8 research outputs found

    Diskurser inom kommunal och privat pianoundervisning

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    Vilka diskurser ger elever och lÀrare uttryck för i pianoundervisning? Syftet med min uppsats Àr att undersöka hur pianoelever och pianolÀrare pÄ kulturskolan och inom ett studieförbund genom sprÄket ger uttryck för en mÀngd förhÄllningssÀtt och attityder. Vad sÀgs i samtalen kring deras undervisning och vilka diskurser och tankekollektiv bildar dessa Äsikter tillsammans? Jag har anvÀnt mig av fyra djupgÄende intervjuer och tvÄ videodokumentationer för att dels studera elevernas och lÀrarnas uttryckta upplevelser men ocksÄ för att ta del av det som verkligen sker under lektionstid. Teoretiska utgÄngspunkter har utgjorts av kritisk diskursanalys, institutionsbegreppet och interaktionsteori. Studien visar att diskurser reproduceras i lektionssituationen genom det perspektivtagande och det gemensamma tolkande som uppstÄr mellan lÀrare och elev. LÀraren har ett maktövertag i och med sin roll som bÀrare och förmedlare av kunskap vilket bidrar till att eleven tar upp lÀrarens vÀrderingar och gör dem till sina egna. Which discourses are teachers and students giving expression to in piano education? The purpose of this essay is to investigate how piano students and piano teachers in public music schools and in educational associations through language express a certain amount of attitudes and values. What is being said in the conversations about their teaching and which discourses and speech communities will these opinions form together? I have made four in depth interviews and two video documentations to study the students and the teachers expressed experiences and what really goes on during the lessons. Theoretical starting-points being used are critical discourse, the institution conception and interaction theory. The study shows that discourses are reproduced in the piano education through the overtaking of perspectives and the common interpretation that occurs between the teacher and the student. The teacher has an advantage of power in his/her role as an intermediary of knowledge which contributes to the student adopting the values of the teacher and making them his/her own

    Strategisk position ur ett utbuds- och efterfrÄgeperspektiv

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate which factors affect the strength of companies strategic position. The strength is defined by how hard it is for a competing firms to enter the strategic position. The factors are derived by applying the Resource- Based View (RBV) and it’s Isolation Mechanisms as well as Consumer Benefit Experienced (CBE) and it’s Human Capital based strategies on a case study. The theories ability to identify factors affecting the strength of a strategic position is tested by applying them on a qualitative case study focusing on the juice company Rynkeby and it’s launch on the Swedish market. The collected data were analysed using pattern-matching and a theoretical framework. Porter (1991) definition of strategic position has been used in combination with Priem (2007) and Barney (1991) definition of factors that affect strength in strategic position. RBV was deemed insufficient for identifying all relevant factors affecting the strength of a strategic position due to the fact that CBE identified additional factors. As a consequence Priem’s theory is considered to be an appropriate complement to RBV. Other conclusions include distinguishing between important and none important factors within RBV and CBE. A suggestion regarding the formation of a new CBE strategy, consistent communication, is also included. Furthermore the suggestion to reclassify strategies aimed at households into a subcategory of strategies aimed at increasing Human Capital is made. Future research is recommended to focus on further exploring and developing CBE as it is still relatively new. Extra focus should be given to researching how time affects the different Human Capital strategies as Priem does not develop on this.Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka vilka faktorer som pĂ„verkar styrkan i ett företags strategiska position. Styrkan klassificeras som graden av svĂ„righet konkurrerande företag har att inta det egna företagets position. Syftet uppnĂ„s genom att applicera en kvalitativ fallstudie pĂ„ Rynkebys lansering pĂ„ den svenska markanden. The Resource Based View (RBV) och dess isoleringsmekanismer samt Consumer Benefit Experienced (CBE) och dess Human Capital strategier anvĂ€nds som kĂ€lla för de faktorer som prövas. Insamlad data analyserades med hjĂ€lp av pattern-matching samt ett teoretiskt ramverk. Porters (1991) definition av strategisk position har anvĂ€nts i kombination med Priems (2007) samt Barneys (1991) definition av faktorer som kan pĂ„verka styrkan i ett företags strategiska position. RBV bedömdes vara otillrĂ€cklig dĂ„ CBE identifierade barriĂ€rer utöver de RBV kunde identifiera. Priems teori bedöms, som konsekvens av ovanstĂ„ende, utgöra ett lĂ€mpligt komplement till RBV. Vidare dras slutsatser kring vilka faktorer inom ovanstĂ„ende grupper som pĂ„verkar styrkan i en strategisk position. En rekommendation att konstruera en ny Human Capital strategi, lĂ„ngsiktig kontinuitet i kommunikation, presenteras Ă€ven. Vidare rekommenderas att Human Capital strategier inriktade mot hushĂ„ll omklassificeras som strategier för att öka Human Capital. Framtida forskning rekommenderas fokusera pĂ„ att undersöka samt vidareutveckla CBE dĂ„ den fortfarande Ă€r relativt ny. Extra fokus bör lĂ€ggas pĂ„ att undersöka tidsaspektens effekt pĂ„ Human Capital strategier dĂ„ Priem inte diskuterar detta

