61 research outputs found


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    This research was aimed at improving reading comprehension of grade VIII students of SMP N 9 Yogyakarta through the implementation of experience-text-relationship (ETR) method in the academic year of 2014/2015.This research was categorized as classroom action research which consists of four steps including planning, action, observation and reflection. The actions were conducted in two cycles. The data of this research were in the form of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were collected through classroom observation and interviews. As for the quantitative data, they were collected throughreading comprehension tests(a pre-test and a post-test). The validity of the data was established by fulfilling the democratic, outcome, process, catalytic, and dialogic validity.The research findings show that there was improvement in the students’ reading comprehension after the experience-text-relationship method was implemented in the teaching and learning process. It was indicated by the increasing mean scores of the students’ pre-test and post-test results (66,52 to 77,41).Additionally, the results also indicated that there were positive changes in students’ attitude and behavior towards reading lesson, students’ participation in the class discussion, and students’ attempts in achieving reading goals

    Analisis Pengaruh Profitabilitas dan Leverage terhadap Carbon Emission Discloure (Studi Kasus Perusahaan yang Terdaftar pada Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2018-2020)

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of industry type, firm size, profitability, leverage, and enviromental performance on the carbon emission disclosure. Measurement of carbon emission disclosure used content analysis. There are 18 items to detect carbon emission disclosure.Object in this study are companies that listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2018-2021. The sample was selected using purposive sampling method and obtained thirty three companies being sampled. Type of data used is secondary data. Data analysis used frequency table, descriptive statistics, classical assumption test, and multiple linear regression analysis.The result of this study showed that industry type, firm size and profitability significantly influence to the carbon emission disclosure. Meanwhile, leverage and enviromental performance had no significcant effect to the carbon emission disclosure

    Pengaruh Kredit Cepat Aman (KCA) Terhadap Pendapatan Sewa Modal Pada PT Pegadaian (PERSERO)

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    Kredit Cepat Aman (KCA) is an excellent product of PT Pegadaian which is distributed to the public with collateral of valuables and has a capital lease term based on a certain rate and a certain period of time that the customer must pay for the loan he receives. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of  Kredit Cepat Aman (KCA) on capital lease income at PT Pegadaian (Persero) period years 2017-2021. The method used in this research is quantitative with simple linear regression analysis. Data collection techniques in this research are observation, documentation, literature study and internet browsing. The results of the research show that Kredit Cepat Aman (KCA) and capital lease income from 2017-2021 increase every year and decrease in 2021. Kredit Cepat Aman (KCA) has a very strong influence, is positive or there is a significant unidirectional relationship to capital lease income

    Studi Tingkat Ploidi pada Lili (Lilium sp.) Hasil Kultur Antera Melalui Penghitungan Jumlah Kloroplas dan Kromosom

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    Lili (Lilium sp.) termasuk famili Liliaceae, merupakan tanaman hias yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi karena permintaan konsumen terus meningkat. Permintaan varietas tanaman yang seragam menuntut pengembangan hibrida F1. Perakitan tanaman hibrida dapat dihasilkan melalui pembentukan tanaman haploid. Salah satu metode untuk memproduksi tanaman haploid adalah dengan kultur antera.  Pengecekan tanaman hasil kultur antera dapat dilakukan dengan penghitungan  jumlah kloroplas dan jumlah kromosom, namun untuk lili hasil belum diperoleh informasi mengenai korelasi antara jumlah kloroplas pada sel penjaga stomata dengan jumlah kromosom, sehingga tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengatahui korelasi antara jumlah kloroplas dengan jumlah kromosom serta mengetahui tingkat ploidi pada regeneran lili hasil kultur antera. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias (BALITHI) Cianjur dari Januari-Juni 2016.  Terdapat 5 nomor lili yang diuji tingkat ploidinya.  Setiap nomor terdiri dari 4 ulangan, setiap ulangan ada 4 botol dan  masing-masing botol terdiri dari 3 planlet. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu statistik sederhana rata-rata dan standar eror dan dikorelasikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan planlet haploid terbanyak ditemukan pada nomor 2015.1.1 kelompok Longiflorum dengan jumlah 26,67% sedangkan planlet haploid yang jumlahnya paling sedikit ditemukan pada nomor 2015.S2.3 kelompok Oriental dengan jumlah 11,11%. Metode kultur antera dapat menghasilkan planlet haploid namun pada Lilium sp. persentase keberhasilannya masih rendah. Tidak diperoleh korelasi antara jumlah kloroplas dan kromosom. Penelitian lebih lanjut terkait tingkat ploidi tanaman lili dan pengujian jumlah kromosom dengan menggunakan flowcytometer perlu dilakukan.  Lily (Lilium sp.), Liliaceae family, is an ornamental plant that has a high economic value as consumer demand continues to rise. The uniformity of crop varieties requires the development of F1 hybrids that can be generated through the formation of haploid plants. A method for producing haploid plant is by anther culture. Evaluation of anther culture can be done by counting the number of chloroplasts and the number of chromosomes in the regenerants.  However, lilies yet obtained information on the correlation between the numbers of chloroplasts in stomatal guard cells with chromosome numbers. Therefore, the purpose of this research aimed to know the correlation between the number of chloroplasts and chromosomes and to determine ploidy level in the regenerants of lily from anther culture. This research was conducted at Tissue Culture Laboratory of Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute (IOCRI), Cianjur from January to June 2016. There were 5 numbers of lilies regenerant from anther culture that evaluate for ploidy level test.  Each number has four replications, each replication contained four bottles, and each bottle has three plantlets. The statistical analysis used statistical descriptive with average, standard error and correlation. The results showed, haploid plantlets were observed in 2015.1.1 plantlets from Longiflorum group with 26,67% while least number of haploid plantlets is found in 2015.S2.3 plantlets from Oriental group (11,11%).  The method of anther culture is able to produce haploid plantlets but the success rate was low in Lilium sp. There were no correlation between the number of chloroplasts and chromosomes.  Further studies related to the ploidy level of lilies from anther culture and the evaluation of chromosomes number by using flow cytometry requires to develop haploid plant of Lily

