113 research outputs found

    Mujeres en Salustio: estudio prosopo-historiográfico

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    The historian must study all the women mentioned in an ancient author to make a statement or a judgement about him. Only working in that way, we can understand the role of women in the Sallustian history: the roman women are denigrated as immodest and adulteress, the foreigner are praised as brave and virtuous. Despite the fact of this, we can conclude that Sallust is a good author in order to study the actuation of some women in the final years of the Roman republic, just if we ignore some aspects of his narration.El historiador debe estudiar el corpus total de mujeres mencionadas en un autor antiguo para poder establecer una conclusión o un juicio sobre el mismo. Solo trabajando de este modo podemos llegar a entender el papel de las mujeres en la historia de Salustio: las romanas son denigradas como impúdicas y adúlteras, las extranjeras son alabadas como valientes y virtuosas. A pesar de esta conclusión, podemos añadir que Salustio es un buen autor para estudiar la actuación de algunas de las mujeres de finales de la república romana, si hacemos caso omiso de su presentación de las mismas

    Extranjeras en la historiografía romana

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    La doble imagen de la moralidad de Augusto

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    Augustus came to power by being the adoptive son of Caesar. Up to receive the title of Augustus in the year 27 BC, he was known as G. Iulius Caesar Diui filius. Being the heir of Caesar had to be more to receive his name and his powers: their personal qualities should also remember the dictator. For this reason, during half of the triumvirate, Augusto tried to emulate his adoptive father in his qualities as a lover. His tumultuous, emotional and marital life is concentrated among 44 and 35 BC, with several marriages or betrothal, and the birth of his only daughter. From this period come the stories that, one and a half centuries later, would transmit Suetonius (from an unknown, close to Antonius, source). From the sacred Holiness enacted to Livia in year 35 BC, however, begins a new stage in the moral image of Augustus, focused on virtue and monogamy: a stage that would lead him years later to banish his own daughter and, later, his granddaughter, for adultery. This double image of Augustus, the first due to the emulation of his adoptive father, and the second due to a need for ideological justification of his regime against his enemy Mark Antony, come from the seemingly contradictory news on “private vices and public virtues” of Augustus. Augusto llegó al poder por ser hijo adoptivo de César. Hasta recibir el título de Augusto en el año 27 a. C., fue conocido como G. Iulius Caesar Diui filius. Ser heredero de César tenía que ser algo más que recibir su nombre y sus poderes: también sus cualidades personales debían recordar al Dictador. Por eso, durante la mitad del triunvirato, Augusto intentó emular a su padre adoptivo también en sus cualidades como amante. Su tumultuosa vida afectiva y conyugal, en efecto, se concentra entre los años 44 y 35 a. C., con varios matrimonios o esponsales, y el nacimiento de su única hija. De esta época proceden la mayoría de las historias que –ciento cincuenta años después- contaría Suetonio a partir de una fuente cercana a Marco Antonio. A partir de la sacrosantidad promulgada para Livia en el año 35 a. C., sin embargo, comienza una nueva etapa en la imagen moral de Augusto, centrada en la virtud y la monogamia: una etapa que le llevaría años después a desterrar a su propia hija y, después, a su nieta, por adulterio. De esta doble imagen de Augusto, la primera debida a la emulación de su padre adoptivo, y la segunda debida a una necesidad de justificación ideológica de su régimen frente al de su enemigo Marco Antonio, proceden las noticias aparentemente contradictorias sobre los “vicios privados y públicas virtudes” de Gayo Julio César Augusto. 

