49 research outputs found

    Teaching proposal for data analysis subject of physical activity and sport sciences degree

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    Título, resumen y palabras clave también en inglésResumen basado en el de la publicaciónLa guía docente constituye una herramienta básica para alcanzar los principios que guían el proceso de convergencia en la creación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). La planificación de la asignatura debe situarse sobre un doble eje: el contenido y el trabajo del estudiante en base a ese contenido. Por tanto, una guía docente debe especificar la selección y ordenación de contenidos académicos, cómo se trabajaran dichos contenidos y la forma de evaluación de los estudiantes. La propuesta que se presenta pretende dar unas orientaciones sobre las competencias a adquirir por parte de los estudiantes, la estructura de los contenidos de la materia, qué enseñar y aprender a partir de los contenidos, el desarrollo didáctico para alcanzar los aprendizajes, la dedicación del estudiante y los procedimientos de evaluación y calificación del aprendizaje, para la asignatura Análisis de Datos del Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte perteneciente a la Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), para favorecer el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudiantes.ES

    Training in a shallow pool: Its effect on upper extremity strength and total body weight in postmenopausal women

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    Background: The decrease in muscle mass and muscular strength and the increase in total body weight have significant implications for the health and functioning of postmenopausal women. Exercising in water has become increasingly popular as a means of delaying the physiological decline associated with age in middle-aged and older women. Research question: Is a 12-month aerobic and resistance water training program in a shallow pool effective in increasing muscle strength and decreasing total body weight in postmenopausal women? Type of study: Randomised controlled study. Methods: Thirty-eight subjects were randomly assigned to an exercise group (EG; n = 21) and a control group (CG; n = 17). The exercise group enrolled in a systematic aerobic and resistance training programme for 12 months performed at a frequency of 2 sessions per week, 45 minutes per session. Upper-extremity biokinetic strength and body mass index (BMI) were measured before and after the intervention. CG participants were physically active. Results: EG participants improved significantly (p ≤ 0.05) in mean force (MF: 7.92%), mean power (MP: 9.08%) and mean work (MW: 9.3%). Mean stroke length decreased significantly (p ≤ 0.05) in EG (-5.68%) and in CG (-11.5%). BMI was also significantly decreased (p ≤0.05) in EG participants (-2.75%). Conclusions: These results indicate that training in a shallow pool has significant implications for improving upper extremity muscular strength and total body weight in postmenopausal women

    El efecto de dos programas de ejercicio en el medio acuático sobre la condición física y el estado de salud de mujeres postmenopáusicas con moderado riesgo de fractura de cadera

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    Objetivo: Estudiar el efecto de dos programas de ejercicio físico en el medio acuático de 1 año de duración sobre la condición física y el estado de salud en mujeres postmenopáusicas con moderado riesgo de fractura de cadera. Diseño: Estudio experimental, con asignación aleatoria a los grupos de tratamiento. Ámbito del estudio: salud en mayores. Sujetos de Estudio: Mujeres postmenopáusicas con al menos cinco años de amenorrea, sin patologías neurológicas ni musculoesqueléticas, sin antecedentes de fractura osteoporótica, menores de 70 años y con moderado riesgo de fractura de cadera comprobada mediante ultrasonografía de calcáneo, pertenecientes al área de salud de Toledo. Instrumentalización: Evaluación de la fuerza biocinética del tren superior (Biometer Swim Bench, Sport Fahnermann), la capacidad de salto (Ergo-Jump Bosco System), la fuerza isométrica máxima (Dinamómetro isométrico de espalda y piernas T.K.K. 5402, Takel Scientific Instruments CO.LTD.), la capacidad aeróbica máxima (test de caminata UKK), la flexibilidad activa de tronco (cinta métrica Harpenden Anthropometric Tape, Holtain LTD), el estado de salud (cuestionario SF-12) y la composición corporal (índice de masa corporal y bioimpedancia), Medida de otras variables: riesgo de fractura de cadera (densitómetro Aquiles Express 2000, General Electric, Lunar Corporation), cambios en los hábitos de actividad física (Cuestionario Internacional de Actividad Física IPAQ) y cambios en los hábitos alimentarios (cuestionario MediSystem 2000, Sanocare Human Systems L.S., Madrid, Spain). Resultados: En el grupo que practicó natación, se han obtenido mejoras significativas en la fuerza-resistencia biocinética del tren superior y en la capacidad de salto; y pérdidas significativas de fuerza isométrica lumbar y de piernas, y flexibilidad profunda y lateral de tronco. En el grupo que practicó ejercicios de impacto y cargas adicionales en piscina poco profunda, se han producido mejoras significativas en la capacidad de salto y la capacidad aeróbica. En el grupo control, se han observado mejoras significativas en la capacidad de salto. No se han encontrado diferencias significativas en el stado de salud físico y mental de los tres grupos. Conclusiones: Un año de ejercicio en el medio acuático mejora algunos componentes de la condición física de mujeres postmenopáusicas con moderado riesgo de fractura de cadera, pero no mejora su estado de salud físico y mental

