorial development in the Alpine Space only at the condition of a substantial improvement of the current experience. This regards an increased awareness of the complexity of issues and challenges currently at stake in the Alpine area but especially, in this light, the capacity of involving all relevant institutional and socioeconomic stakeholders in the building of shared transnational strategies

    Perforin Rapidly Induces Plasma Membrane Phospholipid Flip-Flop

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    The cytotoxic cell granule secretory pathway is essential for host defense. This pathway is fundamentally a form of intracellular protein delivery where granule proteases (granzymes) from cytotoxic lymphocytes are thought to diffuse through barrel stave pores generated in the plasma membrane of the target cell by the pore forming protein perforin (PFN) and mediate apoptotic as well as additional biological effects. While recent electron microscopy and structural analyses indicate that recombinant PFN oligomerizes to form pores containing 20 monomers (20 nm) when applied to liposomal membranes, these pores are not observed by propidium iodide uptake in target cells. Instead, concentrations of human PFN that encourage granzyme-mediated apoptosis are associated with pore structures that unexpectedly favor phosphatidylserine flip-flop measured by Annexin-V and Lactadherin. Efforts that reduce PFN mediated Ca influx in targets did not reduce Annexin-V reactivity. Antigen specific mouse CD8 cells initiate a similar rapid flip-flop in target cells. A lipid that augments plasma membrane curvature as well as cholesterol depletion in target cells enhance flip-flop. Annexin-V staining highly correlated with apoptosis after Granzyme B (GzmB) treatment. We propose the structures that PFN oligomers form in the membrane bilayer may include arcs previously observed by electron microscopy and that these unusual structures represent an incomplete mixture of plasma membrane lipid and PFN oligomers that may act as a flexible gateway for GzmB to translocate across the bilayer to the cytosolic leaflet of target cells

    The membrane attack complex, perforin and cholesterol-dependent cytolysin superfamily of pore-forming proteins

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    The membrane attack complex and perforin proteins (MACPFs) and bacterial cholesterol-dependent cytolysins (CDCs) are two branches of a large and diverse superfamily of pore-forming proteins that function in immunity and pathogenesis. During pore formation, soluble monomers assemble into large transmembrane pores through conformational transitions that involve extrusion and refolding of two Ī±-helical regions into transmembrane Ī²-hairpins. These transitions entail a dramatic refolding of the protein structure, and the resulting assemblies create large holes in cellular membranes, but they do not use any external source of energy. Structures of the membrane-bound assemblies are required to mechanistically understand and modulate these processes. In this Commentary, we discuss recent advances in the understanding of assembly mechanisms and molecular details of the conformational changes that occur during MACPF and CDC pore formation

    Measuring kinetic drivers of pneumolysin pore structure

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    Most membrane attack complex-perforin/cholesterol-dependent cytolysin (MACPF/CDC) proteins are thought to form pores in target membranes by assembling into pre-pore oligomers before undergoing a pre-pore to pore transition. Assembly during pore formation is into both full rings of subunits and incomplete rings (arcs). The balance between arcs and full rings is determined by a mechanism dependent on protein concentration in which arc pores arise due to kinetic trapping of the pre-pore forms by the depletion of free protein subunits during oligomerisation. Here we describe the use of a kinetic assay to study pore formation in red blood cells by the MACPF/CDC pneumolysin from Streptococcus pneumoniae. We show that cell lysis displays two kinds of dependence on protein concentration. At lower concentrations it is dependent on the pre-pore topore transition of arc oligomers, which we show to be a cooperative process. At higher concentrations it is dependent on the amount of pneumolysin bound to the membrane and reflects the affinity of the protein for its receptor, cholesterol. A lag occurs before cell lysis begins; this is dependent on oligomerisation of pneumolysin. Kinetic dissection of cell lysis by pneumolysin demonstrates the capacity of MACPF/CDCs to generate pore-forming oligomericstructures of variable size with, most likely, different functional roles in biology


