410 research outputs found

    Reliability analysis of structural ceramic components using a three-parameter Weibull distribution

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    Described here are nonlinear regression estimators for the three-Weibull distribution. Issues relating to the bias and invariance associated with these estimators are examined numerically using Monte Carlo simulation methods. The estimators were used to extract parameters from sintered silicon nitride failure data. A reliability analysis was performed on a turbopump blade utilizing the three-parameter Weibull distribution and the estimates from the sintered silicon nitride data

    Long-term accumulation and transport of anthropogenic phosphorus in three river basins

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    Reliability Analysis of Structural Ceramic Components Using a Three-parameter Weibull Distribution

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    This paper describes nonlinear regression estimators for the three-parameter Weibull distribution. Issues relating to the bias and invariance associated with these estimators are examined numerically using Monte Carlo simulation methods. The estimators were used to extract parameters from sintered silicon nitride failure data. A reliability analysis was performed on a turbopump blade utilizing the three-parameter Weibull distribution and the estimates from the sintered silicon nitride data

    Rapid Fabrication of Flat Plate Cavity Phosphor Thermography Test Models for Shuttle Return-to-Flight Aero-Heating

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    Methods, materials and equipment are documented for fabricating flat plate test models at NASA Langley Research Center for Shuttle return-to-flight aeroheating experiments simulating open and closed cavity interactions in Langley s hypersonic 20-Inch Mach 6 air wind tunnel. Approximately 96 silica ceramic flat plate cavity phosphor thermography test models have been fabricated using these methods. On one model, an additional slot is machined through the back of the plate and into the cavity and vented into an evacuated plenum chamber to simulate a further opening in the cavity. After sintering ceramic to 2150 F, and mounting support hardware, a ceramic-based two-color thermographic phosphor coating is applied for global temperature and heat transfer measurements, with fiducial markings for image registration

    Existence and Stability of Standing Pulses in Neural Networks : I Existence

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    We consider the existence of standing pulse solutions of a neural network integro-differential equation. These pulses are bistable with the zero state and may be an analogue for short term memory in the brain. The network consists of a single-layer of neurons synaptically connected by lateral inhibition. Our work extends the classic Amari result by considering a non-saturating gain function. We consider a specific connectivity function where the existence conditions for single-pulses can be reduced to the solution of an algebraic system. In addition to the two localized pulse solutions found by Amari, we find that three or more pulses can coexist. We also show the existence of nonconvex ``dimpled'' pulses and double pulses. We map out the pulse shapes and maximum firing rates for different connection weights and gain functions.Comment: 31 pages, 29 figures, submitted to SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical System

    Semi-Quantitative Models for Identifying Potent and Selective Transthyretin Amyloidogenesis Inhibitors

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    Rate-limiting dissociation of the tetrameric protein transthyretin (TTR), followed by monomer misfolding and misassembly, appears to cause degenerative diseases in humans known as the transthyretin amyloidoses, based on human genetic, biochemical and pharmacologic evidence. Small molecules that bind to the generally unoccupied thyroxine binding pockets in the native TTR tetramer kinetically stabilize the tetramer, slowing subunit dissociation proportional to the extent that the molecules stabilize the native state over the dissociative transition state—thereby inhibiting amyloidogenesis. Herein, we use previously reported structure-activity relationship data to develop two semi-quantitative algorithms for identifying the structures of potent and selective transthyretin kinetic stabilizers/amyloidogenesis inhibitors. The viability of these prediction algorithms, in particular the more robust in silico docking model, is perhaps best validated by the clinical success of tafamidis, the first-in-class drug approved in Europe, Japan, South America, and elsewhere for treating transthyretin aggregation-associated familial amyloid polyneuropathy. Tafamidis is also being evaluated in a fully-enrolled placebo-controlled clinical trial for its efficacy against TTR cardiomyopathy. These prediction algorithms will be useful for identifying second generation TTR kinetic stabilizers, should these be needed to ameliorate the central nervous system or ophthalmologic pathology caused by TTR aggregation in organs not accessed by oral tafamidis administration

    Floral Scent Composition and Fine-Scale Timing in Two Moth-Pollinated Hawaiian <i>Schiedea</i> (Caryophyllaceae)

