28 research outputs found

    Real-Time Task Migration for Dynamic Resource Management in Many-Core Systems

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    Isolation-Aware Timing Analysis and Design Space Exploration for Predictable and Composable Many-Core Systems

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    Composable many-core systems enable the independent development and analysis of applications which will be executed on a shared platform where the mix of concurrently executed applications may change dynamically at run time. For each individual application, an off-line DSE is performed to compute several mapping alternatives on the platform, offering Pareto-optimal trade-offs in terms of real-time guarantees, resource usage, etc. At run time, one mapping is then chosen to launch the application on demand. In this context, to enable an independent analysis of each individual application at design time, so-called inter-application isolation schemes are applied which specify temporal/spatial isolation policies between applications. State-of-the-art composable many-core systems are developed based on a fixed isolation scheme that is exclusively applied to every resource in every mapping of every application and use a timing analysis tailored to that isolation scheme to derive timing guarantees for each mapping. A fixed isolation scheme, however, heavily restricts the explored space of solutions and can, therefore, lead to suboptimality. Lifting this restriction necessitates a timing analysis that is applicable to mappings with an arbitrary mix of isolation schemes on different resources. To address this issue, in this paper, we (a) present an isolation-aware timing analysis that - unlike existing analyses - can handle multiple isolation schemes in combination within one mapping and delivers safe yet tight timing bounds by identifying and excluding interference scenarios that can never happen under the given combination of isolation schemes. Based on the timing analysis, we (b) present a DSE which explores the choices of isolation scheme per resource within each mapping and uses the proposed timing analysis for timing verification. Experimental results demonstrate that, for a variety of real-time applications and many-core platforms, the proposed approach achieves an improvement of up to 67% in the quality of delivered mappings compared to approaches based on a fixed isolation scheme

    Obstacles of sexual satisfaction in couples: a qualitative study

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    Sexual functioning is an important part of the marital life. Sexual satisfaction has strong relationship with general marital satisfaction and most of marital problems and divorces cused with sexual dissatisfaction. The objective of this qualitative study was to examination obstacle of sexual satisfaction in couples. This research used qualitative study and content analysis method. 33 married people and psychologists of counseling center of Ardebil through purposely-selected sampling method were selected. Participants interviewed with depth semistructured interviews. Interwiews were taped and analysis of the transcripts was guided by qualitative content analysis. Four main categories of obstacles of sexual satisfaction were found. Lack of sexual education courses, Sexual dysfunction, mental and physical diseases, incorrect religious beliefs and cultural factors categories were emerged. Lack of sexual education courses was an important category in sexual dissatisfaction. Lack of enough information about sexual response process, mental disorder and physical problems, sexual disorder, cultural and religious factor caused sexual dissatisfaction. Sexual skills education with focus to remove of these barriers would increase their sexual satisfaction

    Methoden zur Abbildung, Analyse und Verwaltung von Echtzeitanwendungen in Mehrkernsystemen

