3,559 research outputs found

    Search Frictions, Financial Frictions and Labor Market Fluctuations in Emerging Economies

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    This paper examines the role of the extensive and intensive margins of work in the context of business cycles in emerging markets with a financial friction. The earlier literature analyzed the role of search frictions with only an extensive margin of work and showed that such a framework can address the distinguishable business-cycle characteristics of emerging markets such as highly volatile consumption, countercyclical net exports, highly volatile wages and pro-cyclical wages. One of our contributions is to show that in the presence of an endogenous hours choice, search frictions fail to predict not only these characteristics but also the positive co-movement of hours worked per worker and employment with output. This occurs due to the strong income effect on hours worked. On the other hand, introducing a financial friction, namely working capital, significantly increases the performance of the model and suggests frictions in both labor markets and financial markets are necessary for explaining emerging market business cycles.search frictions, emerging markets, business cycles, working capital

    Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi’nin yerel normlar üzerine etkisi: Türkiye örneği

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    The article aims at exploring the impact of the European Court of Human Rights on the local norms of Turkey, a topic that has been understudied, given its burgeoning significance. The Court is institutionally able to exercise such influence on the state parties, as it is entitled to have final jurisdiction over member states concerning compliance with the Convention and its content. Moreover, the Convention itself also necessitates contracting states to conform to the final judgment of the Court and to take sufficient measures, including changes in the local norms to guarantee that the Convention’s rights and freedoms are protected. However, the influence of the Court on domestic norms of a national law needs to be elaborated since it remains silent concerning its impact on local norms. Hence, this article chooses Turkey as a case study to study the impact of the Court over local norms.Bu makalenin amacı, Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi’nin Türkiye’nin önemi gittikçe artan fakat üzerinde henüz yeterince çalışmamış bir konu olan iç hukuk normları üzerine etkisini tahlil etmektir. Kuramsal olarak, Mahkeme Sözleşmeye uyumdan ve Sözleşme’nin içeriği hususunda üye devletler üzerine nihai yargı yetkisine sahip olduğundan Mahkeme muhatap devletler üzerinde böyle bir etki gösterebilir. Ayrıca, Sözleşme’nin bizatihi kendisi de taraf devletlerin Mahkeme’nin nihai kararına uymasını ve Sözleşme’de yer alan hak ve özgürlükleri güvence altına almak için yerel normlarda değişiklikler de dahil olmak üzere gerekli önlemleri almasını gerektirmektedir. Ancak, Mahkeme yerel normlar üzerine olan etkisi konusunda sessiz kaldığı için ulusal hukukun iç normları üzerindeki etkisinin ayrıntılı olarak ele alınması gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle, bu makale Mahkeme’nin yerel normlar üzerine olan etkisini analiz etmek için Türkiye’yi örnek olarak seçmiştir

    The Charge of Thought-Policing in Universities

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    A phrase used for internal criticism within leftist movements in the 70s and 80s, “politically correct,” has now become equivalent to thought policing in the minds of many professional academicians. Taking University of Toronto as an example, this essay questions whether the thought policing (as enforcement of political correctness) accusation is justified, and if so, in what forms such enforcement could take place, and whether any of those are defensible. Three possible forms of enforcement are identified as curricular occupation, language control, and conflict of rights; among these, the last is the most severe. In terms of rights, the issue of political correctness is usually framed as a conflict between expression rights and equality rights. In a university, restriction of expression rights is not justified. However, expression rights need not be characterized as conflicting with equality rights if both those charged with policing and those who charge them genuinely respect each others’ expression rights.L’expression « politiquement correct » utilisée par les mouvements de gauche des années 70 et 80 dans un contexte de critique interne est maintenant devenue l’équivalent de coercition idéologique dans l’esprit de plusieurs universitaires. Prenant l’Université de Toronto en exemple, cet essai cherche à déterminer si cette accusation a sa raison d’être, et le cas échéant, sous quelles formes ces mesures coercitives se manifestent et si l’une ou l’autre est défendable. Trois de ces mesures peuvent exister et se défi nissent comme suit : occupation pédagogique, contrôle linguistique et confl its au niveau des droits, qui est la plus grave de toutes. Pour ce qui est des droits, la question du conformisme politique est habituellement abordée en tant qu’incompatibilité entre droits d’expression et droits à l’égalité. Dans une université, imposer des restrictions au niveau de la libre expression est injustifi é. Par contre, il n’est pas nécessaire de caractériser la libre expression comme étant incompatible avec les droits à l’égalité si ceux qui sont chargés d’exercer la censure et ceux qui la dénoncent respectent tous les deux leurs droits concernant la liberté d’expression