    The p53 target protein Wig-1 binds hnRNP A2/B1 and RNA Helicase A via RNA

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    AbstractThe p53-induced Wig-1 gene encodes a double stranded RNA-binding zinc finger protein. We generated Saos-2 osteosarcoma cells expressing tetracycline-inducible Flag-tagged human Wig-1. Induction of Wig-1 expression by doxycycline inhibited cell growth in a long-term assay but did not cause any changes in cell cycle distribution nor increased fraction of apoptotic cells. Using co-immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry, we identified two Wig-1-binding proteins, hnRNP A2/B1 and RNA Helicase A, both of which are involved in RNA processing. The binding was dependent on the presence of RNA. Our results establish a link between the p53 tumor suppressor and RNA processing via hnRNPA2/B1 and RNA Helicase A.Structured summaryMINT-6542926, MINT-6542899:WIG1 (uniprotkb:Q9HA38) physically interacts (MI:0218) with hnRNP A2/B1 (uniprotkb:P22626) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)MINT-6542945:RHA (uniprotkb:Q08211) physically interacts (MI:0218) with hnRNP A2/B1 (uniprotkb:P22626) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)MINT-6542918, MINT-6542891:WIG1 (uniprotkb:Q9HA38) physically interacts (MI:0218) with RHA (uniprotkb:Q08211) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)MINT-6542867:WIG1 (uniprotkb:Q9HA38) physically interacts (MI:0218) with RHA (uniprotkb:Q08211) by anti tag coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0007)MINT-6542879:WIG1 (uniprotkb:Q9HA38) physically interacts (MI:0218) with hnRNP A2/B1(uniprotkb:P22626) by anti tag coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0007

    Building Tomograph – From Remote Sensing Data of Existing Buildings to Building Energy Simulation Input

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    Existing buildings often have low energy efficiency standards. For the preparation of retrofits, reliable high-quality data about the status quo is required. However, state-of-the-art analysis methods mainly rely on on-site inspections by experts and hence tend to be cost-intensive. In addition, some of the necessary devices need to be installed inside the buildings. As a consequence, owners hesitate to obtain sufficient information about potential refurbishment measures for their houses and underestimate possible savings. Remote sensing measurement technologies have the potential to provide an easy-to-use and automatable way to energetically analyze existing buildings objectively. To prepare an energetic simulation of the status quo and of possible retrofit scenarios, remote sensing data from different data sources have to be merged and combined with additional knowledge about the building. This contribution presents the current state of a project on the development of new and the optimization of conventional data acquisition methods for the energetic analysis of existing buildings solely based on contactless measurements, general information about the building, and data that residents can obtain with little effort. For the example of a single-family house in Morschenich, Germany, geometrical, semantical, and physical information are derived from photogrammetry and quantitative infrared measurements. Both are performed with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and are compared to conventional methods for energy efficiency analysis regarding accuracy of and necessary effort for input data for building energy simulation. The concept of an object-oriented building model for measurement data processing is presented. Furthermore, an outlook is given on the project involving advanced remote sensing techniques such as ultrasound and microwave radar application for the measurement of additional energetic building parameters

