53 research outputs found

    Teacher discourse constructing different social positions of pupils in Finnish separative and integrative religious education

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    This article examines social practices within classroom discourse in two different Finnish religious educational contexts. The article critically observes the construction of certain positions and identities as part of the school discourse and the inclusive vs exclusive practices of language. The research material consists of classroom observations and staff interviews from two separate studies. The first study investigates two cases in separative religious education (RE), Islamic and Lutheran. The second study deals with integrative practices of RE. In this study, discourse analysis as a methodological tool is used to examine discursive practices in RE lessons. The study will explore the following question: What kinds of subjectivities are constructed through teachers' discursive practices in separative and integrative RE? The study will demonstrate that teachers use scientific language to underline the objective nature of RE and use the language of belonging to engage their pupils on a personal level. The former ends up silencing the religious stance, while the latter often excludes those who do not share those specific experiences. The findings reveal some challenges in developing inclusive teaching.Peer reviewe

    Finnish Teachers’ Approaches to Personal Worldview Expressions : A Question of Professional Autonomy and Ethics

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    This research investigates Finnish teachers' personal worldviews, by focusing on understanding what kinds of approaches teachers use concerning the visibility of their personal worldviews in an educational context. This issue is discussed in the light of teachers' professional autonomy and ethics, since these are two fundamental dimensions of teacher professionalism that are discussed a lot. The research was conducted using a qualitative attitude approach, and included interviews (N = 20) from Finnish in-service basic education class teachers. The results show that teachers use three different approaches where their personal worldview and its visibility in their work are concerned. When reflecting on worldview questions, there was uncertainty about balancing between practicing teacher autonomy and following teachers' official responsibilities. Teachers' personal worldview expressions were limited to the institutional worldview, which means in practice adopting norms and language of the worldview majority, and professional ethics was highlighted even more than autonomy when reflecting on the visibility of worldviews.Peer reviewe

    Jumalan valtakunnan kansalaisista vastuullisten maailmankansalaisten kasvattamiseen. Yleissivistävän koulun uskonnonopetuksen yhteiskunnallinen tehtävä 1900-luvun alusta 2000-luvun alkuun

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    The aim of this article is to examine the role of religious education in citizenship building in Finnish school history from the beginning of the 20th century until today. Through the analysis of pedagogical and curricula texts on Lutheran religious education this study claims that religious education has had a key role in educating citizens. The close connection between the religious, moral and civic purposes of education has not completely disappeared over the course of 100 years, but has changed profoundly. The image of an obedient Lutheran Finn has changed to a more individual project: morals, conviction and citizenship are now the realms of subjectivity. Today citizenship is interpreted strongly in global terms; thus, religious education emphasizes the individual responsibility of people close and far.Suomessa uskonnonopetus ei ole saanut yhteiskunnallisen oppiaineen statusta, vaikka historiallisesti kristinuskon rooli koulun kasvatustehtävän legitimoijana ja yhtenäisen kansakunnan rakentajana on ollut merkittävä. Artikkelin tavoitteena on evankelis-luterilaisen uskonnonopetuksen historian ja aikalaisanalyysin avulla tarkastella oppiaineen yhteiskunnallista merkitystä ja muutosta. Tulkintani mukaan uskonnonopetuksella on ollut selkeä poliittinen tehtävä, vaikka sen perustelemisen tavat ovat muuttuneet vuosikymmenten kuluessa

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