177 research outputs found

    Caminhos etnocenológicos de uma montagem espetacular com mulheres em restrição de liberdade

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arte, 2020.Este trabalho consiste na produção Etnocenológica de uma montagem espetacular com mulheres em restrição de liberdade, tendo o texto Romeu e Julieta de Shakespeare, como referência das narrativas construídas na adaptação Duas Fases de Julieta. A pesquisa teve como referência teórica os autores Arminio Bião, Jean Marie Pradier, Alexandra Gouvêa Dumas, Jorge das Graças Veloso, que fundamentam a Etnocenologia, Stuart Hal na análise da fragmentação humana na modernidade e Gaston Bachelard e seus estudos sobre os caminhos ancestrais e a casa ontológica. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no Presídio Feminino do Distrito Federal (PFDF), com o grupo Teatral Julietas Encarceradas, teve como referência metodológica a escuta sensível, a alteridade, a casa originária, os aprendizados adquiridos e o olhar do espectador observador – fundamentos da Etnocenologia, que possibilitaram o entendimento da realidade das mulheres em estado de privação de liberdade. A pesquisa foi dividida em três partes: a primeira foi a apresentação das mulheres do grupo teatral, observando-se a subjetividade ontológica das pesquisadas e a trajetórias do pesquisador; a segunda, os caminhos da Etnocenologia e da espetacularidade e os direitos das mulheres presidiarias; a terceira foi a produção do objeto estético na adaptação da peça Romeu e Julieta. Por fim, uma reflexão sobre as condições da mulher encarcerada no contexto da política de aprisionamento desenvolvida no Brasil.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).This work consists in the Ethnocelogic production of a theatrical assembly with encarcerated women, having as reference the play Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare for the constructive narratives of the assembly Duas Fases de Julieta. The research had as theoretical references the work of the authors: Arminio Bião, Jean Marie Pradier, Alexandra Gouvea Dumas, Jorge das Graças Veloso, who embase the Ethnocenology; Stuart Hall analyses the human fragmentation in modern times; and Gaston Bachelard with his works about the ancestral paths and the ontological house. The research was developed in the Presidio Feminino do Distrito Federal (PFDF) with the theatrical group With the theatrical group Julietas Encarceradas had as methodological reference which had as reference the sensitive hearing, the otherness, the original home, the acquired learnings, and the look - parameters from Ethnoscenology that allowed the knowledge of the reality of women in freedom deprivation. The research was conducted in three parts: 1. the presentation of the “object”; observing the ontological subjectiveness of both the subjects and conductor of the research; 2. the path of Ethnoscenology and the substantive spectacularity in the understanding of female prisoners' rights; and 3. the construction of an aesthetic object in the adaptation of the player Romeo and Juliet. To conclude, a reflection about the condition of female prisoners in the context of the incarceration policy in Brazil


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    Introdução: O internamento modifica de forma significativa a vida do paciente. A hospitalização, muitas vezes crucial para o sucesso do plano terapêutico, torna-se danosa com o seu prolongamento. Objetivos: Analisar fatores associados ao internamento prolongado (IP) dos pacientes neurocirúrgicos; traçar o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico; verificar a associação do IP com características sociodemográficas e clínicas. Método: Trata-se de pesquisa quantitativa, transversal analítica, realizada numa enfermaria neurocirúrgica de um hospital público referência em neurologia. A amostra foi constituída por 93 prontuários. Para verificação da associação entre as variáveis, considerou-se o nível de significância com p<0,05. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Resultado: O tempo médio de IP foi de 27,4 dias. Na população estudada, apresenta-se o predomínio do sexo masculino, que se autodeclararam negros, originários do interior do Estado da Bahia, com faixa etária entre 50 e 60 anos. O diagnóstico mais prevalente foi neoplasia de comportamento incerto, tendo microcirurgia de ressecção de tumor como procedimento mais realizado, além da identificação de importantes complicações operacionais. Não houve associação estatisticamente significante entre as variáveis analisadas. Conclusões: O estudo possibilitou identificar o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico do paciente assistido na enfermaria neurocirúrgica que apresentaram IP. Apesar de não identificar a associação entre as variáveis examinadas, esta pesquisa proporcionou visibilidade à elevada ocorrência deste danoso prolongamento.Introduction: Hospitalization significantly changes patient’s life. Hospitalization, often crucial to the success of the therapeutic plan, becomes harmful with its extension. Objectives: analyze factors associated with prolonged hospitalization (PH) o neurosurgical patients; trace sociodemographic and clinical profile; verify the association of PI with sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Method: This is a quantitative, cross-sectional analytical research, performe in a neurosurgical ward of a public hospital that is a reference in neurology. The sample consisted of 93 medical records. To verify te association between the variables, the significance level was considered with p<0.05. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Result: The average of PH time was 27.4 days. In the studied population, there is a predominance of males, who declared themselves black, from the interior of the State of Bahia, aged between 50 and 60 years. The most prevalent diagnosis was neoplasm of uncertain behavior, having tumor resection microsurgery as the most performed procedure, in addition to the identification of important operational complications. There was no statistically significant association between the variables analyzed. Conclusions: The study made it possible to identify the sociodemographic and clinical profile of the patient assisted in the neurosurgical ward who presented PH. Despite not identifying the association between the variables examined, this research provided visibility to the high occurrence of this harmful extension

    The teaching of basketball during school hours: an experience report from new sports teaching trends

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    A literatura sobre desenvolvimento esportivo tem direcionado a atenção para o esporte praticado em clubes e centros de treinamento e menor atenção tem sido dada ao esporte realizado dentro do contexto escolar. Objetivo: relatar os resultados alcançados na formação pessoal, acadêmica e social de crianças e adolescentes, por meio da experiência em oficinas de basquetebol, no contraturno escolar. Método: trata-se de um estudo descritivo, do tipo relato de experiência. A amostra foi constituída por crianças e adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, com idade de 10 a 18 anos, participantes de oficinas de basquetebol propostas por uma escola de basquete que atua no contraturno escolar em dois colégios privados da Grande Florianópolis (SC/Brasil). Utilizou-se a análise de informações contidas em registros pedagógicos (diário de campo) das aulas e relatos emitidos pelos familiares, professores e direção escolar. Resultados e discussão: os resultados encontrados evidenciaram que nos colégios em que foram ofertadas as oficinas de basquetebol, houve um aumento do envolvimento dos alunos com os estudos e aspectos pessoais e sociais positivos no comportamento dos jovens foram observados por pessoas próximas, como familiares e professores. Conclusões: pode-se concluir que a oferta do basquetebol dentro da escola, pautada em uma metodologia focada na interação entre os alunos e na diversidade de movimentos que o esporte possui, tem fomentado o envolvimento dos praticantes tanto no esporte como nos estudosThe literature on sports development has directed attention to the sport practiced in clubs and training centers and less attention has been given to sports performed within the school context. Objective: to report the results achieved in the personal, academic, and social training of children and adolescents, through experience in basketball workshops, during school hours. Method: this is a descriptive study, of the experience report type. The sample consisted of children and adolescents, of both sexes, aged 10 to 18 years old, participating in basketball workshops proposed by a basketball school that operates after school in two private schools in Greater Florianopolis (SC/Brazil). The analysis of information contained in pedagogical records (field diary) of classes and reports issued by family members, teachers and school management was used. Results and discussion: the results found showed that in schools where basketball workshops were offered, there was an increase in student involvement with studies and positive personal and social aspects in the behavior of young people were observed by close people, such as family members and teachers. Conclusions: it can be concluded that the offer of basketball within the school, based on a methodology focused on the interaction between students and the diversity of movements that sport has, has fostered the involvement of practitioners both in sport and in studie

    Estudo de evidência de validade para a Escala de Autoeficácia de Regulação Emocional para o Brasil

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    Self-efficacy for emotion regulation is understood as the perceived capability to regulate the negative affect and to express the positive ones. This study aimed at the validity evidence for the Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy Scale in the Brazilian context through two studies. In the first one, participants were 41 students from middle school (M = 13.49; SD = 1.52), being 58.5 % male. Results indicated a few adjustments in some items. The second study had 932 participants from two cities: one from Southeast Brazil and one from the North. The students were from middle and high schools being 50.3 % (n = 469) female. Their ages ranged from 13 to 23 years old (M = 16.50; SD = 1.52). After analysis through structural equation modeling, results indicated that the dimensions of the scale have a good fit according to the theoretical model with good accuracy indexes, thus confirming the validity evidence for this instrument, being reliable to be used in Brazil.La autoeficacia para la regulación emocional se entiende como la capacidad percibida de regular los afectos negativos y expresar los afectos positivos. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo buscar evidencia de validez para la Escala de Autoeficacia para la Regulación Emocional para el contexto brasileño a través de dos estudios. 41 estudiantes de primaria participaron en el primer estudio (M = 13.49; DE = 1.52), 58.5 % de los cuales eran hombres. Los resultados indicaron la necesidad de pequeños ajustes en algunos ítems. El estudio 2 contó con 932 participantes, de dos ciudades, una en el sureste y la otra en el norte de Brasil, de los cuales el 50.3 % (n = 469) eran mujeres, de secundaria y primaria. La edad varió de 13 a 23 años (M = 16.50; DE = 1.52). Después del análisis por el modelo de ecuación estructural, los resultados indicaron que las dimensiones de la escala se ajustan correctamente de acuerdo con el modelo teórico, con buenos índices de precisión, revelando que se confirmó la evidencia de validez de la escala.A autoeficácia para a regulação emocional é compreendida como a capacidade percebida de regular os afetos negativos e expressar os afetos positivos. Este estudo objetivou buscar evidência de validade para a Escala de Autoeficácia para Regulação Emocional para o contexto brasileiro por meio de dois estudos. Participaram do primeiro, 41 estudantes do ensino fundamental (M = 13,49; DP = 1,52), dos quais 58,5 % do sexo masculino. Os resultados indicaram pequenos ajustes em alguns itens. O estudo 2 contou com 932 participantes, de duas cidades, uma do Sudeste e outra do Norte, das quais 50,3 % (n = 469) do sexo feminino, dos ensinos médio e fundamental. A idade variou de 13 a 23 anos (M = 16,50; DP = 1,52). Após a análise pelo modelo de equações estruturais, os resultados indicaram que as dimensões da escala se ajustam adequadamente conforme o modelo teórico, com bons índices de precisão, revelando que foram confirmadas evidências de validade para a escala

    Sports experiences through the basketball extension project: International exchanges

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    En el contexto deportivo, los proyectos sociales están orientados al desarrollo psicosocial y la formación integral de sus participantes en diferentes épocas, a través de la oferta de acciones que buscan el desarrollo de aspectos físicos, técnicos, tácticos, personales, educativos, sociales y emocionales, que reflexionar directamente sobre la mejora de la calidad de vida. Objetivo: informar y registrar las experiencias de formación deportiva de los niños que participan en un proyecto de extensión del baloncesto en intercambios deportivos internacionales. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, del tipo relato de experiencia. En este estudio participaron niños de ambos sexos, de entre 10 y 12 años, participantes del Programa Baloncesto para Todos (PBT), proyecto social desarrollado en las instalaciones de la Universidad del Estado de Santa Catarina (Udesc) Florianópolis (SC/Brasil). La información fue reportada por los participantes (niños y maestros) que participaron en los viajes. Desarrollo: entre las actividades realizadas en el proyecto, destacan las experiencias internacionales vividas por los deportistas en los años 2015, 2017, 2018 y 2020, para ampliar las experiencias de entrenamiento en Estados Unidos, Italia y México. Consideraciones finales: las experiencias fueron de fundamental importancia para los participantes, ya que además de las experiencias deportivas, viajaron a otros países, conociendo otras culturas, las cuales ofrecieron elementos importantes para la formación deportiva y personal de los participantes en el proyecto social.In the sports context, social projects are aimed at the psychosocial development and comprehensive training of their participants at different times, through the offer of actions that seek the development of physical, technical, tactical, personal, educational, social and emotional aspects, that reflect directly on the improvement of the quality of life. Objective: to inform and record the sports training experiences of children who participate in a basketball extension project in international sports exchanges. Methodology: descriptive study, of the type of experience report. In this study, children of both sexes, between 10 and 12 years old, participated in the Basketball for All Program (PBT), a social project developed at the facilities of the Santa Catarina State University (Udesc) Florianopolis (SC/Brazil). The information was reported by the participants (children and teachers) who participated in the trips. Development: among the activities carried out in the project, the international experiences lived by the athletes in the years 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2020 stand out, to expand the training experiences in the United States, Italy and Mexico. Final considerations: the experiences were of fundamental importance for the participants, since in addition to the sports experiences, they traveled to other countries, learning about other cultures, which offered important elements for the sports and personal training of the participants in the social project

    Partitioning and purification of polygalacturonases produced by Aspergillus niger URM 5162 using PEG-phosphate in an aqueous two-phase system

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    Pectinases, or pectinolytic enzymes, are naturally produced by plants, filamentous fungi, bacteria and yeasts. The pectinases are of great importance to clarify and reduce viscosity in fruit juices, improving and increasing tbe filtration efficiency. When used in the crushing of grapes or wine must improve juice extraction, reduce the time to clarify and enhance tbe content ofterpenes in wine. The filamentous fungi most frequently used fur industrial purposes because as much as 90% ofthe enzyme can be excreted into the culture medium. The partitioning and purification of polygalacturonases (PG) produced by Aspergillus niger URM 5162 were investigated in aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS), furmed by polyetbylene glycol and phosphate salts (PE(ijlhosphate). To evaluate the effect oftbe 4 independent variables- molar mass ofpolyetbylene glycol (PEG) (400-8000 g1nol MPEG), PEG concentration (12.5-17.5%, w/w- CPEG), phosphate concentration (15-25%, ...W, CPHOS) and pH (6.0, 8.0) - on the 3 response variables: partition coefficient (K), activity yield (Y) and purification fàctor (PF), a fuctorial design (24) was used. The endo-polygalacturonases (endo-PG) were prefurentially partitioned in tbe top phase. For endo-PG, the highest values for the response variables K, Y and PF of 1.23, 74.04% and 8.18, respectively, were obtained for a CPEG of 12.5% (...W), MPEG of8000 g1nol, and CPHOS of25% (w/w) at pH 6.0. Also, exo-polygalacturonases (exo-PG) were preferentially partitioned in the top phase. ln tbis case, the highest values ofK (2.40), Y (33.33%), and PF (1.98) were obtained with a MPEG of 8000 g1nol, CPEG of 12.5% (...W), and CPHOS of25% (...W) at pH 6.0. ln both cases, MPEG had a positive influence on K, Y and PF. The conditions ofMPEG 8000 g1nol, CPEG of 12.5% (...W), and CPHOS of25% (...W) at pH 6.0 were considered the most suitable for tbe purification of PG produced by A. niger URM 5162. Furtbermore, MPEG and CPHOS were the most important independent variables. The PEG/phosphate system is a useful cost-effective altemative for PG purification

    Sports and School Involvement and Performance: Perception of Student-Athletes

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    The aim of this study was to identify the level of influence of the engagement and personal support of social agents in sports and in the study perceived by athletes from training categories in the city of Florianopolis SC Brazil The study included 396 athletes of both sexes aged between 13 and 18 years 1 In data collection two instruments were applied Perceived Influences in Sport and Study Scale EIPE and Identification form for athletes in sports modalities In the statistical analysis descriptive simple and percentage frequency and inferential Spearman correlation chi-square tests were used The results showed positive levels of influence of personal engagement and support from social agents in sport and in the study In turn there were slightly higher levels of positive influence for the sport especially in relation to personal and coach influences Family members had slightly higher levels of positive influences for the study compared to other social actors while teammates had lower levels of positive influences and higher levels of indifferent neutral influence on the stud

    Trabalho Feminino: Uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura em Psicodinâmica do Trabalho

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    Despite of considering the sexual division of labor as a problem, the work psychodynamics has not yet investigated in depth the gender differences at work. This study aimed to carry out a systematic review of studies on the psychodynamics of women's work in the main national and international databases, in English, Portuguese, French and Spanish. The results show that, of the total of 236 articles selected for review, only 29 deal with women's work. It is concluded that gender specificities must be considered in depth in the field of work psychodynamics.A despeito de considerar a divisão sexual do trabalho como um problema, a psicodinâmica do trabalho ainda não investiga, de maneira aprofundada, as diferenças de gênero no trabalho. Este estudo objetivou realizar uma revisão sistemática dos estudos sobre a psicodinâmica do trabalho feminino nas principais bases de dados nacionais e internacionais, nos idiomas inglês, português, francês e espanhol. Os resultados evidenciaram que, do total de 236 artigos selecionados para revisão, apenas 29 tratam do trabalho feminino. Conclui-se que as especificidades de gênero devem ser consideradas em profundidade no campo da psicodinâmica do trabalho. Â

    La calidad de vida de las madres de niños trabajadores en las calles de São Paulo, Brasil

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    The present study evaluated the perceived quality of life of the mothers of street children and investigated the association with their history of childhood violence, the occurrence of current domestic violence, their current mental states and that of their children, and family functioning. the applied instruments were as follows: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, WorldSAFECore Questionnaire, Instrument for the Assessment of Quality of Life of the WHO, Global Assessment of Relational Functioning Scale, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire and a socio-demographic questionnaire. the sample of convenience consisted of 79 low-income mothers who raised their children alone, and most of whom had a positive screening for mental illness. the multiple regression analysis showed that the perception of quality of life of these women was associated with the presence of psychopathology either in themselves or their children and family dysfunction. Thus any program aimed at improving the quality of life of such mothers should consider addressing their mental problems as well as those of their children, besides offering educational and psychotherapeutic approaches to these families to improve the social environment.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psiquiatria, BR-04038020 São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Matemat & Estat, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Psiquiatria, BR-04038020 São Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc