126 research outputs found

    Autoritarisme de dretes: antecedents i perspectives de futur

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    Aquest article presenta els principals antecedents per a l'estudi psicològic de l'autoritarisme de dretes. Per a tal fi es parteix dels treballs del Grup de Berkeley (1950) sobre la personalitat autoritària, posteriorment s'introdueix el concepte de dogmatisme proposat per Rokeach (1960) i després es comenten les aportacions d'Altemeyer (1981, 2004) sobre l'autoritarisme de dretes. Després es discuteix la possibilitat de l'estudi de l'autoritarisme en el continu ideològic d'esquerres i finalment s'exposen alguns dels avanços de l'última dècada sobre la dimensionalitat del constructe (Funke 2005, Mavor, Louis & Laythe 2011, Smith & Winter 2002), que permetrà avançar en l'esclariment del conflicte entre teoria i empíria entorn del fenomen de l'autoritarisme.This article presents the major psychological schools from which you have addressed the phenomenon of authoritarianism to today. To this aim, part of the work of the Group of Berkeley (1950) about the authoritarian personality, then introduces the concept proposed by Rokeach Dogmatism (1960) and then discuss the contributions of Altemeyer (1981, 2004) on the authoritarian right wing. Then, we discuss the possibility of authoritarianism in the study of left-wing ideological spectrum, and finally present some of the latest developments on the dimensionality of the construct (Funke 2005; Mavor, Louis & Laythe 2011; Smith & Winter 2002), which would further clarify the conflicting empirical theory about the phenomenon of authoritarianism

    Predictores emocionales y de personalidad que infl uyen en la aparición de las quejas somáticas en niños y en adultos

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    Personality and emotional factors may be contributing to the emergence of somatic complaints. The purpose of this study was to analyse the combined contribution of emotional awareness, moods and personality to somatic complaints in children and adults. Method: Participants were 1,476 children (M= 9.90 years, SD= 1.27, 52.10% girls) and 940 adults (M= 32.30 years, SD= 11.62, 64% women) who were administered self-reports. Analysis was performed using fuzzy qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), an analytical technique that enables in-depth analysis of how a series of causal conditions contribute to a given outcome. Results: Emotional awareness, moods and personality account for 59% of high levels of somatic complaints in children and 69% in adults. In both samples, interaction between low levels of emotional awareness, high levels of negative moods and low levels of positive mood, high levels of neuroticism and low levels of the other personality factors appear to lead to high levels of somatic complaints (children: raw coverage = .18, consistency = .95; adults: raw coverage = .15, consistency = .97). Conclusion: A similar contribution of emotional and personality components was found to explain somatic complaints in children and adultsla personalidad y los factores emocionales pueden estar contribuyendo a la aparición de quejas somáticas. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la contribución combinada de la conciencia emocional, los estados de ánimo y la personalidad, a las quejas somáticas en niños y adultos. Método: los participantes fueron 1.476 niños (M= 9.90 años, DT= 1.27, 52.10% niñas) y 940 adultos (M= 32.30 años, DT= 11.62, 64% mujeres) y completaron auto-informes. Se utilizó fuzzy qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), una técnica analítica que permite un análisis en profundidad de cómo una serie de condiciones causales contribuyen a un resultado dado. Resultados: la conciencia emocional, los estados de ánimo y la personalidad explican el 59% de los altos niveles de quejas somáticas en niños y el 69% en adultos. En ambos, la interacción entre bajos niveles de conciencia emocional, altos niveles de estados de ánimo negativos y bajos niveles de estados de ánimo positivos, altos niveles de neuroticismo y bajos niveles de los otros factores de personalidad, parecen conducir a altos niveles de quejas somáticas (niños: raw coverage= .18, consistency= .95; adultos: raw coverage= .15, consistency= .97). Conclusión: se encontró una contribución similar de los componentes emocionales y de personalidad a la explicación de las quejas somáticas en niños y adulto

    Youth recidivism prediction using the yls/cmi and norms for assessment

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    Para predecir la reincidencia juvenil se considera de gran importancia la utilización de instrumentos estandarizados, basados en evidencia, como el Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (yls/cmi). Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la predicción de la reincidencia juvenil por medio de la versión española del yls/ cmi, el Inventario de gestión e intervención para jóvenes, así como proponer baremos. Los participantes fueron 430 jóvenes (14.03-19.03 años de edad) con expediente judicial disciplinario en el Juzgado de Menores de Castellón, España. Los análisis descriptivos y predictivos mostraron que el inventario discriminó adecuadamente entre menores reincidentes y no reincidentes, al haber obtenido los primeros puntuaciones más altas en todas las áreas y en la puntuación total. Asimismo, se proporcionaron baremos orientativos en función de la edad, el género y la reincidencia, de utilidad para los profesionales.In predicting juvenile recidivism, the use of evidence- based, standardized instruments, as the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (yls/cmi), is considered of high importance. Hence, this paper aimed to analyze the prediction of juvenile recidivism through the Spanish version of the yls/cmi, the Inventario de gestión e intervención para jóvenes, as well as to propose assessment norms. Participants were 430 juveniles (aged 14.03-19.03) with a disciplinary court record in the Juvenile Court of Castellón, Spain. Descriptive and predictive analyses showed the inventory to adequately discriminate between recidivist and non-recidivist minors, having shown the fi rst ones higher scores in all areas and the overall score. Likewise, indicative assessment norms were provided according to age, gender and recidivism, useful for practitioners.Se ha fi nanciado este trabajo con la ayuda que la Fundación Dávalos-Fletcher de Castellón concedió

    Longitudinal analysis of subjective well-being in preadolescents: The role of emotional intelligence, self-esteem and perceived stress

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    Subjective wellbeing has been conceptualized as a person’s cognitive and affective evaluation of their life. In this line, life satisfaction and somatic complaints may be outstanding indicators of well-being. The aim of this longitudinal study was to analyze the combined contribution of trait emotional intelligence, self-esteem and perceived stress to well-being. Participants were 381 pupils aged 12–16 years (56.1% female). Hierarchical regression models and a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) were conducted. Trait emotional intelligence, self-esteem and low perceived stress were related in the expected direction to life satisfaction and somatic complaints. Findings support a specific pathway to improve wellbeing in preadolescents

    Knowledge Management and Organizational Culture in a Software Development Enterprise

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    The aim of this study was to analysis knowledge management and organizational culture at a Spanish software development enterprise. For this purpose, two different tasks were performed: first, analysis of knowledge management levels and organizational culture; and second, analysis of the relationship between organizational culture and knowledge management. The sample consisted of 196 employees between 21 and 45 years old, with 119 (61.3%) men. To achieve the objectives, adaptations of the Organizational Knowledge Practices (OKP) questionnaire (Cortijo, & Quintanilla, 2004) and the “Organizational Culture Inventory” (OCI) were used (Cooke & Lafferty, 1987). Based on the results, it appears that the company is oriented towards a constructive organizational culture. It also seems that the company emphasizes efficient knowledge management practices, especially in regard to teamwork. Finally, the link between organizational culture and knowledge management seems to be proven. As hypothesized, constructive culture is positively related to knowledge management performance, while Passive–Defensive and Aggressive–Defensive cultures are negatively related. All these results are particularly interesting considering that in the scientific literature such relationships have been proposed from a theoretical perspective, but only a few studies have explored these questions at the empirical level.

    Knowledge management and organizational culture in a software development enterprise

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    The aim of this study was to analysis knowledge management and organizational culture at a Spanish software development enterprise. For this purpose, two different tasks were performed: first, analysis of knowledge management levels and organizational culture; and second, analysis of the relationship between organizational culture and knowledge management. The sample consisted of 196 employees between 21 and 45 years old, with 119 (61.3%) men. To achieve the objectives, adaptations of the Organizational Knowledge Practices (OKP) questionnaire (Cortijo, & Quintanilla, 2004) and the “Organizational Culture Inventory” (OCI) were used (Cooke & Lafferty, 1987). Based on the results, it appears that the company is oriented towards a constructive organizational culture. It also seems that the company emphasizes efficient knowledge management practices, especially in regard to teamwork. Finally, the link between organizational culture and knowledge management seems to be proven. As hypothesized, constructive culture is positively related to knowledge management performance, while Passive–Defensive and Aggressive–Defensive cultures are negatively related. All these results are particularly interesting considering that in the scientific literature such relationships have been proposed from a theoretical perspective, but only a few studies have explored these questions at the empirical level.Economí

    The role of emotion awareness and mood: somatic complaints and social adjustment in late childhood

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    Emotion awareness is a key concept related to different child adjustment outcomes. This relationship, influenced by mood, has been found in the preadolescent and adolescent population for somatic complaints. However, little is known in the case of younger children and when other adjustment outcomes are included. The objective of this work is to analyze the contribution of emotion awareness and mood upon different adjustment outcomes (somatic complaints, maladjustment, and peer sociometric status), in children aged 8-12 years old. Self-reported questionnaires and peer-nomination scales were administered to 1423 children (mean age = 9.8 years old). Results support the influence of emotion awareness reinforced by mood, not only upon somatic complaints, but also upon new indicators of personal and social maladjustment, within an age bracket that has not been considered previously. These results stress the importance of emotional abilities and the corresponding affective moods in children's daily life

    Does the level of competition influence the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and service quality?

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    In times of economic instability and increasingly competitive environments, organisations need to differentiate themselves and find the best version of themselves. Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is increasingly present in organisations in general and constitutes an opportunity to improve performance in the sports associations sector. Sporting clubs are organisations of great qualitative and quantitative relevance, although few studies have approached their entrepreneurial character as an opportunity to seek success in achieving their goals. Although the positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and organisational performance has been well established, the moderating role of other variables in this relationship has not been studied to the same extent. The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between EO with its constitutive dimensions (innovation, proactivity and risk-taking), with service quality (SQ) considered as the performance variable. The study has been approached considering entrepreneurship orientation from both a one-dimensional and multidimensional point of view, taking into account the discrepancies observed in the literature. The moderating role of the competition level (CL) of Spanish basketball clubs in this relationship was analysed as well, and this analysis was performed using the PROCESS macro, designed to test moderation by directly evaluating the importance of the indirect effect of the independent variable (X; EO INNO, RISK, and PROAC) on the dependent variable (Y; SQ) through a moderator: CL (M). The study was carried out with 103 Spanish basketball clubs (61% from the national category and 39% from the regional category). The results show significantly higher results in proactivity and EO in national sports clubs. There is also a relationship between all the variables studied (innovation, proactivity, risk taking, EO and service quality). The variables that best explain service quality are risk taking and entrepreneurial orientation. However, there is no moderating role for the competition level in the relationship between innovation, proactivity, risk taking and EO, with service quality

    The role of passion in the quality-value-satisfaction-intentions chain: linear models and the QCA approach for athletes

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    The aim of this research is to determine the role of passion on future intentions, perceived value, and athletes’satisfaction in relation to participatory sport events by combining two methodological approaches: linear models and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). A sample of participatory sporting event athletes (n¼302) was analysed. The results suggest that there is a direct effect of harmonic passion (HP) on future intentions (FI), value (PV) and satisfaction (AS) and a direct effect of obsessive passion (OP) on satisfaction. Considering the indirect effects, both interactions were significant for the effect of perceived quality (PQ) and perceived value on satisfaction. In addition, there also seems to be a moderating effect of harmonic passion on the relationship of service quality and perceived value on future intentions. Studying the necessary conditions test, none of the conditions seem to be a necessary condition of future intentions. On the other hand, considering sufficient analysis, three sufficiency condition combinations explain 87% of FI. The findings contribute to the prediction of the sport consumer decision-making process and to the understanding of how certain intrinsic variables of customers (passion) relate to service evaluations and can affect consumer assessments of overall perception of the sporting event performanc

    The influence of self-esteem and (cyber) bullying on adolescents’ well-being: a question of gender?

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    Subjective well-being consists of a subjective component (life satisfaction) and an affective component (positive and negative affect). Levels well-being tend to decline during adolescence, which could have physical and mental health consequences. Multiple factors influence adolescent well-being, such as self-esteem, bullying and cyberbullying, as well as gender. In this paper, we study the relationship between self-esteem, bullying (face-to-face and virtual) and the affective dimension of subjective well-being in adolescence, considering the moderating effect gender. 797 Spanish adolescents between 14 and 18 years old (54.2% girls; Mage=15.5; SD=.68) participated in the study. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE), the Positive and Negative Experience Scale (SPANE), and Cyberbullying and Peer Bullying Screening were used. Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS 24.0, and EQS 6.4 packages. T-test, bivariate correlations and structural equations (SEM were performed. The results suggest that girls have lower levels of self-esteem (t = 4.10; p < .001) and well-being (t = 2.46; p < .05) than boys, while boys more often report being bullies (t = 2.67; p < .01) and cyberbullies (t = 2.55; p = .01), as well as victims of bullying (t = 2.16; p < .05). The variables that influence adolescents’ affective well-being are self-esteem and bullying victimization. Gender moderates the influence of self-esteem on well-being. For boys, a negative assessment of themselves impacts their negative affection more strongly than girls [χ²(df)=15.69(3); p < .001]. These results highlight the need to develop effective prevention and intervention programs to promote the well-being of adolescents, taking gender differences into accoun