834 research outputs found

    A dissociation between real and simulated movements in Parkinson's disease

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    Subcortical lesions have been simultaneously implicated in both real and simulated movement deficits. However, the analysis of the simulated opposition axis in precision grasping reveals that, in individuals with idiopathic bilateral Parkinson's disease motor imagery is impaired and that execution of overt movements is spared. This constitutes the first lesion observation congruent with the anatomical and functional dichotomy between real and simulated movements seen in experimental studies. These results underline the modality-specific nature of motor imagery and show that subcortical damage differentially impacts on motor activity

    Distribution and dynamics of Tc-99m-pertechnetate uptake in the thyroid and other organs assessed by single-photon emission computed tomography in living mice

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    Background: Tc-99m pertechnetate is a well-known anion, used for clinical imaging of thyroid function. This gamma emitter is transported by the sodium iodide symporter but is not incorporated into thyroglobulin. Scintigraphy using Tc-99m pertechnetate or 123 iodide represents a powerful tool for the study of sodium iodide symporter activity in different organs of living animal models. However, in many studies that have been performed in mice, the thyroid could not be distinguished from the salivary glands. In this work, we have evaluated the use of a clinically dedicated single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) camera for thyroid imaging and assessed what improvements are necessary for the development of this technique. Methods: SPECT of the mouse neck region, with pinhole collimation and geometric calibration, was used for the individual measurement of Tc-99m pertechnetate uptake in the thyroid and the salivary glands. Uptake in the stomach was studied by planar whole-body imaging. Uptake kinetics and biodistribution studies were performed by sequential imaging. Results: This work has shown that thyroid imaging in living mice can be performed with a SPECT camera originally built for clinical use. Our experiments indicate that Tc-99m pertechnetate uptake is faster in the thyroid than in the salivary glands and the stomach. The decrease in Tc-99m pertechnetate uptake after injection of iodide or perchlorate as competitive inhibitors was also studied. The resulting rate decreases were faster in the thyroid than in the salivary glands or the stomach. Conclusions: We have shown that a clinically dedicated SPECT camera can be used for thyroid imaging. In our experiments, SPECT imaging allowed the analysis of Tc-99m pertechnetate accumulation in individual organs and revealed differences in uptake kinetics

    Simulated precision grasping in Parkinson’s Disease.

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    Subcortical lesions have been simultaneously implicated in both real and simulated movement deficits, suggesting that as with frontal le- sions, self action representation and programmation are the same process. We have analyzed the simulated precision grasping in subjects with idiopathic bilateral PD compared to a healthy control group. Re- sults showed that individuals with PD are impaired in the mental rep- resentation of a grasp orientation but are still capable of normally ex- ecuting this movement. These observations reveal that programmation and execution of movements is spared and that motor representation is selectively impaired. Thus, programmation of real acts and representa- tion of motor action are distinct processes

    Impact of the thermal treatment of pig slurry on vegetative and spore forming bacteria

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    Microbiological risk from pig slurry is considered a major public health problem, as pathogenic microorganisms can be spread from land application of manure. Furthermore, with growing demand of water quality for domestic and industrial use, it is becoming necessary to find reliable methods for sanitisation that are economically acceptable. In this context, the aim of this study was to establish the effectiveness of thermal sanitation of pig slurry. The continuous pilot plant 115 litres/hour) used in this study, comprised two tubular heat exchangers followed by hot liquid retention set at 10 minutes

    Três mortos pela França

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    This article focuses on three soldiers killed in action during World War I, on the basis of several documents. It questions the memories of the war, presents the families’ attempts at recovering the soldiers’ bodies as well as the different versions of their actions and deaths. It discusses particularly the feelings of family members who, distant from the battlefront, sought information about what had happened to their sons.Key words: war, memory, death.O artigo focaliza três soldados, mortos durante as batalhas da Primeira Guerra Mundial, através de variados documentos. Questiona a memória da guerra, aponta a atuação das famílias na tentativa de recuperação dos corpos e das diferentes versões de suas mortes e de seus atos. Discute principalmente os sentimentos dos familiares que, longe do front, buscavam saber o que aconteceu com seus filhos.Palavras-chave: guerra, memória, morte

