22 research outputs found

    Implementasi Metode Enkripsi Pergeseran Biner Dengan Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    System bind on computer personal using platform of Microsoft Windows™ as machine of activator of public system because cannot prevent all hacker, cracker and attacker to enter and exploit the content from pertinent computer system for the sake of negativity. Especially at network of computer of peer to peer own the Microsoft Windows™ and public network [of] internet. So that as for how to conduct the implementation of binary method encryption shifting with Visually Basic 6.0 competent to be strived. This research aim to to prove that competent binary method encryption shifting  implemented in everyday life all civil consumer for the protection of their data from acting cyber-crime, providing application program light cryptography and easy to just used by whom and for the sake of any kind of, security importance applicable to bind the static (in a stand alone computer and local of area network) and also in a community owning to bind the dinamic (mobile) such as a community in (virtual) private network and public network (internet) and also in physical delivery. The result of this research can present the data qualitative result of technical measurement and examination according to principles of software engineering so that application elegibility result of accountable engineering


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    Visi Indonesia sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia adalah salah satu bentuk implementasi mempertahankan kedaulatan negara Indonesia yang merupakan negara kepulauan yang telah diperjuangkan dengan deklarasi Djuanda pada tahun 1957 hingga mendapatkan pengakuan dunia internasional melalui UNClOS 1982. Indonesia pernah mencapai kejayaannya sebagai bangsa maritim pada masa kerajaan Sriwijaya dan Majapahit. Bangsa maritim Indonesia ini juga menjadi bagian integral dari identitas nasional Indonesia. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu upaya untuk dapat menjaga identitas nasional sebagai bangsa maritim yang dapat dijadikan sebagai pijakan pembangunan kembali budaya maritim yang pernah ada. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan strategi yang tepat menjaga identitas nasional Indonesia sebagai negara maritim untuk mendukung visi Poros Maritim Dunia.  Teori yang digunakan dalam analisis adalah teori konsep pertahanan semesta, teori Sea Power dan teori identitas nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data kualitatif meggunakan data sekunder dan selanjutnya menggunakan teori untuk menganalisa dari fenomena yang penulis teliti. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa strategi pertahanan semesta menjaga identitas nasional mendukung Indonesia poros maritim dunia menghasilkan tiga strategi turunan yaitu strategi menjaga kedaulatan teritorial, strategi pembangunan budaya maritim dan strategi penguatan diplomasi pertahanan


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    Seiring dengan berjalannya globalisasi dan kemajuan teknologi, perkembangan lingkungan strategis saat ini jelas memberikan ruang gerak yang semakin bebas bagi ancaman terhadap semua bidang kehidupan bernegara, termasuk dalam hal pertahanan negara di laut. TNI Angkatan Laut (TNI AL) sebagai komponen utama pertahanan negara di laut perlu menerapkan strategi pertahanan yang mampu menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan yang terjadi, dimana proyeksi pembangunan kekuatan maritim perlu mendapat perhatian untuk menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara maritim yang memiliki posisi tawar strategis dalam pergaulan internasional. Dalam menyusun konsep strategi pertahanan militer, diperlukan sebuah doktrin sebagai acuan yang mendasarinya. Dalam penulisan ini, penulis mencoba menganalisa relevansi doktrin TNI AL Jalesveva Jayamahe dikaitkan dengan situasi yang ada saat ini. Hal-hal yang menjadi fokus adalah globalisasi di bidang pertahanan, kemajuan teknologi dan strategi pertahanan, perkembangan lingkungan strategis serta tantangan ke depan. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan desain studi kepustakaan dan pendekatan fenomenologis. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa doktrin TNI AL Jalesveva Jayamahe sebagai dasar yang dijadikan pedoman dalam penyusunan strategi pertahanan laut dinilai masih sangat relevan dalam menghadapi potensi ancaman yang muncul sebagai akibat dari globalisasi dan perkembangan lingkungan strategis. Peningkatan kapasitas kekuatan pertahanan laut melalui kemandirian industri pertahanan, pembinaan sumber daya manusia serta penguasaan teknologi pertahanan menjadi kunci untuk terus beradaptasi dalam menghadapi globalisasi dan rangkaian perubahan lingkungan strategis.Kata Kunci: Strategi, pertahanan, doktrin, Jalesveva Jayamahe, globalisas


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    Tesis ini menganalisis tentang kerjasama antara Koarmada I dan Bakamla dalam upaya memberantas kejahatan lintas negara yang terjadi di perairan Selat Malaka dan sekitarnya serta mengidentifikasi peraturan yang berlaku dalam melaksanakan kerjasama dan potensi celah yang ada pada tingkat operasional sehubungan dengan kejahatan yang terjadi di laut. Penelitian ini juga berfokus kepada faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi hubungan kerjasama antara kedua lembaga tersebut dalam upaya pemberantasan kejahatan lintas negara. Pada dasarnya masing-masing lembaga telah memiliki sarana yang dibutuhkan untuk upaya tersebut, namun perlu adanya pemanfaatan bersama terhadap sarana yang ada untuk mencapai hasil yang optimal melalui kerjasama antara kedua lembaga tersebut. Untuk menganalisis hubungan antar kedua lembaga dipergunakan teori kerjasama antar instansi (inter-agency working), sementara untuk melihat manfaat yang dihasilkan dari kerjasama tersebut digunakan teori sinergitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui pengamatan dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih dibutuhkan kerjasama yang lebih intensif dan interaksi secara formal melalui prosedur kerjasama yang efektif agar upaya pemberantasan kejahatan lintas negara, khususnya di perairan Selat Malaka dan sekitarnya dapat berjalan dengan lebih optimal.Kata Kunci: Kejahatan lintas negara, kerjasama, strategi, selat Malak

    Sistem Monitoring Gelombang Laut Secara Realtime Sebagai Media Analisa Dan Peringatan Dini (Early Warning System) Bencana Tsunami

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    Tsunami merupakan bencana besar yang dapat merugikan penduduk dan merusak ekosistem disekitar pantai. Kadangkala gejala-gejala bencana Tsunami tidak disadari oleh warga sekitar pantai karena ketidaktahuan tanda-tanda akan datangnya Tsunami. Gejala Tsunami tidak hanya dilihat dari pasca gempa dan surutnya air laut secara tiba-tiba melainkan dari bentuk gelombang laut (ombak) yang merambat ke pantai.gelombang air laut (ombak) yang terjadi karena tsunami membentuk gelombang tubuh air yang mengalir yang diikuti oleh limpahan banjir. Gelombang yang terbentuk karena tsunami mirip dengan bentuk grafik saturasi. Berdasarkan karakteristik gelombang Tsunami tersebut kita dapat menganalisa potensi terjadinya tsunami dari gelombang yang terbentuk dalam rentang jarak sekian kilometer dari bibir pantai. Dengan memonitoring gelombang laut dari jarak sekian km dari bibir pantai, kita dapat menentukan potensi adanya gelombang Tsunami beberapa waktu sebelum tsunami sampai ke pantai. Sehingga sistem ini dapat menjadi EWS (Early Warning System) Bencana Tsunami. Proses monitoring tersebut dibantu dengan sistem GPS.GPS ini akan mengetahui posisi koordinat beserta ketinggian gelombang ombak yang menerpa. GPS akan memberikan informasi latitude, longtitude, dan altitude pada titik tertentu yang diberikan suatu benda secara realtime kepada Satelit. Selanjutnya Satelit akan mencatat semua data dari GPS yang kemudian akan disajikan sebagai Sistem Monitoring Gelombang Laut Secara Realtime

    Hubungan Antara Kebiasaan Konsumsi Makanan Kariogenik Dan Menggosok Gigi Pada Anak Serta Pengetahuan Ibu Dengan Kejadian Karies Gigi Di Paud Taman Ceria Surakarta

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    Dental caries on pre-school children frequently occurs due to the habits of cariogenic food consumption, rarely brush their teeth after meal or before off to bed and parents’ lack of knowledge about dental caries. This research aims to find the corelation among the habits of cariogenic food consumption, teeth brushing activity and mother’s knowledge on dental caries on children at pre-school education (PAUD) Taman Ceria Surakarta. This research is an observational with cross-sectinal approach. Saturated sampling is used and consists of 79 children and 79 mothers. Most of the children consume cariogenik food (64,6%) and rarely brush their teeth (81,0%), while half of the mothers have the knowledge of dental caries (50,6%). Statistic test shows that there is corelation between the habit of cariogenic food consumption and dental caries (p=0,019). However, there isn’t corelation between the habit of teeth brushing activity with dental caries (p=0,792) and there isn’t corelation between mother’s knowledge about dental caries with dental caries occurence (p=0,222)

    Perancangan Desain Tabung Oksigen Hiperbarik untuk Terapi Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus

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    Abstract - Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the health problems that have an impact on the productivity of human resources. In the condition of Diabetes, insulin is not able to work optimally to transport sugar in the blood to body cells, so that sugar is trapped in the bloodstream. One way to treat DM disease is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (TOHB). However, the availability of TOHB Tubes is still limited because the existing products are intended to treat decompression diseases in divers with 3-6 ATA pressure capability. While for DM therapy, it is enough only 1.3 ATA. Therefore, this study designed the TOHB tube design with specific abilities for the treatment of DM disease. Calculations are done manually by using ASME VIII division 1 code. Furthermore, the results obtained are compared with the simulation results from elite PV software. All methods, both manual calculation and software simulation, provide valid results. The TOHB tube which is designed has a cylindrical shape and a torispherical head at both tip. Based on the results of calculations that have been done, SA-182 F304 stainless steel material is declared safe to be applied to 0.24 inch or 6 mm thick in the head and shell parts. By adding one 0.24 inch (6 mm) thick stiffening ring to the center of the shell to counteract the external pressure. Nozzles with ž inch pipe sizes can be applied to counter existing design loads

