10 research outputs found

    Integrasi Waiting Line dan Fishbone Diagram Sebagai Optimasi Jumlah Fasilitas Antrian Migrasi Rekening Bank

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    Antrian adalah salah satu aktivitas yang timbul dari setiap kegiatan. Aktivitas tersebut dapat mengakibatkan durasi menunggu tidak dapat diperkirakan. Kasus yang sedang terjadi pada sistem layanan admin perbankan adalah tidak seimbangnya jumlah nasabah yang harus dilayani dengan jumlah server yang tersedia. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan optimasi jumlah server yang tepat agar didapatkan mutu layanan yang baik. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah metode waiting line dengan capaian utilitas menggunakan model kuantitatif. Metode tersebut menerapkan simulasi 4 server dan 5 server. Observasi dilakukan selama lima minggu di suatu bank dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 1111 peserta. Hasil yang didapatkan setelah melakukan observasi adalah simulasi 5 server lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan 4 server. Nilai penurunan efektif dari 4 server dengan 5 server adalah antara 0,025% hingga 16,882%. Setelah ditemukan bahwa 5 server lebih efektif daripada 4 server, selanjutnya dilakukan analisis fishbone diagram untuk memberikan usulan aktivitas untuk mengoptimasi 5 server. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut, ditemukan 3 akar masalah yang perlu dioptimalkan, yaitu waktu tunggu, sistem berjalan dengan 1 server, dan kesibukan tinggi. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa simulasi 5 server lebih baik daripada 4 server dalam hal utilitas, konsistensi waktu tunggu, dan kesibukan yang tinggi. Usulan terpilih akan dioptimalkan sebagai langkah meningkatkan layanan kepada nasabah


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    Service are often found everywhere, up to universities. This system is closely related to the quality of administrative services for semester fee transactions. The quality of existing services has not answered the strategic proposal appropriately. For this reason, this study proposes improving service quality using fuzzy tools - IPA - Servqual. Fuzzy has the opportunity to improve the objectification of user needs, IPA sets quadrant maps accurately and Servqual as a tool to develop competitive service proposals. This research was conducted by gathering 100 respondents to validate and consistency of Servqual items. The process of using the tool is carried out to map the right quadrant for the proposal. There are priority attributes in the RLB3 code applying the Liability Based on Fault Principle, RSP2 provides the role of an academic complaint service, RSP5 conducts intense communication between staff and users, ASR2 conducts career paths and career management for staff, ASR3 implements a Work Uniform schedule, ASR4 imposes motivating sanctions, ASR5 provides the role of academic complaint services, EPT1 conducts intense communication between staff and users,  EPT3 applies 3S standards to user arrivals, and EPT5 in service performance evaluations every 3 months. This research prioritizes the categorized attributes in quadrant I and the development needs technical responses. Keywords: administration, fuzzy, IPA, Servqual ABSTRAK Layanan sering dijumpai di manapun, hingga Perguruan Tinggi. Sistem ini erat hubungannya dengan kualitas layanan administrasi untuk transaksi biaya semester. Kualitas layanan yang ada belum menjawab usulan strategis secara tepat. Untuk itu, penelitian ini mengusulkan perbaikan kualitas layanan menggunakan alat fuzzy- IPA- Servqual. Fuzzy berpeluang untuk meningkatkan obyektifikasi kebutuhan pengguna, IPA menetapkan peta kuadran secara akurat dan Servqual sebagai alat untuk menyusun usulan layanan yang kompetitif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menghimpun 100 responden untuk dilakuka validasi dan konsistensi item Servqual. Dilakukan proses menggunakan alat tersebut untuk memetakan kuadran yang tepat untuk usulannya. Terdapat atribut prirotas pada kode RLB3 menerapkan Liability Based on Fault Principle, RSP2 memberikan peran layanan pengaduan akademik, RSP5 melakukan komunikasi intens antara staff dengan pengguna, ASR2 melakukan jenjang karier dan manajemen karier bagi staff, ASR3 menerapkan jadwal Seragam Kerja, ASR4 memberlakukan sanksi yang memotivasi, ASR5 memberikan peran layanan pengaduan akademik, EPT1 melakukan komunikasi intens antara staff dengan pengguna, EPT3 menerapkan standar 3S terhadap kedatangan pengguna, dan EPT5 dalam  evaluasi kinerja layanan selama 3 bulan sekali. Penelitian ini dengan memprioritaskan atribut yang terkategorisasi pada kuadran I dan pertingnya pengembangan dengan respon teknis. Kata kunci:  administrasi, fuzzy, IPA, Servqual

