27 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to use two asymmetry indexes from a kinematical point of view in professional cyclists during an incremental test to exhaustion. Twelve professional cyclists were evaluated during the French Cycling Federation’s protocol. Based on motion capture, asymmetry analysis was addressed by means of cross-correlation technique and a normalized symmetry index (NSI). Results pointed out that NSI could vary up to 18% throughout the pedaling cycle, with different behavior between upward and downward pedaling phases. Both methods exhibited low values of asymmetry especially for flexion/extension, but higher asymmetry values for other DOF. This study shows the complementarity of both NSI and cross-correlation methods. It enables to continuously evaluate changes during the crank cycle associated to skeletal movement

    Evaluation of joint and muscular asymmetry during cycling exhaustive exercices : contributions of the experimental approach and musculoskeletal modeling

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    Le cycliste de haut niveau a comme objectif principal : gagner et optimiser sa performance. Une question souvent soulevée par le sportif et son encadrement est le lien entre l’asymétrie, la performance et la santé. Dans ce contexte nous analysons dans un premier temps l’adaptation cinématique et musculaire de la jambe dominante chez le cycliste professionnel au cours du test incrémental jusqu’à épuisement proposé par la FFC. Les résultats ont montrés que l’incrément depuissance modifie la coordination musculaire avant d’impacter la cinématique articulaire. Ensuite nous proposons une nouvelle méthodologie afin d’étudier l’évolution cinématique de l’asymétrie spatio-temporelle au cours de ce test. Les résultats ont permis de démontrer que le niveau d’asymétrie est plus important hors du plan sagittal, ce qui peut entraîner un risque de blessures, principalement au genou. Enfin, nous examinons l’influence de la fatigue sur le niveau d’asymétriearticulaire et musculaire par l’intermédiaire d’une modélisation numérique musculo-squelettique sur une population de cyclistes de haut niveau. Les résultats ont permis de démontrer que l’asymétrie musculaire est différente entre l’analyse électromyographique et musculosquelettique. De plus, le côté dominant présente un niveau plus élevé concernant les forces musculaires et de réactions intersegmentaires. D’un point de vue générale, les méthodologies employées dans cemanuscrit comportent une application directe pour le cyclisme. Cependant, elles peuvent être réutilisées dans d’autres activités, sportive ou non, d’un point de vue performance et prévention des blessures.The high-level cyclist main goal is to win and optimize his performance. A question often raised by the athlete and his coaching is the link between asymmetry, performance and health. In this context, we analyze the kinematic and muscular adaptation of the dominant leg of professional cyclist during the incremental test to exhaustion of the FFC. The results showed that the increase of power output modifies the muscular coordination before impacting joint kinematics. Then, wepropose a new methodology to study the kinematic evolution of the spatio-temporel asymmetry during this test. The results showed that asymmetry level is greater outside the sagittal plane, which can creat a risk of injuries mainly for the knee. Finally, we examine the influence of fatigue on the level of muscular asymmetry though musculosketal modeling on a population of high level cyclists. Results showed that muscle asymmetry is different between electromyographic and musculoskeletal analysis. Moreover, the dominant side has a higher level of muscle strength and intersegmental reactions. From a general point of view, the methodologies used in this manuscipt have a direct application for cycling. However, they can be reused in other activities, from a performance and injury prevention viewpoint

    Evaluation de l’asymétrie articulaire et musculaire au cours d’exercices exhaustif en cyclisme : apports de l’approche expérimentale et de la modélisation musculosquelettique

