46 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Ocular Morbidity Among School Adolescents of Gandhinagar District, Gujarat

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    Objective: To study the prevalence of ocular morbidity (abnormal condition) and various factors affecting it among school attending adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to study abnormal ocular conditions like refractive errors, vitamin A deficiency, conjunctivitis, trachoma, ocular trauma, blephritis, stye, color blindness and pterygium among school adolescents of 10-19 years age in rural and urban areas of Gandhinagar district from January to July, 2009. Systematic sampling was done to select 20 schools having 6th to 12th standard education including 12 schools from rural and 8 from urban areas. Six adolescents from each age year (10-19) were selected randomly to achieve sample size of 60 from each school. In total, 1206 adolescents including 691 boys and 515 girls were selected. Information was collected from selected adolescents by using proforma. Visual acuity was assessed using a Snellen’s chart and all participants underwent an ophthalmic examination carried out by a trained doctor. Results: Prevalence of ocular morbidity among school adolescents was reported 13% (7.8% in boys, 5.6% in girls); with 5.2% have moderate visual impairment. Refractive error was most common ocular morbidity (40%) both among boys and girls. Almost 30% of boys and girls reported vitamin A deficiency in various forms of xerophthalmia. Prevalence of night blindness was 0.91% and of Bitot`s spot 1.74%. Various factors like, illiterate or lower parents’ education, lower socio-economic class and malnutrition were significantly associated with ocular morbidity. Conclusion: Ocular morbidity in adolescents is mainly due to refractive error, moderate visual impairment and xerophthalmia

    Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG as an Effective Probiotic for Murine Giardiasis

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    The gut microflora is an important constituent in the intestinal mucosal barrier and has been introduced as the concept of probiotic therapy that beneficially affects the host by improving its intestinal microbial balance. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to explore the protective potential of various lactobacilli strains for murine giardiasis. By experimentation, it was found that the probiotic supplementation of either Lactobacillus casei, L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, or L. rhamnosus GG, 7 days prior to inoculation with G. lamblia trophozoites, reduced the rate of cyst excretion compared with Giardia-infected mice. Interestingly, L. GG was found to be the most effective probiotic in reducing the duration of giardia cycle and acts as an effective prophylactic probiotic for murine giardiasis but needs to be clinically correlated due to entirely different human microflora

    Virological and Immunological Status of the People Living with HIV/AIDS Undergoing ART Treatment in Nepal

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    Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has increased the life span of the people living with HIV (PLHIV), but their virological and immunological outcomes are not well documented in Nepal. The study was conducted at a tertiary care center including 826 HIV-1 seropositive individuals undergoing ART for at least six months. Plasma viral load (HIV-1 RNA) was detected by Real Time PCR and CD4+ T-lymphocyte (CD4+) counts were estimated by flow cytometry. The mean CD4+ count of patients was 501 (95% CI = 325?579) cells/cumm, but about 35% of patients had CD4+ T cell counts below 350 cells/cumm. With increasing age, average CD4+ count was found to be decreasing (p = 0.005). Of the total cases, 82 (9.92%) were found to have virological failure (viral load: \u3e1000 copies/ml). Tenofovir/Lamivudine/Efavirenz (TDF/3TC/EFV), the frequently used ART regimen in Nepal, showed virological failure in 11.34% and immunological failure in 37.17% of patients. Virological failure rate was higher among children \u3c 15 years (14.5%) (p = 0.03); however, no association was observed between ART outcomes and gender or route of transmission. The study suggests there are still some chances of virological and immunological failures despite the success of highly active ART (HAART)

    Biocomposting of extracted peppermint plant residue (Mentha piperita) using red worm, Eisenia fetida and its effect on the growth of Vigna mungo (Urad)

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    The study on biocomposting of extracted peppermint plant residue, Mentha piperita using red worms, Eisenia fetida on the growth of Vigna mungo (Urad) showed that the worms transformed 1:3 waste: dung medium into bio-compost one week earlier from 1:1 and two weeks earlier from 3:1 media. Rate of reproduction of worms was recorded 2.5 times faster in 1:3 medium than that of 3:1 and the number of earthworms was counted 2.09 times more in 1:3 waste: dung medium than that of 3:1. It was noticed that the bio-compost transformed from 1:3waste: dung medium when mixed with soil in 1:3 ratio and used as growing medium, showed the maximum shoot length of V. mungo (28.2 cm) and the minimum (24.3 cm) when it was transformed from 3:1 (waste: dung) medium and used in 1:1 ratio of vermicompost and soil. Results were discussed in the light of known data

