18 research outputs found

    Functional Changes in the Snail Statocyst System Elicited by Microgravity

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    BACKGROUND: The mollusk statocyst is a mechanosensing organ detecting the animal's orientation with respect to gravity. This system has clear similarities to its vertebrate counterparts: a weight-lending mass, an epithelial layer containing small supporting cells and the large sensory hair cells, and an output eliciting compensatory body reflexes to perturbations. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In terrestrial gastropod snail we studied the impact of 16- (Foton M-2) and 12-day (Foton M-3) exposure to microgravity in unmanned orbital missions on: (i) the whole animal behavior (Helix lucorum L.), (ii) the statoreceptor responses to tilt in an isolated neural preparation (Helix lucorum L.), and (iii) the differential expression of the Helix pedal peptide (HPep) and the tetrapeptide FMRFamide genes in neural structures (Helix aspersa L.). Experiments were performed 13-42 hours after return to Earth. Latency of body re-orientation to sudden 90° head-down pitch was significantly reduced in postflight snails indicating an enhanced negative gravitaxis response. Statoreceptor responses to tilt in postflight snails were independent of motion direction, in contrast to a directional preference observed in control animals. Positive relation between tilt velocity and firing rate was observed in both control and postflight snails, but the response magnitude was significantly larger in postflight snails indicating an enhanced sensitivity to acceleration. A significant increase in mRNA expression of the gene encoding HPep, a peptide linked to ciliary beating, in statoreceptors was observed in postflight snails; no differential expression of the gene encoding FMRFamide, a possible neurotransmission modulator, was observed. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Upregulation of statocyst function in snails following microgravity exposure parallels that observed in vertebrates suggesting fundamental principles underlie gravi-sensing and the organism's ability to adapt to gravity changes. This simple animal model offers the possibility to describe general subcellular mechanisms of nervous system's response to conditions on Earth and in space

    Building a nuclear envelope at the end of mitosis: coordinating membrane reorganization, nuclear pore complex assembly, and chromatin de-condensation

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    Identification of two novel genes specifically expressed in the D-group neurons of the terrestrial snail CNS

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    A search for genes specifically expressed in the giant interneurons of parietal ganglia of the snail Helix lucorum yielded, among others, two genes named HDS1 and HDS2. According to data obtained by Northern hybridization and whole-mount in situ hybridization, both genes are neurospecific and expressed almost exclusively in the peptidergic D-group neurons (Sakharov, 1974) located in the right parietal ganglion. In situ hybridization of the HDS1 and HDS2 probes with CNS of several related species of the Helicoidea superfamily identified in all cases similarly located homologous groups of neurons. Sequencing of the near full-length cDNA copies of the HDS1 and HDS2 genes revealed open reading frames 107 and 102 amino acids long for HDS1 and HDS2, respectively. Both putative proteins contain a hydrophobic leader peptide and putative recognition sites for furin-like and PC-like endopeptidases. Predicted amino acid sequences of the HDS1 and HDS2 proteins were found to be moderately homologous to each other, as well as to the LYCP preprohormone expressed by the light yellow cells of the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis. These results confirm an earlier hypothesis that the D-group of the Helix family and the light yellow cells of Lymnaea stagnalis represent homologous neuronal groups. Our data suggest that the HDS1 and HDS2 genes encode precursors of secreted molecules, most likely neuropeptides or neurohormones

    Putative neuropeptides and an EF-hand motif region are encoded by a novel gene expressed in the four giant interneurons of the terrestrial snail

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    Nine giant interneurons located in the pleural and parietal ganglia of the terrestrial snail Helix lucorum L. were reported to be a key element in the network controlling withdrawal behaviour of the animal. Using a combination of complementary DNA subtraction cloning and differential screening approaches we have isolated a novel gene named HCS2 which is expressed predominantly in a subset of these interneurons. The predicted amino acid sequence of the HCS2 protein contains at the N-terminus a hydrophobic leader sequence and four putative neuropeptides, and at the C-terminus a perfect match to the consensus motif of the EF-hand family of the Ca2+-binding proteins. All four predicted neuropeptides bear a C-terminal signature sequence Tyr-Pro-Arg-X (where X is Ile, Leu, Val or Pro), and three of them are likely to be amidated. Physiological action of three synthetic peptides corresponding to the predicted mature HCS2 peptides mimics fairly well the described action of parietal interneurons on follower motoneurons controlling pneumostome closure. In situ hybridization experiments demonstrated that the HCS2 gene is selectively expressed in the four parietal giant interneurons, as well as in several small unidentified neurons. The onset of the HCS2 transcription during embryogenesis coincides temporally with the time-point when the first withdrawal responses of the embryo to tactile stimulation appear.We propose that the HCS2 gene encodes a hybrid precursor protein whose processed products act as neuromodulators or neurotransmitters mediating the withdrawal reactions of the snail, and in addition may participate in the calcium regulatory pathways or calcium homeostasis in command neurons