    Studi Kualitas Regeneran Phalaenopsis Hasil Kultur In Vitro dari Eksplan Tangkai Infloresen, Tunas Pucuk, dan Empulur (The Quality Study of Phalaenopsis Regenerants from In Vitro Propagation of Inflorescence, Shoot Tip, and Pith Explants)

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    Anggrek Phalaenopsis memiliki nilai komersial yang tinggi, karena keindahannya dapat dinikmati sepanjang tahun. Hal tersebut berdampak pada kebutuhan benih tanaman yang semakin meningkat. Salah satu cara penyediaan benih secara massal adalah melalui perbanyakan klonal secara in vitro sehingga perlu dilakukan studi kualitas regeneran hasil perbanyakan klonal untuk menjamin ketersediaan benih dengan kualitas baik. Penelitian bertujuan menguji kualitas regeneran yang dihasilkan dari perbanyakan klonal secara in vitro beberapa varietas Phalaenopsis dengan menggunakan eksplan yang berbeda. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan, Kebun Percobaan Segunung, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias (Balithi) sejak bulan Januari 2014 hingga Mei 2015. Penelitian menggunakan dua faktor, yaitu varietas (Ayu Lestari, Ayu Pratiwi, dan Karindra) dan jenis eksplan (tangkai infloresen, tunas pucuk, dan empulur). Percobaan disusun menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok pola faktorial dan setiap perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukan tidak terjadi interaksi yang nyata antara faktor jenis eksplan dan varietas yang diujikan pada semua tahap percobaan. Respon terbaik diperoleh pada eksplan empulur dengan 42,85% eksplan berhasil membentuk kalus pada minggu ke-8 dan hampir 100% kalus tersebut dapat beregenerasi menjadi tunas pada minggu ke-24 dengan tingkat multiplikasi tunas 1,87 kali. Pada minggu ke-32 terbentuk rata-rata 3,13 daun per planlet dengan 2,47 cm panjang daun, 1,36 cm lebar daun, 1,52 akar per planlet, dan panjang akar per planlet mencapai 1,26 cm. Kerapatan stomata memiliki korelasi negatif dengan tingkat abnormalitas planlet. Planlet dengan kerapatan stomata tertinggi dan abnormalitas yang rendah diperoleh pada var. Karindra dan planlet yang berasal dari eksplan empulur dan tunas pucuk. Setelah 8 minggu tahap aklimatisasi, tingkat keberhasilan hidup tertinggi (92%) diperoleh pada tunas yang berasal dari eksplan empulur. Penelitian membuktikan bahwa perbedaan varietas tidak memiliki pengaruh nyata pada tingkat abnormalitas regeneran dan dari eksplan empulur diperoleh jumlah regeneran tertinggi dengan kualitas baik (tingkat abnormalitas rendah).KeywordsKultur jaringan; Kualitas regeneran; Phalaenopsis; Jenis eksplantAbstractPhalaenopsis orchids have a high commercial value, because of its beauty and it can be enjoyed throughout the year. This condition gives the impact on the increasing demand of the seeds. One of the ways of providing mass seeds is through in vitro clonal propagation. However, it is necessary to study the quality of regenerants of clonal propagation products to ensure the availability of qualified seeds. The aimed of this study was to test the quality of regenerants obtained from in vitro clonal propagation of Phalaenopsis using inflorescence stalk, shoot tips, and pith explants. This research was conducted at Tissue Culture Laboratory, Segunung Experimental Station, Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute (IOCRI) from January 2014 to May 2015. The study used two treatments, varieties (Ayu Lestari, Ayu Pratiwi, and Karindra) and type of explant (inflorescence stalk, shoot tips, and pith). Experiments were prepared using a randomized complete block design with two factors and each treatment was replicated three times. The results showed there were no significant interaction between types of explants and varieties tested in all experiment stages. The best response was obtained using pith explants with 42.85% callus formation in the week eighth and nearly 100% callus can regenerate into shoots at week 24th with the rate of shoot multiplication up to 1.87 times. At week 32th the cultures formed planlets with an average number of leaves of 3.13 and an average size of 2.47 cm x 1.36 cm (length x width) and an average number of roots of 1.52 with average length reached 1.26 cm. Stomatal density has negative correlation with plantlet abnormality rate. Plantlets with the highest stomatal density and low abnormality were obtained in var. Karindra and plantlet derived from explant pith and shoot buds. After 8 weeks of acclimatization stage, the highest survival rate (92%) was obtained on the shoot originating from pith explant. This study proved that varietal differences did not have a significant effect on regenerant abnormalities, and the highest number of regenerant with good quality (low abnormality rate) was obtained from pith explant