    Female foreigners in Martial’s and Juvenal’s times

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    El estudio de las extranjeras en el mundo romano debería realizarse contando con una crítica textual de las fuentes escritas de que disponemos para comprobar si están contaminadas por la intencionalidad política, filosófica, moral o de cualquier otro género de sus autores. Este tipo de trabajos debería sustituir a la simple utilización de mujeres descontextualizadas, y a su presentación como si fueran pura historia social de Roma. Tras estudiar a las extranjeras en las obras de Tácito, Suetonio y Floro, y a las mujeres en general, incluidas las extranjeras, en Plinio el Joven, pasamos ahora a intentar corroborar o refutar las conclusiones de aquellos trabajos con el estudio de las extranjeras en Marcial y Juvenal. En general, se observa una cierta buena intención hacia las extranjeras, con la mención de varios exempla uirtutis, más que de exempla uitiorum. Esto viene a mostrar en los literatos (poetas como Marcial y Juvenal, epistológrafo como Plinio), una diferente actitud hacia las extranjeras que la mostrada por los historiadores. Quizá debido a su mayor apego a la realidad social de su tiempo.The study of female foreigners in the Roman world should be realized possessing a textual critique of the written sources up to verifyif they are contaminated by the political, philosophical or moral opinions of their authors. This way to work the roman sources should substitute the women’s simple utilization, and their presentation as if they take part of a pure social history of Rome. After studying the female foreigners in the works of Tacitus, Suetonius and Florus, and to the women in general, including the foreigners, in Plinius the Younger, we’ll try to corroborate or refute now the conclusions about those works with the study of the female foreigners in Martial and Juvenal. In general, a certain good intention is observed towards the female foreigners, with the mention of several exempla uirtutis, more than of exempla uitiorum. This comes to show in the writers (poets as Martial and Juvenal, and a letters’ writer as Plinius), a different attitude towards the female foreigners that the one showed by the historians. Probably it reflects their major attachment to the social reality of his time

    Los consejos de Salustio a César antes de la guerra civil

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    The existence of two Letters devoted to Sallust and written to Caesar, one before and one after the Civil War, gives us the opportunity to study the political background of the “popular” faction in those key years of the History of Rome. However, the academic debate on the author of these Letters –Sallust or a rhetor of the second Centuryafter Christ- has hidden the content of the works, being not very studied by historians. From our point of view, the letter before the civil war, dated supposedly in 50 b. C., is very important to reach and understanding of how opinion was formed at the end of the roman Republic, and what kind of advices could be given from the republican legality to a general wishing to pervert it on his own behalf.La existencia de dos obras atribuidas a Salustio con sendas cartas dirigidas a César, una antes de la guerra civil, y otra al final de la misma, proporciona la oportunidad de conocer el ambiente político de la facción popular en aquellos años clave de la historia de Roma. Sin embargo, el debate erudito sobre la autoría salustiana o de un rétor posterior, hacia el siglo II d. C., ha hecho que el contenido de estas obras quede desdibujado y se le preste poca atención por parte de los historiadores. Desde nuestro punto de vista, la carta previa a la guerra civil, datable en el año 50 a. C., es de una importancia capital para entender cómo se formaba opinión a finales de la República, y qué consejos se daban desde la legalidad republicana a un general que estaba dispuesto a acabar con la misma

    Low-cost modular devices for on-road vehicle detection and characterisation

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    [EN] Detecting and characterising vehicles is one of the purposes of embedded systems used in intelligent environments. An analysis of a vehicle¿s characteristics can reveal inappropriate or dangerous behaviour. This detection makes it possible to sanction or notify emergency services to take early and practical actions. Vehicle detection and characterisation systems employ complex sensors such as video cameras, especially in urban environments. These sensors provide high precision and performance, although the price and computational requirements are proportional to their accuracy. These sensors offer high accuracy, but the price and computational requirements are directly proportional to their performance. This article introduces a system based on modular devices that is economical and has a low computational cost. These devices use ultrasonic sensors to detect the speed and length of vehicles. The measurement accuracy is improved through the collaboration of the device modules. The experiments were performed using multiple modules oriented to different angles. This module is coupled with another specifically designed to detect distance using previous modules¿ speed and length data. The collaboration between different modules reduces the speed relative error ranges from 1 to 5%, depending on the angle configuration used in the modules.This work was by the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry: CICYT project PRESECREL: "Models and platforms for predictable, secure and reliable industrial information technology systems" PID2021-124502OB-C41. Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Poza-Lujan, J.; Uribe-Chavert, P.; Posadas-Yagüe, J. (2023). Low-cost modular devices for on-road vehicle detection and characterisation. Design Automation for Embedded Systems. 27(1-2):85-102. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10617-023-09270-y85102271-2Broy M, Cengarle MV, Geisberger E (2012) Cyber-physical systems: imminent challenges. 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    A survey on quality of service support on middelware-based distributed messaging systems used in multi agent systems

