5,971 research outputs found

    Domestic Dogs In A Fragmented Landscape In The Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Abundance, Habitat Use And Caring By Owners.

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    This study aimed at estimating the population size and attitudes of residents towards caring for domestic dogs, through questionnaire surveys, as well as the frequency of these animals in different habitats (anthropic and forest patch), using scent stations. The study was conducted in a severely fragmented area of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. A large number of unrestricted dogs was recorded, averaging 6.2 ind/km². These dogs have owners and are regularly fed. Dog records decreased from the anthropogenic matrix to the forest patch edge, which suggests that dogs act as an edge effect on forest patches. Encounters between domestic dog and wild animals can still be frequent in severely fragmented landscapes, mainly at the forest edges. However the fact that most dogs have an owner and are more frequent in the anthropic habitat suggests that their putative effects are less severe than expected for a carnivore of such abundance, but the reinforcement of responsible ownership is needed to further ameliorate such effects.70987-9

    Evaluating geoscan AMSS MK-II for gold exploration in the Fazenda Maria Preta District, Rio Itapicuru greenstone belt, Bahia State, Brazil

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    The Rio Itapicuru Greenstone Belt (RIGB), located in north-eastern Brazil, is an important gold producing region. It hosts two important mining districts, the Fazenda Brasileiro and the Fazenda Maria Preta, owned by Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), plus a number of gold occurrences, all associated with hydrothermal alteration along shear zones. In 1992, Geoscan multispectral scanner data were acquired for mineral exploration purposes over more than 7,500 km² in this greenstone belt. Geoscan AMSS is a 24-band airborne scanner, with 5 meter spatial resolution. Standard image processing techniques, applied immediately after data acquisition, defined some spectral anomalies, particularly due to silicification and oxidation, which could be due either to hydrothermal alteration or to weathering processes. We have reprocessed the Geoscan data over a portion of the RIGB in order to define possible anomalies due to hydrothermal alteration minerals, using the feature-oriented principal component selection (FPCS) technique, modified for use with Geoscan data. Laboratory reflectance spectra of residual soils were acquired to establish superficial expression of hydrothermal minerals that occur in sub-surface and to guide image processing and interpretation. This led to the production of "mineral component" images, in which the spatial distribution of some minerals are shown. Results of the spectral analysis of soil samples showed that goethite may be used as a surface indicator of hydrothermal alteration and that it is not possible to differentiate the alteration zones from surrounding rocks based on the hydroxyl or carbonate spectral features.O Greenstone Belt do Rio Itapicuru (RIGB), localizado no nordeste do Brasil, é uma importante região produtora de ouro no país. Ele contém dois importantes distritos mineiros, o da Fazenda Brasileiro e Fazenda Maria Preta, pertencentes à Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), além de diversas outras ocorrências auríferas, todas elas associadas a processo de alteração hidrotermal ao longo de zonas de cisalhamento. Em 1992, imagens do sensor multiespectral Geoscan foram obtidas em mais de 7.500 km² do greenstone. O Geoscan AMSS Mk-II é um sensor aeroportado que cobre 24 bandas espectrais, com 5 metros de resolução espacial no caso deste levantamento. Técnicas padrão de processamento de imagens, aplicadas imediatamente após o levantamento, definiram uma série de anomalias espectrais, relacionadas a processos de silicifícação e oxidação, que podem tanto ser devidos a processos de alteração hidrotermal quanto intempéricos. Esses dados foram reprocessados para uma porção do RIGB na tentativa de se definir possíveis anomalias espectrais devidas a minerais de alteração hidrotermal, utilizando a técnica denominada feature-ohentated principal component selection (FPCS), modificada para uso com os dados Geoscan. Análises espectrais de laboratório foram realizadas em amostras de solos residuais e em rochas, no sentido de estabelecer a expressão superficial dos minerais de alteração hidrotermal que ocorrem em sub-superfície e orientar o processamento e a interpretação das imagens. Isso resultou na produção de imagens "componentes minerais", nas quais a distribuição espacial de alguns minerais de alteração é mostrada. Resultados da análise espectral de solos residuais mostraram que a goetita pode ser utilizada como um indicador superficial da presença de alteração hidrotermal e que não é possível diferenciar as zonas de alteração das rochas que as contém com base em feições espectrais de minerais contendo o ânion hidroxila ou carbonato

    Conscientisation and Communities of Compost: Rethinking management pedagogy in an age of climate crises

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    The unprecedented scale of the climate crisis has led to a questioning of conventional approaches to sustainability in management education, centred around business case for sustainability narratives. Such critique gives rise to serious questions around how we approach teaching the universality of the climate crisis, species extinction and biodiversity loss differently. Working with Freire’s stress on the political role of the educator, action rooted in the concrete, and the interconnections he establishes between pedagogy and political organization, our contribution is to connect these interventions with Haraway’s (2016) call to stay ‘with the trouble’ and generate Communities of Compost - that is, collective more than human communities of multi-species flourishing. In doing so, we propose threading together ecocentric and political economy approaches in management education, to present an alternative to corporate sustainability solutionism and to politically rethink scalar mismatches - that is when problems and proposed ‘solutions’ to the climate crisis apply to different sets of relations. As a way of addressing this, we develop pedagogical practices around Haraway’s multi-species Communities of Compost and combine this with the political movement of La Via Campesina - focusing on its campaigns for agroecology and food sovereignty