    Conveyor Pengangkut Sampah Otomatis dengan Load Cell dan Flow Sensor

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    Garbage has certainly been a classic problem which tends to get worse, especially in Jabodetabek area. Various attempts were made to solve the waste problem in the cities. This raises the writer's desire to make a tool that can clean trash in the river automatically, far-reaching, and effectively, namely the lifting garbage conveyor. With this design, garbage can be cleaned continuously because of the automatic system. Even if the volume of garbage in the river increases, the tool can increase the speed of cleaning the garbage by itself. With the sensor system, the tool can continue to operate, without allowing trash to accumulate, using energy effectively, and not requiring a lot of human labor. This tool is designed to cover the entire river and it is capable of being assembled. Because the tool can run automatically, it only takes 1 to 2 workers whose to supervise and do not need to work physically. This tool is easy to operate. To start this tool, you don't need special skills such as the ability to drive when using an excavator


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    CV. Mustaim merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang memproduksi berbagai jenis cetakan kue. Permasalahan yang sedang di hadapi oleh perusahan ini adalah menyangkut mesin cutting yang dimiliki. Mesin ini sudah berusia cukup tua, pemilik perusahaan beranggapan bahwa mesin ini sudah tidak layak untuk di pakai lagi, karena ada beberapa hal yang di rasa merugikan perusahaan. Penggantian asset tetap berupa mesin produksi harus di pertimbangkan dengan teliti, karena banyak terjadi penggantian mesin yang dilakukan malah mengakibatkan kerugian besar bagi perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengambil keputusan kapan waktu yang tepat untuk dilakukan penggantian mesin, penelitian ini menggunakan metode total biaya tahunan rata-rata (Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost). Serta melibatkan konsep asset defender dan challenger untuk keputusan dalam membeli mesin baru atau menggunakan mesin yang sudah ada. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah untuk biaya tahunan rata-rata mesin pada tahun 2003 hingga 2006 mengalami penurunan, dan mengalami peningkatan lagi secara flutuatif pada tahun 2007 hingga tahun 2022. Nilai tahunan rata-rata paling minimum di dapat pada tahun 2006 sebesar Rp. 7.153.339 yang berarti bahwa umur ekonomis dari mesin ini adalah 5 tahun

    Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorder in the Working Posture of Online Motorcycle Drivers (Case Study: Drivers at Malang District)

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    ABSTRACT Received: 5 October 2022 Accepted: 12 December 2022 Variations in the dimensions of each type of motorcycle and variations in the anthropometry of the rider's body often cause complaints of discomfort in the body which can eventually lead to musculoskeletal disorders. The purpose of this study is to determine the value of the driver's body point complaints using Nordic body maps, determine the improvement of body posture in terms of the risk level of the driver's musculoskeletal disorders using the integration of rapid upper limb assessment and rapid whole body assessment. The research methodology uses a sample of 30 respondents, with 3 types of motorcycles. Stages of data analysis using Nordic body maps, RULA, REBA and Body Mass Index. The results of the study stated that there were 7 points of complaints of musculoskeletal disorders with the role of repetitive static activities. The working posture condition of the integration of RULA and REBA is stated that there is an improvement in body posture in the dimensions of RULA and REBA with the achievement of the need for the role of changing the dimensions of the motorcycle seat and handlebar as a development to suppress the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders. Keywords: body mass index, driver, musculoskeletal disorders, RULA, REB

    Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorder in the Working Posture of Online Motorcycle Drivers (Case Study: Drivers at Malang District)

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    Variations in the dimensions of each type of motorcycle and variations in the anthropometry of the rider's body often cause complaints of discomfort in the body which can eventually lead to musculoskeletal disorders. The purpose of this study is to determine the value of the driver's body point complaints using Nordic body maps, determine the improvement of body posture in terms of the risk level of the driver's musculoskeletal disorders using the integration of rapid upper limb assessment and rapid whole body assessment. The research methodology uses a sample of 30 respondents, with 3 types of motorcycles. Stages of data analysis using Nordic body maps, RULA, REBA and Body Mass Index. The results of the study stated that there were 7 points of complaints of musculoskeletal disorders with the role of repetitive static activities. The working posture condition of the integration of RULA and REBA is stated that there is an improvement in body posture in the dimensions of RULA and REBA with the achievement of the need for the role of changing the dimensions of the motorcycle seat and handlebar as a development to suppress the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders

    Strategi Bisnis Garam menggunakan SWOT-BMC

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    PT. Garam as a state-owned company needs to overcome the problem of quality inconsistencies and technological constraints in improving company performance and profits, as well as taking advantage of business development opportunities in the salt industry. The purpose of this study is to design a suitable business strategy for PT. Garam by optimizing supply chains, production processes, and selecting quality salt resources. The methods used in this study are BMC, SWOT, and QSPM to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the company and formulate the right business strategy for PT. Garam. Based on the resulting strategy match matrix, PT. Garam can consider three ST strategies to optimize strength in facing threats. PT Garam can conduct research to create production technology that does not depend on weather conditions, thus allowing the salt production process to be more stable and efficient. PT Garam can conduct research to create appropriate technology, which can improve overall production quality and efficiency. PT Garam can build brand equity of its products as a marketing strategy to increase competitiveness and customer trust. By adopting these strategies, PT Garam can achieve the goal of improving production efficiency and business growth in the salt marke

    Ergonomic Chair Design as a Solution to Musculoskeletal Disorders among Traditional Cobblers: An Anthropometric Study

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    This study was undertaken with the aim of engineering an ergonomic chair tailored specifically for cobblers in the Malang Regency, taking into account anthropometric measurements, the Nordic body map, and the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment method. Musculoskeletal disorders, often resulting from prolonged sitting and incorrect posture, represent significant occupational hazards for them. To mitigate these health risks, the study employed the analysis of Nordic body maps to quantify complaints based on body points, and determined anthropometric dimensions to guide the design of ergonomically correct chairs. The aspiration is that the findings of this study will diminish the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders, while enhancing the productivity and work quality of cobblers. Cobblers are particularly susceptible to musculoskeletal disorders in the waist and left calf areas, along with the back, hips, right thigh, right calf, left foot, and right foot. Insights gleaned from the Nordic body maps analysis and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment method demonstrated the need for modifications to the traditional cobbler chair to reduce these risks. Consequently, an innovative ergonomic chair was designed, incorporating anthropometric dimensions and several distinctive features, including an adjustable tilt angle on the backrest, a height-adjustable seat base, and a seat base that conforms to the load conditions of the buttocks and th

    Intervention of Musculoskeletal Discomfort Risk: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Driving activity for online motorcycle taxi drivers is dominantly causing static activity. This static activity plays a role in creating complaints of musculoskeletal disorders. This study aimed to determine the point on the body that is affected by static activity and the value of the Nordic Body Maps (NBM) of the characteristics of the respondents. The methodology used is a chi-square test with 70 respondents as the sample. The research stage began with distributing NBM questionnaires and then assessed descriptively. Furthermore, the chi-square test played a role in assessing the significant relationship. It was found that the dominant complaint point was the back. The influential correlations include the left shoulder on Body Mass Index (BMI) correlation, waist to height and age, hips to height, left elbow to height, and right knee to BMI. It is hoped that an intervention is needed to minimize musculoskeletal disorders with post-driving stretching activities. Keywords: static activity, musculoskeletal disorders, Nordic Body Ma


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    Manual material handling activities one of them is soy porridge filtration. Important research was conducted to provide interventions reviewed from aspects of NBM, biomechanics, NIOSH and fuzzy biomechanics to NBM as the purpose of this study. This research method takes a saturated sample of 24 respondents, observation and documentation regarding working posture, dissemination and withdrawal of NBM closed questionnaires, assessing biomechanics from the aspect of Fcompression with Fshear, and evaluating activities with NIOSH and integration of fuzzy Mamdani initiated fuzzification, inference, and defuzzification. The study showed that Fcompression 1117.05 N < 3400 N; Fshear of 613.4 N > 500 N were declared to be at risk. The dominant LI value may be at risk of 66.7% for 16 people. Traditional NBM complaints are very painful range 75%-100% at the waist (96%), hips (75%), buttocks (83%), right hands (79%), left thighs and right thighs (75%), left knee (92%), and right knee (100%). Traditional proof of biomechanics following fuzzy biomechanics against NBM, by 93.3%. This activity still has risks, both from traditional biomechanics, NIOSH, NBM, and fuzzy biomechanics to NBM. Therefore, appropriate intervention is needed from the aspect of facilities and work environment in the futur