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    Floral scent often intensifies during periods of pollinator activity, but the degree of this synchrony may vary among scent compounds depending on their function. Related plant species with the same pollinator may exhibit similar timing and composition of floral scent. We compared timing and composition of floral volatiles for two endemic Hawaiian plant species, Schiedea kaalae and S. hookeri (Caryophyllaceae). For S. kaalae, we also compared the daily timing of emission of floral volatiles to evening visits of their shared pollinator, an endemic Hawaiian moth (Pseudoschrankia brevipalpis; Erebidae). The identity and amount of floral volatiles were measured in the greenhouse during day and evening periods with dynamic headspace sampling and GC-MS (gas chromatography - mass spectrometry). The timing of emissions (daily rise, peak, and fall) was measured by sampling continuously for multiple days in a growth chamber with PTR-MS (proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry). Nearly all volatiles detected underwent strong daily cycles in emission. Timings of floral volatile emissions were similar for S. kaalae and S. hookeri, as expected for two species sharing the same pollinator. For S. kaalae, many volatiles known to attract moths, including several linalool oxides and 2-phenylacetaldehyde, peaked within 2 h of the peak visitation time of the moth which pollinates both species. Floral volatiles of both species that peaked in the evening were also emitted several hours before and after the brief window of pollinator activity. Few volatiles followed a daytime emission pattern, consistent with increased apparency to visitors only at night. The scent blends of the two species differed in their major components and were most distinct from each other in the evening. The qualitative difference in evening scent composition between the two Schiedea species may reflect their distinct evolutionary history and may indicate that the moth species uses several different floral cues to locate rewards

    Ecology under lake ice

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    Winter conditions are rapidly changing in temperate ecosystems, particularly for those that experience periods of snow and ice cover. Relatively little is known of winter ecology in these systems, due to a historical research focus on summer ‘growing seasons’. We executed the first global quantitative synthesis on under‐ice lake ecology, including 36 abiotic and biotic variables from 42 research groups and 101 lakes, examining seasonal differences and connections as well as how seasonal differences vary with geophysical factors. Plankton were more abundant under ice than expected; mean winter values were 43.2% of summer values for chlorophyll a, 15.8% of summer phytoplankton biovolume and 25.3% of summer zooplankton density. Dissolved nitrogen concentrations were typically higher during winter, and these differences were exaggerated in smaller lakes. Lake size also influenced winter‐summer patterns for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), with higher winter DOC in smaller lakes. At coarse levels of taxonomic aggregation, phytoplankton and zooplankton community composition showed few systematic differences between seasons, although literature suggests that seasonal differences are frequently lake‐specific, species‐specific, or occur at the level of functional group. Within the subset of lakes that had longer time series, winter influenced the subsequent summer for some nutrient variables and zooplankton biomass

    Inoculum levels of Meloidogyne hispanica and M. javanica affect nematode reproduction, and growth of tomato genotypes

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    A pot experiment was conducted to determine the effects of three inoculum levels (2,500, 5,000 and 10,000 eggs/plant) on the reproduction of Meloidogyne hispanica and M. javanica isolates and growth of the susceptible tomato genotypes Easypeel and Moneymaker, and genotypes Motelle and VFnt-Cherr, which possess the Mi-gene, at 25±2°C. sixty days after inoculation, roots were assessed for gall index (Gi), reproduction factor (Rf=final/initial population density) and reproduction index (RI=Rf in the Mi-gene tomato plants/Rf in tomato Easypeel × 100). shoot and root lengths and fresh and dry root and shoot weights were also recorded. both species of Meloidogyne reproduced at all inoculum levels on all four tomato genotypes (4≤GI≤5 and 3.44≤Rf≤317.30). The M. javanica isolate, obtained from an infected potato field, was identified as natural and partially virulent to the Mi-gene (3.71≤RI≤20.19). This emphasizes the need for new sources of resistance to root-knot nematodes and for testing Mi-tomato plants for their susceptibility to local populations. Reproduction of M. javanica and M. hispanica on the resistant Motelle and VFNT-Cherr was significantly less than on the susceptible Easypeel and Moneymaker. VFNT-Cherr was more resistant than Motelle, which suggest an influence of the genetic background of the plants on the nematode response. For Easypeel and Moneymaker, there was a trend of decreased plant growth parameters with increasing inoculum level, irrespective of the nematode species, due to damage caused by the increasing number of nematodes that invaded plant roots. However, these values on Motelle and VFnt-Cherr remained relatively stable regarding shoot and total shoot plus root dry weight. the reproductive rate of M. javanica was greater than that of M. hispanica on all four genotypes tested, and tomato plants inoculated with M. hispanica had greater growth parameters. the resistance response of the Mi-tomato plants was independent of the Meloidogyne species, however, because both species gave similar Ris
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