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-19934-9_10Messaging systems are widely used in distributed systems to hide the details of the communications mechanism to the multi agents systems. However, the Quality of Service is treated in different way depending on the messaging system used. This article presents a review and further analysis of the quality of service treatment in the mainly messaging systems used in distributed multi agent systems. The review covers the issues related to the purpose of the functions provided and the scope of the quality of service offered by every messaging system. We propose ontology for classifying and decide which parameters are relevant to the user. The results of the analysis and the ontology can be used to select the most suitable messaging system to distributed multi agent architecture and to establish the quality of service requirements in a distributed system.The study described in this article is a part of the coordinated project SIDIRELI: Distributed Systems with Limited Resources. Control Kernel and Coordination. Education and Science Department, Spanish Government and European FEDER found. CICYT: MICINN: DPI2008-06737-C02-01/02.Poza-Lujan, J.; Posadas-Yagüe, J.; Simó Ten, JE. (2011). A survey on quality of service support on middelware-based distributed messaging systems used in multi agent systems. En International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence. Springer. 77-84. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-19934-9_10S7784Gaddah, A., Kunz, T.: A survey of middleware paradigms for mobile computing. Technical Report SCE-03-16. Carleton University Systems and Computing Engineering (2003)Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, http://www.fipa.org/Java Message Service Specification, http://java.sun.com/products/jms/docs.htmlCommon Object Request Broker Architecture, http://www.corba.org/Data Distribution Service, http://portals.omg.org/dds/Java Agent DEvelopment Framework, http://jade.tilab.com/Agent Oriented Software Pty Ltd., JACK Intelligent Agents: User Guide (1999)Nwana, H., Ndumu, D., Lee, L., Collis, J.: ZEUS: A tool-kit for building distributed multi-agent systems. Applied Artifical Intelligence Journal 13(1), 129–186 (1999)Perdikeas, M.K., Chatzipapadopoulos, F.G., Venieris, I.S., Marino, G.: Mobile Agent Standards and Available Platforms. Computer Networks Journal, Special Issue on ’Mobile Agents in Intelligent Networks and Mobile Communication Systems’ 31(10) (1999)Perrone, P.J., Chaganti, K.: J2EE Developer’s Handbook. Sam’s Publishing, Indianapolis (2003)Apache ActiveMQ, http://activemq.apache.org/IBM WebSphere MQSeries, http://mqseries.net/Object Management Group, http://www.omg.org/RTI Data Distribution Service. RTI corp., http://www.rti.com/OpenSplice DDS. PrismTech Ltd., http://www.prismtech.comVogel, A., Kerherve, B., von Bochmann, G., Gecsei, J.: Distributed Multimedia and QoS: A Survey. IEEE Multimedia 2(2), 10–19 (1995)Crawley, E., Nair, R., Rajagopalan, B.: RFC 2386: A Framework for QoS-based Routing in the Internet. IETF Internet Draft, 1–37 (1998)Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents. FIPA Quality of Service Ontology Specification. Doc: SC00094A (2002)Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java(TM) Message Service Specification Final Release 1.1 (2002)Object Management Group (OMG). The Common Object Request Broker Architecture and Specification. CORBA 2.4.2 (2001