144 research outputs found

    Concepciones de los alumnos sobre el enlace químico antes, durante y después de la enseñanza formal : problemas de aprendizaje

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    This paper describes the BUP and COU students' ideas (15-18 years old) about the continuity/discontinuity, atomic/ molecular conception, nature of the intramolecular and intermolecular bonds, as the notions of lattice and ion. The results show that the students' idea of continuity in gases declines when the students' academic level increase. The school succeeds in transmitting a molecular view of some substances. Nevertheless, students do not grasp the nature of the covalent bond. The molecular structure is more utilized than the lattice in the academic levels analyzed. The concept of ion and ionic lattice are not easily learned by the students. In this paper we point out some reasons that could explain these facts. Then we comment on some didactic implications that could help to overcome these obstacles

    Hacia una teoría sobre las ideas científicas de los alumnos: influencia del contexto

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    The different constructive psychological theories present some difficulties in order to explain and justify the results obtained by the researches carried out within the field named pupils'conceptions. In this paper we introduce a new psycho-pedagogical model which agglutinates the main elements of the constructive theories. With that aim, the declarative knowledge is subdivided in several memories: episodic, scholastic semantic and experiential semantic. The procedural knowledge of reasoning in scholastic analysis and experiential analysis methods. We show some examples that are analyzed from our theoretic model. Later, we stress the relationship between pupils'answers and the context in which those are activated, showing the utility of the model here proposed

    Concepciones de los alumnos de 15-18 años sobre la estructura interna de la material en el estado sólido

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    A questionary of free answers has been used in order to elicit pupils' ideas about the internal structure of some substances. The 15-16 years old pupils (2º de BUP) use an atomic framework with a gas and a non atomics one with solids. The differences between melting points are explained by pupils using macroscopic reasonings, atomic arguments, or mixting both of them

    Exploraciones gráficas de ideas extraescolares de los alumnos sobre radiactividad

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    We present some aspects of radioactivity which somehow are familiar to the students, because as they pick information from outside the school, their leve1 of Knowledge of pupils is not as low as one might expect

    Indicadores de salud ambiental

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    This presentation gives a general overview of the project titled Environmental Health Indicators, coordinated by WHO and managed by the Research Centre on the Toxic Oil Syndrome and Rare Diseases in Spain. The presentations describes the objectives of the project, the steps taken and the results obtained during the feasibility study. The project aims to develop an environmental health information system that will allow the monitoring of public health and its health determinants and make international comparisons, develop environmental policies and facilitate communication with citizens. WHO developed a methodology for the development of these indicators within the conceptual framework of DPSEEA (Driving Force, Pressure, State, Exposure, Effect, Action) and selected a total of 55 indicators (which included 168 variables) in 10 environmental health areas. The feasibility study predicted the successful gathering of 89% of the indicators. However, data recollection proved difficult due to the frequent incompatibility of some variables in the Spanish information systems with the WHO defined variables. On a management level, the greatest difficulty arose from the disperse distribution of responsibilities in environmental health matters. In addition to the technical contribution of this project to Environmental Health in Spain, an added value has been to establish a close collaboration with the different Ministries involved.Esta ponencia presenta una visión general del proyecto de Indicadores de Salud Ambiental, coordinado por la OMS a nivel internacional y liderado por el Centro de Investigación sobre el Síndrome del Aceite Tóxico y Enfermedades Raras (CISATER) en España. En ella se describen los objetivos del proyecto, las gestiones realizadas y los resultados obtenidos durante la fase de viabilidad de este proyecto. El proyecto consiste en el establecimiento de un sistema de información sobre salud ambiental que permita desarrollar una vigilancia de los factores ambientales determinantes de los estados de salud, realizar comparaciones internacionales, elaborar políticas de acción, así como facilitar la comunicación con la ciudadanía. La OMS desarrolló una metodología para el desarrollo de estos indicadores dentro del marco conceptual de información ambiental DPSEEA (Fuerzas impulsoras, Presión, Estado, Exposición, Efecto, Acción) y seleccionó un total de 55 indicadores (que incluyen 168 variables) sobre 10 áreas de la salud ambiental. Durante la fase de viabilidad se predijo que podrían obtenerse el 89% de los indicadores. Sin embargo la recolección de los datos supuso muchas dificultades debido a la incompatibilidad de algunas variables en los sistemas de información españoles con las variables definidas por la OMS. A nivel de gestión del proyecto, la mayor dificultad radica en la disparidad de responsabilidades en materia de medio ambiente y salud entre las instituciones españolas. Además de la aportación técnica a la salud ambiental en España, un valor añadido de este proyecto ha sido el establecimiento de líneas de colaboración estrechas con los responsables de los diferentes Ministerios implicados

    Selective interaction of PEGylated polyglutamic acid nanocapsules with cancer cells in a 3D model of a metastatic lymph node

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    Background Metastases are the most common reason of cancer death in patients with solid tumors. Lymph nodes, once invaded by tumor cells, act as reservoirs before cancer cells spread to distant organs. To address the limited access of intravenously infused chemotherapeutics to the lymph nodes, we have developed PEGylated polyglutamic acid nanocapsules (PGA-PEG NCs), which have shown ability to reach and to accumulate in the lymphatic nodes and could therefore act as nanotransporters. Once in the lymphatics, the idea is that these nanocapsules would selectively interact with cancer cells, while avoiding non-specific interactions with immune cells and the appearance of subsequent immunotoxicity. Results The potential of the PGA-PEG NCs, with a mean size of 100 nm and a negative zeta potential, to selectively reach metastatic cancer cells, has been explored in a novel 3D model that mimics an infiltrated lymph node. Our 3D model, a co-culture of cancer cells and lymphocytes, allows performing experiments under dynamic conditions that simulate the lymphatic flow. After perfusion of the nanocarriers, we observe a selective interaction with the tumor cells. Efficacy studies manifest the need to develop specific therapies addressed to treat metastatic cells that can be in a dormant state. Conclusions We provide evidence of the ability of PGA-PEG NCs to selectively interact with the tumor cells in presence of lymphocytes, highlighting their potential in cancer therapeutics. We also state the importance of designing precise in vitro models that allow performing mechanistic assays, to efficiently develop and evaluate specific therapies to confront the formation of metastasisThe authors acknowledge financial support given by the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) (CP12/03150, PIE13/00024 and PI15/00828), ERA-NET EuroNanoMed 2009 (Lymphotarg PI09/2670) and EuroNanoMed 2013 (053 NICHE). The first author also acknowledges a fellowship received from the Fundación Ramón Domínguez, Spain. Abellan-Pose also acknowledges a fellowship from the Biomedical Sciences and Health Technologies Doctoral School-University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)S

    Detección y diagnóstico de trastornos del espectro autista

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    La iniciativa de confeccionar una guía de detección precoz de los trastornos del espectro autista recoge la inquietud sobre el escaso bagaje de publicaciones de alto nivel científico o de grupos de investigación en el estudio de estos trastornos. Por tanto, el instrumento de detección que se valora en esta publicación dotará a los pediatras de atención primaria y a los padres de un medio adecuado para la detección de los trastornos del espectro autista y otros problemas de desarrollo. Hace sesenta años que el autismo se identificó por primera vez y, aunque aún faltan muchos aspectos por resolver, iniciativas como las que el Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad viene apoyando ofrecerán una respuesta tranquilizadora a los padres que asisten con alarma a síntomas cuyo alcance no pueden determinar, y constituirán un importante avance de nuestro sistema sanitario y de servicios sociales en su responsabilidad de ofrecer a los ciudadanos la atención a la que está obligado por mandato constitucional

    Fabry Nephropathy: An Evidence-Based Narrative Review.

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    Fabry disease (FD) is a rare, X-linked disorder caused by mutations in the GLA gene encoding the enzyme α-galactosidase A. Complete or partial deficiency in this enzyme leads to intracellular accumulation of globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) and other glycosphingolipids in many cell types throughout the body, including the kidney. Progressive accumulation of Gb3 in podocytes, endothelial cells, epithelial cells, and tubular cells contribute to the renal symptoms of FD, which manifest as proteinuria and reduced glomerular filtration rate leading to renal insufficiency. A correct diagnosis of FD, although challenging, has considerable implications regarding treatment, management, and counseling. The diagnosis may be confirmed by demonstrating the enzyme deficiency in males and by identifying the specific GLA gene mutation in male and female patients. Treatment with enzyme replacement therapy, as part of the therapeutic strategy to prevent complications of the disease, may be beneficial in stabilizing renal function or slowing its decline, particularly in the early stages of the disease. Emergent treatments for FD include the recently approved chaperone molecule migalastat for patients with amenable mutations. The objective of this report is to provide an updated overview on Fabry nephropathy, with a focus on the most relevant aspects of its epidemiology, diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment options.S