Rad donosi osim povijesne perspektive početka i razvoja supervizijske prakse u svijetu i u
Sloveniji na koju su utjecala pretakanja iskustava različitih profesija, objašnjenje pojma supervizije,
modela i tehnika skupljanja supervizijskog materijala. Nadalje, rad donosi podakte
o poraznoj učinkovitosti poslijediplomskih programa na praktični rad te naglašava da supervizija
nije zamjena za formalnu, tradicionalnu akademsku naobrazbu već je njezina dopuna.
Autor predstavlja faze supervizijskog proces kao i poteškoće koje se tijekom procesa učenja
javljaju objašnjavajući ih s dinamske perspektive te s perspektive kognitivnih teorija i teorija
učenja.Apart from the historical perspective of the beginnings and development of supervisory practice in the world and in Slovenia, which was influenced by merging of experiences of various professions, this paper brings us the explanation of the term supervision, and of models and
techniques of collecting supervisory material. Furthermore, this paper provides data to show how poorly postgraduate programmes equip the students for practical work and emphasizes the fact that supervision is not an alternative to formal, traditional, academic education, but
its complement. The author presents the phases of supervisory process as well as the difficulties which arise in the course of learning, explaining them from the dynamic perspective, and from the perspective of cognitive theories and theories of learning