5 research outputs found

    Synergistic Corrosion Inhibition Effect of Rice Husk Extract and KI for Mild Steel in H2SO4 Solution

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    The corrosion inhibition of rice husk extract for bio-corrosion in mild steel in 1 M of H2SO4 solution and the effect of adding potassium iodide were investigated using the weight-loss method with a variable solution temperature and various bio-inhibitor concentrations. The addition of potassium iodide can significantly increase the efficiency of rice husk extract. The highest efficiency is 95.89% at 1,250 ppm of inhibitor concentration at a temperature of 313 K. The inhibition efficiency of rice husk extract is synergistically increased with the addition of potassium iodide. The characteristics of the adsorption inhibitors were assessed using the Langmuir isotherm adsorption approach at all studied concentrations and temperatures. The synergy of rice husk extract and potassium iodide was examined using thermodynamic and kinetic parameters.


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    Korosi merupakan penurunan mutu logam akibat reaksi elektrokimia dengan lingkungannya. Salah satu cara untuk mencegah korosi yaitu dengan cara coating. Coating (pelapisan) merupakan cara melapisi logam dengan suatu bahan, agar logam tersebut terhindar dari korosi. Saat ini banyak penelitian dilakukan menggunakan paduan silika dengan polimer alam, salah satunya penggunaan getah flamboyan.Flamboyan ini memiliki sifat fleksibel dan stabil. Sementara itu material silika terus dikembangkan sebagai materialcoating karena bersifat ramah lingkungan serta bernilai ekonomis. Pembuatan materal coating tersebut dengan cara memadukan silika yang berasal dari waterglass dan getah flamboyan kemudian dilakukan pencelupan baja dengan metode dip coating. Komposisi silika dengan getah flamboyan yang digunakan yaitu 60 :40, dengan konsentrasi waterglass yaitu 30%. Hasil yang diperoleh melalui penelitian ini, bahwa pengaruh asam, basa, dan garam menyebabkan laju korosi meningkat. Semakin kecil pH larutan Laju korosi terbesar terjadi pada larutan asamsulfat dengan nilai 0.00348 g/cm2.jam. Sementara pada uji lingkungan diperoleh laju korosi 1,6E-05 gr/cm2 jam atau 0.179 mm/tahun dimana dalam standar ketahanan korosi material coating ini termasuk dalam range good

    Bovine Freeze Dried Amniotic Membrane (FD-AM) Covered Sterile Gauze for Wound Dressing

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    The Amniotic membrane with the growth factor content has beneficial effect for wound healing. The fabrication of Bovine Freeze Dried Amniotic Membrane (FD-AM) with sterile gauzing has been performed for wound dressing application. The aim of this study was to know the potency of bovine amniotic membrane as wound dressing. The manufacturing of Freeze Dried Bovine Amniotic Membrane (FD- AM) with sterile gauzing is started with separating chorion from amnion membrane using blunt dissection, rinsed with sterile saline amniotic membrane and aquadest, immersed amniotic membrane with NaOCl, stretching amniotic membrane on the brass which is layered with sterile gauze, and freeze-drying process. Freeze Dried Amniotic Membrane (FD-AM) has been characterized for its cytotoxicity, content of protein related by molecular weight, and the wound healing capability showed on re-epithalization percentage and collagen scoring (via Histopathology anatomy test). Bovine amniotic membrane has been proven as non toxic material which is showed by 99,69 % of fibroblast cell alived in material cytotoxicity test. Bovine Freeze Dried Amniotic Membrane (FD-AM) consists of protein with molecular weight of 70 KDa. The ability of wound healing in mice skin is proved by 100 % re- epitalization percentage on day 3, 6, and 13 and about increasing collagen density on day 3, 6, and 13 which is showed by collagen scoring. In conclusion, the Bovne Freeeze Dried Amniotic membrane is potential for the candidate of wound dressing.

    Strategi Peningkatan Indeks Kualitas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Serang Berdasarkan Analisis Indeks Kualitas Air

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    Indeks kualitas lingkungan hidup (IKLH) merupakan indeks kinerja pengelolaan lingkungan hidup secara nasionalyang digeneralisasi dari IKLH seluruh Kabupaten/Kota dan Provinsi di Indonesia. Kabupaten Serang adalah salahsatu daerah penyebab rendahnya IKLH nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan strategi peningkatanIKLH Kabupaten Serang berdasarkan indeks kualitas air. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis status mutuair Sungai Ciujung, Cidurian dan Cidanau menggunakan metode indeks pencemaran (IP), nilai IKA ditetapkandengan metode IKA-NA dan prioritas strategi peningkatan IKLH ditetapkan dengan metoda analytical hierarchyprocess (AHP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sungai Cidurian berada dalam status mutu memenuhi(kondisi baik) hingga tercemar berat (IP 0.93 – 10.86), Sungai Cidanau berada dalam status mutu memenuhi (IP0.69-0.75), dan Sungai Ciujung dalam status mutu memenuhi sampai tercemar sedang (IP 0.62-9.98). Nilai IKAyang diperoleh adalah 56,67 dan nilai IKLH 61,89 (kurang). Hasil analisis prioritas strategi peningkatan IKLHmenunjukkan bahwa tiga prioritas alternatif yang perlu dilakukan untuk peningkatan IKLH Kabupaten Serangadalah pemantauan kualitas air limbah dan air sungai (eigen value 0.166), penerapan pajak air limbah industri(0.164) dan pengetatan perizinan pembuangan limbah ke sungai (eigen value 0.148).Kata Kunci: AHP, IKA, IKLH, Sunga

    Extraction Of Flavonoid, Phenolic, And Saponin In Shallot Skin (Allium Cepa Var. Aggregatum) For Antibacterial Application

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    Shallot skin (Allium cepa var. aggregatum) contains secondary metabolites of flavonoid, phenolic, and saponin that can be antibacterial. This research was conducted by extracting the shallot skin using maceration and ultrasound-assisted methods with 3, 5, and 7 days for maceration extraction and 10, 20, and 30 minutes for ultrasonication-assisted extraction (UAE). The extract was then tested for phytochemical screening and analysis of its flavonoid, phenolic, and saponin levels. Three extracts with the best secondary metabolite compounds were then tested for the inhibitory power of the extracts against Escherichia coli through the diffusion method. The results showed that shallot skin extract contained flavonoid and phenolic compounds but not saponin. Based on the analysis of the levels of these compounds using UV-Vis spectrophotometry, three extracts with the highest flavonoid and phenolic content were obtained from maceration extraction for seven days, the UAE method for 20 minutes, and the UAE extraction method for 30 minutes. The extract using the UAE method has relatively higher flavonoid and phenolic content (6.93 and 2.59 ppm, respectively) than the extract using the maceration method (5.48 and 2.46 ppm, respectively), which is also considered more efficient in terms of time. A preliminary antibacterial activity test showed antibacterial activity in the shallot skin