    Pasta Bergery: uma trajetória política na história recente da frança

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    Gaston Bergery wasborn in 1892 and died in 1974. He was a lawyer and a French politician. From editor of the political magazineLa Flèche, he became the ambassador in Turkey during the Vichy government. We aim to,through the analysis of letters, articles and other personal and public documents, trace the trajectory of this individual, who was politically active during the first half of the twentieth century. To this, we have made anextensive research through several files, including that of the Castle of Vincennes (the Army file), the Quais d'Orsay (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs files), the National Archives, the Hoover Foundation, Yale University, as well as some oral interviews.Gaston Bergery, né en 1892 et mort en 1974, était un avocat et un homme politique français. D'éditeur de la revue politique La Flèche il est devenu ambassadeur enTurquie durant le gouvernement de Vichy. Nous essayons, à travers l'analyse de lettres, articles et d'autres documents personnels et publics, de tracer la trajectoire de cet individu politiquement actif au cours de la première moitié du XXe siècle . Pour cela nous avons fait des recherches approfondies dans plusieurs archives, y comprises celles du Château de Vincennes (archives de l'Armée), du Quais d'Orsay (archives du ministère des Affaires étrangères), des Archives nationales, de la Fondation Hoover, de l'Université d'Yale, ainsi que des entretiens oraux.Gaston Bergery, nascido em 1892 e falecido em 1974, foi advogado e político francês. De editor de política da revistaLa Flèche a embaixador na Turquia durante o governo de Vichy. Busca-se, através da análise de cartas, artigos e outros documentos pessoais e públicos, traçar a trajetória deste indivíduo politicamente atuante durante a primeira metade do século XX. Para isto foi feita uma extensa pesquisa por diversos arquivos entre os quais o do Castelo de Vincennes(arquivo do exército), do Cais de Orsay(arquivos do Ministério dos Assuntos Estrangeiros), os Arquivos Nacionais, da fundação Hoover, da Universidade de Yale, bem como algumas entrevistas orais

    Amélioration des résultats de la thérapie cellulaire hépatique : Développement d’une nouvelle méthode de préparation du foie receveur et développement d’une source cellulaire alternative aux hépatocytes

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    Hepatocyte transplantation has been proposed as an alternative to orthotopic liver transplantation to treat metabolic liver diseases. This approach requires preconditioning of the host liver to enhance engraftment of transplanted hepatocytes. Different methods are currently used in preclinical models: partial hepatectomy, portal ligature or embolization, and radiotherapy or chemotherapeutic drugs. However, these methods carry high risks of complications and are problematic for use in clinical practice. Here, we developed an innovative method called volumetric (distal, partial and random) portal embolization (EPV), which preserves total liver volume.METHODS: Embolization was performed in the portal trunk of C57BL6 adult mice with polyester microspheres, to ensure a bilateral and distal distribution. The repartition of microspheres was studied by angiographic and histological analysis. Liver regeneration was evaluated by Ki67 labeling. Optimal conditions for EPV were determined and the resulting regeneration was compared with that following partial hepatectomy (70%). Labeled adult hepatocytes were then transplanted and engraftment was compared between embolized (n=19) and non embolized mice (n=8). Engraftment was assessed in vivo and histologically by tracking labeled cells at day 5. RESULTS: The best volumetric embolization conditions, which resulted in the regeneration of 5% of total liver, were 8x106 10µm microspheres infused with a 29 G needle directly into the portal trunk at 3.3ml/s. In these conditions, transplanted hepatocytes engraftment was significantly higher than in control conditions (3 vs 0.65%). CONCLUSIONS: EPV is a new, minimally invasive and efficient technique to prepare the host liver for cell transplantation.La transplantation d’hépatocytes dans le foie est un procédé séduisant pour corriger la fonction hépatique et permettre peut-être d’éviter la transplantation d’organe. Actuellement, la greffe de cellules hépatiques a été envisagée pour corriger le déficit métabolique des patients ayant une maladie hépatique métabolique héréditaire, dont le foie est par ailleurs normal. Les résultats des essais cliniques d’allotransplantation ou d’autotransplantation d'hépatocytes génétiquement modifiés montrent une prise de greffe insuffisante et, dans la plupart des études, un effet thérapeutique transitoire. Ces résultats ont incité à développer des modèles animaux précliniques pour tester des procédés facilitant la prise de greffe. L’intégration des hépatocytes dans les travées hépatocytaires et leur prolifération permet de préparer le foie à greffer par stimulation de la régénération hépatique. Ces deux procédés sont aujourd'hui utilisés en routine dans ces modéles expérimentaux: l’hépatectomie partielle ou l’embolisation portale. Néanmoins, ces deux techniques de stimulation de la régénération hépatique sont difficilement applicables à la pratique clinique car la résection chirurgicale du foie comporte des risques majeurs et l’embolisation portale "classique", c’est-à-dire l’obstruction des grosses veines sectorielles du foie, est responsable d'une embolisation anatomique avec une atrophie ou une destruction partielle de la partie du foie embolisé. Par ces procédés, certes la régénération est stimulée à hauteur de 20% mais seulement sur une partie du volume hépatique (environ 50%) avec diminution du volume accessible à la greffe sans compter les risques liés à l'atrophie ou à la resection chirurgicale du reste du foie.Nous avons donc proposé une nouvelle approche de stimulation de la régénération hépatique chez la souris. Nous avons utilisé une embolisation portale volumétrique à l’aide de microbilles allant très loin dans tout le foie. Il s’agit donc de l’embolisation d'un pourcentage du volume global hépatique sans altération anatomique (lobe) du foie. Ainsi, les traumatismes nécessaires à la préparation du foie pour augmenter la prolifération seront mieux répartis dans la totalité du foie et devraient avoir moins de conséquences sur la fonction hépatique, contrairement à l’embolisation partielle dite anatomique. Un autre effet serait la préservation de l’accessibilité à tout le volume du foie des cellules à greffer et non plus à la partie non embolisée du foie ce qui devrait d’augmenter le nombre de cellules injectées donc transplantées par une même préparation.Nous devons encore évaluer les repercutions hépatiques à long terme (>J21) des conditions d'embolisation volumétrique à plus fort taux de régénération mais qui implique des lésions de nécrose hépatique. Avant de passer sur des modéles cliniques, une évaluation de l’embolisation volumétrique sur un animal plus gros (rat ou maquaque) avec déficit métabolique est nécéssaire. Par ailleurs, cette nouvelle préparation du foie doit être optimisée pour une application clinique à moyen terme avec des injections séquentielles de microsphères et l’utilisation de microsphères résorbables, ce qui permettrait d’obstruer plus de sinusoïdes sans accumulation du matériel dans les branches portales, et ainsi augmenter le signal de régénération.Si ces résultats se confirment, notamment chez l’animal, ce nouveau procédé permettrait d’améliorer la prise de greffe de façon significative dans l’ensemble du parenchyme hépatique et de pouvoir transplanter un plus grand nombre de cellules. L’intérêt de cette technique peu invasive la rend d’autant plus applicable chez l’homme car l’architecture du foie est préservée. De réels progrès dans la thérapie cellulaire hépatique devront permettre dans le futur de mieux traiter les patients atteints de maladies métaboliques héréditaires