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    V javnih stavbah (Å”olah, vrtcih) obstaja velik potencial za prihranke energije z učinkovitim energetskim upravljanjem. Cilj naloge je s pomočjo energetskega monitoringa in obdelave masovnih podatkov poiskati konkretne potenciale za te prihranke. Na osnovi podatkov, pridobljenih s pomočjo digitalnega obratovalnega monitoringa stavb, je bila analizirana večletna baza podatkov z okoli 2 MIO podatkov o urni porabi toplotne in električne energije ter o notranji in zunanji temperaturi. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da javne stavbe porabijo veliko več energije takrat, ko so nezasedene, in da se pogosto ogrevajo, ko so nezasedene in notranja temperatura že presega 20 Ā°C. Na osnovi raziskave je bil identificiran potencial za prihranek energije, ki ga predstavlja predvsem zmanjÅ”anje delovanja ogrevalnega sistema, ko je stavba nezasedena. Predlagan in predstavljen je bil izboljÅ”an model energetskega upravljanja stavb z integracijo merilnikov porabe, senzorjev temperature in programabilnih krmilnikov v enoten sistem, s pomočjo katerega se na osnovi podatkovnega rudarjenja, poslovne analitike masovnih podatkov (angl. big data) in strojnega učenja optimizira delovanje sistema ogrevanja. Za ugotovitev potenciala prihranka s pomočjo energetskega upravljanja in spremljanje doseganja zastavljenih ciljev je ključna uvedba sistema energetskega monitoringa na urnem ali krajÅ”em intervalu odčitavanju podatkov. Predstavljeno je, da je vzpostavitev avtomatiziranega krmiljenja delovanja ogrevanja na osnovi podatkovnega rudarjenja finančno upravičena.In public buildings (schools, kindergartens) it has great potential for energy savings through effective energy management. Based on the data obtained via the digital operational monitoring building is analyzed multiannual database of hourly consumption of heat, electricity and indoor and outdoor temperature. It was found that more than 53 % of the energy consumption is used out of the schedule action, when the building is unoccupied, and the internal temperature is higher than 20 Ā° C, more than 42 % of the energy consumption is used out of the schedule action, when the building is unoccupied, and the internal temperature is higher than 21 Ā° C and more than 10 % of the energy consumption is used out of the schedule action, when the building is unoccupied, and the internal temperature is higher than 22 Ā° C. Presented and proposed model is improved energy management of buildings by installing programmable controllers which measure both external as well as internal temperature in the building and on the basis of data mining and business analytics, big data and machine learning optimize the preformance of the heating system

    Valuation of investment on the example of installing a new line for separators at MPI-reciklaža, d. o. o.

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    Magistrsko delo obravnava vrednotenje investicije v novo linijo za separatorje v podjetju MPI-reciklaža, d. o. o. Prikazane so tehnično-tehnoloÅ”ke lastnosti linije, izračunani so vsi prihodki in odhodki oziroma donosnost investicije. Za vrednotenje investicije so uporabljene dinamične metode, na podlagi katerih je izračunana in prikazana doba vračanja investicije, neto sedanja vrednost in notranja stopnja donosa. Izračuni so pokazali, da se investicija ob navedenih predpostavkah povrne v treh letih in enajstih mesecih, kjer ob diskontni stopnji 12 % NSV znaÅ”a 755.266,90 evra in NSD 31 %. Zaradi nepredvidljivih razmer na trgu se je opravila Å”e analiza občutljivosti za različne scenarije, od faktorja 5 do 25 %. Pokazalo se je, da na dobo vračanja investicije najbolj vpliva zmanjÅ”ana pridobljena količina svinca in PP. V primeru uresničitve vseh naÅ”tetih scenarijev pa je investicija sprejemljiva do faktorja 10 %.The master\u27s thesis discusses the evaluation of an investment in a new production line for separators at the company MPI-reciklaža d.o.o. The technical and technological characteristics of the production line have been presented and calculated, along with revenues, expenses, and the profitability of the investment. Dynamic methods are used to evaluate the investment, calculated and presented are investment payback period, net present value and internal rate of return. The calculations have shown that, under the given terms, the investment will be returned in 3 years and 11 months, with a discount rate of 12 %, a net present value of 755,266.90 ā‚¬ and an internal rate of return of 31 %. Sensitivity analysis was performed, due to unpredictable market conditions, for various scenarios, ranging from factor 5 % to factor 25 %. It was found that the most significant factor, which affects the payback period of the investment, is the reduced amount of lead and PP. In the case of the realization of all the listed scenarios, the investment remains acceptable up to a factor 10 %
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