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    Heterogeneous many-core platforms are becoming the de facto standard architectures for embedded systems, fulfilling their high demand for computational power consequent to the rapid increase in the number and the workload of the applications in such systems. Contrarily to historically being statically one-time programmed and the mix of running applications being fixed, modern embedded systems are often subject to a highly dynamic environment in which the mix of concurrently executed applications, the availability of resources, and the non-functional requirements of each application may change at run time on-demand. This necessitates adaptive application mapping and system management schemes to effectively cope with the system dynamism. In recent years, applications with hard real-time requirements are being increasingly observed in emerging embedded systems in various time-critical areas, e.g., automotive, telecommunications, and avionics. In this context, novel design methodologies are required to enable an adaptive mapping and management of hard real-time applications on many-core platforms with verified worst-case timing guarantees. Recently, so-called Hybrid Application Mapping (HAM) methodologies have been proposed that split the design process into an offline application mapping phase and an online system management phase and, thereby, can enable a dynamic mapping and management of hard real-time applications on many-core platforms. In HAM, for each application, a set of high-quality mapping alternatives with diverse resource requirements and verified timing guarantees are computed offline in a Design Space Exploration (DSE). These mappings are then used online by a Run-time Platform Manager (RPM) to launch the application on-demand by selecting a precomputed mapping that adheres to the current timing constraints of the application and the resource availability in the system. In line with this hybrid scheme, the work at hand proposes a collection of methodologies, analyses, and techniques that enable an automated mapping and adaptive management of hard real-time applications on heterogeneous many-core platforms with verified timing guarantees. Foremost, a formal timing analysis technique is proposed which can derive worst-case timing guarantees for hard real-time applications in (heterogeneous) many-core systems. In light of this analysis, a novel mapping optimization approach is proposed in which the amount of resources allocated per mapping is fine-tuned according to the timing requirements of the application to obtain high-quality mappings with satisfactory timing guarantees and enhanced resource efficiency. In many-core systems, hard real-time applications are particularly susceptible to built-in autonomous Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) mechanisms which are responsible for preserving the thermal safety of the system. At the sight of thermal violations (overheating), DTM mechanisms suspend or decelerate the execution of the applications that are running in the thermally affected regions which may lead to the violation of their real-time constraints. To eliminate such fatal interferences, this work proposes a thermally composable HAM methodology that preserves the thermal safety of the system proactively at all times and, thereby, eliminates the exposure of real-time applications to DTM without jeopardizing the thermal integrity of the system. The offline DSE in HAM typically delivers a large set of Pareto-optimal mappings which imposes a considerable management overhead on the RPM and may degrade its responsiveness. This can be particularly fatal for hard real-time applications due to their strict dependence on prompt reactions from the RPM, e.g., upon a change in their timing constraints. As a remedy, this work proposes an automatic mapping-set distillation methodology that distills a promising subset of the mappings for online use to alleviate