    Role of microbes in alleviating abiotic stress in plants

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    The leading threat to agricultural productivity is the recurrent variations in environmental conditions. A battery of abiotic stresses namely flooding, salinity, temperature, drought, heavy metal toxicities, nutrient deficiencies and oxidative stress causes irreversible damage resulting in loss of plant’s vigor and yield. The relationship between plants and microorganisms is a highly dynamic system. The plant microbiome consists of plant growth-promoting bacteria and fungi. In the last decade, many microbes that give hosts the ability to withstand abiotic stress have been characterized in detail. Their beneficial association with plants enables the plant to endure different stresses imposed on them thereby enhancing the plant's sustainability and productivity. For sustainable agriculture, it is very significant to comprehend microbiome-assisted mechanisms for mitigating abiotic stress. This review will shed light on the current knowledge about the roles of various microorganisms in mitigating against abiotic stresses. The understanding of these mechanisms will help to increase the yield of plants and meet the food demands of the expanding population

    Effect of Bacteria Inoculums on Compressive Strength

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    The use of bio-concrete is increasing in the present day context and researchers are working on strength and durability characteristics of concrete using bacteria species which have shown calcite precipitation. Three different species of bacteria namely P. Fluorescence, B. Pumilis and B. Subliis that have calcite precipitation properties have been investigated in this study. The investigations were carried first on cement mortar (CM) cubes using these three bacteria species suspension of 20%; 40% and 60% having colony forming units P. Fluorescence (108 CFU/ml), B. Pumilis (106 CFU/ml) and B. Subtilis (108 CFU/ml) respectively. The 40% suspension in all the three cases has shown increased compressive strength as compared to 20% and 60%. The compressive strength measured showed increase (CS) of 18%; 12% for P. Fluorescence; B. Subtilis and decrease of 35% with B. Pumilis respectively. B. Subtilis with optimized 40% suspension having CFU 10x108/ml showed 4.32% ; 5.56%; and 3.81% increase in CS of CC cubes with 3 days; 7 days and 28 days respectively and 5.92% overall increase in CS of CC cubes as compared to the 3 days CS of control cube. ABBREVIATIONSSDW: Sterile Distilled Water; SHC: Self-Healing Concrete; PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction; BC: Bacterial Concrete; CP: Calcite precipitation; CS: Compressive Strength; CC: Cement Concrete; CM: Cement Mortar; MTCC: Microbial Type Culture Collection; CFU: Colony Forming Unit/m

    Upper limit of radiation treatment portals in rectal cancer: Is it wise to keep using bony landmarks in the present era of 3D conformal treatment?

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    Background: This study aimed to compare the levels of L5-S1 interspace and the bifurcation of common iliac vessels on simulation images of rectal cancer patients to evaluate the adequacy of superior borders in conventional 2D planning for covering internal iliac vessels. Materials and methods: Simulation images of 236 rectal cancer patients who received neoadjuvant chemoradiation and surgery were analyzed. The images were retrieved from the radiation treatment database and included delineations of L5-S1 interspace and common iliac vessel bifurcation. Distances between these landmarks were measured. Results: Among the 236 patients, the majority had the common iliac artery bifurcation positioned above the L5-S1 interspace. Specifically, 78.3% of patients had the right common iliac bifurcation above L5-S1 interspace, with an average distance of 2.02 cm. For the left common iliac artery, 77.11% of patients had the bifurcation above L5-S1 interspace, with an average distance of 1.99 cm. Notably, there were cases where the bifurcations were not at the same level. Conclusion: Using the L5-S1 junction as the upper border of the treatment portal may result in missing proximal nodes at risk of metastases. However, further research is needed to determine the significance of failures above the L5-S1 interspace for justifying the inclusion of the common iliac artery bifurcation in the treatment portal