    Measurement of the top pair-production inassociation with a Z boson at LHC and WZ scattering in view of the high luminosity LHC

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    This thesis describes two studies towards measurements of couplings of heavy particles of the standard model that will be useful in establishing the electroweak symmetry breaking. The first study describes a cross section measurement of top quark pair production in association with a Z boson (ttZˉ\text t\bar{\text {t}Z}), which is carried out using proton-proton collision data at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC. This is followed by a feasibility study of W and Z boson scattering in view of the High Luminosity LHC program. The first study is one of the most interesting analyses at the LHC as it allows to study the coupling between the top quark and Z boson. In addition, the ttZˉ\text t\bar{\text {t}Z} is one of the main backgrounds for top quark pair production in association with a Higgs boson and for many beyond the standard model final states. The ttZˉ\text t\bar{\text {t}Z} is measured to be 0.990.08+0.09(stat.)0.10+0.12(sys.)0.99^{+0.09}_{-0.08}(\text{stat.})^{+0.12}_{-0.10}(\text{sys.}) pb, in agreement with the theoretical next-to-leading order calculation. It represents the most precise observation of this process to date attaining a 14%\% total relative uncertainty. The second analysis is the scattering of W and Z bosons, which has not yet been experimentally observed. The feasibility of this process and its properties are studied with the upgraded CMS detector at the High Luminosity LHC. The results are presented in terms of the precision of the cross section, the sensitivity to the longitudinal component of the WZ scattering, and the exclusion of partial unitarization scenarios. Additionally, the performance of the upgraded detector is compared with the performance of the current detector, which will be strongly degraded due to the high radiation damage

    The Microbial Community Composition of An Anaerobic Reactor in a Sugar Industry Wastewater Treatment Plant-From Classical to New Approaches

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    DergiPark: 835403trkjnatÇalışmada bir şeker endüstrisi atık su arıtma tesisinin anaerobik reaktörünün mikrobiyal özellikleri klonlama, FISH (Floresan in situ hibridizasyon) ve metagenomik analiz kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Örnekler 148. operasyon gününde reaktörün yedi farklı girişinden alınmıştır. Sıcaklık mezofilik koşullarda tutulmuştur. Sistem 6,8 pH aralığında çalışmıştır. Klonlama sonuçları, bakteri klonlarının çoğunun kültüre alınmamış Bacteria üyelerine ait olduğunu göstermiştir. Birçok arkeal klon, kültüre alınmamş Archaea ve Methanosarcina ile ilişkilidir. FISH yöntemi de örneklerin mikrobiyal kompozisyonunu belirlemek için uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar bakteriyel ve arkel türlerin neredeyse eşit oranlarda bulunduğunu göstermiştir. Örneklerde çubuk şeklindeki hücreler, uzun basiller, koklar ve uzun zincirler tespit edilmiştir.Metagenomik analiz sonuçları değerlendirildiğinde ise, tüm örneklerde, Archaea domaini üyelerinin %60-36 oranları arasında ve Bakteri domaini üyelerinin ise %58-31 oranları arasında bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. Filum düzeyinde, tüm örneklerde Euryarchaeota filumunun en baskın filum olduğu saptanmıştır. Proteobacteria (%14,8-21,97) ve Actinobacteria (%5,53-15,94) filumlarının da yüksek oranda olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca örneklerde Spirochaeotes (%0,63-4,82) ve Bacteroidetes (%1,72-2,38) üyeleri analiz edilmiştir. Bu çalışma, yapılan analizler ile yüksek konsantrasyonlu organik şeker atıksu reaktöründe hem bakteriyel hem de arkael popülasyonları ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu sonuçlar, daha verimli anaerobik arıtma sistemlerinin geliştirilmesine yardımcı olacaktır.In this study, the microbial characteristics of the anaerobic reactor of a sugar industry wastewater treatment plant were analyzed using cloning, FISH (Fluoresan in situ hybridization) and metagenomic analysis. Samples were obtained from seven different ports of the reactor on the 148th day of operation. The temperature was maintained at mesophilic conditions. The system’s pH range was operated at 6.8. The cloning results showed that most of the bacterial clones belonged to uncultured members of the Bacteria domain. Many archaeal clones were related to uncultured Archaea and Methanosarcina. The FISH method was applied to determine the microbial composition of the samples, which showed that bacterial and archaeal species had nearly equal rates. Rod-shaped cells, long bacilli, coccus and long chains were detected in the samples.After metagenomic analysis, in all samples, Archaea domain members ranged between 60-36% and Bacteria domain members ranged between 58-31%. At the phylum level, in all samples, Euryarchaeota was the most dominant phylum. Proteobacteria (14.8-21.97%) and Actinobacteria (5.53-15.94%) phyla were high in rate. Furthermore, members of Spirochaeotes (0.63-4.82%) and Bacteroidetes (1.72-2.38%) were analyzed in the samples. This study revealed both bacterial and archaeal populations in the reactor of high-concentration organic sugar wastewater. These results will help in the development of more efficient anaerobic treatment systems