the RPM’s overhead while retaining a diverse blend of quality- and resource-demand trade-offs to address various run-time scenarios. For a seamless satisfaction of the timing constraints of hard real-time applications in many-core systems, on-the-fly adaptation of their mappings becomes inevitable in view of drastic changes in their timing constraints or the failure of resources they use, e.g., due to faults or overheating. To that end, this work proposes two mapping adaptation methodologies for hard real-time applications in many-core systems. In the first approach, adaptations are realized in the form of a reconfiguration between precomputed mappings, while the second approach empowers fine-grained mapping adaptations in the form of the migration of any subset of the application’s tasks to any desired locations. Both methodologies are supplied with formal timing analysis techniques and lightweight admission checks to verify the real-time conformity of each adaptation option online according to the current timing constraints of the application.Eingebettete Systeme in verschiedenen Bereichen, z. B. Automobil, Telekommunikation und Industrieautomatisierung, beinhalten zunehmend Anwendungen mit harten Echtzeitanforderungen. Bei Anwendungen dieser Art ist die Einhaltung der applikationsspezifischen zeitlichen Beschränkungen von entscheidender Bedeutung, da eine Verletzung dieser zum Systemausfall oder im schlimmsten Fall sogar zur Gefährdung von Menschen führen kann. In den letzten Jahren ist eine rasche Zunahme der Anzahl und der Dynamik von Anwendungen in eingebetteten Systemen zu beobachten. Der daraus resultierende massive Bedarf an Rechenleistung wird voraussichtlich dazu führen, dass (heterogene) Vielkernarchitekturen in naher Zukunft zu der De-Facto-Standard-Zielplattform in diesem Bereich werden. In diesem Zusammenhang sind neuartige Entwurfsmethoden erforderlich, die eine adaptive Abbildung und Verwaltung von Anwendungen auf Vielkernplattformen ermöglichen, um eine hohe Auslastung der zugrundeliegenden Rechenressourcen zu erreichen und gleichzeitig die individuellen Anforderungen der Anwendungen zu erfüllen. Die Einhaltung dieser Anforderungen, die sowohl funktionale (z. B. Echtzeit) als auch nichtfunktionale Anforderungen beinhalten, muss über die gesamte Lebensdauer der Anwendung hinweg garantiert werden. Dies stellt besonders im Hinblick auf die sich stetig und unvorhersehbar ändernden Ausführungsbedingungen (z. B. Art und Anzahl der ausgeführten Anwendungen, die Menge der Arbeitslast oder die Verfügbarkeit der Systemressourcen) eine signifikante Herausforderung dar. Zu diesem Zweck schlägt diese Arbeit eine Reihe von Methoden, Analysen und Techniken vor, die sich mit den wichtigsten Entwurfsherausforderungen harter Echtzeitsysteme für heterogene Vielkernplattformen befassen. Zusammen ermöglichen die Beiträge dieser Arbeit eine automatisierte Abbildung und adaptive Verwaltung von Anwendungen mit harten Echtzeitanforderungen auf Vielkernplattformen mit verifizierten Laufzeitgarantien entsprechend ihrer Echtzeitanforderungen. Im Folgenden werden die wichtigsten Beiträge dieser Arbeit zusammengefasst. Angesichts des hohen Rechenaufwands von Zeitanalyseverfahren beruht die adaptive Abbildung und Verwaltung von harten Echtzeitanwendungen auf Vielkernplattformen notwendigerweise auf einem hybriden Anwendungsabbildungsschema (englisch: Hybrid Application Mapping (HAM)). Die HAM-Methodik besteht aus einer Phase zur Charakterisierung der Anwendungen zur Entwurfszeit. Dieser folgt ein dynamisches Laufzeitmanagemant während ihrer Ausführung, die dabei die zur Entwurfszeit gewonnen Charakteristika ausnutzt. Zur Entwurfszeit wird die Optimierung, Analyse und Bewertung der Abbildungsmöglichkeiten jeder Anwendung auf die Zielplattform in einer automatischen Entwurfsraumexploration (englisch: Design Space Exploration (DSE)) durchgeführt, um eine Menge Pareto-optimaler Abbildungsalternativen mit verifizierten Zeitgarantien und unterschiedlichen