67 research outputs found

    Position control of an industrial robot using an optical measurement system for machining purposes

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    A series of mechanical properties and disturbances limit the accuracy achievable in robotic applications. External control of the end effector position is commonly known as being an appropriate mean to increase accuracy. This paper presents an approach for position control of industrial robots using the pass-through between an industrial CNC and servomotors. A CNC-controlled robot is used together with an external optical measurement system to close the feedback loop of robot end effector and robot controller in order to improve robot accuracy. For short cycle times and implementation reasons a PLC is used for signal processing and control implementation. The relevance of the approach is outlined in experiments. The robot behaviour in free space motion and in machining application is analysed with the optical measurement system and a CMM

    Embedded reproduction in platform data work

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    This paper focuses on the experiences of Latin American data workers from Venezuela who annotate data for machine learning algorithms through labor platforms. It introduces the notion of “embedded reproduction” or the relationship between embeddedness, the degree to which non-economic institutions and their social environment constrain socio-economic activity, – and social reproduction, or the activities that nurture, maintain, and regenerate the workforce. The paper concludes that societal reproduction in the conditions in which platforms thrive is unsustainable. It depends on a normative embeddedness that negatively affects the livelihoods of workers, creates dependency, and negatively contributes to any long-term development of local communities

    Data production dispositif

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    This “dispositive” analysis explores the sites where production of machine learning (ML) data is outsourced. It comprises examination of 210 data-work instruction documents, 55 interviews with data workers, managers, and requesters, and participant observation. Findings show that specific discourses encoded in task instructions reproduce and normalize the worldviews of requesters. Precarious working conditions and economic dependency alienates workers, making them obedient to instructions. Outsourced workers are paid as low as a few cents per task, usually lack social protection traditionally tied with employment relations, and are subject to systems of control and surveillance. Tables provide a synopsis of task segmentation with brief analysis

    We haven’t gone paperless yet : why the printing press can help us understand data and AI

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    Algorithms are designed to encourage clicks rather than information quality. The paper explores how datafication, or quantification of human and non-human factors into binary code affects the identity of individuals and groups, which can be called a constitutive shift. The analogy of the printing press is used to provide a framework for understanding constitutive change. Terms such as “surveillance capitalism” permeate the public imagination to convey how companies are harnessing the data that people generate in order to create wealth for themselves while also controlling access to information

    Propuesta de diseño estratégico para fomentar la actividad económica en poblaciones fronterizas. Caso de estudio: Cantón Montúfar, provincia del Carchi.

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    The North Border of the Ecuador has turned into an area of step of national and foreign tourists, due to commercial and economic factors that have been caused in the last years by the change of currency in relation to Colombia, generating a consumption dynamics out of the country that has unleashed a critical situation to its settlers. It is so this investigation takes as a main target to identify the potentialities of the region across the strategic design applied to the canton Montúfar like case of study thanks to its productive wealth, in which a methodology will be used with qualitative approach named design thinking, departing from the immersion stage across taking part observation, interviews, papers and generative meetings to obtain the biggest information quantity concerning the problem and this way to have a clear vision of the reality through that one lives in the region, later to realize an analysis of macro and micro environment that allows to identify models of good practices of similar sectors that serve like reference, which will give like turned out a proposal that it helps to the productive development and of human talent sustained in a system efficient product - service. Keywords: Strategic design, branding, design thinking, border trade, economy collaborative.La Frontera Norte del Ecuador se ha convertido en una zona de paso de turistas nacionales y extranjeros, debido a factores comerciales y económicos que se han suscitado en los últimos años por el cambio de divisa con relación a Colombia, generando una dinámica de consumo fuera del país que ha desencadenado una situación crítica a sus pobladores. Es así que esta investigación tiene como principal objetivo identificar las potencialidades de la región a través del diseño estratégico aplicado al cantón Montúfar, como caso de estudio gracias a su riqueza productiva, en la cual se empleará una metodología con enfoque cualitativo denominada design thinking, partiendo de la etapa de inmersión a través de observación participante, entrevistas, documentación y sesiones generativas para recabar la mayor cantidad de información en torno al problema y de esta manera tener una visión clara de la realidad que se vive en la región, posteriormente realizar un análisis de macro y micro entorno que permita identificar modelos de buenas prácticas de sectores similares que sirvan como referencia, que dará como resultado una propuesta que ayude al desarrollo productivo y de talento humano, sustentado en un sistema producto-servicio eficiente