    Outbreak of pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2009 in Nepal

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The 2009 flu pandemic is a global outbreak of a new strain of H1N1 influenza virus. Pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 has posed a serious public health challenge world-wide. Nepal has started Laboratory diagnosis of Pandemic influenza A/H1N1 from mid June 2009 though active screening of febrile travellers with respiratory symptoms was started from April 27, 2009.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Out of 609 collected samples, 302 (49.6%) were Universal Influenza A positive. Among the influenza A positive samples, 172(28.3%) were positive for Pandemic influenza A/H1N1 and 130 (21.3%) were Seasonal influenza A. Most of the pandemic cases (53%) were found among young people with ≤ 20 years. Case Fatality Ratio for Pandemic influenza A/H1N1 in Nepal was 1.74%. Upon Molecular characterization, all the isolated pandemic influenza A/H1N1 2009 virus found in Nepal were antigenically and genetically related to the novel influenza A/CALIFORNIA/07/2009-LIKE (H1N1)v type.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Pandemic 2009 influenza virus found in Nepal were antigenically and genetically related to the novel A/CALIFORNIA/07/2009-LIKE (H1N1)v type.</p

    Male form of persistent Mullerian duct syndrome type I (hernia uteri inguinalis) presenting as an obstructed inguinal hernia: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Persistent Mullerian duct syndrome is a rare form of male pseudo-hermaphroditism characterized by the presence of Mullerian duct structures in an otherwise phenotypically, as well as genotypically, normal man; only a few cases have been reported in the worldwide literature. We report the case of a 30-year-old man with unilateral cryptorchidism on the right side and a left-sided obstructed inguinal hernia containing a uterus and fallopian tube (that is, hernia uteri inguinalis; type I male form of persistent Mullerian duct syndrome) coincidentally detected during an operation for an obstructed left inguinal hernia.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 30-year-old South Indian man was admitted to our facility with a left-sided obstructed inguinal hernia of one day's duration. He had a 12-year history of inguinal swelling and an absence of the right testis since birth. Our patient had well developed masculine features. Local physical examination revealed a left-sided obstructed inguinal hernia with an absence of the right testis in the scrotum. Exploration of the inguinal canal revealed an indirect inguinal hernia containing omentum, the left corner of the uterus and a left fallopian tube. Extension of the incision revealed a well formed uterus, cervix and upper part of the vagina attached to the prostate by a thick fibrosed band. Total excision of the uterus, bilateral fallopian tubes and right testis was performed. A biopsy was taken from the left testis. The operation was completed by left inguinal herniorraphy. Histopathological examination of the hernial contents was consistent with that of a uterus and fallopian tubes without ovaries. Both testes were atrophied, with complete arrest of spermatogenesis. Post-operative karyotype analyses were negative for 46,XY and Barr bodies on buccal smear. A semen examination revealed azoospermia with a low serum testosterone level.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In cases of unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism associated with inguinal hernia, as in our patient's case, the possibility of persistent Mullerian duct syndrome should be kept in mind in order to prevent further complications such as infertility and malignant change. Hernia uteri inguinalis is the type I male form of persistent Mullerian duct syndrome, characterized by one descended testis and herniation of the ipsilateral corner of the uterus and fallopian tube into the inguinal canal.</p

    Dengue Virus Serotypes 1 and 2 Responsible for Major Dengue Outbreaks in Nepal: Clinical, Laboratory, and Epidemiological Features

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    Dengue virus (DENV) is expanding toward previously nonendemic areas. DENV has recently been introduced in Nepal with limited information. We report the clinical features and serotype distribution of DENV in Nepal during the 2010 outbreaks. A total of 1,215 clinical dengue cases at two major hospitals of central and western Nepal were investigated. Demographic, clinical, and laboratory parameters were recorded. Serum specimens were tested for DENV by IgM/IgG enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). We confirmed DENV infection in 403 (33%) patients from 12 districts with an estimated case fatality rate of 1.5%. DENV infection was more common in adults (87%) and urban settings (74%). We detected all four serotypes but DENV-1 and -2 were mainly responsible for major outbreaks (92%). Overall, 60% of all DENV infections were secondary and 17% were severe dengue; both being more frequent among the DENV-2 infections. Rash, bleeding, abdominal pain, hepatomegaly, elevated liver enzymes, and thrombocytopenia were significantly more common in severe dengue compared with nonsevere infections. We also confirmed the expansion of dengue to hill urban areas (DENV-1 and -2), including the capital Kathmandu (altitude, 1,300 m) though > 90% cases were from southern plains. Differential clinical and laboratory features probably help in clinical decisions. Multiple serotypes circulation and elevated secondary infections pose potential risk of severe outbreaks and deaths in the future. Therefore, a country with recent dengue introduction, like Nepal, urgently requires a systematic surveillance and appropriate control measures in place to respond to any disastrous outbreaks