    High-Intensity Interval Circuit Training Versus Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training on Functional Ability and Body Mass Index in Middle-Aged and Older Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    The literature suggests that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is more effective than moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) to improve functional ability. However, there is no evidence on including HIIT in a circuit programme (HIICT). Our objective was to determine what type of training (HIICT or MICT) induces greater adaptations in the functional ability and body mass index of middle-aged and older women. The study used a quasi-experimental randomized controlled trial with 54 participants (age = 67.8 ± 6.2 years). Participants were randomly allocated to HIICT (n = 18), MICT (n = 18) or a non-exercise control group (CG; n = 18). The participants in the HIICT or MICT groups trained twice a week (1 h/session) for 18 weeks. Forty-one subjects were analysed (HIICT; n = 17, MICT; n = 12, CG; n = 12). Five subjects presented adverse events during the study. Strength, gait, cardiorespiratory fitness, balance and body mass index were measured. A significant training x group interaction was found in the arm curl test, where HIICT was statistically better than MICT and CG. Likewise, HIICT was statistically better than the CG in the BMI interaction. In lower limb strength, gait/dynamic balance and cardiorespiratory fitness, both HIICT and MICT were statistically better than the CG. In conclusion, HIICT generated better adaptations in upper limb strength than MICT. Likewise, HIICT generated better adaptations in body mass index than CG. Finally, both HIICT and MICT had a similar influence on strength, cardiorespiratory fitness and gait/dynamic balance

    Spanish Adaptation of Motivational Climate in Education Scale with University Students

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    The aim of this study was to provide evidence of the validity and reliability of the dimensionality of the Spanish adaptation of two correlated subscales to assess motivational climate in the university education context: Mastery motivational climate and performance motivational climate. Two different studies with cross-sectional design and different samples of university students were used to accomplish this research (Study 1: 181 students, mean age = 20.83, SD = 1.76; Study 2: 354 students, mean age = 21.84; SD = 1.98). In Study 1, Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and reliability analysis of the scale were conducted. In Study 2, CFA, reliability analysis, discriminant validity, temporal stability, factorial invariance across gender, and nomological validity were managed through a regression model measuring the relationships between democratic and autocratic behavior, mastery climate, and performance climate. The final version of the Motivational Climate in Education Scale showed acceptable goodness of fit and values of discriminant validity, reliability, temporal stability, and invariance across gender. According to its nomological validity, democratic behavior was shown to be a statistically significant predictor of mastery climate, and the teacher’s autocratic behavior was shown to be a statistically significant predictor of performance climate. This scale is a valid and reliable instrument to assess mastery climate and performance climate in the Spanish university educational context


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    Introduction The Pilates Method may be an appropriate form of exercise for improving trunk muscle strength, which can be a predictor of pain and musculoskeletal problems. Objective The objective of this study was to assess the effects of the Pilates Method on muscle strength and endurance of the extensor and flexor muscles of the trunk in a group of adolescents. Methods The sample consisted of 101 high-school students divided into two groups: an experimental group (EG=81) and a control group (CG=20). The intervention was carried out twice a week for six weeks. Each session lasted 55 minutes, and was divided into three parts: warm-up, main part, and cool down. Muscle strength was assessed by the Sörensen Test and the Bench Trunk-curl Test. The paired sample T-test, the T- test for independent samples, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were applied. The size of the effect (d) was determined. Results The EG showed significant improvements in both tests (+34.77 points; +18.55 points, respectively). No changes were observed in the CG. The effect size was high (d\u3e1.15) for both tests, which means that the results were improved in a large proportion of the participants. The control group showed a decline in strength of the trunk musculature. In the experimental group, both boys and girls showed significant improvements in both tests. This strength increase was enhanced for a large proportion of boys and girls (d\u3e1.15). The effect size was high (d\u3e1.15) for both tests and for both sexes. Conclusion Six-weeks after implementing the Pilates Method in Physical Education lessons, the muscle strength of the flexor and extensor muscles of the trunk in adolescents was improved. Level of Evidence II; Therapeutic studies-Investigation of treatment results

    El Yoga como método cuerpo-mente para mujeres embarazadas con depresión: una revisión sistemática