    Semiclassical structure of chaotic resonance eigenfunctions

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    We study the resonance (or Gamow) eigenstates of open chaotic systems in the semiclassical limit, distinguishing between left and right eigenstates of the non-unitary quantum propagator, and also between short-lived and long-lived states. The long-lived left (right) eigenstates are shown to concentrate as 0\hbar\to 0 on the forward (backward) trapped set of the classical dynamics. The limit of a sequence of eigenstates {ψ()}0\{\psi(\hbar)\}_{\hbar\to 0} is found to exhibit a remarkably rich structure in phase space that depends on the corresponding limiting decay rate. These results are illustrated for the open baker map, for which the probability density in position space is observed to have self-similarity properties.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; some minor corrections, some changes in presentatio

    <i>Vibrio breoganii</i> sp. nov., a non-motile, alginolytic, marine bacterium within the <i>Vibrio halioticoli</i> clade

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    Seven non-motile, facultatively anaerobic, alginolytic marine bacteria were isolated from the cultured clams Ruditapes philippinarum and Ruditapes decussatus. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that these marine bacteria were closely related to the recently described species Vibrio comitans, Vibrio rarus and Vibrio inusitatus (=99.0?% sequence similarity). Phylogenetic analysis based on the housekeeping genes rpoA, recA and atpA grouped the isolates together and allocated them to the Vibrio halioticoli species group. Amplified fragment length polymorphism DNA fingerprinting also grouped them together and enabled them to be differentiated from recognized species of the V. halioticoli clade. DNA–DNA hybridizations showed that the isolates belonged to a novel species; phenotypic features such as the ability to grow at 4 °C and in the presence of 6?% NaCl also enabled them to be separated from other species. The DNA G+C content of RD 15.11T is 44.4 mol%. The genotypic and phenotypic data showed that the isolates represent a novel species in the V. halioticoli clade. The name Vibrio breoganii sp. nov. is proposed, with RD 15.11T (=CECT 7222T =LMG 23858T) as the type strain

    Chemical composition of corn and sorghum grains cultivated in Oxisol with different application methods and doses of zinc.

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    In general, tropical soils present low concentrations of zinc (Zn), and the deficiency of Zn is recognized as a world nutritional problem for cereal production and human beings. Therefore, the main goal of this study was to assess the effects of different methods of Zn application on the quality of corn and sorghum grains grown in Oxisol. Two experiments were set up in the experimental area of UNESP (campus of Jaboticabal, Brazil). The following nine treatments were applied:three doses of Zn by banded application (seed furrows), three doses of Zn by incorporation into soil (0-20 cm depth), foliar application, seed application, and control (no Zn applied). The treatments were arranged in randomized blocks with four replicates. The contents of Zn, carbohydrates and proteins were determined for corn and sorghum grains. Regardless of the method, Zn application promoted higher contents of this micronutrient in corn and sorghum grains. The banded application method of Zn in soil promoted greater contents of total carbohydrates, starch and protein in both cultures. The incorporation of Zn into the soil method provided higher contents of soluble carbohydrates in both corn and sorghum grains

    Orbital Magnetism in Ensembles of Parabolic Potentials

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    We study the magnetic susceptibility of an ensemble of non-interacting electrons confined by parabolic potentials and subjected to a perpendicular magnetic field at finite temperatures. We show that the behavior of the average susceptibility is qualitatively different from that of billiards. When averaged over the Fermi energy the susceptibility exhibits a large paramagnetic response only at certain special field values, corresponding to comensurate classical frequencies, being negligible elsewhere. We derive approximate analytical formulae for the susceptibility and compare the results with numerical calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, REVTE

    Análise da diversidade genética de variedades tradicionais de feijoeiro comum utilizando marcadores microssatélites.

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    No Brasil, foi estabelecida, a partir da década de 70, uma rede de pesquisa com ênfase na conservação e uso dos recursos genéticos do feijoeiro comum. O banco de germoplasma da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão detém aproximadamente 17.345 acessos, dos quais 4.325 são variedades tradicionais (VTs). Esses acessos representam uma rica fonte de genes que conferem adaptação a diferentes ambientes, resistência a doenças e propriedades agronômicas diferenciadas que podem ser exploradas por meio de técnicas moleculares que fornecem medidas bastante eficientes e diretas da variabilidade genética existente dentro e entre os acessos. Esse estudo teve como objetivo a avaliação da variabilidade genética de VTs de feijoeiro comum utilizando marcadores microssatélites (SSRs).Pôster - graduação