    Pengaruh Pelayanan Prima Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Pembeli Diamond Hago (Studi Kasus Di Galeri Virtual Teknologi)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of excellent service on customer satisfaction at Gallery Virtual Technology of Bandung. This was a quantitative study and data were collected through questionnaires. The study samples involved 100 diamond customers of hago live streaming application at Gallery Virtual Technology. Based on the results of the study, it was obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.307 (in the range of 0.20-0.399) which indicated a low effect of excellent service on customer satisfaction at Gallery Virtual Technology. The t hypothesis test obtained a t count of 3.191 or higher than t table of 1.660 which meant that there was an effect of excellent service on customer satisfaction at Virtual Technology Gallery. Furthermore, the value of coefficient of determination or R square was 9.4%, which could be interpreted that customer satisfaction at Gallery Virtual Technology was influenced by excellent service by 9.4%. The problem found in this study was regarding the low effect of excellent service on customer satisfaction due to more significant factors. The solution to this problem is by approaching customers to ask certain things as a measure of satisfaction in addition to excellent service

    Konservasi Anggrek Spesies Alam Menggunakan Eksplan Biji pada Media Vacin & Went

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    Konservasi anggrek spesies alam merupakan langkah penting untuk menghindari kepunahan akibat rusaknya habitat alamnya. Tujuan penelitian ialah mengetahui kemampuan tumbuh biji anggrek spesies alam pada media Vacin dan Went (VW) dan menentukan jenis anggrek spesies yang telah berhasil dikonservasi melalui biji. Anggrek spesies alam yang digunakan sebanyak 46 spesies yang berasal dari 18 genus anggrek, yakni Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium, Vanda, Ascocentrum, Paphiopedilum, Rhyncostilis, Neofinetia, Epidendrum, Arachnis, Dimorphosis, Phaius, Spathogottis, Trichoglottis, Arundina, Cymbidium, Renanthera, Armodorum, dan Gramathophylum. Polinasi bunga anggrek dilakukan dengan metode selfing maupun sibling. Buah dipanen saat warna buah berubah menjadi kuning kehijauan dan/atau tekstur buah menjadi lebih lunak. Selanjutnya, sebelum kultur biji, buah disterilkan dan biji disebar pada media VW. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa buah anggrek hasil polinasi mengalami kemasakan antara 34-280 hari setelah polinasi. Biji hasil selfing dari 41 anggrek spesies (dari 46) dapat berkecambah pada media VW dengan umur berkecambah berkisar antara 10-69 hari setelah sebar. Sebanyak 19 anggrek spesies alam mampu membentuk protokorm di atas 70% dan semua protokorm mampu membentuk planlet. Selanjutnya, 19 spesies dapat diaklimatisasi dengan kisaran waktu antara 272-552 hari setelah terbentuk protokorm, Sebanyak 16 spesies belum dapat diaklimatisasi karena planlet yang masih kecil, sedang 6 spesies tidak tumbuh. Arundina graminifolia merupakan anggrek yang paling cepat membentuk protokorm dan Grammatophylum sp. merupakan anggrek yang paling lama membentuk protokorm. Biji Ascocentrum aurantiacum, Aerides odorata, Phalaenopsis luddemanniana, P. violacea, dan Cymbidium finlaysonianum tidak mampu membentuk protokorm. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa media VW dapat digunakan untuk konservasi anggrek spesies alam melalui perbanyakan dengan menggunakan biji

    Makna Simbolik dan Nilai-Nilai yang Terkandung dalam Seni Pakemplung di Kecamatan Naringgul Kabupaten Cianjur

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    ABSTRACT This study describes the art of Pakemplung in Kampung Tegal Bungur, Wanasari Village, Naringgul District, Cianjur Regency. This art is very rare and almost extinct. This study aims to explore the history of Pakemplung art, forms of performance, essence, symbols, functions, and to identify and collect Pakemplung art documents. The method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of research, Pakemplung art is used as a medium to get closer to God and a medium for interaction between players and spectators. As a whole, Pakemplung's art contains religious, compact, mutual cooperation, responsibility, observant, thoroughness, courage, beauty, neatness, authority, and servitude.Keywords: Pakemplung art, essence, symbols, functions ABSTRAKPenelitian ini tentang kesenian pakemplung di Kampung Tegal Bungur Desa Wanasari Kecamatan Naringgul Kabupaten Cianjur. Pakemplung adalah kesenian yang hanya terdapat di Kampung Tegal Bungur dan merupakan kesenian yang langka, bahkan tengah menuju pada kepunahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguak sejarah, bentuk pertunjukan, makna, simbol, dan fungsi pakemplung, serta mengidentifikasi dan mengumpulkan dokumentasinya. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif.  Sumber data yang digunakan berupa sumber primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Validasi data menggunakan triangulasi sumber, dan dianalisis dengan kualitatif model interaktif. Adapun yang menjadi objek penelitian ini yaitu budaya kesenian pakemplung dengan subjek penelitian dari empat narasumber yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik snowball. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dihasilkan seni Pakemplung sebagai media untuk mendekatkan diri dengan Tuhan dan tempat untuk melakukan proses interaksi antara pemain dengan penonton. Pakemplung secara keseluruhan mengandung makna religius, kekompakan, gotong royong, tanggungjawab, kejelian, ketelitian, keberanian, keindahan, kerapian, kewibawaan, dan penghambaan. Kata kunci: seni pakemplung, esensi, simbol, fungs

    Potential utilization of filaments and ovules as explant sources in in vitro propagation of Lilium sp.

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    Lilies are important cut and pot flowers locally and globally; however, qualified planting materials from in vitro culture are still limited. The culture generally uses scales and leaves, while filaments and ovules are rarely utilized. Filaments and ovules of EXO CF/E, RDF CG/E, and DZ CG/E genotypes of Lilium sp. were explored for their potential to establish in vitro propagation protocol using different Chu N6 medium and their modifications. The 9.9 shoots/explant from 1.5 regenerative explants/replication of RDF CG/E filaments was proven on Chu N6 medium containing 6.79 µM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2.27 µM thidiazuron (TDZ), and 90 g L-1 sucrose; 3.3 regenerative explants/replication and 8.4 shoots/explant of EXO CF/E ovules were determined on Chu N6 medium with 2.26 µM 2,4-D, 6.81 µM TDZ and 90 g L-1 sucrose; and slightly improved on Chu N6 macro elements, full vitamins of MS basal medium with 3.39 µM 2,4-D, 3.41 µM TDZ, 150 ml L-1 coconut water (CW) and 60 g L-1 sucrose. The shoots were proliferated on the established media. The shoots of EXO CF/E, RDF CG/E and DZ CG/E genotypes produced varied leaves/shoot, leaf length, leaf width, roots/shoot, root length and bulb diameter on Chu N6 medium hormone free with 1.5% AC, followed by hardening them in a glass house for one month. The hardened-plantlets were acclimatized in plastic pots containing charcoal husk and bamboo compost (1:1) with 39.8-63.6% survivability. The protocol has the potential to be applied to other genotypes or lilies by specific improvements at the acclimatization stage
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