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    Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud considera la depresión prenatal como un gran problema de salud pública que actualmente afecta entre el 10-20% de las mujeres gestantes, debido principalmente a la gran liberación de la hormona cortisol durante el embarazo. En los últimos años, algunas disciplinas como el Yoga, considerado como un método cuerpo-mente formado por técnicas de respiración, posturas físicas (Asanas) y meditación/relajación, ha ganado importancia como terapia alternativa contra la depresión prenatal por su relación con los índices y los síntomas de ansiedad o estrés en mujeres gestantes. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión sistemática para comprobar el efecto del Yoga como método de trabajo cuerpo-mente en mujeres embarazadas con depresión. Método: Siguiendo la Declaración Prisma, se buscó en las siguientes bases de datos: Pubmed, Scopus, Medline, Current Contents Connect, Ebsco, Web of Science y CINAHL-Complete artículos publicados en los últimos 10 años y teniendo en cuenta unos criterios de inclusión y exclusión específicos. La estrategia de búsqueda fue: “(Yoga) AND (Pregnant OR Prenatal OR Antenatal) AND (Depression)”. Se seleccionaron siete trabajos con calidad metodológica ≥6 según la escala PEDro. Resultados: Los artículos que obtuvieron resultados favorables (n=4) presentaban: alta participación (n>90 sujetos), buen periodo de seguimiento de los sujetos (n≥12 semanas) y alta calidad metodológica (n≥7 puntos). Los artículos con resultados desfavorables (n=3) presentaban: baja participación (n<60 sujetos) y escaso periodo de seguimiento (n≤9 semanas). Conclusión: El Yoga ha resultado ser una terapia alternativa favorable para reducir los índices de depresión en mujeres gestantes

    HRV-Based Training for Improving VO2max in Endurance Athletes. A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

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    This review aimed to synthesize evidence regarding interventions based on heart rate variability (HRV)-guided training for VO2max improvements in endurance athletes and address the issues that impact this performance enhancement. The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL Complete, the Web of Science Core Collection, Global Health, Current Contents Connect, and the SciELO citation index were searched. Inclusion criteria were: randomized controlled trials; studies with trained athletes enrolled in any regular endurance training; studies that recruited men, women, and both sexes combined; studies on endurance training controlled by HRV; studies that measured performance with VO2max. A random-effects meta-analysis calculating the effect size (ES) was used. Moderator analyses (according to the athlete’s level and gender) and metaregression (according to the number of participants in each group) were undertaken to examine differences in ES. HRV-guided training and control training enhanced the athletes’ VO2max (p < 0.0001), but the ES for the HRV-guided training group was significantly higher (p < 0.0001; ESHRVG-CG = 0.187). The amateur level and female subgroup reported better and significant results (p < 0.0001) for VO2max. HRV-guided training had a small (ES = 0.402) but positive effect on endurance athlete performance (VO2max), conditioned by the athlete’s level and sex

    The social construction of gender in Spanish physical education students

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    The objective of this study was to analyse sex stereotypes in Spanish high-school students. Three hundred boys and girls from 12 to 17 years old participated in this study by completing a 41-item survey about their preferences for different body types. The survey was applied using a set of visual triggers. Analysis of data showed that body stereotypes determined the way boys and girls perceived physical activities. These influences made boys manifest masculine stereotypes (cult of muscularity) and girls to follow traditional feminine stereotypes (cult of thinness).We conclude that teachers have to be alert for sports practices becoming a vehicle for reproducing stereotypes related to gender

    High-intensity interval training dosage for heart failure and coronary artery disease cardiac rehabilitation: a systematic review and meta-analyses

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    Introduction and objectives High-interval intensity training (HIT) has been suggested to improve peak VO2 in cardiac rehabilitation programs. However, the optimal HIT protocol is unknown. The objective of this study was to identify the most effective doses of HIT to optimize peak VO2 in coronary artery disease (CAD) and heart failure (HF) patients. Methods A search was conducted in 6 databases (MEDLINE, Web of Science, LILACS, CINAHL, Academic Search Complete, and SportDiscus). Studies using a HIT protocol in CAD or HF patients and measuring peak VO2 were included. The PEDro Scale and Cochrane Collaboration tools were used. Results Analyses reported significant improvements in peak VO2 after HIT in both diseases (P = .000001), with a higher increase in HF patients (P = .03). Nevertheless, in HF patients, there were no improvements when the intensity recovery was ≤ 40% of peak VO2 (P = .19) and the frequency of training was ≤ 2 d/wk (P = .07). There were significant differences regarding duration in CAD patients, with greater improvements in peak VO2 when the duration was < 12 weeks (P = .05). In HF, programs lasting < 12 weeks did not significantly improve peak VO2 (P = .1). Conclusions The HIT is an effective method for improving peak VO2 in HF and CAD, with a significantly greater increase in HF patients. The recovery intervals should be active and be between 40% and 60% of peak VO2 in HF patients. Training frequency should be ≥ 2 d/wk for CAD patients and ≥ 3 d/wk for HF patients.Actividad Física y Deport