197 research outputs found

    Facilitated extinction of appetitive instrumental conditioning following excitotoxic lesions of the core or the medial shell subregion of the nucleus accumbens in rats

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    The nucleus accumbens has been implicated in the control of goal-directed behaviour, including instrumental conditioning. Here, we evaluated the effect of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)-induced excitotoxic lesions restricted to either the core or the medial shell subregions of the nucleus accumbens (NAC) on extinction in rats using a trial discrete fixed ratio-5 (FR-5) appetitive operant procedure. Neither core nor shell lesions of the NAC affected the acquisition of instrumental responding. Both lesions facilitated the cessation of responding when the instrumental act no longer yielded reinforcement. Our results suggest that both the NAC core and medial shell contribute to the control of extinction learning of appetitively motivated instrumental behaviou

    Density Functional Application to Strongly Correlated Electron Systems

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    The LSDA+U approach to density functional theory is carefully reanalyzed. Its possible link to single-particle Green's function theory is occasionally discussed. A simple and elegant derivation of the important sum rules for the on-site interaction matrix elements linking them to the values of U and J is presented. All necessary expressions for an implementation of LSDA+U into a non-orthogonal basis solver for the Kohn-Sham equations are given, and implementation into the FPLO solver is made. Results of application to several planar cuprate structures are reported in detail and conclusions on the interpretation of the physics of the electronic structure of the cuprates are drawn.Comment: invited paper in Journal of Solid State Chemistr

    Contrasting effects of selective lesions of nucleus accumbens core or shell on inhibitory control and amphetamine-induced impulsive behaviour

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    The core and shell subregions of the nucleus accumbens receive differential projections from areas of the medial prefrontal cortex that have dissociable effects on impulsive and perseverative responding. The contributions of these subregions to simple instrumental behaviour, inhibitory control and behavioural flexibility were investigated using a ‘forced choice’ task, various parameter manipulations and an omission schedule version of the task. Post-training, selective core lesions were achieved with microinjections of quinolinic acid and shell lesions with ibotenic acid. After a series of behavioural task manipulations, rats were re-stabilized on the standard version of the task and challenged with increasing doses of d-amphetamine (vehicle, 0.5 or 1.0 mg/kg i.p. 30 min prior to test). Neither core- nor shell-lesioned rats exhibited persistent deficits in simple instrumental behaviour or challenges to behavioural flexibility or inhibitory control. Significant differences between lesion groups were unmasked by d-amphetamine challenge in the standard version of the forced task. Core lesions potentiated and shell lesions attenuated the dose-dependent effect of d-amphetamine on increasing anticipatory responses seen in sham rats. These data imply that the accumbens core and shell subregions do not play major roles in highly-trained task performance or in challenges to behavioural control, but may have opposed effects following d-amphetamine treatment. Specifically, they suggest the shell subregion to be necessary for dopaminergic activation driving amphetamine-induced impulsive behaviour and the core subregion for the normal control of this behaviour via conditioned influences

    Spectral function and quasiparticle weight in the generalized t-J model

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    We extend to the spectral function an approach which allowed us to calculate the quasiparticle weight for destruction of a real electron Z_c sigma (k) (in contrast to that of creation of a spinless holon Z_h(k) in a generalized tJt-J model, using the self-consistent Born approximation (SCBA). We compare our results with those obtained using the alternative approach of Sushkov et al., which also uses the SCBA. The results for Z_c sigma (k) are also compared with results obtained using the string picture and with exact diagonalizations of a 32-site square cluster. While on a qualitative level, all results look similar, our SCBA approach seems to compare better with the ED one. The effect of hopping beyond nearest neighbors, and that of the three-site term are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Single Hole Green's Functions in Insulating Copper Oxides at Nonzero Temperature

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    We consider the single hole dynamics in a modified tJt-J model at finite temperature. The modified model includes a next nearest (tt') and next-next nearest (tt'') hopping. The model has been considered before in the zero temperature limit to explain angle resolved photo-emission measurements. We extend this consideration to the case of finite temperature where long-range anti-ferromagnetic order is destroyed, using the self-consistent Born approximation. The Dyson equation which relates the single hole Green's functions for a fixed pseudo-spin and for fixed spin is derived. The Green's function with fixed pseudo-spin is infrared stable but the Green's function with fixed spin is close to an infrared divergency. We demonstrate how to renormalize this Green's function in order to assure numerical convergence. At non-zero temperature the quasi-particle peaks are found to shift down in energy and to be broadened.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex, 5 Postscript figure

    Anisotropic Superexchange for nearest and next nearest coppers in chain, ladder and lamellar cuprates

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    We present a detailed calculation of the magnetic couplings between nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor coppers in the edge-sharing geometry, ubiquitous in many cuprates. In this geometry, the interaction between nearest neighbor coppers is mediated via two oxygens, and the Cu-O-Cu angle is close to 90 degrees. The derivation is based on a perturbation expansion of a general Hubbard Hamiltonian, and produces numerical estimates for the various magnetic energies. In particular we find the dependence of the anisotropy energies on the angular deviation away from the 90 degrees geometry of the Cu-O-Cu bonds. Our results are required for the correct analysis of the magnetic structure of various chain, ladder and lamellar cuprates.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, 7 figure

    Hole photoproduction in insulating copper oxide

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    Basing on t-J model we calculate the k-dependence of a single hole photoproduction probability for CuO2 plane at zero doping. We also discuss the radiation of spin-waves which can substantially deform the shape of photoemission spectra.Comment: latex 8 pages, 3 figure

    Comparison of 32-site exact diagonalization results and ARPES spectral functions for the AFM insulator Sr2CuO2Cl2Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2

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    We explore the success of various versions of the one-band t-J model in explaining the full spectral functions found in angle-resolved photoemission spectra for the prototypical, quasi two-dimensional, tetragonal, antiferromagnetic insulator Sr2CuO2Cl2Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2. After presenting arguments justifying our extraction of A(k,ω)A(k,\omega) from the experimental data, we rely on exact-diagonalization results from studies of a square 32-site lattice, the largest cluster for which such information is presently available, to perform this comparison. Our work leads us to believe that (i) a one-band model that includes hopping out to third-nearest neighbours, as well three-site, spin-dependent hopping, can indeed explain not only the dispersion relation, but also the quasiparticle lifetimes -- only in the neighbourhood of k=(π/2,0)k = (\pi/2,0) do we find disagreement; (ii) an energy-dependent broadening function, Γ(E)=Γ0+AE\Gamma (E) = \Gamma_0 + A E, is important in accounting for the incoherent contributions to the spectral functions.Comment: 8 pages, Revtex