    Putusan Niet Ontvankelijke Verklaard dalam Perkara Cerai Gugat (Studi Kasus Putusan Nomor : 18/PDT.G/2022/PA.SMN Junto Putusan Nomor : 22/2022/PTA.YK)

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    Relations between people, situations often occur that give rise to legal relations. In this legal relationship, the parties will have rights and obligations that must be fulfilled. If one party feels that their rights have been violated or harmed, that party can file a lawsuit or claim their rights legally through the judiciary. The lawsuit must meet the terms and conditions set out in the HIR and RBg. If the lawsuit contains a formal defect, the judge can declare that the lawsuit is unacceptable (Niet Ontvankelijk Verklaard). The problem is whether the legal consequences and efforts in the Decision are declared unacceptable (N.O) in the contested divorce case Number 18/PDT.G/2022/PA.SMN and the factors that led to the Decision in case Number 18/PDT.G/2022 /PA.SMN declared unacceptable (N.O). This study aims to understand and analyze legal consequences, legal remedies, and the factors that led to the decision in the divorce case being sued Number 18/PDT.G/2022/PA.SMN declared unacceptable (N.O). The research method used is normative juridical research method (library research) which is descriptive analytical and analyzed qualitatively. The results of the study show that the legal consequence of a decision that is declared unacceptable (N.O) in case Number 18/PDT.G/2022/PA.SMN is that there is no object of claim in the decision that can be executed. This was due to the fact that the judge did not follow up on the lawsuit filed by the Plaintiff after he was not present at the trial even though he had been summoned 4 times. There was also a judge's mistake in the decision, because even though the plaintiff was not present at the trial, article 26 paragraph (1) PP 9/1975 and article 142 paragraph (1) KHI allow him to represent himself through his attorney. To overcome the losses arising from the N.O decision, the parties who feel aggrieved can take legal action in the form of appeals and remedial claims. The factor causing the lawsuit to be declared unacceptable (N.O) in the divorce case filed against Number 18/PDT.G/2022/PA.SMN was due to a wrong interpretation by the judge. This can have an impact on harm to the community at large, and may be related to the mindset of judges and the system of knowledge they have, which influences their pattern of thinking in interpreting or interpreting law in deciding a case. A mindset that is patterned as positivistic or non-positivistic can make a difference in the way judges interpret the law and decide a case practically


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    In the industrial world, leaf springs are an important component of vehicles. Therefore, material selection is very influential in producing good mechanical properties that can affect leaf spring performance. In this review article, the author aims to review and compile articles on relevant previous studies to compare the best alternative materials other than steel that meet the criteria for the application of leaf springs. The review method used in this article is to search for articles that are relevant to the keyword material, leaf springs, and mechanical properties. After that, the author will collect articles and choose articles that have the criteria to be reviewed. Then the articles that meet the criteria will be reviewed by extracting the data to the review table. As a result, 24 articles will be reviewed. Then the author will extract data on each article, namely material, tensile strength, and flexure. Flexural and tensile strength are used as quality criteria for each material. The conclusion of the review article obtained is that carbon/epoxy has the potential as an alternative steel material because carbon/epoxy has the highest tensile strength with a value of 1841MPa, and flexural strength with a value of 1646.7MPa is close to steel as shown in the review table. However, further research is needed, such as proper design and more efficient manufacturing methods to produce innovative leaf spring components with high quality and acceptable quality in the industry

    Differences in Methanol Intoxication Patient Outcomes in First Admission and Re-admission: A Case Report

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    "Oplosan Liquor" is an Indonesian term that refers to illegally made alcoholic beverages created by mixing ethanol or alcohol with other ingredients. The ethanol content in these beverages is uncontrolled and can pose a significant threat to human health. Consuming oplosan liquor with high levels of ethanol can cause alcohol poisoning and, in extreme cases, death. Methanol intoxication can impact patient outcomes, influencing factors such as appropriate treatment, adequate medical and psychological support, and the patient’s ability to avoid future methanol exposure. Differences in outcomes exist between patients  mitted for the first time and those experiencing readmission. This case report aims to elucidate the unique distinctions in patient outcomes between those admitted for the first time and those readmitted after methanol intoxication. Materials and Methods: This case report describes an instance that occurred in the same patient, detailing their medical history, clinical symptoms, diagnostic tests, and treatment provided during their stay in the emergency department. Variances in outcomes were observed between two patients, with one succumbing to the effects and the other managing to survive. We share our experience in treating a patient with methanol intoxication during their initial admission and subsequent readmission to a hospital in Indonesia. Indonesian people are acquainted with a drink called "Oplosan Liquor," which is fermented to achieve an alcohol content of up to 90%. This beverage is consumed by many young people who lack knowledge about the use of alcoholic beverages