    Pasta Bergery: uma trajetória política na história recente da frança

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    Gaston Bergery wasborn in 1892 and died in 1974. He was a lawyer and a French politician. From editor of the political magazineLa Flèche, he became the ambassador in Turkey during the Vichy government. We aim to,through the analysis of letters, articles and other personal and public documents, trace the trajectory of this individual, who was politically active during the first half of the twentieth century. To this, we have made anextensive research through several files, including that of the Castle of Vincennes (the Army file), the Quais d'Orsay (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs files), the National Archives, the Hoover Foundation, Yale University, as well as some oral interviews.Gaston Bergery, né en 1892 et mort en 1974, était un avocat et un homme politique français. D'éditeur de la revue politique La Flèche il est devenu ambassadeur enTurquie durant le gouvernement de Vichy. Nous essayons, à travers l'analyse de lettres, articles et d'autres documents personnels et publics, de tracer la trajectoire de cet individu politiquement actif au cours de la première moitié du XXe siècle . Pour cela nous avons fait des recherches approfondies dans plusieurs archives, y comprises celles du Château de Vincennes (archives de l'Armée), du Quais d'Orsay (archives du ministère des Affaires étrangères), des Archives nationales, de la Fondation Hoover, de l'Université d'Yale, ainsi que des entretiens oraux.Gaston Bergery, nascido em 1892 e falecido em 1974, foi advogado e político francês. De editor de política da revistaLa Flèche a embaixador na Turquia durante o governo de Vichy. Busca-se, através da análise de cartas, artigos e outros documentos pessoais e públicos, traçar a trajetória deste indivíduo politicamente atuante durante a primeira metade do século XX. Para isto foi feita uma extensa pesquisa por diversos arquivos entre os quais o do Castelo de Vincennes(arquivo do exército), do Cais de Orsay(arquivos do Ministério dos Assuntos Estrangeiros), os Arquivos Nacionais, da fundação Hoover, da Universidade de Yale, bem como algumas entrevistas orais

    Três mortos pela França

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    Biological cells classification using bio-inspired descriptor in a boosting k-NN framework

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    International audienceHigh-content imaging is an emerging technology for the analysis and quantification of biological phenomena. Thus, classifying a huge number of cells or quantifying markers from large sets of images by experts is a very time-consuming and poorly reproducible task. In order to overcome such limitations, we propose a supervised method for automatic cell classification. Our approach consists of two steps: the first one is an indexing stage based on specific bio-inspired features relying on the distribution of contrast information on segmented cells. The second one is a supervised learning stage that selects the prototypical samples best representing the cell categories. These prototypes are used in a leveraged k-NN framework to predict the class of unlabeled cells. In this paper we have tested our new learning algorithm on cellular images acquired for the analysis of pathologies. In order to evaluate the automatic classification performances, we tested our algorithm on the HEp2 Cells dataset of (Foggia et al, CBMS 2010). Results are very promising, showing classification precision larger than 96% on average, thus suggesting our method as a valuable decision-support tool in such cellular imaging applications
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