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    We have studied radical screen transversal lightlike submanifolds and screen trans\-versal anti-invariant lightlike submanifolds of golden semi-Riemannian manifolds. We have investigated several properties of such submanifolds and obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for the induced connection on these submanifolds to be metric connection. Moreover, we have studied totally umbilical radical screen transversal lightlike submanifolds and screen transversal anti-invariant lightlike submanifolds of golden semi-Riemannian manifolds and given the examples

    Integration of theoretical and the empirical deformations by KALMAN-Filtering in the North Anatolia Fault Zone

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    International audienceEarthquakes occur in regions with intense seismic activities and cause life and property losses. Predicting earthquakes, identifying deformations and decreasing earthquake effects have been major subjects for scientists, engineers, and authorities. One of the theories used for identifying location changes during an earthquake is the elastic half-space model. Recently, the Global Navigation Satellite System has also been used for the same purpose. In this work, the deformations caused by the earthquake across the Marmara Region on 17 August 1999 are determined by theoretical and empirical methods. The data retrieved from the half elastic-space model and GPS measurements were filtered with the Kalman filter technique. The difference between the half elastic-space model and GPS measurements increases in the area close to the fault zone. The study results showed that the fault line is actually not a line but an area within the earthquake region which can be called a deformation zone. To increase the efficiency of the Kalman filter, differences between the theoretical and empirical models were modeled using the Kriging technique. Using the theoretical model which was calibrated by the Kriging griding, forecast values were retrieved for deformations occurred across the earthquake region after the earthquake

    Green Growth Analysis of Social Development in OECD Countries

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    This paper seeks to elucidate the inter and intrarelationships between a selected set of OECD green growth indicators (GGI). In addition to the selected GGI, the analysis includes the Human Development Index (HDI) and its sub-indicators. The novelty of the analysis comes from the incorporation of these established indicators, which have been utilised and developed to reflect human well-being and prosperity for decades. Production-based CO2 intensity and emission change are significantly correlated to average length of schooling across the 36 countries that were members of the OECD in the year 2019. Longer years spent in school on average can facilitate the green transition of countries. The correlations among intra-GGI also suggest where OECD countries are lagging in terms of green transition. For example, renewable energy supply share in energy and air transport-related CO2 per capita are positively correlated in the countries. This indicates that countries with a successful path toward green energy are not paying much attention to their high level of CO2 emissions caused by aviation. Infrastructural and technological advancement as well as increased public awareness are needed to challenge such issues

    Bir aromatik bitki origanum onites L.’de terpen sentaz-6 (TPS-6) geninin kısmi klonlanması ve tanımlanması