    Síntesis y caracterización de un cuadrado supramoleculara partir del auto-ensamblaje del complejo[1,2-bis(difenilfosfino)etano] bistrifluorometanosulfonatopaladio (ii) y 4,4´-bipiridina

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    Por primera vez se desarrolló la síntesisy caracterización (IR, UV, RMN-1H,31P, 19F) de un nuevo cuadrado supramolecular[3] mediante el auto-ensamblajedel complejo [Pd(CF3SO3)2(Dppe)] [1] yel ligando orgánico 4,4´-Bipiridina [2].Se evidenció la obtención de [3] en mezclacon otra especie supramolecular [4],asignada como un macrociclo triangular.Las estructuras de [3] y [4] se elucidaroncon base en los desplazamientos químicos,la proporcionalidad entre sus integralesy en los patrones de acoplamientode las señales en los espectros RMN-1H yCOSY 1H-1H. Mediante la relación entrelas integrales de las señales correspondientesa las especies supramolecularescoexistentes en los espectros RMN-1Hy 31P se determinó la composición de lamezcla al final de la reacción conteniendo70 % de [3] y 30 % de [4]

    Avihepadnavirus diversity in parrots is comparable to that found amongst all other avian species

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    Avihepadna viruses have previously been isolated from various species of duck ,goose, stork, heron and crane. Recently the first parrot avihepadna virus was isolated from a Ring-necked Parakeet in Poland. In this study, 41 psittacineliver samples archived in Poland over the last nine years were tested for presence of Parrot hepatitis B virus(PHBV). We cloned and sequenced PHBVisolates from 18 birds including a Crimson Rosella, an African grey parrot and sixteen Ring-necked Parakeets. PHBVisolates display a degree of diversity (478% genome wide pair wise identity) that is comparable to that found amongst all other avihepadna viruses (479% genome wide pair wise identity). The PHBV viruses can be subdivided into seven genetically distinct groups (tentatively named A-G) of which the two isolated of PHBV-Gare the most divergent sharing 79% genome wide pair wise identity with all their PHBVs. All PHBV isolates display classical avihepadnavirus genome architecture.Department of HE and Training approved lis

    Seasonality of Influenza A(H3N2) Virus: A Hong Kong Perspective (1997–2006)

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    BACKGROUND: The underlying basis for the seasonality of influenza A viruses is still uncertain. Phylogenetic studies investigated this phenomenon but have lacked sequences from more subtropical and tropical regions, particularly from Southeast Asia. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 281 complete hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) sequences were obtained from influenza A(H3N2) viruses, collected over 10 years (1997-2006) from Hong Kong. These dated sequences were analyzed with influenza A(H3N2) vaccine strain sequences (Syd/5/97, Mos/10/99, Fuj/411/02, Cal/7/04) and 315 other publicly available dated sequences from elsewhere, worldwide. In addition, the NA sequence alignment was inspected for the presence of any naturally occurring, known, neuraminidase inhibitor (NAI) resistance-associated amino acid mutations (R292K and E119V). Before 2001, the Hong Kong HA and NA sequences clustered more closely with the older vaccine sequences (Syd/5/97, Mos/10/99) than did sequences from elsewhere. After 2001, this trend reversed with significant clusters containing HA and NA sequences from different locations, isolated at different times, suggesting that viral migration may account for much of the influenza A(H3N2) seasonality during this 10-year period. However, at least one example from Hong Kong was found suggesting that in some years, influenza A(H3N2) viruses may persist in the same location, perhaps continuing to circulate, sub-clinically, at low levels between seasons, to re-emerge in the influenza season the following year, relatively unchanged. None of these Hong Kong influenza A(H3N2) NA sequences contained any of the known NAI-resistance associated mutations. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The seasonality of influenza A(H3N2) may be largely due to global migration, with similar viruses appearing in different countries at different times. However, occasionally, some viruses may remain within a single location and continue to circulate within that population, to re-emerge during the next influenza season, with relatively little genetic change. Naturally occurring NAI resistance mutations were absent or, at least, very rare in this population
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