8,233 research outputs found

    Soot formation and burnout in flames

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    The amount of soot formed when burning a benzene/hexane mixture in a turbulent combustor was examined. Soot concentration profiles in the same combustor for kerosene fuel are given. The chemistry of the formation of soot precursors, the nucleation, growth and subsequent burnout of soot particles, and the effect of mixing on the previous steps were considered

    Optimal Trajectories for Near-Earth-Objects Using Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) and Gravity Assisted Maneuver

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    The future interplanetary missions will probably use the conventional chemical rockets to leave the sphere of influence of the Earth, and solar electric propulsion (SEP) to accomplish the other maneuvers of the mission. In this work the optimization of interplanetary missions using solar electric propulsion and Gravity Assisted Maneuver to reduce the costs of the mission, is considered. The high specific impulse of electric propulsion makes a Gravity Assisted Maneuver 1 year after departure convenient. Missions for several Near Earth Asteroids will be considered. The analysis suggests criteria for the definition of initial solutions demanded for the process of optimization of trajectories. Trajectories for the asteroid 2002TC70 are analyzed. Direct trajectories, trajectories with 1 gravity assisted from the Earth and with 2 gravity assisted from the Earth and either Mars are present. An indirect optimization method will be used in the simulations

    Potencial de uso de métricas de paisagem para relacionar a dinâmica de uso da terra com a qualidade da água: estudo de caso na região serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

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    A configuração de uma paisagem está relacionada à dinâmica do uso e cobertura da terra na qual ela se insere. Este fato afeta diretamente a sua estrutura e confere padrões espaciais aos fragmentos florestais, bem como aos usos predominantes da terra de uma determinada região. Essa configuração espacial reflete tanto nos processos naturais como a qualidade da água, quanto nos aspectos socioeconômicos associados. Por isso, faz-se necessário o entendimento dessa distribuição espacial; o que pode ser obtido a partir do cálculo de métricas de paisagem. No presente trabalho foram analisadas 16 métricas de paisagem em uma bacia de drenagem na região montanhosa do Rio de Janeiro, denominada Pito Aceso - afluente do Rio Grande, que por sua vez é afluente do Rio Paraíba do Sul. Posteriormente aos cálculos das métricas, foi realizada uma análise por componentes principais onde foi possível observar as métricas que se mostraram mais eficientes para evidenciar a estrutura da paisagem em análise. Como estudos da qualidade da água também foram realizados na bacia, a próxima etapa do trabalho será associar esses resultados aos resultados de qualidade da água, de forma a demonstrar a potencialidade do uso dessas análises para subsidiar o planejamento sustentável das paisagens bem como dos recursos hídricos

    Light with tunable non-Markovian phase imprint

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    We introduce a simple and flexible method to generate spatially non-Markovian light with tunable coherence properties in one and two dimensions. The unusual behavior of this light is demonstrated experimentally by probing the far field and recording its diffraction pattern after a double slit: In both cases we observe instead of a central intensity maximum a line or cross shaped dark region, whose width and profile depend on the non-Markovian coherence properties. Since these properties can be controlled and easily reproduced in experiment, the presented approach lends itself to serve as a testbed to gain a deeper understanding of non-Markovian processes

    Orbital Magnetism in Ensembles of Parabolic Potentials

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    We study the magnetic susceptibility of an ensemble of non-interacting electrons confined by parabolic potentials and subjected to a perpendicular magnetic field at finite temperatures. We show that the behavior of the average susceptibility is qualitatively different from that of billiards. When averaged over the Fermi energy the susceptibility exhibits a large paramagnetic response only at certain special field values, corresponding to comensurate classical frequencies, being negligible elsewhere. We derive approximate analytical formulae for the susceptibility and compare the results with numerical calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, REVTE

    Manutenção do solo e água através de programas de pagamentos por serviços ambientais.

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    Atuando principalmente na conservação de áreas remanescentes das florestas, regeneração assistida em bacias hidrográficas e restauração florestal, os Projetos de Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais recompensam produtores por preservarem e restaurarem ecossistemas naturais, adotando um manejo sustentável, principalmente em florestas localizadas em áreas de nascentes, em matas ciliares e em áreas de captação. O monitoramento e a avaliação do progresso de programas de PSA são baseados em indicadores, que servem para identificar a atual situação e qualidade do que foi planejado, além de fornecer subsídios para a correção de possíveis problemas detectados. Definir precisamente o que será monitorado, quais os indicadores que serão utilizados e como comprovar o benefício das atividades é uma das maiores dificuldades dos sistemas de PSA. O trabalho apresenta os indicadores que são utilizados em programas de PSA, além de sugerir novos indicadores que auxiliem no monitoramento, visando uma maior eficiência dos programas

    Network analyses of internet gaming disorder symptoms and their links with different types of motivation

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    The study used regularized partial correlation network analysis (EBICglasso) to examine the structure of DSM-5 internet gaming disorder (IGD) symptoms (network 1); and the associations of the IGD symptoms in the network with different types of motivation as defined in the self-determination theory i.e., intrinsic motivation (engaging in an activity for something unrelated to the activity), identified regulation (engaging in the activity because it aligns with one’s values and/or goals), external regulation (engagement in activity being driven by external rewards and/or approval), and amotivation (engaging in an activity without often understanding why) (network 2). Participants were 968 adults from the general community. They completed self-rating questionnaires covering IGD symptoms and different types of motivation. The findings for network 1 showed mostly positive connections between the symptoms within the IGD network. The most central symptom was loss of control, followed by continuation, withdrawal symptoms, and tolerance. In general, these symptoms were more strongly connected with each other than with the rest of the IGD symptoms. The findings for network 2 showed that the different types of motivation were connected differently with the different IGD symptoms. For instance, the likeliest motivation for the preoccupation and escape symptoms is intrinsic motivation, and for negative consequences, it is low identified regulation. Overall, the findings showed a novel understanding of the structure of the IGD symptoms, and the motivations underlying them. The clinical implications of the findings for assessment and treatment of IGD are discussed

    Evaluating three-pillar sustainability modelling approaches for dairy cattle production systems

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    Milk production in Europe is facing major challenges to ensure its economic, environmental, and social sustainability. It is essential that holistic concepts are developed to ensure the future sustainability of the sector and to assist farmers and stakeholders in making knowledge-based decisions. In this study, integrated sustainability assessment by means of whole-farm modelling is presented as a valuable approach for identifying factors and mechanisms that could be used to improve the three pillars (3Ps) of sustainability in the context of an increasing awareness of economic profitability, social well-being, and environmental impacts of dairy production systems (DPS). This work aims (i) to create an evaluation framework that enables quantitative analysis of the level of integration of 3P sustainability indicators in whole-farm models and (ii) to test this method. Therefore, an evaluation framework consisting of 35 indicators distributed across the 3Ps of sustainability was used to evaluate three whole-farm models. Overall, the models integrated at least 40% of the proposed indicators. Different results were obtained for each sustainability pillar by each evaluated model. Higher scores were obtained for the environmental pillar, followed by the economic and the social pillars. In conclusion, this evaluation framework was found to be an effective tool that allows potential users to choose among whole-farm models depending on their needs. Pathways for further model development that may be used to integrate the 3P sustainability assessment of DPS in a more complete and detailed way were identified. © 2021 by the authors.This study was financially supported by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) through the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) under grant number 2819ERA08A (MilKey project, funded under the Joint Call 2018 ERA-GAS, SusAn and ICT-AGRI 2 on ?Novel technologies, solutions and systems to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in animal production systems?). BC3-Research is supported by the Spanish Government through Mar?a de Maeztu excellence accreditation 2018-2022 (Ref. MDM-2017-0714) and by the Basque Government through the BERC 2018-2021 program. Agustin del Prado is financed through the Ramon y Cajal program by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness (RYC-2017-22143)

    Generation of decoherence-free displaced squeezed states of radiation fields and a squeezed reservoir for atoms in cavity QED

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    We present a way to engineer an effective anti-Jaynes-Cumming and a Jaynes-Cumming interaction between an atomic system and a single cavity mode and show how to employ it in reservoir engineering processes. To construct the effective Hamiltonian, we analyse considered the interaction of an atomic system in a \{Lambda} configuration, driven by classical fields, with a single cavity mode. With this interaction, we firstly show how to generate a decoherence-free displaced squeezed state for the cavity field. In our scheme, an atomic beam works as a reservoir for the radiation field trapped inside the cavity, as employed recently by S. Pielawa et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 240401 (2007)] to generate an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entangled radiation state in high-Q resonators. In our scheme, all the atoms have to be prepared in the ground state and, as in the cited article, neither atomic detection nor precise interaction times between the atoms and the cavity mode are required. From this same interaction, we can also generate an ideal squeezed reservoir for atomic systems. For this purpose we have to assume, besides the engineered atom-field interaction, a strong decay of the cavity field (i.e., the cavity decay must be much stronger than the effective atom-field coupling). With this scheme, some interesting effects in the dynamics of an atom in a squeezed reservoir could be tested

    Comportamento sazonal do potencial hídrico e das trocas gasosoas de quatro variedades de coqueiro anão.

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