753 research outputs found

    Pouliot Type Duality via a-Maximization

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    We study four-dimensional N=1 Spin(10) gauge theory with a single spinor and vectors at the superconformal fixed point via the electric-magnetic duality and a-maximization. When gauge invariant chiral primary operators hit the unitarity bounds, we find that the theory with no superpotential is identical to the one with some superpotential at the infrared fixed point. The auxiliary field method in the electric theory offers a satisfying description of the infrared fixed point, which is consistent with the better picture in the magnetic theory. In particular, it gives a clear description of the emergence of new massless degrees of freedom in the electric theory.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, harvmac, v2: minor corrections, v3: a note adde

    More on Chiral-Nonchiral Dual Pairs

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    Expanding upon earlier work of Pouliot and Strassler, we construct chiral magnetic duals to nonchiral supersymmetric electric theories based upon SO(7), SO(8) and SO(9) gauge groups with various numbers of vector and spinor matter superfields. Anomalies are matched and gauge invariant operators are mapped within each dual pair. Renormalization group flows along flat directions are also examined. We find that confining phase quantum constraints in the electric theories are recovered from semiclassical equations of motion in their magnetic counterparts when the dual gauge groups are completely Higgsed.Comment: 25 pages, harvmac and tables macros, 1 figur

    Supersymmetric N=1 Spin(10) Gauge Theory with Two Spinors via a-Maximization

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    We give a detailed analysis of the superconformal fixed points of four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric Spin(10) gauge theory with two spinors and vectors by using a-maximization procedure.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, harvma

    A Solution to the ÎĽ\mu Problem in Gauge-mediated Supersymmetry-breaking Models

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    We point out that a sector required to set the cosmological constant to zero in gauge-mediated supersymmetry-breaking models naturally produces a supersymmetry-invariant mass (ÎĽ\mu term) for Higgs doublets of the order of the electroweak scale. Since this new sector preserves the supersymmetry, it does not generate supersymmetry-breaking masses for the Higgs doublets and thus the ÎĽ\mu problem is solved.Comment: Latex fil

    Duality between simple-group gauge theories and some applications

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    In this paper we investigate N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories with a product gauge group. By using smoothly confining dynamics, we can find new dualities which include higher-rank tensor fields, and in which the dual gauge group is simple, not a product. Some of them are dualities between chiral and non-chiral gauge theories. We also discuss some applications to dynamical supersymmetry breaking phenomena and new confining theories with a tree-level superpotential.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX, references added, version to appear in PR

    On the Z_2 Monopole of Spin(10) Gauge Theories

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    An "expanded" description is introduced to examine the spinor-monopole identification proposed by Strassler for four-dimensional N\cal N = 1 supersymmetric Spin(10) gauge theories with matter in F vector and N spinor representations. It is shown that a Z_2 monopole in the "expanded" theory is associated with massive spinors of the Spin(10) theory. For N=2, two spinor case, we confirm this identification by matching the transformation properties of the two theories under SU(2) flavor symmetry. However, for N ≥\ge 3, the transformation properties are not matched between the spinors and the monopole. This disagreement might be due to the fact that the SU(N) flavor symmetry of the Spin(10) theory is partially realized as an SU(2) symmetry in the "expanded" theory.Comment: 16 pages, LaTex, no figur

    Instantons in Partially Broken Gauge Groups

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    We discuss the effects of instantons in partially broken gauge groups on the low-energy effective gauge theory. Such effects arise when some of the instantons of the original gauge group G are no longer contained in (or can not be gauge rotated into) the unbroken group H. In cases of simple G and H, a good indicator for the existence of such instantons is the ``index of embedding.'' However, in the general case one has to examine \pi_3(G/H) to decide whether there are any instantons in the broken part of the gauge group. We give several examples of supersymmetric theories where such instantons exist and leave their effects on the low-energy effective theory.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures include

    Dual Descriptions of SO(10) SUSY Gauge Theories with Arbitrary Numbers of Spinors and Vectors

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    We examine the low energy structure of N=1 supersymmetric SO(10) gauge theory with matter chiral superfields in N_Q spinor and N_f vector representations. We construct a dual to this model based upon an SU(N_f+2N_Q-7) x Sp(2N_Q-2) gauge group without utilizing deconfinement methods. This product theory generalizes all previously known Pouliot-type duals to SO(N_c) models with spinor and vector matter. It also yields large numbers of new dual pairs along various flat directions. The dual description of the SO(10) theory satisfies multiple consistency checks including an intricate renormalization group flow analysis which links it with Seiberg's duality transformations. We discuss its implications for building grand unified theories that contain all Standard Model fields as composite degrees of freedom.Comment: 36 pages, harvmac and tables macros, 1 figur

    Moduli in Exceptional SUSY Gauge Theories

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    The low energy structures of N=1 supersymmetric models with E_6, F_4 and E_7 gauge groups and fundamental irrep matter contents are studied herein. We identify sets of gauge invariant composites which label all flat directions in the confining/Higgs phases of these theories. The impossibility of mapping several of these primary operators rules out previously conjectured exceptional self duals reported in the literature.Comment: 20 pages, harvmac and tables macro

    Translational bioinformatics in the cloud: an affordable alternative

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    With the continued exponential expansion of publicly available genomic data and access to low-cost, high-throughput molecular technologies for profiling patient populations, computational technologies and informatics are becoming vital considerations in genomic medicine. Although cloud computing technology is being heralded as a key enabling technology for the future of genomic research, available case studies are limited to applications in the domain of high-throughput sequence data analysis. The goal of this study was to evaluate the computational and economic characteristics of cloud computing in performing a large-scale data integration and analysis representative of research problems in genomic medicine. We find that the cloud-based analysis compares favorably in both performance and cost in comparison to a local computational cluster, suggesting that cloud computing technologies might be a viable resource for facilitating large-scale translational research in genomic medicine
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