Ressourcenanforderungen zu berechnen. Zur Laufzeit werden die berechneten Abbildungsalternativen für jede Anwendung einem Laufzeit-Plattformmanager (englisch: Run-time Platform Manager (RPM)) zur Verfügung gestellt, um jede Anwendung bei Bedarf entsprechend einer vorberechneten Abbildung zu starten, die zu den Echtzeitanforderungen der Anwendung und der Verfügbarkeit von Ressourcen passt. Da die rechenintensive Optimierung und Auswertung der relavanten Charakteristiken der betrachteten Abbildungen bereits zur Entwurfzeit stattgefunden hat, ermöglicht HAM ein skalierbares Laufzeitmanagement adaptiver Echtzeitanwendungen mit geringem Rechenaufwand. Im Folgenden sind die Beiträge dieser Arbeit zusammengefasst. Als ersten Beitrag schlägt diese Arbeit eine formale Zeitanalyse vor, die verschiedene Arten von zeitlichen Garantien für Echtzeitanwendungen in Mehrkernsystemen ableiten kann. Basierend auf dieser Analyse wird ein neuartiger Ansatz zur Optimierung der Abbildungen auf Vielkernplattformen vorgeschlagen, bei dem die Menge der pro Abbildung zugewiesenen Ressourcen entsprechend den Anforderungen der Anwendung bezüglich Zeit und Rechenleistung fein abgestimmt wird, um qualitativ hochwertige Abbildungen mit zufriedenstellenden Laufzeitgarantien und verbesserter Ressourceneffizienz zu erhalten. In Mehrkernsystemen sind Anwendungen mit harten Echtzeitanforderungen besonders anfällig für die autonomen eingebauten Mechanismen des dynamischen Temperaturmanagements (englisch: Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM)), die für die Einhaltung der thermischen Sicherheit des Systems verantwortlich sind. Beim Auftreten von Überhitzung unterbrechen oder verlangsamen die DTM-Mechanismen die Ausführung der Anwendungen, die in den thermisch betroffenen Regionen laufen, was zur Verletzung ihrer Echtzeitanforderungen führen kann. Um solche fatalen Interferenzen zu eliminieren, schlägt diese Arbeit eine neuartige HAM-Methodik vor, die die thermische Sicherheit des Systems jederzeit proaktiv bewahrt und dadurch verhindert, dass Echtzeitanwendungen den DTM-Mechanismen ausgesetzt werden, ohne die thermische Integrität des Systems zu gefährden. Die DSE in HAM-Methodiken liefert in der Regel eine riesige Menge an Paretooptimalen Abbildungsalternativen, die dem RPM einen erheblichen Managementaufwand aufbürden und seine Reaktionsfähigkeit verschlechtern. Dies kann insbesondere für Echtzeitanwendungen fatal sein, da sie—beispielsweise bei Ausfall einer der von ihnen genutzten Ressourcen—auf eine schnelle Reaktion des RPM angewiesen sind. Als Abhilfemaßnahme schlägt dies Arbeit eine automatische Destillationsmethode vor. Ihre Aufgabe ist es, eine Teilmenge der Pareto-optimalen Abbildungsalternativen zu bestimmen, die dann dem Laufzeitmanagement zur Verfügung stehen. Das Ziel dabei ist, den Overhead des RPM zu verringern, während gleichzeitig die beibehaltenen Abbildungsalternativen im Hinblick auf Qualität und Ressourcenbedarf sehr divers sind, um verschiedenen Laufzeitszenarien und -anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Um zu garantieren, dass Echtzeitanforderungen auch bei unerwarteten Laufzeitereignissen, z. B. beim Ausfall von Ressourcen, erfüllt werden können, ist es notwendig, die Abbildungen von Echtzeitanwendungen zur Laufzeit dynamisch anpassen zu können. Zu diesem Zweck schlägt diese Arbeit zwei Methoden zur dynamischen Anpassung der Abbildung von Anwendungen mit harten Echtzeitanfoderungen in Vielkernsystemen vor. Im ersten Ansatz werden Anpassungen in Form einer Rekonfiguration zwischen vorberechneten Abbildungen realisiert, während der zweite Ansatz feingranulare Anpassungen der Abbildungen in Form der Migration einer beliebigen Teilmenge der Tasks der Anwendung zwischen beliebigen Kernen im System ermöglicht. Beide Methoden bieten formale Zeitanalysen und leichtgewichtige Zulassungsprüfungen, um die Echtzeit-Konformität jeder Anpassungsoption entsprechend den Zeitbeschränkungen der Anwendung zur Laufzeit zu überprüfen