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    Origanum onites L. (oregano) is an aromatic plant used in medicine, cosmetics and different industrial fields. It includes essential oil and is extensively cultivated as aromatic plant in the world. Therefore, it is also preferred as a spice in foods. Terpene synthase-6 (TPS-6) is an enzyme responsible for synthesis of sesqui-terpenes in aromatic plants. The investigation of gene sequence information and expression characteristics of this enzyme in O. onites may contribute to increase of synthesis of terpenes as raw materials in medicine and cosmetic etc. industry. In this study, partial cloning and sequencing of the TPS-6 gene in the O. onites was aimed. Total RNA isolation from O. onites was performed with TRI Reagent solution. The mRNAs were transformed to cDNAs by Revers Transcription Method. The middle region of TPS-6 gene was amplified by PCR method using degenerative primers designed for TPS-6. Amplified DNA fragments were obtained at 481bp. size and ligated to PGEM T Easy plasmid vector with T4 DNA ligase. The recombinant plasmid vector was transferred to the XL1- Blue host cells (E. coli) and the cloned DNA was sequenced. The partial TPS-6 DNA sequence was confirmed in NCBI GenBank database and registered with an accession number (MF983853). The obtained DNA sequence was analyzed with InterProScan and Clustal Omega software in EBI database. The analysis results showed that this DNA sequence has a specific motif (DXXD) for TPS-6 catalyzing cyclization reactions. The phylogenetic dendrogram was drawn for comparison with other plant TPS-6 genes. O. onites TPS-6 sequence was determined to be very close to O. vulgare TPS-6 on the dendrogram than other plant TPS-6s. The obtained gene sequence information will guide biotechnological researches in the productivity increase of this gene using expression analysis.Origanum onites L. (kekik), tıp, kozmetik ve farklı endüstri alanlarında kullanılan aromatik bir bitkidir. Uçucu yağ içerir ve dünyada aromatik bir bitki olarak yaygın kültüre edilir. Bu yüzden yiyeceklerde bir baharat olarak da tercih edilir. Terpen sentaz-6 (TPS-6), aromatik bitkilerde sesqui-terpenlerin sentezinden sorumlu bir enzimdir. O. onites’de bu enzimin gen dizi bilgisi ve ifade karakteristiğinin incelenmesi, tıp, kozmetik vb. endüstrilerde ham madde olarak terpenlerin sentezinin arttırılmasına katkı sağlayabilir. Bu çalışmada, O. onites’de TPS-6 geninin kısmi olarak klonlanması ve dizilenmesi amaçlandı. O. onites’den toplam RNA izolasyonu TRI Reagent solüsyonu ile gerçekleştirildi. O. onites mRNA’ları Ters Transkripsiyon Yöntemi ile cDNA’lara dönüştürüldü. TPS-6 geninin orta bölgesi, TPS-6 genine özel dizayn edilmiş dejeneratif primerler kullanarak PCR yöntemiyle çoğaltıldı. 481bç büyüklüğünde çoğaltılmış DNA parçaları elde edildi ve PGEM T Easy plazmit vektörüne T4 DNA ligaz enzimiyle eklendi. Rekombinant plazmit vektör XLI-Blue konakçı hücresine (E. coli) transfer edildi ve klonlanmış DNA dizilendi. Kısmi TPS-6 DNA dizisi NCBI gen bankası veri tabanında TPS-6 geni için doğrulandı ve bir kayıt numarası ile (MF983853) ile kaydedildi. Elde edilen DNA dizisi, EBI veri tabanındaki InterProScan ve Clustal Omega programları ile analiz edildi. Analiz sonuçları, bu dizi bilgisinin TPS-6’ya özgü siklizasyon reaksiyonlarını katalizleyen spesifik bir motife (DXXDD) sahip olduğunu gösterdi. Diğer bitki TPS-6 genler ile karşılaştırmak için filogenetik dendrogram çizildi. O. onites TPS-6 dizisinin, O. vulgare TPS-6’ya diğer bitki TPS-6’larına göre daha yakın olduğu tespit edildi. Elde edilen gen dizi bilgisi, ifade analizleri kullanılarak bu genin verimliliğinin arttırılmasında biyoteknolojik araştırmalara rehberlik edecektir

    Mixture of Coupled HMMs for Robust Modeling of Multivariate Healthcare Time Series

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    Analysis of multivariate healthcare time series data is inherently challenging: irregular sampling, noisy and missing values, and heterogeneous patient groups with different dynamics violating exchangeability. In addition, interpretability and quantification of uncertainty are critically important. Here, we propose a novel class of models, a mixture of coupled hidden Markov models (M-CHMM), and demonstrate how it elegantly overcomes these challenges. To make the model learning feasible, we derive two algorithms to sample the sequences of the latent variables in the CHMM: samplers based on (i) particle filtering and (ii) factorized approximation. Compared to existing inference methods, our algorithms are computationally tractable, improve mixing, and allow for likelihood estimation, which is necessary to learn the mixture model. Experiments on challenging real-world epidemiological and semi-synthetic data demonstrate the advantages of the M-CHMM: improved data fit, capacity to efficiently handle missing and noisy measurements, improved prediction accuracy, and ability to identify interpretable subsets in the data.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Machine Learning for Health (ML4H) 202