    The p53-induced Wig-1 protein: Studies of interaction partners and expression in tumor cells

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    The tumor suppressor p53 is a critical regulator of life and death in cells. The p53 protein is present at very low levels in cells under normal conditions but accumulates in response to different stress stimuli, such as DNA damage, hypoxia, and oncogene activation. By acting on its targets p53 can lead the cell into various responses ranging from reversible cell cycle arrest to irreversible cell death or senescence. The Wig-1 gene (for wild type p53-induced gene 1) was first discovered as a p53-induced gene in J3D mouse T lymphoma cells carrying temperature-sensitive p53. The wig-1 gene encodes a zinc finger protein containing three Cys2His2-type zinc fingers and a nuclear localisation signal between the second and the third zinc finger. Human Wig-1 is mapped it to chromosome 3q26.3-27. Wig-1 is highly conserved between man, mouse, rat, chicken, frog and fish, particularly the zinc fingers, which are almost perfectly conserved even between man and fish. Gel shift assay revealed that human Wig-1 binds a 100 bp dsRNA probe with high affinity compared to ssRNA and DNA-RNA hybrids. We were able to immunoprecipitated dsRNA from Saos-2 cells expressing Tet-regulated Wig-1 using a dsRNA-specific J2 antibody, demonstrating that Wig-1 binds endogenous dsRNA in living cells. However, Wig-1 harboring mutations in either the first or second zinc finger were not able to bind dsRNA. Thus, both the first and the second zinc finger are necessary for binding in living cells. A colony formation assay show that the first and second zinc finger are important for Wig-1-mediated growth inhibition. Interestingly, Wig-1 binds a 22-mer dsRNA with siRNA-like features, but not a control probe with 5 overhangs. We generated a Saos-2 cell line expressing Flag-tagged human Wig-1 under the control of tetracycline, and showed that Wig-1 does not induce significant cell cycle arrest or apoptosis in these cells. Using these cells we also identified two Wig-1-binding proteins: RNA Helicase A (RHA) and hnRNP A2/B1, both of which are involved in RNA processing at different levels. RNase treatment of the cell extracts abolished the binding between Wig-1, RHA and hnRNP A2/B1, demonstrating that these interactions are dependent on RNA. Wig-1 harbouring mutations in the first or second zinc finger did not immunoprecipitate RHA or hnRNP A2/B1, confirming that the interaction occurs via RNA. Finally, knockdown of Wig-1, hnRNP A2/B1 or both of these simultaneously had similar growth inhibitory effect on cells in a WST-1 proliferation assay, suggesting that they are involved in the same pathway. Gain within the chromosomal region 3q, where Wig-1 is located, is a common feature of cervical carcinoma, and is also linked to the transition from an in situ tumor to invasive carcinoma. To address wether a 3q gain in cervical cancers involves the Wig-1 gene at 3q26, we evaluated eight established cervical cancer cell lines. We could show that Wig-1 is not a main target for the frequent gains and amplifications in 3q seen in cervical cancer cells. However, Wig-1 mRNA and protein levels were found to be relatively lower in HPV positive cervical carcinoma cells independently of p53 protein levels. This suggests that Wig-1 expression at lest in part independent of p53, and raise the interesting possibility that HPV somehow influences Wig-1 expression, directly or indirectly. In conclusion, this thesis provides important clues to the cellular function of Wig-1, by demonstrating dsRNA binding in cells, identification of the protein partners RHA and hnRNP A2/B1 and revealing a possible correlation between Wig-1 expression and HPV in cervical carcinoma