    Energy efficient run-time mapping and thread partitioning of concurrent OpenCL applications on CPU-GPU MPSoCs

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    Heterogeneous Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chips (MPSoCs) containing CPU and GPU cores are typically required to execute applications concurrently. However, as will be shown in this paper, existing approaches are not well suited for concurrent applications as they are developed either by considering only a single application or they do not exploit both CPU and GPU cores at the same time. In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient run-time mapping and thread partitioning approach for executing concurrent OpenCL applications on both GPU and GPU cores while satisfying performance requirements. Depending upon the performance requirements, for each concurrently executing application, the mapping process finds the appropriate number of CPU cores and operating frequencies of CPU and GPU cores, and the partitioning process identifies an efficient partitioning of the applications’ threads between CPU and GPU cores. We validate the proposed approach experimentally on the Odroid-XU3 hardware platform with various mixes of applications from the Polybench benchmark suite. Additionally, a case-study is performed with a real-world application SLAMBench. Results show an average energy saving of 32% compared to existing approaches while still satisfying the performance requirements

    Investigation the Role of Personality Characteristics and Loneliness in Predicting Nomophobia in Students

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of personality characteristics and loneliness in prediction of nomophobia among university students. The method of this research was applied, descriptive and cross-sectional analysis. The statistical population of this study included all of students of Payam-e-Noor University in Zanjan City, in 1396-97 academic year. The sample was comprised of 373 participants selected using the random sampling method (117 male participants and 256 female participants. To achieve the research objectives, the Five Neo Factors (NEO-FFI) questionnaire, the Loneliness Questionnaire (SELSA), and Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMPQ) were used. The collected data were analyzed using regression analyses. The results showed that there was a positive and significant correlation between extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, loneliness, and nomophobia (p<%1); however, the relationship between openness and nomophobia was not significant. Also, the results indicated that 15 percent of total variance of nomophobia in the use of mobile phones was predicted by loneliness and personality characteristics, meaning that loneliness and personality traits seemed to increase nomophobia symptoms in students

    Preparation of corrosion inhibitor from natural plant for mild stil immersed in an acidic environmental: experimental and theoretical study

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    Abstract In the present study, the inhibition performance of some medicinal plants (i.e. Yarrow, Wormwood, Maurorum, Marjoram, and Ribes rubrum) was theoretically and experimentally investigated for mild steel immersed in 1M HCl. In this way, the obtained extracts characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and the electrochemical and theoretical techniques were used to study the inhibition mechanisms of the extracts for the immersed electrode in the acidic solution. In addition, the microstructure of the electrode surface immersed in the blank and inhibitor-containing solutions characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), and Violet-visible (UV–Vis) spectroscopy was used to confirm the adsorption of the compounds on the electrode surface. The obtained electrochemical results revealed that the inhibition performance of the green inhibitors increased by increasing their dosage in the electrolyte. In addition, it was proved that Marjoram plant extract possessed the most inhibition efficiency (up to 92%) among the under-studied herbal extracts. Marjoram extract behaved as a mixed-type inhibitor in the hydrochloric acid solution, and the adsorption process of the extract on the steel surface followed the Langmuir adsorption model. Adsorption of the compounds on the steel surface was also studied using density functional theory (DFT), and it was found that the protonated organic compounds in the extract have a high affinity for adsorption on the electrode surface in the acidic solution

    Comparison of Sexual Self-Efficacy, Self-Differentiation and Communication Patterns in Iranian Women with Early and Typical Marriage: Sexual self-Efficacy, Self-Differentiation & Communication Patterns in Iranian women with Early marriage & Normal marriage.

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    Background and Aim:Marriage is one of important social phenomena that has a very sensitive role on all aspects of human life and having physical, psychological and social preparation is necessary for it. The age which individual gets married is one of the important factors that can affect the quality of marriage and its psychological function. This study aimed to compare sexual self-efficacy, self-differentiation and communication patterns in early marriage and normal marriage. Materials and Methods:The method of the present study was causal-comparative. The statistical population included all women referred to Ardabil Health Center who were married under the age of 18 and over the age of 18 or older and both groups of women lived in Ardabil in 2019. The sample of the present study consisted of 40 individuals who were selected by convenience sampling method. Also, 40 women with normal marriage conditions who were matched with their spouse's child group in terms of age, level of education were selected by available meansCouples Communication Patterns Questionnaire,Self-Differentiation Questionnaire and completed Sexual Self-Efficacy. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance. Results:The results showed that sexual self-efficacy, self-differentiation, constructive communication pattern and avoidance-reciprocal communication pattern were significantly different between the two groups (p&lt;0.05) and observed a difference in the expectation/withdrawal communication subscaleno difference was observed. Conclusion:In explaining communication problems and use of incompatible communication methods in early marriage, it can be said that EM, increases likely hood of communication violence  Another explanation observed in early marriage is the lack of  right to choose the right one to marry and preparation for having sex which reduces couple`s marital intimacy, intensifies marital conflicts, and increases the possibility of violence in couples' relationships and ineffective communication patterns. Another finding in this survey indicated that self-differentiation in EM is less than later marriage women. In explaining this finding, it can be said that child marriage often happens during adolescence. It is the stage of transition to adulthood, gaining new experiences and facing new challenges