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    The high-level cyclist main goal is to win and optimize his performance. A question often raised by the athlete and his coaching is the link between asymmetry, performance and health. In this context, we analyze the kinematic and muscular adaptation of the dominant leg of professional cyclist during the incremental test to exhaustion of the FFC. The results showed that the increase of power output modifies the muscular coordination before impacting joint kinematics. Then, wepropose a new methodology to study the kinematic evolution of the spatio-temporel asymmetry during this test. The results showed that asymmetry level is greater outside the sagittal plane, which can creat a risk of injuries mainly for the knee. Finally, we examine the influence of fatigue on the level of muscular asymmetry though musculosketal modeling on a population of high level cyclists. Results showed that muscle asymmetry is different between electromyographic and musculoskeletal analysis. Moreover, the dominant side has a higher level of muscle strength and intersegmental reactions. From a general point of view, the methodologies used in this manuscipt have a direct application for cycling. However, they can be reused in other activities, from a performance and injury prevention viewpoint.Le cycliste de haut niveau a comme objectif principal : gagner et optimiser sa performance. Une question souvent soulevée par le sportif et son encadrement est le lien entre l’asymétrie, la performance et la santé. Dans ce contexte nous analysons dans un premier temps l’adaptation cinématique et musculaire de la jambe dominante chez le cycliste professionnel au cours du test incrémental jusqu’à épuisement proposé par la FFC. Les résultats ont montrés que l’incrément depuissance modifie la coordination musculaire avant d’impacter la cinématique articulaire. Ensuite nous proposons une nouvelle méthodologie afin d’étudier l’évolution cinématique de l’asymétrie spatio-temporelle au cours de ce test. Les résultats ont permis de démontrer que le niveau d’asymétrie est plus important hors du plan sagittal, ce qui peut entraîner un risque de blessures, principalement au genou. Enfin, nous examinons l’influence de la fatigue sur le niveau d’asymétriearticulaire et musculaire par l’intermédiaire d’une modélisation numérique musculo-squelettique sur une population de cyclistes de haut niveau. Les résultats ont permis de démontrer que l’asymétrie musculaire est différente entre l’analyse électromyographique et musculosquelettique. De plus, le côté dominant présente un niveau plus élevé concernant les forces musculaires et de réactions intersegmentaires. D’un point de vue générale, les méthodologies employées dans cemanuscrit comportent une application directe pour le cyclisme. Cependant, elles peuvent être réutilisées dans d’autres activités, sportive ou non, d’un point de vue performance et prévention des blessures

    Impact of Power Output on Muscle Activation and 3D Kinematics During an Incremental Test to Exhaustion in Professional Cyclists

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    International audienceThis study aimed to quantify the influence of an increase in power output (PO) on joint kinematics and electromyographic (EMG) activity during an incremental test to exhaustion for a population of professional cyclists. The hip flexion/extension and internal/external rotation as well as knee abduction/adduction ranges of motion were significantly decreased at 100% of the maximal aerobic power (MAP). EMG analysis revealed a significant increase in the root mean square (RMS) for all muscles from 70% of the MAP. Gastrocnemius muscles [lateralis gastrocnemius (GasL) and medialis gastrocnemius (GasM)] were the less affected by the increase of PO. Cross-correlation method showed a significant increase in the lag angle values for VM in the last stage compared to the first stage, meaning that the onset of the activation started earlier during the pedaling cycle. Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) demonstrated that from 70% MAP, biceps femoris (BF), tibialis anterior (TA), gluteus maximus (GM), and rectus femoris (RF) yielded larger ranges of the crank cycle on which the level of recruitment was significantly increased. This study revealed specific muscular and kinematic coordination for professional cyclists in response to PO increase

    Enhanced recovery after surgery program in older patients undergoing gynaecologic oncological surgery is feasible and safe

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    Background. Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Programs (ERP) include multimodal approaches of perioperative patient's clinical pathways designed to achieve early recovery after surgery and a decreased length of hospital stay (LOS). By allowing patients to return rapidly to their everyday surroundings, older patients are those who could take the greatest benefit from ERP. This is the first study to date to assess feasibility and safety of ERP on older patients undergoing gynaecologic oncological surgery. Methods. Data were prospectively collected between December 2015 and September 2017 at the Institut Paoli-Calmettes, a French comprehensive cancer centre. All the patients included in the study were referred for hysterectomy and/or pelvic or para-aortic lymphadenectomy for gynaecological cancer. The primary objective was to achieve similar LOS in patients >= 70 years old compared to younger patients without increasing the propor- tion of complications and readmission rates. A binary (LOS = 2 days) logistic regression was built, including age, Charlson score, BMI, ASA score, oncological indication, surgical procedures and surgical approaches. G8 score was estimated for all the >= 70years old patients. Results. Of a total of 329 patients, 75 were >= 70 years old and 254 were = 70 years old population, G8 score was not predictive of LOS, morbidities or readmissions. Conclusion. Although it is already widely accepted that ERP improves early recovery, our study shows that ERP for patients over 70 years of age undergoing gynaecologic oncological surgery is as safe and feasible as on younger patients. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved